Back into the human world (Part 1)

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Author's note:

This is not about the mission from the main storyline. It's totally made up by me, so you can enjoy a spoiler-free story ;) 

"Lhori, can you come with me, please?" Lucifer came up to her after class.

"Where?" she asked surprised. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I don't think so," he replied waiting while she was gathering her things. "Diavolo ask me to get you and meet him in the council room after classes."

"Oh, I see... Any idea what is it about?" she asked while they left the classroom and went down the hall.

"Why don't we just wait and see?" he asked with a smirk. "Humans are so impatient..."

"Well, we don't have thousands of years to just wait and see, do we?" she retorted. But as they reached the council room Lucifer opened the door and gestured her inside.

Diavolo and Barbatos were already waiting for them. The face of Demon Lord brightened visibly at their sight.

"Lucifer, Lhori! Good, you made it! Sit, please. Barbatos will serve you tea."

"Ehm... thank you..." Lhori said cautiously. His enthusiasm usually meant he was planning some mischief again. She looked and Lucifer but he only shrugged, signaling he had no idea what was this all about either, and sat in the chair next to her.

"First, Lhori, please accept my deepest apologies for this whole lover incident that happened," Diavolo said his face miserable. "It was my idea, and I could never predict it will bring you so much trouble."

"That's ok, don't worry about it. I've already forgotten," she replied with a pleasant smile plastered to her face.

"Such a shame though you had to end it so quickly. I have to say, you two seemed very happy during this short week of 'pretending'. Don't you agree Barbatos?"

"Oh, yes, master Diavolo," the steward said while serving them their tea. "I don't think I've ever seen Lucifer smiling as much as in that particular week."

"Tell me, Lhori, did you at least, enjoyed yourself while playing the role of Lucifer's lover?" asked Diavolo innocently. She felt her cheeks burning and tried to find the right words, but Lucifer saved her the trouble.

"Diavolo, can we please quit this embarrassing small talk and get back to the topic. I believe you summon us here for some reason, am I correct?" his voice was stern, but Lhori noticed, that his cheeks were a bit red too.

"Of course, Lucifer, of course," Diavolo raised his hands innocently. "We have heard that a very dangerous incident is about to happen and it needs to be handled right away. I've just got a report from the third circle of Hell that Banon escaped again."

"How is that possible?" growled Lucifer, his hands forming fists. Diavolo shrugged.

"It doesn't matter now. The parties responsible for that had already been prosecuted. What's important now is to catch him before he stirs troubles again."

"Do we know where he is?"

"Yes, indeed. We know he used a portal to the human world. What's more, my informants confirmed, what he's planning. That's where you are coming in."

"Ok, tell me where he is, and I will extract him."

"I'm afraid it won't be that easy. He mastered the camouflage techniques and can't be easily tracked down. But fortunately for us, one of his former comrades spilled the beans and told us about his plan." He looked at Lhori. "That's why I also ask you to come here today, Lhori. It seems that our runaway demon is currently hiding in your neighborhood. I was told that there will be a great gathering tomorrow evening at Reading University... I believe it is your alma mater?"

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