What have you done?

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"You did what?!" Lucifer asked with disbelief, a cup of coffee stopped halfway to his mouth.

"I invited him to visit us, once the exchange program starts rolling," Lhori said casually unpacking her suitcase.

Lucifer put the cup down on the table, crossed his arms, and looked at her, annoyance clear on his face.

"You are telling me, you invited a demon hunter here, to Devildom? Have you lost your mind?"

Lhori closed the empty suitcase, put it in the closet, and closed the door. She turned around to face him. He was angry. She knew he would be. But there was no backing down now.

"No, I honestly think it's a good idea," she said, looking straight into his eyes. Lucifer scoffed.

"Explain, then. Why inviting a bloody demon hunter here, into our home sounds remotely like a good idea? Oh, shall I also add it's not just some random guy, but the one who stalked you!"

"Why are we doing the exchange program, Lucifer?" she asked calmly.

"What?" he asked, surprised.

"What is Diavolo's most ambitious goal? Isn't it to improve the relationship with all three realms, so that thanks to mutual trust and cooperation, all three of them can strive?"

"Yes, that's true," he admitted cautiously, his eyes narrowed.

"Do you think the exchange program is enough to achieve that?" she implored.

"It's a start."

"Yes, it's just a start. When I was talking with Noah, I realized that if we want to live in a world where all three realms are coexisting peacefully, we need a lot more work than that."

"And how's inviting him here is helping with anything?"

"Oh, I'll tell you," she said excitedly. Arguing with Lucifer was strangely satisfying. He always got angry quickly, but he still listened to her arguments. And if she could convince him, he would admit she was right eventually. "Wouldn't you say that demon hunters, in general, are the group that is opposing the cooperation the most?"

"Considering our mutual aversion I would say so, yes," he said, a small smile playing on his lips. He also enjoyed their little debates.

"So, if we take one of them, the one who is prejudiced to the demons in general, and made him see advantages of peaceful cooperation and convince him that it's actually beneficial to everyone, wouldn't that be a huge step? He will then go back to the other hunters and spread the word about what we're trying to achieve, and who knows, maybe one day we will be on amicable terms with them? Wouldn't that be useful for Diavolo?"

Lucifer smirked and came up to her, putting his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him.

"I love to see you so fired up. It's incredibly sexy," he said and kissed her.

"Does it mean you agree it's a good idea?" she asked, brushing away the dark hair from his eyes.

"Well, you convinced me it might not be insane," he teased. "But what if his hatred runs too deep to see the reason?"

"I don't think that's the case. Plus, I can be very convincing if I want," Lhori said with a smile and pulled him in for another kiss.

"I sincerely hope, this is not how you plan to convince him," he murmured to her lips. "Otherwise, I would have to kill him right away."

"Silly demon," she scoffed, messing his hair, and escaped from his arms. "Those arguments I'm saving just for you."

Lhori took a cup from the table and took a long sip of bitter coffee. Lucifer was looking at her, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"That's not all," he finally said. "There must be another reason why you are suddenly going over the top, spreading idealistic ideas." Lhori's smile fell, and sadness flashed in her blue eyes. She looked at her coffee, biting her lip. "Tell me," Lucifer insisted.

"You know, when I was at home, I had to lie again, and again. And I honestly hate it. I hate myself because I have to come up with made-up excuses for people I love. I don't want to do this for the rest of my life. I thought that maybe... somewhere in the future, I won't have to lie anymore. Maybe if I manage to convince a person who hates demons, how you are not that much different from humans... Then maybe one day I'll find the courage to show my family the whole truth. That I may find a way to convince them that this is my life now and I'm happy here, and I want to share this happiness with them too." She wiped away a tear with her sleeve. "I know it may sound silly..."

Lucifer came up to her and hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head.

"It's not silly," he said gently. "I can only imagine how tough it must be for you not to be able, to be honest with your family. But now you convinced me that it is actually a great idea. And I'll help you, all right?"

"Thank you, Lucifer," she murmured into his chest.

"But if he tries anything funny with you, I'm going to disintegrate him," he added casually.

Out Of The Ashes  (MC x Lucifer) ✓Where stories live. Discover now