First Training

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Rubbing my eyes hazily, I chew the nothingness in my mouth. Looking around to check on the twin who had the same sleepy air around them, I start to yawn. My gaze shifts upwards to the dark sky. My half-lidded eyes then travel to search for the cause of why I was summoned here early in the morning. Couldn't find him, I got up from crouching on the ground and walked to Ouji-senpai. His slouching and frail form never go unnoticed by me.

"Ouji-senpai...why do I have to be here too?", I asked lazily as my finger tugged on his white shirt. He turned to me with his lazy expression.

"(Y/N)-san, once you're in the grasp of the's too late for you to run away", he answered as he shivered at the thought of Haiji's demonic figure. My face changed to blue at his answers.

"D-does this mean... I have gotten myself into t-trouble, Ouji-senpai?", my expression turned to horror as I remembered my agreement I made to Haiji before. Ouji nodded. My jaw dropped in an instant. "If I run away now, I can still make it right?", my eyes glance to my parked scooter near the corner.

"Thats...I don't think so...", he pointed to a presence behind me. I turn around slowly to meet the face of the cause of my beauty sleep.

"Good morning, (Y/N)-san. Are you ready for your first training?", Haiji asked with a grin. Feeling the intense aura he's giving off, I don't think running away is an option...

"O-oh Haiji-san, it's an early morning greeting huh? I never expected that I would be joining you guys practicing though...hehe", I tried to make it sound less rejecting by twisting my replies.

"Of course you are, you don't have class until noon right? That's what you told me yesterday. To make up for your deal before! Also, you already agreed to see us reach the top of Hakone so of course you need to join us. Experience is the best method to study right, (Y/N)-san?", he reasoned out, completely leaving me no more chance to rebut.

"Yes...", a low groan escaped my lips. He nodded with a smile.

"Okay, now that everyone is here except Yuki. Let's start with the same track as before!", Haiji announced as all the remaining guys lined up including me. Though, I don't see Kakeru here. Then, off we go to the river in Tamagawa by jogging.

Before I continue with the current scene, let me tell you the story of how I got involved in their practice. Let's rewind the time back to where Haiji and I was about to go to the shop which was his next stop, continuing our journey from the university.


To put it simply, I suddenly got a message from the Manga Club to help with some stuff in the clubroom. So, I apologized to Haiji and said I would make up for our deal today. Haiji went on ahead and we bid goodbye for the day. As we already exchanged numbers, he once asked me when are my free days for this week. I told him I am free on Wednesday with one class at noon. Then, his reply is 'come to Aotake at 5 a.m. This is to make up for your deal the other day. I will be expecting you'. Shocked by his message, stating 5 a.m. got me filled up with questions. Being the impatient person I am, I end up riding with my scooter to Aotake the night before. I also wanted to give his clothes back along the way as I might forget to do it later. That is what I had in mind, asking for his explanation and returning his clothes back. That's all but, things just had to change as humans are bound to fate. After Haiji explained that they have started their early morning practice by jogging to Tamagawa and tomorrow's the second day. With the reason for my declaration on watching him achieving his goal the other day, I did try to reason with him but he ended up giving me a full lecture about not giving up in life. Some literature student he is... I am irritated, super irritated that I went to search for Ouji's room for some spirit-recovery session. The moment I open Ouji's room, I am beyond amazed for any words. All my irritation went away in an instant as I scanned the towers of manga perfectly organized in the room.

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