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                Lhori was slowly waking up. She felt cosy and warm, although all her body ached. She wished she could stay like this in a blissful fog of ignorance, but soon enough, the memories started flooding back, and she opened her eyes, looking at an unfamiliar ceiling. She noticed a little body cuddled up next to her, and she gently stroke her sister's head.

Her eyes moved to the window; it was almost morning; the eastern sky has just started to lighten up. Lhori startled when she noticed another figure huddled on the chair next to her bed. After a moment she recognized Noah, a mop of an auburn hair. He rested his head on his arms at the end of her bed. She sighed and moved a bit, detangling from Rosie's arms gently.

Noah suddenly sat up straight, as if he felt her movement.

"Lhori! Are you all right?" he asked.

"Shhh!" she shushed him gesturing to her sleeping sister.

"Sorry," he whispered and moved his chair closer to the head of the bed so that they can hear each other whispers. He was looking at her with visible anxiety. "How are you feeling?"

"Like someone had beaten me with a baseball bat?" she said bitterly.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea this will happen. The archangel promised..."

"Save it, Noah," she sighed. "We both know where we can stick his promises. Where is Lucifer? Do you know? I have to see him."

"It's not a good idea," he protested. "And I don't think they will let you, anyway."

"Why not?" she asked and raised her hand, decorated with a magic blocker. "Can't really do anything, can I?" she added bitterly.

"Lhori, I honestly don't think you should see him now."

"I need to see if he's still alive. Please, Noah. I have to!"

"Ok, I see what I can do," he said with a sigh and stood up. "But no promises."

"Thank you!"


The dungeons were cold, wet, and dark. The musty stench filled Lhori's nostrils as soon as she descended the stairs.

"Careful, the stairs might be slippery," said Noah. He offered her his hand for support, but she ignored him. There were so many steps, Lhori lost count after a hundred. When they finally arrived at its end, her breath was ragged, and her legs were aching. The only source of light was the torches stuck to the walls every couple of meters. The silence was filled with the sound of dripping water.

Noah walked further down the narrow passage in silence. She followed him, rubbing her shoulders. It was freezing down here, and she wished she would have something warm to wear. And then her stomach clenched when she thought about Lucifer abandoned here in some cold and dark cell.

They entered a little guard room, with a small table and chairs. Three of demon hunters played cards. They looked up at them, and the one with a moustache frowned.

"What are you doing down here, boy? It's not your shift," he said, and then his eyes darted to Lhori, who entered the room after Noah. "Why would you bring her here, eh?"

"She's here to visit the demon," Noah said calmly, looking the older man straight in the eye.

"I don't think he is allowed any visitors," he scoffed, and his companions cackled.

"The archangel gave his permission," said Noah and throw a little coin at the man, who caught it with surprising agility. He looked it over and grumbled.

Out Of The Ashes  (MC x Lucifer) ✓Where stories live. Discover now