Out Of The Ashes (MC x Lucif...

By axgirl13

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Hi, This is a fanfic for the game Obey My by NTT Solmare. It's a love story of my MC Lhori and Lucifer. The... More

Singing session
Sick Lucifer
Lucifer's Lover
The most embarrassing thing
Back into the human world (Part 1)
Back into the human world (Part 2)
Happily Ever After? (Part 1)
Happily Ever After (Part 2)
Life goes on (in Devildom)
Life goes on (in Devildom) 2
The Night After
SPA day
Business Talk
Rewind. Begin again.
It's fun working together!
Date Night
The price of keeping secrets (Part 1)
The price of keeping secrets (Part 2)
What have you done?
Almost there
Safety first
Welcome to Devildom!
Like a moth to the flame
The Party
The Talk
Calm before the storm
They are coming
Ulterior motives
The Archangel
The Summoning
The Great Escape
The Last Stand
Epilogue - Out of the Ashes


385 26 11
By axgirl13

Lhori and Noah were sitting in the car, parked a street away from her family home. She was tapping nervously on the window.

"They will be fine," said Noah calmly. "It is a standard procedure of altering memories."

"I just don't like the idea of messing with their heads," Lhori sighed. "Is it really necessary?"

"Lhori, Rosie is still a little kid. The stuff she witnessed these past few days was far too frightening for her. Besides, it's not like they are erasing those memories. They are just locking them out, so she may regain them when she's older."

Lhori turned around to look at him. "You seemed to know a great deal about those spells. How come? You're not a sorcerer."

"I had my memories altered too," he said quietly. "When my parents were killed. I saw that."

"Did you got this memory back?" she asked cautiously.

"Yes, I did. I ask them to lift the blocker from my brain. I wanted to know exactly what happened."

"Did it help you, anyhow?"

"Not really," he said, took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I just have more vivid nightmares now."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. What I'm trying to say is, you don't have to worry about Rosie. She will be fine."

"I hope so," Lhori said, turning back to the window.

                After a few minutes, a hooded figured appeared at the end of the street and started walking in their direction. When he reached the car, he opened the rear door and got inside, taking off the hood.

"Well, all done," said Solomon brushing white hair from his forehead. "They are all sorted."

"Will they be alright?" asked Lhori concerned, turning back to face him.

"You don't have to worry about them. I've got my associates to observe your home for 24h; they won't let any demon hunters near them."

"Thank you, Solomon."

"That's the least I could do," he said with a sad smile. "You really got yourself into a tough situation here, Lhori. I would never have guessed Michael could stoop so low."

"Yet here we are," sighed Noah.

"How is the situation in Devildom?" asked Lhori.

"Not good, I'm afraid," said Solomon gloomily. "The rebel demons are sieging the city as we speak. They haven't managed to breach the defences yet, but I'm afraid it might be only a matter of time. We need Lucifer there, to topple the scale to our advantage."

"Yeah, but we need a solid plan to get him out," sighed Lhori.

"What can you tell me about the headquarters, Noah?" asked Solomon rubbing his chin in thought.

"It's a huge place, but there are not enough human resources to fill all defences. The patrols are mostly assigned to the main halls, also to guard the dungeons and escorting guests and visitors."

"So, it should be pretty easy to sneak into the dungeons and knock out a few guards, considering you will have an element of surprise on your side?" mused sorcerer.

"Well, I wouldn't say it's going to be easy. We are still talking about fully trained demon hunters here. I can take on one or two at a time, but there's going to be more of them."

"Yes, but you forget that Lhori wields potent magic. You just need to take that ridiculous bracelet off her."

"I'm not so sure Solomon," Lhori said nervously fidgeting with her fingers. "I know you always told me how much power I have due to all the pacts I made but... I never really used it."

"But you did pass all the tests at RAD, so you are well versed with spells and curses, are you not?"

"Well, yeah. But theory and practice are very different things! Besides, even when I was casting spells during our lessons, they never really had much power in them, and you know that."

"Oh, I know. But the reason for that is all the power you possess is dispersed between pacts with different demons. To access your full magical potential, you need to gather all that energy and focus it together."

"And how am I supposed to do that?" she asked frowning.

"Oh, it just happens, I've got something to help you with that!" said Solomon with a grin, reaching to his pocket. "Give me your hand."

Lhori intrigued obeyed him, and she felt something cold pushed on her middle finger. "A ring?" she asked, surprised, looking at the jewellery. The ring was silver, with a small transparent gem in the middle of an intricate symbol. It was delicate, and yet she could not take her eyes off it. "Wow, it's so beautiful. What is it?"

"It's the Ring of Light," Solomon explained. "It was created many centuries ago and possess unprecedented magic. It allows it's bearer to focus and amplify their magical power, and use it as if it was an extension of their will. It's pretty similar to the Ring of Wisdom I wear."

Lhori looked at him with disbelieve. "And you are giving it to me?"

"Well, it's high time for you to start using that magic of yours," he said with a smirk. "Besides, as I said, we need Lucifer in Devildom, so I need you to succeed in rescuing him."

"You think it will work?"

"I'm sure it will. I believe in you, Lhori."

"I'll give it back to you as soon as we get Lucifer out of there, I promise!"

"That won't be necessary," laughed Solomon. "Truth be told, this particular ring belongs to Lucifer."

"What?" asked Lhori, surprised.

"I knew it sounded fishy," mumbled Noah.

"He lost it during the Celestial Wars, and no one could find it for whole centuries."

"So how exactly did fell into your hands?" asked Noah with knitted brows.

"Instead of asking useless questions, you should be glad I'm helping you," retorted Solomon, giving demon hunter a cold glare.

"We are grateful, Solomon. Truly, thank you!" said Lhori.

"I hope you'll manage to free him soon," sighed Solomon. "I'm afraid we don't have any more time to waste. I need to get back to Devildom to aid Diavolo. Two things you have to remember, though. First, when you get Lucifer out of the chains, he won't get all his power back right away. It will get back to him, but slowly. He will still be pretty weak and vulnerable, so you must get out of this castle as soon as possible."

"Is there a way for us to teleport to Devildom from there?" asked Lhori.

"Not likely," sighed Solomon. "For Lucifer to get back enough power to teleport all three of you would take hours at best."

"What about the summoning room?" asked Noah. "Where you have summoned him? I'm pretty sure all the symbols are still there. Can't you cast a spell to open the gate from there?"

"That should work," said Solomon.

"But I've never done that! I don't even know the spell!"

"That's not a problem, I have one with me," said Solomon fishing out an old parchment from another pocket and handing it to Lhori.

"Dude!" groaned Noah. "What else do you have in those pockets of yours?"

"Oh, wouldn't you love to know?" grinned Solomon. "Anyhow, that seems to be your easiest way out. The other thing you need to remember. Don't go against Michael. You will stand no chance with him. Do anything to avoid him. If he catches you before you get out of there, it will all be over like that," he snapped his fingers.

"Well, we will need some distraction to make him busy then," said Lhori with determination.

"I'm sure you come up with something. I have to go now. I wish you two best of luck." He put on his hood, whisper something and disappeared, leaving the other two passengers gaping at an empty rear seat.

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