The Night After

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                The bar they went into was pretty crowded. But there was no one around their table. Michael had an undisputed powerful aura practically screaming 'I'm an archangel, so you'd better not come anywhere near me'. Lhori didn't mind. They were sipping their drinks in awkward silence.

"You are an inquisitive creature, Lhori," he finally said, looking at her with those sapphire eyes that seemed to pierce straight through her soul.

"And why is that?" she asked cautiously.

"You were an exceptional student during the exchange program, you gain power over seven most powerful demons, and yet you let them sent you home, to the human world and not once use it."

"What would I use it for?" she shrugged. "I'm no wizard, like Solomon. I desire no power. The only reason I made a pact with the brothers was that I wanted to patch up their messy family life."

"That sounded like something the angel would say," Michael said with a smirk. "Are you sure you are in the right realm?"

"What are you insinuating?"

"Nothing really, I'm just wondering. After all you've done for them, after the exchange program ended they just let you go. They didn't ask you to stay, and they didn't visit you. That's kind of ungrateful, wouldn't you say?"

"As you rightly noticed, I am no demon, there was no point in me staying in Devildom after the exchange program," she replied drily taking a big gulp of her drink, so he wouldn't notice he hit the nerve.

"Yet here you are, again. But it wasn't Lucifer who invited you." She put her glass down a little too firmly.

"Michael, I told you already. My relationship with Lucifer is none of your business. So, can you please drop it? I know you two are not the best of friends. I don't know what you are trying to achieve here. What I can tell you, is that I won't let you pull me into any of your little games to get back on him."

"But wouldn't it be fun?" he asked with a shameless grin. "He deserves some payback for leaving you wondering for three years, don't you think?"

"Ok, we are done here," she said, finished her drink in one gulp and stood up. "I believe our tour is over. I really hope you enjoy your stay in Devildom, archangel Michael." She turned around, ready to leave, but he caught her wrist.

"Oh, come now, Lhori. Why won't you stay for one more drink? I promise I won't talk about him again."

"No. I have enough talk for one day. I'm tired already. And I still have some work to do, so please let go of me."

"You know, not many dare to refuse the archangel," he said, his voice suddenly cold and his eyes seemed to shine brighter.

"I believe, she already said no," sounded a powerful voice behind Lhori. She turned around to look at Lucifer. He was coming their way in his majestic demon form, black wings outstretched, horns shining in the dim lights of the pub. All other demons disappeared, suddenly nowhere to be seen. Michael let go of her wrist and stood up, his angel form manifesting as well. Lhori stepped back so she could stand next to Lucifer, whose crimson eyes were aflame with anger.

They were like a mirror. Light and dark. Michael shook his snow-white wings and moved his gaze from Lucifer to Lhori and back.

"Such a curious thing. Who would have thought that the most powerful of demons would take such a ridiculous liking to a mere human?"

"Watch your tongue, Michael," growled Lucifer. "Remember, you are not in the Celestial Realm anymore.

"And what would you do? You are just Diavolo's lapdog now. You can't do anything unless he told you to." Lucifer's hands clenched into fists, and dark energy started to form around him, his fury barely kept under control. Michael only looked at him with a mocking smile. Lhori took Lucifer's fist in her hands and squeezed gently. He looked at her, surprised.

Out Of The Ashes  (MC x Lucifer) ✓Where stories live. Discover now