Boxer's LOVER

By 045-SUVI

65.9K 3.2K 389

Bright a famous BOXER in Thailand.. He always just think about boxing. cold attitude, dangerous to reach.. ho... More

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3.6K 214 48
By 045-SUVI

Gulf lips parted to see Mew here with a bright smile. His heart aching like someone stabbed it. His mind wandering this handsome man is not mine but someone's I can't own this beautiful smile, his charm, his heart everything belongs to someone else, not me. Gulf's thoughts were snapped by Mew.

Mew voiced "Surprised baby?" Gulf came back to a sense, made a frown, and asked "What's all this Mew?". The CEO chuckled and asked, "Can't you see baby? Obviously a date." Gulf was confused with Mew's words. He can't stand any drama later so he about to walk away. When he intends to do so Mew grabbed Gulf's arm gently. Gulf still irritated turned to Mew and said: "Mew I am not a person who your are looking for. As you said I am not a slut or a whore who sleeps with random people I can't be a replacement for anyone". With those words, he pulls out his arms from Mew's grip.

Mew's heart ached with younger's words but he doesn't want to back off now or lose this opportunity so he voiced " But I intend to be someone's replacement for you baby". Gulf can't understand what Mew is trying to imply so he asked "What are you telling me Mew I don't want any replacement. I have enough in my life". Mew sighed put the bouquet on the table and walked towards Gulf.

In the safe distance, he stopped and voiced " Gulf I know you have enough but I can't control myself whenever you are around me. The first time I met you at the party I totally lost myself, in you. I came across many people but you are different from others. I am sorry I called you slut. You don't know what I went through in my past. I am sorry I slapped you. I want you to be on my side to take care of me. I am tired Gulf all I want is love."

Gulf was so much confused with Mew's words. Mew's eyes were swelling pure sincere love. By seeing that Gulf's heart was jumping in joy to hear this from Mew but another side telling him to run as far as he can go away from Mew. He doesn't know what to do now. He can't utter a word too. There Mew closing the safe distance between them. Once Mew came closer to Gulf he grabbed younger's shoulders and said "Please baby give me a chance".

Gulf came to sense, he pushed Mew away from him. Older stumbled back but didn't lose the grip. Before Mew speaks anything Gulf started " Mew what nonsense you are talking about we can't be together. You know that. It's wrong. We were not cheap people who do distrust things the people who trust us". Mew sighed deeply and said, "I know Baby but". Before Mew completes his sentence. Gulf shouted "stop calling me baby. I thought high about you Mew why are you doing these cheap things. Don't you know it will hurt other's feelings? Are you this desperate to get into my pants? Can't your boyfriend give you this? Why Me Mew why! Why can't be others? I can't hurt others like you Mew that my nature. Please leave me alone". He started to cry

Mew stunned with a sudden outburst of Gulf. He didn't think Gulf will raise his voice. All of the above a particular word catch his attention 'BOYFRIEND'
Mew mustered his courage and asked, " What you mean by my boyfriend?" Gulf was already in a crying mess, sniffing and sobbing. He can't utter a word. Mew came to Gulf and again asked "I am asking you Gulf what you mean?" His stern voice makes  Gulf even more crying.

Mew sighed and said " I am sorry, I raised my voice. Who do you mention as my boyfriend?" Gulf sniffed, sobbed, and said "WIN". Mew's heart flew like a ballon by hearing the answer. He stumbled back, rested his ass on the table, and chuckled. Gulf chin up by hearing the soft chuckle. He made a frown on his face and asked " You went out of your mind that I found out about your boyfriend?"

Mew smiled warmly and said, "Win is my brother." Gulf didn't take that word brother to his head instead he spoke "Yeah that's what I am telling that. " he stopped his sentence in the middle because he came to sense of the word. Gulf made a surprising look and asked "Win what?". Mew smiled again and said " My brother. My own blood-related B.R.O. T. H. E. R. Now you hear it" Gulf's heart swelled with happiness without any hesitation he ran into Mew's arms for a tight hug. Mew immediately hugs back his baby.

Mew and Gulf in one another's embraced for a minute by enjoying the moment in silence. Then Mew voiced "So will you give me a chance Baby?". Gulf just hummed as answer. Mew's body vibrating because of his wide smile Gulf can feel that without seeing. Again Mew said "Ok then I will send Bright for another variety show in the Philippines"

Gulf chins up to his face which was buried in Mew's chest. Once he met Mew's gaze he made a frown and asked "Why are you sending Bright out of the country again? Are his shows already gonna come to end this week na?" Mew sighed softly and said "Is it ok for you to go out with me before his presence. Don't you feel guilty?" Gulf hummed and asked, "Why I feel guilty. I already told him that I like you. He is the one who told me that Win is your boyfriend. I and Bright won't lie to one another".

Mew was surprised by Gulf's words he asked " So you already broke up with him?" Again Gulf made a hum and asked "What you mean by broke up besties never broke up Mew". He giggled with these words and by thinking Mew's silliness. He tightens the hug. Mew processing the words Gulf told him now, once it hitted his brain he part Gulf from him and asked " So Bright is not your boyfriend?" Gulf chuckled and said, "Who told you so he is my bestest bestie. We were together from high school we can't live without one another but I don't see him as I see you, Mew".

Mew's heart is racing like hell, he can't believe what he heard now. He was still in a daze. He came back to sense when Gulf shook his shoulder. Mew smiled ear to ear and asked  "Baby. Am I your first love then?" Gulf smiled and nodded his head slowly. Mew's heart felt like he won the whole world. He cupped Gulf's cheeks and kissed him passionately. When they both part to catch breath Mew said with panting "I love you, baby". Gulf's eyes swelled with happy tears he said " I love you too Love".

To be continued...

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