Bonus (Part 2)

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My eyes flicker between the incoming train and my wristwatch. People start bustling before the yellow line, lining up to prepare for the train arrival. Some have big luggage and other only held their suitcase for business purpose. I fix the bag strap in my grip and get up from the bench, heading towards the train that has stopped to load the passengers. I glance around, searching for my seat number and spot the empty space in the back corner, beside the window. Without wasting any time, I walk over to my designated seat and place my clothes bag on the space given above. The seat beside mine still empty so it's easier for me to settle in.

"Umm, is this seat empty?", a light-tone voice spoke, catching my attention. I look up to see a pair of golden-brown eyes with slit irises that belonged to a teenage boy with dusty-blonde hair. I was almost captivated by his appearance as I forgot to reply to his question for three seconds.

"Y-yeah, please have a seat", I cleared my throat to snap myself from my own trance. He thanked and took a seat beside mine, placing something round on his lap. Wait, it's not something... "A mochi cat", I blurted out, amazed at the unique shape and size of the creature on this shounen's lap. The cat seemed to hear me when his round face whipped towards my way, meowing things a human could not understand.

"Come on Nyanko-sensei, sit still and be quiet or you'll attract people's attention", he scolded the cat, smacking his head with a low thud. I watched their skit in pure amazement. It was as if he and the cat can talk for real as Nyanko-sensei, the cat's name I presumed, finally plop down back with a huff after the boy give him a piece of tempura prawn. "I'm sorry about him, he's a bit noisy sometimes", he apologized, scratching his cheek with an index finger.

"It's fine. You have an amazing partner, shounen", I praised, giving him a reassurance smile. He nodded, small smile made its way on his pale skin. Silence filled the air as the train move in according to the scheduled courses. I took out my novel from my sling bag and start reading to pass the time. Around one hour later, I put down the novel and shut my eyes for a break.


Its dark... Cold... and Wet.

Am I swimming? It feels endless but lonely.

Cheering? Ahhh... That's right, I'm currently in a match. The final Intercollegiate Swimming Championship.

A heavy metal hung from my neck. It's the gold medal I received. I... won the match! Look, I won-

How could I forget, Mom isn't there. Her figure is not here, waving and smiling from the bench. Like she used to do.

It's even colder than before and... windy. Am I falling? No, my feet... I'm running. Why?

A flash of figures passed by my side. Nii-san and Hana? What a bright smile... But my feet won't stop. Their faces faded into the darkness, leaving me alone on the endless track. Why? Where exactly am I running to?

Strong gush of wind slapped my face, blowing my hair violently. Blinking, my eyelid open to find the Aotake members in their blue uniform running in a slow pace ahead of me. King, Ouji, Shindou, Musa, Yuki, Nico-chan Senpai, Jota, Joji and Kakeru. Wait, there should be one more...


A hand grabbed my wrist from behind, the surrounding turn bright in a blink of an eye. I finally stopped running and turn around to face the caller. His finger brushed my skin and intertwining his finger with my slender one. He holds it firmly, securing it in his grasp.

'I like you, will you be my girlfriend?'

This is... the time when Haiji-san confess to me. A month after he was hospitalized. His honest tone doesn't match the teasing smile he shows. But he didn't joke or make a playful remarks. Just one question while staring straight into my eyes.

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