Epilogue - Out of the Ashes

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Author's note: the song used at the end belongs to the band Beyond The Black - Out of the Ashes. It's a great song, so you can check it out while reading. It felt very relevant to what was happening in the story, so I decided to include it here ;) Enjoy! 


                Two weeks passed from what was now called the Battle of Devildom. Lhori was preparing food on her makeshift stand, looking thoughtfully on what's left of the House of Lamentation. The battle with rebelling demons was brutal. Before they manage to come back to Devildom, the insurgents broke through the city walls and wreaked havoc on the streets. The large part of the metropole was destroyed as a result, including the House of Lamentation, that suffered significant damage – more then half of the ancient building collapsed leaving the gaping wholes instead of walls. Even now, when it was all over, Lhori's heart ached when she was looking at it. But she was also hopeful.

Shortly after they got back with Lucifer, they managed to push the rebelling demons out and get the situation under control. Of course, the damage was already done, but at least it didn't get any worse than that. Michael was brought to Diavolo, but he decided it is not his right to determine his punishment, and he handed him to the Celestial Realm. From what she heard, the trial was still going on, and it also involved several other angels as well as humans.

Lhori was shaken out of her thoughts by tired-looking demons approaching. Their faces were dusted and smeared with soot. She smiled at them brightly and handed them bowls full of food.

"How is it going today?"

"Usual," said one of the demons digging in his food. "We are tackling the kitchen today. But before we can do anything, we need to get rid of all burned structures."

"Yeah, a lot of demolishing today," mumbled another demon between bites and smiled to her. "Thanks for the food."

"Of course, that's at least what I can do for you," she replied with a smile.

There were a lot of volunteers that put themselves up to help with rebuilding Devildom. And it was not only demons, living locally. The Celestial Realm also sent a regiment of angels, led by Luke. Lhori was positively surprised when she found out that there were also humans, mostly their exchange students, and some demon hunters, who were helping too. She could bet that last one was Noah's idea. Since the failed coup, the former leader of demon hunters, Robert Turner, has been dismissed and put under the trial, together with Michael, and the new person was appointed. As a result, Noah was promoted to a much more influential position. Lhori didn't really care about the details, as long they were not causing any troubles for Devildom. So far, they were strangely cooperative.

"Lhori, here you are!" she heard a voice and her smile broaden.

"Hi, Lucifer," she said, not stopping distributing food to hungry demons.

Lucifer walked up to her and planted a quick kiss on her head. "Working hard again, I see."

"I want to be useful," she replied, handing another bowl. "You know I can't help with all heavy construction work. At least I can feed those who can."

"Let me help then," he said, pulling up sleeves of his shirt. "You've got quite a crowd today. I think you also attracted those from nearby construction sites," he added with a smirk. Lhori scoffed and elbowed him playfully.

They carried on until there were no more volunteers to feed. Lucifer helped her to clean up everything. Lhori wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Woah, I didn't know handing out food can be so tiring."

"There was a lot of food," said Lucifer. "Are you sure you should be tyring yourself out today? Will you be all right for the concert in the evening?"

"Oh yes, don't worry about it. That will be a pleasure," she said with a grin.

Lucifer suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Mmm... what was that for?" she asked with a smile, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Because you are amazing. And I love you," he kissed her again. "And I can't imagine living without you now."

"I love you too," she said, caressing his cheek gently.

"You know when I was in the dungeon... I really thought it was over, that I'd never get to see you again. And that thought alone was more painful than all those magic chains binding me. "

"I would never leave you, Lucifer," Lhori said, tightening her embrace.

"You are pretty bold for human," he smirked. "But you still need to rest before this evening, so I'm taking you home now."

"But I still have to..." he closed her mouth with another kiss.

"No arguing," he scolded her gently. "Let's go. I'll get someone else to clean up the rest."


Lhori was looking at the gathered crowd. It was all mixed - demons, angels and humans. She smiled. After all they've been through so far, they still managed to unite them. She felt a warmth in her heart, looking at them talking and laughing together. The future was not lost, it was only the beginning, and she will do everything in her power to help with uniting all of the realms together.

"Hey, Lhori!" called a voice. She turned around to see a tall demon with a long mane of red hair. He smiled at her charmingly. "We're starting in five. Stop looking at the crowd and get ready, girl!"

"I'll be right there, Maestro."

It was quite the event. Diavolo wanted to thank all the volunteers for their hard work, so they organised the festival, just for them, to celebrate their hard work and effort. The Demon Lord also managed to get the same band that played on his wedding involved. Lhori smiled at the memory, that seemed so far away now. She felt like they were closing the circle now. When she came to Devildom that time, she was full of anger and resentment. But now she felt like it was her home now. And she wouldn't change it for anything else. She was excited to see what the future will bring. With that thought, she went back to join the band on the stage.



If you read until this point, you are awesome!

I had immense fun writing this fanfic. What started as just a bunch of random scenes turned out in a full-fledged novella with a plot. It's the first fanfiction that I actually finished, so yey for me!

If you enjoyed it or if you have any comments, complaints or whatever, just let me know in the comments! 😊

And of course, tremendous thanks to NTT Solmare for creating this fantastic Obey Me game which is feeding my imagination constantly <3

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