The price of keeping secrets (Part 1)

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"Are you sure you can't go with me?" she asked Lucifer when they were walking to the portal on Thursday evening, her little suitcase rattled on the street's cobblestones.

"I wish I could," he sighed and squeezed her hand. "But we have a quarterly budgeting meeting tomorrow, and it's not like I can get out of that. Anyway, maybe you should go by yourself first. Have you told your family about us being back together?"

"No, I didn't have the opportunity. I didn't feel like talking on the phone about it."

"I'm guessing they won't be thrilled. Considering how pissed you were with me lately, your parents probably hate me now."

"Well, I wouldn't say they hate you. Maybe they are no longer your fans," she said, laughing.

"I thought so. It would be awkward if I suddenly come with you on such an important occasion. You can prepare them for that eventuality in the future."

"Tsk, you're leaving me all the hard work," she sighed.

"Well, you are highly experienced in dealing with family dramas, are you not?" he said with the smirk, stopping before glowing rune, where portal resides.

"If you say so. I'll get going now. Don't work too hard when I'm gone, all right? No sleeping at your desk!"

"I try, although I can't promise anything. That way I know, you will come back for sure, to save me."

"You are unbelievable," she said, grabbed his tie, and dragged him down for a kiss.

"Be careful out there, love," he whispered. "And come back to me safely."

"Come on! I'm not going to war. Just visiting family for a weekend," she snorted.

"You'll never know," he replied, handing her the suitcase. "Tell Rosie happy birthday from me."

"I will. She is still your greatest fan."

"I knew she was a smart girl."

"Ok, I'll get going now," Lhori said, took out a small stone with a glyph matching the one carved in stone, and hold her hand above it. The purple light started to shine brighter, and within seconds the glowing portal appeared.

"Lhori, wait," Lucifer said, holding her hand. She turned back to him, and he kissed her again. "I'll miss you," he murmured.

"I'll miss you too. But it's just three days. I'll be back before you know it."

"You'd better be. Or I'll have to go there myself, to bring you back."

"Don't tempt me," she said with a laugh. Lucifer reluctantly let her go, and she stepped into the portal. At the last moment, she turned back and blew him a kiss. And then the world disappeared.


"I'm so happy you've made it!" said Fiona while they were preparing dinner in the kitchen, like good old days. "I don't know if Rosie would ever forgive you if you missed her birthday."

"Not likely," Lhori replied with a laugh while cutting the peppers for the salad. "So, dad told me you are renting the garage?"

"Oh, yes. It was a brilliant idea. When your father told me, he will renovate it and convert it into a small living quarter I was very skeptical. Who would ever want to live in such a small space? But then, the rents are skyrocketing lately, and students are desperate, so we didn't even have to look hard before we got the tenant."

"Who is it? A student?"

"Yes, it's a very charming young man. He is doing his Ph.D. in literature at the same university you studied. He is probably a year or two older than you, but it's possible you met."

Out Of The Ashes  (MC x Lucifer) ✓Where stories live. Discover now