They are coming

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                The council room was filled with sleepy members wearing worried expressions. No one knew the details, but the dread was thick in the air. They've all already suspected what this was about, but no one dared to say it out loud.

Lucifer squeezed Lhori's hand under the table, giving her an encouraging smile. But it didn't reach his crimson eyes, which were solemn.

Diavolo entered the room with Barbatos trailing close behind him. Neither of them was smiling. The Demon Lord took his place at the end of the table, but he didn't sit.

"I apologise for dragging you all out of beds at this hour, but this is an emergency. I was informed that Balam and his rebellion are heading to Devildom."

"Surely he and his band of random mutineers have no chance coming even close to forcing their way into the city," said Lucifer raising his brow.

"They alone wouldn't be able to that, yes. But unfortunately, there is another bad news. There was a collective breakout from three circles of hell."

"What?!" sounded collective gasps of different council members.

"How is that even possible?" growled Lucifer.

"To be honest with you Lucifer, I have no idea. I was as shocked as all of you. But we have no time for pondering right now. What we need to focus on is an army of angry and bloodthirsty demons marching on Devildom as we speak." Diavolo sighed and looked at them all with sadness in his golden eyes. "As much as it pains me to say it, we need to suspend the exchange program until we get this situation under control. That said, Lhori, Ariel I want you to go to the dormitories right now, wake all the students and gather them in the auditorium. Ask them to only grab the most necessary things with them. We need to send them all to their homeworlds as soon as possible."

"How far the demons are?" asked Ariel, her beautiful face unnaturally pale. Her usual condescending sneer nowhere to be found.

"According to the scout's report, they are still a day away. But we can't afford the delay. Please, get on with this, ladies, while the rest of us discuss our next moves." Lhori nodded and hastened out of the room.

Going through the whole dormitory and waking up students was a gruelling job, even with the help of students' representatives and some random demons recruited on the way. It took them more than two hours to gather all of them in the auditorium.

There were loads of nervous whispers, and everyone seemed to be on edge. The word of the demon army was spreading like wildfire. Students looked around with pale faces, their hands trembling. Their demonic peers were here also, and they looked concerned too. It's been a long time since anything was threatening the peace of Devildom.

Diavolo entered the room and looked over the crowd.

"Please accept my most sincere apologies, dear students. With a heavy heart, I have to suspend the exchange program immediately. I could not foresee such dreadful events. I need you all to make your way to your home in this instance. That is is the only way we can keep you all safe. Don't worry about all your possessions left behind. We'll make sure it will be all returned to you as soon as possible," he paused for a moment. "I do hope we can bring you all back here as soon as this crisis is over, but at this very moment, I can't guarantee anything. Don't fret though, this is the matter of underworld, and we won't let any rebel demons out of here and into your worlds. The peace treaty is still standing, and it will stay this way as long as I breathe," Diavolo paused again and looked over the crowd to the back of the room, where two demons were giving him thumbs up. "Now, my dear students, at the very end of the hall, two portals have been erected. They will take you to your respective realms. I'm sorry I can't offer you transport directly to your home, but unfortunately, we don't have enough time for that. The portal on the left will take you to the centre of the Celestial Realm; the right one leads to London, to our safe house. You will be taken care of by Devildom representatives there, who were informed about the situation and will help you with the return to your homes. Farewell."

Out Of The Ashes  (MC x Lucifer) ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu