A Little too Realistic Acting...

By Godess_Of_Yaoi

51.7K 1.4K 429

Takato suggests a acting position that will be the supporting role to him to Junta in the J- drama, Affair... More

Chapter 1: Another acting position with you?
Chapter 2: Script Reading
Chapter 3: Let's set the Scene
Chapter 4: Boba
Chapter 5: Breath Mints
Chapter 6: Going to Location
Chapter 7: Ummm, Line?
Chapter 8: Not Scripted
Chapter 9: Jealousy
Chapter 10: The Photoshoot
Chapter 11: The Interview
Chapter 12: A *not* Date
Chapter 13: Jealousy Finale
Chapter 14: Forgiveness
Chapter 15: Forgiveness Part 2
Chapter 16: Forgiveness Part 3
Chapter 17: Forgiveness Part 4, Finale
Chaper 18: Drama on Set part 1/2
Chapter 19: Drama on Set part 2/2
Chapter 20: Drama off Set Part 1/2
Chapter 21:Drama off Set Part 2/2
Chapter 22: Last Day on Set
Chapter 23: Let's Party, a Toast
Chapter 24: Let's Plan for Something Magicial
Chapter 25: Unexpected Spainsh Lesson
Chapter 26: Meeting the family
Chapter 27: Third Wheels... Are The Worst!
Chapter 28: Mío Dios
The A Part of QnA
Chapter 29: Te Quiero
Chapter 30: Elio Berhayner
Chapter 30: Speak Now, or Forever Hold your Peace
Chapter 31: Meeting up With the Boys
Chapter 33: The Legal Drinking Age is Lowered in Spain Part 2
Chapter 34: The Big Day Part 1: Runaway Groomsmen
Chapter 35: The Big Day Part 2: Here Comes the Groom
A Special Thanks to You

Chapter 32: The Legal Drinking Age is Lowered in Spain

572 21 3
By Godess_Of_Yaoi

We were back at 'Mí Colina' and Chunta was going off with that bull Antonio.
"Bye Taka-Darling, I'll be with Tonio, don't have to much fun with Ayagi, I'll be back soon, bye!" I just shook my head due to his actions. Antonio groaned.
"Stop leaning on my truck's door before you break it." He went inside the truck and I shyly waved him goodbye.
They went on the road and drove off. Ayagi leaned up to me.
"We're totally gonna leave Narumiya here right?" I leaned towards him and agreed.
"Oh yeah." We went into the bar and saw Celes sitting down, playing a guitar.
   "Oh hey, what's up my boys, anything you need?" He plucked some notes and I grabbed his attention.
   "Celes, can I ask you a favor?" He put down the guitar and I went on.
   "Can you please watch Narumiya for me?"
   "Who?" I pointed over to him.
   "Narumiya, he has light brown hair and eyes, around 160-163cm (5'3-5'4), 51kg I think, he's 17 and slender, is wearing a short sleeve shirt-" Ayagi hid a chuckle and I looked at him.
"Your asking your father-in-law to babysit a child, but instead, you just came around here giving a whole description like you were filing a missing child's report." I lightly hit his arm and Ryō came over here and heard our conversation and he came to me with big puppy dog eyes.
"You're planning to leave me here?" My heart sank because I knew he wanted to spend time with me.
"Look, usually bachelor parties are usually for adults sweetie." He looked at me confused.
"Are you planning to get drunk again?" My eyes went wide and Ayagi started to burst out laughing.
"N-No Ryō, I'm not planning to get drunk." He just kept looking at me with those eyes and I groaned.
"Okay fine, we can travel to the Roman Theatre, I heard they're doing a reenactment of a gladiator show down and a Greek play called 'The Odyssey'. It's also a minute away from the Alcazaba of Málaga, with is nice." I kept thinking on about the day I could plan for all four of us, five if that bull wants to come. And then Ryō suddenly hugs me. I pay his back.
"So, am I forgiven?" He nodded into my chest and Ayagi pulled us apart and now pushing me out the door. I look back at Ryō,
"You have my number, so text me if you need help with anything." He waved me goodbye.
"Bye Nii-Chan!" Ayagi pushed me out the door.
"Should we go now 'Nii-Chan'?" I just rolled my eyes.
"Even though you make fun of me, I've always wanted a little brother so I don't care." We got into the car and set directions for Salón de Juego.
We got there and Ayagi was surprised.
"I didn't know you were into these places." He said. I smirked.
"I usually not a man to gamble, but since it's my bachelor party," I chugged down my glass of some sort of cocktail, "let's party." He smirked back at me.
"Your wish is my command, groom. Waiter," he said in English.
"Get my friend, best alcohol you have!" He seemed to understand him and got us a strong smelling alcohol.
"To the future groom!" We drunk down our glasses and this drink was really good! I must remind myself to not go past tipsy.
After awhile I started gambling and I think a guy was trying to swindle me out of my money so after awhile I came back the the bar part of this place and saw Ayagi with a stack of Spanish currency. I looked at him in shock.
"H-How?" He just started fanning himself with euros.
"Unlike you, they can't swindle me out of money because I can utilize, English." I looked at his money and then noticed something off and then laughed. He looked at me in confusion.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I sat next to him and explained.
"What you're holding is a handful of 5 euro bills," he became a little confused.
"So?" I tried to hold back my laugh.
"So, that's the lowest form of currency in Europe." He suddenly sulked and rested his head on the table.
"Takato, please tell me that euros are valued more than yen." I pulled out my phone and did a converter calculator and showed him the results.
"It's says that a €5 equals to 621.50 yen, (5.89 USD)." He sulked even more so I tried to cheer him up.
"Hey, you have let's see, 13 of those euros so that equals," I pressed the numbers into the calculator.
"8,474.93 yen (80.29)." I patted his back as he continued to sip his alcohol.
"See, you can definitely buy yourself a good coffee machine." He did a sarcastic smile.
"Wow, thanks." He sipped some more alcohol and I took his glass.
"Don't drink too much, you're my driver." He rolled his eyes.
"I'm just in the mood to get a little tipsy." I just laughed at the actions of my friend. Then my phone rang and it was Ryō

Number 1 Fan
Read at 3:36pm (15:36)
-hewo mt dysr (hey my dude)
-Whassssssssssssyyyuuuuupoiooooppo (what's up!)

I just stare at my phone in shock and pure confusion. What's going on? I decided to text him back.

Read at 3:39pm (15:36)
- Ryō, what happened to you?

Number 1 Fan
Read at 3:40pm (15:40)
- dunt twll Nii-Chan vut I hra a wired ddebi (don't tell Nii-Chan, but I had a weird drink)

Oh my gosh, don't tell me... I texted him once more.

Read at 3:40pm (15:40)
-Ryō, what are you saying?

It was two minutes later and he didn't respond back and I was started to get worried. Then he called me and I immediately picked up.
"Ryō, Ryō! Where are you? are you okay?!?" I listened closely and all I heard was his laughing.
"Ryō, are you okay?"
"Ahahahahahaha! Hey~" My predictions were right, he's drunk, but I'll ask him about that later.
"Ryō, can you recognize your surroundings?" I heard his hard breathing,
"Maybe I can tell you, if you don't say anything to Nii *hic* Nii-Chan. Hehehe!" Does he not realize who he's talking to? I groaned.
"I promise." He giggled some more.
"Okay, I'm at uhhhhhhhh..........." My patience was running thin, I mean how did he alcohol in the first place? Unless,
"Ryō! Is there anyone with you!?!" He just giggled again.
"Haha yeahhhhhhhh, *hic*." He didn't speak for awhile. I started to ask for more detail.
"Are you gonna tell me who you're with?"
"*hic* I'm with this old guy!"
"Old guy?" I question,
"Yeah, he's *hic* so nice. He's the one who gave me that weird drink and good candy." My predictions we're unfortunately right! Celes must've taken Ryō out for ice cream and Ryō must've gotten lost because he was looking for a bathroom and since Ryō can't speak Spanish, nobody understood him so an old guy must've token advantage of him and lured him with candy and drove him away in his white van where he gave him alcohol to make him less aware of his senses so he can do perverted stuff! Don't worry Ryō, I'll come save you!
"Ryō! Where are you!?!" I just heard him laughing, saying something like 'don't touch'. I heard some more laughing.
"Ahahaha, I can't tell you, because then Nii-Chan will be mad!" I was getting really worried.
"Nii-Chan won't be mad, I promise you." I heard some background noise, like someone was trying to grab his phone.
"And how *hic* would you know mister~" I felt dumbfounded that he didn't recognize my voice by now.
"Look at the caller ID." A moment later, there was silence and then he hung up. That darn kid. Ayagi came from getting another glass.
"Who was calling you, it seemed urgent." I quickly grabbed my wallet and chugged my final glass and slammed it down.
"We need  to leave." Ayagi grabbed his beach shirt confused.
"Why are we leaving so soon, I'm still a little tipsy." I grabbed his shoulder and stared at him.
"It's Ryō."

1443 words! (Excluding this outro) I know, I post this late but I finished before Tuesday. I literally have nothing to say except part two will be posted next weak. Peace out my peeps.
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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