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"Lhori, my sweet kitten! You've made it!" shouted Asmo hugging her tightly and giving her big loud kiss on the cheek.

"I missed you too, Asmo," she replied, gently getting out from his embrace.

They got inside a beauty salon and took their places in comfy chairs while two beauticians started to work on their toenails.

"Asmo, you are staring at me, what's up?" Lhori asked, feeling his piercing gaze.

"I don't know. Something's different about you," he said while deep in thought, tapping his index finger on his chin. "You look radiant, but I can't quite put where is it coming from..." He suddenly leaned into her and sniffed, his nose inches from her neck.

"Hey!" she protested.

"Ha! I knew it!" he shouted triumphantly, getting back to his chair. "You've just had sex!"

"Asmo!" she hissed, feeling her face gone scarlet. The beauticians kept their faces utterly indifferent.

"What? No sense denying it, I can smell it all over you."

"How can you possibly smell it?" she groaned. "I showered for like an hour at least!"

"I'm a demon of lust, darling. I can smell things you never dreamed of," he said proudly, his light red eyes shining with joy. "Sooo, that's why Lucifer was so happy this morning!"

"I didn't say it was him," she sighed.

"Oh, please. If you'd ever sleep with anyone else besides him, I would be offended if it's not me! You two are so boring when it comes to sex. Such unconvertable monogamous..."

"Asmo, please... can we maybe not talk about my sex life in such a public place," she groaned.

"Don't worry, ladies here are professionals, nothing we say here will go outside these walls. Am I right, darling?" he asked and gently stroke the beautiful red heir of succubus working on his nails. She smiled at him lovingly. "Those ladies and I go waaay back, so you don't have to worry about any gossips going out."

"Right," Lhori said and tried hard not to imagine what the last comment could refer to. "Anyway, there is nothing to talk about."

"What do you mean? Are you not back together then?"

"No, it was an accident." Asmo laughed.

"Lhori, my darling, can you please explain how having sex could be accidental? I'm having a hard time imagining it."

"Shut up! I was drunk. He was drunk. And it's just... sort of happened."

"Uuuuu!" Asmo squealed cheerfully. "Are you telling me, that my dear stick-in-the-ass proper brother got you drunk, seduced you, and then used for his sexual pleasure? I may owe him some respect after all!"

"No, Asmo. He didn't. I would say it was rather the other way around," she admitted feeling her cheeks going red again. But Asmo was the only person she could talk about this stuff and not feel like she was about to die from embarrassment. He was a demon of lust. Nothing she could ever do would shock him or make him judge her. That's why she enjoyed their little beauty retreats so much.

"You naughty girl!" he whistled. "Do tell me more!"

"Don't get too excited. I'm not going to tell you any details" she hissed. "We had a rough day, so I invited him over for some wine. So, we drank, and we talked..."

"And then you started making out," he added obligingly.

"Yeah, I have no idea how we got there though. And then I sort of dragged him to bed. Here, end of the story."

Out Of The Ashes  (MC x Lucifer) ✓Where stories live. Discover now