Not Alone

By Yuzuki16

248K 11.7K 2.7K

Mother is dead. Father is dead. Rin, Obito. Almost eveyone I love and get close to are dead or I bet will die... More

[1] Shock
[2] Trying
[3] I can't
[4] Work
[5] Walk to me
[6] Christmas
[7] New Years
[8] First words
[9] Discovered
[10] Kushina is, huh?
[11] First Birthday I
[13] Uchihas
[14] Scream. Ani's birthday
[14.5] Tiny Sasu
[15] Terrors at night
[16] Fight for our lives
[17] Pain in our hearts
[18] Naruto
[20] In the academy & scolding ji-ji
[21] Sleepover Plans
[22] She's my nee-chan
[23] I am Rock Lee!
[24] Osamu and Samurai
[25] Genin test
[26] Bad news
[27] Uchiha Massacre
[28] Threat
[29] Unspoken Brothers
[30] Enter Uzumaki Naruto!
[31] Genin Boys
[32] To the Land of Waves
[33] C rank turned A
[34] Zabuza's Entry
[35] Fighting Zabuza
[36] Zabuza's Defeat... or Not
[37] Wave Mission Completed
[38] Sand genin are adorable
[39] Chunin Exams Begin
[40] 1st Chuunin exam ends & Jounin exam
[41] Into both Forests of Death
[Special- Modern AU] Christmas+ New Year Madness
[42] Underestimate me. It's fun.
[43] A message for you
[44] Orochimaru!
[45] Sound ninjas death wish
[46] Time to rest
[47] Meet Ero-sannin, aneki!
[48] A summoning!
[48.5] Kankuro and Gaara
[49] Jounin finals
[Special] Late birthday party
[50] Chunnin Exam Finals
[51] Sand Ninjas attack!
[52] That's her summons?
[53] Unexpected reunions
[54] Unwanted ways to part
[55] Senju huh...
[56] Realizations
[57] Run away.
[58] Run F/Towards
[59] Decision making
[60] Disappear

[12] First Birthday II

5K 264 82
By Yuzuki16

Kakashi pov

Wednesday came faster than I wanted it to, but it did and I still felt unprepared for Gummi's birthday. At five in the morning I found myself by the KIA stone staring semi peacefully at the names of my friends.

"Today, marks a year since I haven't been alone. Honestly, I really don't know how to feel..." I sighed scratching my hair. "Obito...I bet you'd have been able to plan this party better, but I'd have gotten the better gift for her." I chuckled a bit imagining him yelling at me.

I stayed by the grave until sunrise then made my way back home. I finished up the cake decorating, placing it back into the fridge before going to wake Megumi.

Seeing her sleeping so soundly as she let out tiny snores brought a smile to my face. I picked her up out of her crib setting her onto the bed gently as I leaned over her pulling my mask down in order to shower her face with kisses.

"Gummi. Wake up. Come on Gummi bear, open those beautiful eyes for your aniki." I kept kissing her cheeks until she whined and opened her eyes.

She blinked up at me a few times still half asleep but reaching her hands to place them on my face.

"Anii..." she smiled showing me her three growing teeth. Five, if we count the new ones I can see growing.

"Happy birthday Gummi bear." I lifted her up placing an extra-long kiss on her cheek inciting giggles from her.

"Anii!!" She tried pushing me away as she giggled but I stayed where I was until I thought it enough.

"How about breakfast before we go about the day?"

"Mn!" She nodded.

Nodding back I carried her to the kitchen placing her to sit on her high chair as I gave her a different kind of breakfast. Pancakes and eggs.

"This is called pancakes. I think you'll like it." She blinked staring at it for a bit.

"Panncae?" I nodded.

"Yep, pancakes. See?" Megumi looked at me as I ate a piece. For my second attempt, it tasted good.

She tried it after, face lighting up with her first bite. I smiled eating my breakfast as well.

After breakfast, I gave Gummi her first gift. A dress to go to the picnic with. I also placed her hair in a ponytail. Once we were both dressed and I got all the stuff I was bringing to the picnic we left the house.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGUMI-CHAN!!!" Everyone I invited appeared in puffs of smoke or out the bushes as soon as we walked into the field.

"Wahh!!" Megumi stumbled back falling onto her butt with wide eyes as she looked around before laughing "Tank you!!"

Everyone laughed and the picnic began.

"Come to okaa!!" Kushina-san held her arms out for Megumi to run into as soon as she was safely sat down.

"Kaa-san!" Megumi ran full speed towards her getting lifted into the air as soon as she was in Kushina's arms.

"Aha! Look how big my Mei-chan's getting ya know! Waa!! And so pretty too!!"

"Kaa-san petty too!!" I smiled watching her get cuddled- half to death- by her mother figure.

"Look at that! You managed to plan a party!" Sensei laughed as he slung his arm over my shoulder.

"Kushina-san came up with the idea."

"And you brought it to life. Ah, she really needed this day out the house, they both did!"

"Mei-chan! Do you remember me?" I looked back to see Mikoto-san was also now sat down by Kushina-san.

"Ko..koto-basan!" I stared wondering how she got that name for the Uchiha clan leader's wife!

"Hai~! That's me, Mikoto-basan!"

Oh..that's how... I sighed inciting a laugh from sensei.

"I can see your worry. You don't need to worry so much. Enjoy the day!!" He patted me on my back before he got up running over to take Gummi from the two soon-to-be mothers.

"KA-KASHI!" Guy appeared holding up a green wrapped gift "I got a gift for my beautiful flower!!" He spun "I can't wait to see the look on her face when she gets it! Where is she?!"

"There." I pointed at Gummi in Mikoto-san's arms as Kushina-san beats sensei with a cloth infused with chakra.

"I shall give it to her later!!"

"Us too..." I looked forward a bit seeing Kurenai and Asama sweat dropping at the sight.

"Eh? Wait... you guys brought gifts?" I blinked now fully registering what I was told.

"Of course we would." Kurenai shook her head at me.

"I wasn't expecting you guys to." Asama punched my head.

"Idiot! Of course, we'd bring gifts for her! You don't go to someone's birthday party and not bring them anything!" He clicked his tongue "Dumbass.." he grumbled loud enough that only those with trained ears could hear.

"Maa, maa, I didn't know."

"Now you do!"

"Hey, no fighting you two. Oh, look Mei-chan's free!!" And she's gone.

"So, is this how you pictured it would go?" Asama asked me.



"Last year I thought I'd be out on missions this time around. Then she came we are. I'm still a bit shocked actually." I sweatdropped.

Asama laughed landing one solid hit to my back before he brought me in a semi headlock.

"Welcome to sibling life! And this is just the beginning!"


"Wait until she gets older. She'll defy your every word, claim she doesn't need you anymore, and only talks to you if she feels like it!" He proclaimed smiling widely as I stared back in horror.

"Nanda...!?" I groaned dropping my head.

"Anii!!" I glanced up seeing Gummi running towards me. I knelt down to catch her right as she fell.

"What is it Gummi?"

"Kaa-san sai come eat!" She smiled up at me then looked at Asuma as well "Asma too!" She got out of my hold to tug on his pants trying to get him to walk.

Chuckling we followed after her. We sat down beside Guy Kurenai and Itachi. Upon seeing the four years old Gummi stared at him.

"Anii! Bo!" She pointed. I nodded.

"Mhm boy. His name is Uchiha Itachi. He's Mikoto-san's son, remember?" Itachi nodded.

"Happy birthday, Megumi-chan." Instead of replying like she usually did Gummi got up and walked over to the Uchiha.

They stared at each other for a moment before Gummi giggled, and cupped Itachi's face with her tiny baby hands.

"Tachi!" She giggled playing with his face. Itachi blinked looking lost before a small smile came onto his face and he cupped Gummi's face too.

"Mi-chan." He smiled. Gummi giggled happily then sat by him to eat.

"I think after that I'd be able to die happily knowing I have the purest image in my head." I turned to see Kushina-san, Mikoto-san Kurenai, even Minato sensei, and Guy were crying.

"You're not going to cry too are you?" I deadpanned at Asuma.

"Ha, no. That was adorable though." I couldn't disagree there.


The party continued from there straight into the night. Mikoto-san and Itachi were the first ones to leave but at least Mikoto got holding rights to Megumi as much as she wanted. Itachi also got to play big brother before his actual sibling arrived.

It made him quite happy. He is almost as emotionless as I was as a child with his mother being the only one to get emotions from him. I do believe after today, Gummi added to that list.

Currently, Guy, Asuma, and I were packing up everything as sensei lifted a sleeping Kushina into his arms.

"Kakashi, I'll see you tomorrow right. I still have one special gift for Mei-chan you have to collect." He smiled at me before turning and leaving the forest.

Took us five more minutes to finish cleaning and by then Gummi was asleep in Kurenai's arms.

"Think she had fun?" I asked gently taking her.

"I don't doubt she didn't." Kurenai patted Gummi's hair softly placing a kiss on her ever growing hair. "Rest well, Mei-chan."

The five of us left the forest separating to head home, though I don't recall Asuma's house being in the same direction as Kurenai. Upon reaching home I quickly changed Gummi and I into our sleep ware and kept her on the bed beside me.

"Ah, looks like I know now what to do for your birthdays, Gummi bear." I played with her hair softly "One last..." I kissed her cheek "Happy birthday."

Gummi shifted turning on her side to grip my shirt and bury her head in it. I moved my arm to cradle her in it, falling asleep a moment later.

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