By guardian_ace1

9.6K 722 1.2K

Shen Wei an average salary man have everything in his life his loving family, friends and his beloved girlfri... More

My Doom Fate
The Truth Hurts
His Mine
The Cold Truth
A Price In Your Heart
Give Me Back My Man
A Little Wish
A Drunken Night
Honeymoon or Lots Of Trouble
A Painful Seperation
Days Without You
I'm Taking What Was Mine
Hold My Hand
In My Arms Safe And Sound
See You In My Dreams
At Last Happiness

Just Give Me What I Want

400 38 60
By guardian_ace1

     A few days later some policemen caught the dead body of Zhu Hong. Zhuiji was devasted that his wife died again.

    He came back to Yunlan for help to give Zhu Hong back to life. But Yunlan refuse saying what happened  to Zhu Hong is dangerous. " She almost kill him and his lover as well. Even you she threaten you a divorce? Are okay with that?" Hearing Yunlan's  lover is still alive made Zhuiji's blood boiled.

    "No?! If this project is failed? Why not exterminate  your lover as well! If you considered  this dangerous! I want my Zhu Hong back! If not......all the press will know what your lover have done! Not only to Zhu Hong but to his other friend! And you sir will be kick out from being the head of director!" Zhuiji shout and left.

    Yunlan slammed  his fist on the table
and gritted  his teeth. He face change when he saw Shen Wei  looking at him. "That man is trouble? Is it my fault?" As tears run down on his cheeks. Yunlan quickly hugged  the quivering  Shen Wei  into his arms.

   "Ssssh.....listen to me!" He cup his face. "Even everything is taken away from me it's  alright! As long as your with me! So stop crying...." Yunlan wipe his tears and kissed both  his cheeks. "But his threatening  you! Because of me! Maybe I should not live!" Yunlan hugged him tightly.  "No! Don't  say that! If you will die! I will die with you!"

    That made Shen Wei  gasp, "No...no....I would never let that happen!" Both lean on their forehead. "I'm sorry for saying that!" And he  give rain of kisses to Yunlan's  face. Yunlan chuckled. "Let that bad man have it all but I won't  let him have you!" Said Yunlan.

    Inside in Shen Wei's  mind, "No! I won't  let him win! I'll destroy him!" When Shen Wei  hugged Yunlan his eyes became dark.

    Meanwhile  Zhuiji came to a secret meeting with Yunlan's  father. "Sir what do you want?" He ask as he sit at the opposite  side of the table. "I've heard your wife have a terrible  accident? How unfortunate?" He smirk.

    Zhuiji never like what's  this question directing.  As he knows Yunlan and his father haven't  got a good relationship. And he didn't  want to harm Yunlan yet until his wife is revive. "Thanks sir for your condolence! If you don't  have any question I'm leaving!" When he was about to stand up.

    "Wait! What if I told the police you harm your wife and killed her? Ha?" That made Zhuiji's  blood boiled. "I've never harm my wife! Not like you! I love her dearly!" That made Xin ci pound the table with anger. "What do you mean? I never harm my wife!" Shout Xin ci unlike you a sadist! Punching his wife like a punching bag! And you tried to revive  her back just to do that again!" He shout at him.

    "Aren't  we all the same?! You on the other hand have forgotten  your family because your first priority is your company. Eventhough your wife died you didn't  care! That's  why your son will  never and ever love you!" That's  hit something  in Xin ci's heart. Suddenly  he gave Zhuiji some papers saying Zhu Hong wants a divorce. "You'll be the prime  suspect you know!" As he smile.

    While in Chu's office, Chu can't  concentrate  in his work still the face of Zhu Hong and Shen Wei  still hunt him. He became  worried for Yunlan. Guo is an officemate of Chu seeing his lover thinking deeply. "After work do you want to visit Yunlan if his okay?" That put a smile on the stotic face of the police officer.

    Shen Wei  on the other hand was showering when he remember  Zhuiji's  words. "I have to eliminate  that man! His gonna harm my Ah Lan!" He frown. Suddenly he heard Yunlan's  voice. "Xiao Wei! Hurry up I cook something  for you!" His face suddenly  change and quickly got dress up, wearing only Yunlan's  long shirt.

    Yunlan almost  dropped  the foods on the tray as he laid it on the bed. Shen Wei  hop on the bed and went near to Yunlan  eventhough his cute, pale firm butt is showing. Yunlan tried  to control himself but how can he if Shen Wei  crawled near to him not minding  his behind  is saying hi to him. "Ah Lan! Aren't  you gonna eat?" While munch some fried chicken and eggs. Yunlan swallowed  hard and tried to compose himself.

    "Xiao Wei,  why are you only wearing my shirt? You have plenty of new clothes that  I bought  for you? And pants!" Shen Wei  smile seductively  to Yunlan and sit on his lap. *DING!* His prize awaken when Shen  Wei's  bare butt sit on his bulging prize. "Why? Ah Lan? Don't  you like it?" While looking cute at him. Yunlan's  blood almost burst at his nose.

    "I thought I'm having a bad day when  that Zhuiji came but Shen Wei  made my day brighter!" Yunlan's  soul almost left his body when Shen Wei  start rubbing  his bare butt onto him
Making his prize scream to be released inside his pants.  "Aaaaah....Xiao.....Wei  what  are you doing?" His body heating up. "What?! I'm doing nothing?" While comfortably eating his chicken and drinking his choco drink on Yunlan's  lap. Yunlan can't  stop himself  anymore.

    As he unzipped  his pants and lowered it with his boxers. He suddenly  thrust at the hole of Shen Wei  making him yelp in surprise while his plump lips attacking his thin, soft, pink lips. He taste like fried chicken and eggs and something more. Yunlan can't  help to tear his shirt off. "Sh-t! That's  my favorite shirt! But who cares!" Said Yunlan to himself. Shen Wei  giggle and dropped  the chicken his holding.

   And start moaning while holding to Yunlan's  neck. As his long legs wrapped  around Yunlan's  waist. While Yunlan's body kept rocking to him non stop.  "Aaaaah.....Ah Lan....more!" He whispered  to his ears while capturing his lips again in a series of kisses. Unknown to them a visitors came.


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