Rewind. Begin again.

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                The streets of Devildom were quite empty. It was late evening in the middle of the week. The cold wind blew, and Lhori fixed her shawl over her shoulders. It didn't give her much warmth. Lucifer looked at her and frowned.

"Don't tell me you don't have a coat."

"Well, I was in a hurry. And it wasn't cold earlier..." she replied shrugging. He sighed exaltedly and took off his coat. "It's fine, I'm not cold!" she protested.

"Don't even think to refuse, silly human," he hissed and put his coat around her shoulders. "I've heard your kind can die from cold. Don't be reckless. We still have loads of work to do!"

"Thank you," she said quietly.

They walked down the street in awkward silence. Lhori wanted desperately to talk to him but didn't know where to start. He was looking solemnly around avoiding her gaze, seemingly lost in his thoughts. When they passed a few more shops, he sighed heavily.

"Lhori, I'm sorry."

"What for?" she asked cautiously.

"For last night. I know it shouldn't have happened..." he stopped and looked at her with sadness in his crimson eyes. "I should have known better. I never meant to hurt you, or use you..."

"Hey, stop it," she interjected and took his hand. "We were both drunk, and we are both equally to blame for what happened last night. Unless... you regret it?"

"No," he replied quietly.

"Lucifer, I've been thinking lately. Like a lot, about what happened with us..."

"You did?"

"Yes. And I think it is me that owe you an apology."

"You?" he asked, surprised. "You have nothing to apologize for!"

"Yes, I have. When I come back here, I was so angry with you..."

"I may have noticed when you slapped me," he said with a smirk.

"Oh, please, that one you totally deserved!"

"I do not deny that."

"I was too busy blaming you, to think about everything objectively. I know you cut me out because you thought it was the right thing to do. But I haven't fought for you either. I just gave up. So easily..."

"Lhori..." he whispered and stroked her cheek gently. She closed her eyes and covered his hand with hers.

"I am so sorry for blaming it all on you." She opened her eyes and looked at him. His expression was hard to read. "I don't want to be angry anymore. I don't want to hold this grudge, because it's eating me up from the inside, and I can't stand it anymore. So, can we please... just forget it and start over?"

"I'd like that very much," he said and kissed her forehead gently. She smiled and hugged him tightly, inhaling his smell, and savoring his closeness. He gently stroked her back and her hair.

"I missed you so much, Lucifer," she whispered.

"I missed you more," he murmured into her hair. "But we must start moving; otherwise you'll freeze to death. And I really don't want that."

"Ok, let's go then," she released him from her arms, and he took her hand while they walked down the street."

"So, there is this musical from the human world they are playing in the cinema right now, that I'm dying to see," she said.

"Oh, are you inviting me to date already?" he asked with a crooked smile.

"Shall I send you a formal invitation in a letter?" she teased.

"No, I think we can skip that part. But let me plan our second first date, alright?"

"Ok, if you insist. But it must include a cinema. And loads of popcorn!"

"I'll keep that in mind."


Lhori felt her eyes are getting full of tears, and she tried ridiculously hard not to let them spill. Unfortunately to no avail. She felt when a lone tear fell down her cheek. She did not attempt to wipe it. It would draw his attention, surely. But her nose was getting stuffy too, and she couldn't help but sniffle quietly.

"Are you crying, Lhori?" she heard a quiet whisper and felt Lucifer's warm breath tickling her ear, his tone mocking.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"Shut up!" she hissed. She could see he was smirking in the pale light of the screen. He handed her a tissue and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him.

"You can cry all you want, I won't tell," he whispered and kissed her head. She blew her nose quietly and rested her head on his shoulder.

After the cinema, they went to Hell's Kitchen to eat something. Lhori felt wonderful. They were no longer awkward with each other, all the grudges and unspoken allegations were forgotten, and they were just enjoying the moment. They were discussing the movie, and Lucifer kept teasing her about the crying, but he was doing it with a warmth in his eyes, so she didn't mind.

"Before I forget, I have something for you," Lucifer said, reaching to the pocket of his coat and handing her a red envelope.

"Oh, what is this?" she asked, raising her brows.

"You'll know once you open it," he teased. She opened the envelope, intrigued, and took out two tickets.

"Oh, is it for the musical?" she asked, happily reading printed information. "Wait, it's for London's theatre? In the human world?"

"It seems so," he replied, obviously pleased with himself.

"Can we just go to see a musical in London?" she asked, surprised.

"I don't see why not? Wouldn't you like to see it?" he implored.

"I'd love to!" she admitted.

"We are going next weekend then."

"How did you get those tickets, though? It's hard to get them in the human world even," she said, putting the envelope down at the table and looking back at him. His crimson eyes were shining.

"I have my ways. I was hoping it will win me some points with you. Maybe enough to earn a goodbye kiss?" Lucifer teased again looking at her with such intensity she felt goosebumps all over her skin, and her cheeks burned.

"Well, we shall see about that. But I'd say your score is looking pretty good right now," she replied with a smile. 

Out Of The Ashes  (MC x Lucifer) ✓Where stories live. Discover now