Exiled... Again

By lov3_dontchang3

35.4K 2.5K 1.8K

QURAN - Quran can't wait to get back to Georgia, he missed being there with his cousin and more importantly t... More

Quran 1
Quran 2
Semaj 3
Semaj 4
Jacobi 5
Jacobi 6
Nazeer 7
Nazeer 8
Luciano 9
Luciano 10
De'Vaugh 11
De'Vaugh 12
Tripp 13
Tripp 14
Quran 15
Quran 16
Semaj 18
Nazeer 19
Nazeer 20
Beaux 21
Beaux 22
Jacobi 23
Jacobi 24
Luciano 25
Luciano 26
De'Vaugh 27
De'Vaugh 28
August 29
August 30
Quran 31
Quran 32
Semaj 33
Semaj 34
De'Vaugh 35
De'Vaugh 36
Slayer 37
Slayer 38
Luciano 39
Luciano 40
Nazeer 41
Nazeer 42
Jacobi 43
Jacobi 44
Beaux 45
Beaux 46
Jacobi 47
Jacobi 48
Quran 49
Quran 50
Semaj 51
Semaj 52
August 53
August 54
Nazeer 55
Nazeer 56
Luciano 57
Luciano 58

Semaj 17

654 51 33
By lov3_dontchang3

I knew Quran was listening, I could feel that nigga standing behind me but I didn't have shyt to hide so I didn't mind him eavesdropping; true LeTarius was my ex but we weren't ever anything too serious. We dated, got bored, broke up, and he moved.... end of story. The conversation was brief, mostly about wanting to catch up because we hadn't seen each other in a while and I know some people would say that it's a bad idea contrary to popular beliefs exes could still be friends. I finished the conversation and Quran was standing so close that our chest was touching, damn he smelled good as fuck and he was sexy as hell when he was mad. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and walked right past him, I knew he was going to have something to say but Quran was strategic when it came to picking when and where we argued but I knew it was coming eventually. We walked back inside as my parents were setting the table, being the gentleman that he was Quran offered to help but my parents insisted that they had it; everything seemed to be going smoothly until the front door opened and Joseph walked back into the dining room and sat right next to Quran.

"I thought you were leaving?" My dad asked and I could tell he was asking overall because, like me, he was growing tired of Joseph's presence here.

"The GIRL I was going to see called and said she started bleeding and shyt, so I had to cancel my plans.... though if I had to take my pick, I'd rather fuck a bitch on her period before I EVER play in a nigga's ass, ain't that right Uncle James." Joseph said smiling.

"Since you like blood so much, how about I rock your shyt again? I mean last time you claimed I caught you off guard so wassup? I'm giving you a warning this time." Quran said looking at Joseph and the smile that was on my dad's face grew wider as he leaned back in his seat and got comfortable.

"Semaj, would you and Quran running over to Rochelle's house and grabbing that bottle of red wine? I need it to make the Red Wine sauce for my Beef Wellington, otherwise, my whole dinner is ruined." My mom said and the way she was looking at me let me know I had no option. Me and Quran got up and walked out of the house, the second we got to the car Quran looked at me.

"If I were you I wouldn't have given him a warning, I just would've punched him dead in his fuckin mouth.... granted I could've gotten away with it because I live there." I said smiling but Quran's face reminded blank. "Let me guess you wanna know about LeTarius?" I asked.

"Oh I didn't realize he had a name, I was just going to call him ol'boy for the duration of my stay.... so tell me about LeTarius." Quran said as I pulled off.

"Fine, but afterwards I need you to explain something to me..... LeTarius was a dude from the hood, his nickname was Savage because he was reckless as fuck and was always getting into trouble and as you've noticed, I got a thing for dudes with a mean streak. We met on a site we had no business being on and started talking, we talked, linked a few times, messed around a little bit but then I grew tired of having to ask for rides to go see him then we broke up... It last all of three weeks.... but we stayed in touch then he moved and I got arrested. The End." I said looking at Quran.

"I can accept that.... though I'm not too thrilled that y'all messed around but I knew you weren't a virgin when we first started talking so I can't be TOO upset. Now, what did you want to ask me?" Quran said relaxing in his seat.

"What's going on with you? Since you got here it's like you've been looking for confrontation; Beaux and now LeTarius, I'm not going to say shyt about Joseph because he needs his ass beat but it's like.... you're looking for a reason not to like them, in the hopes that you get to fight." I said looking at him and he was quiet, even after we picked up the red wine from his aunt he still hadn't answered my question.

"Semaj, you know I've always been 6'1 185lbs of aggression, I just need something to keep my mind from wandering. Without healthy conflict, I'll do something stupid like go find Natalie and kill that bitch for what she did to my dad, I just feel like if I don't release some of this anger it'll make me do something stupid... Though I still have a bad feeling about that nigga Beaux, I'll leave it alone because August isn't pressed by it.... as for you ex, if you wanna link up with that nigga it's coo... I trust you." Quran said looking at me.

"Tomorrow we're going to find you a gym so you can work off some of that aggression, at least to hold you over until we figure out that Natalie situation." I said trying to find a middle ground, Quran wasn't the only one looking for Natalie and I felt it was for the best to keep him distracted.

"Sure.... but I can think of a few other ways to work off some of this aggression. Like meditating, or going for a hike, or hide the nine." Quran said smiling. "But we can try it your way first and if that doesn't work then we do things my way." Quran said as we pulled up in front of the house, there were more cars here than there was before we left and I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that dinner was about to get interesting.

All my cousins were there; Aries, Ahmad, August, Clévon, and Joseph though that last one I really didn't count but they had already made their plates and were devouring the food my mom had placed in front of them. My dad was having a conversation with my Uncle Sonny and my mom just sat back watching in horror as her nephews ate like they were starving, needless to say, I was pissed because she sent us on a dummy mission when she could've had them stop by on their way over here but I think she wanted to prevent Quran from breaking Joseph's face which pissed me off even more.

"I put you and Quran's plate in the kitchen." My mom said reading my face, I nodded and led Quran into the kitchen and grabbed our plates. As fun as it would be to join my family, I really didn't want to be around Joseph so I tried to sneak past my parents but, of course, my dad stopped me.

"If I gotta be here so do you." My dad said as I sat in the chair between him and Joseph, Quran managed to snag a seat next to August which was probably the best place for him. "Have you heard from your brother?" My dad whispered.

"Not since earlier." I said quietly and my dad seemed to check his watch, he must know something I don't because he asked me about Loyalty earlier and when my dad got nervous he had a habit of repeating his questions.

"Well this has been fun but I got somewhere to be, thanks for the food Auntie." Joseph asked getting up from the table.

"Sit yo ass back down, you weren't excused from the table." Uncle Sonny said and I tried to hide my delight because my Uncle Sonny was OLD SCHOOL.

"The FUCK, I've never need permission before and I damn sure ain't about to start asking. I said thanks and let my aunt know I was leaving.... you better be lucky you got that much." Joseph said and the whole table got quiet.

"Sonny....." My mom said looking at her older brother, I already knew how my Uncle Sonny got down so it was only a matter of time before this confrontation happened. "Sonny, leave that boy alone. Joseph......" My dad let out a loud yelp, his finger was bleeding all over the white tablecloth and my mom had this thing with blood.... but only when it came to me and my dad, so before she could even finish her sentence she was already gone from the table and my dad smiled.

"See this is why I told yo mama to send you to me, you were being disrespectful towards her and you needed some damn disciprine." Uncle Sonny said knowing damn well that's not how you say discipline.

"Yeah well... I'm of the mindset that you gotta earn respect. My mom was out there acting like a hoe so I treated her like one and as far as you go....." Joseph was being yoked up before he could throw out his insult to Uncle Sonny. Like I said my uncle was old school, so he snatched his belt off in one quick movement and started beating Joseph's ass like he stole something.

"Finally!!!!" My dad said wiping the red wine sauce from his finger, Joseph had stormed out in a huff but no one seemed to care. "I can't tell you how long I've been wanting someone to beat his ass, I would've done it but I can't go against my wifey... so thank you, Sonny."

"That boy is hurting... he's been through a lot, losing close friends at a young age, dudes who he was supposed to be looking up to steering him down the wrong path and then the to watch his dad get murdered by the police... it's no wonder he acts so hard." Uncle Sonny said and I noticed the smile melted from Quran's face, I wasn't privy to the information about his dad but that would explain a lot. "I'm just not going to let him disrespect me..... ESPECIALLY not in front of my sons."

"Ayy you wanna get outta here?" I asked Quran who was sitting there stone-faced, at first I didn't think he heard me until he nodded slowly and glanced at my dad, who nodded. We walked out into the backyard and was quickly joined by August and Clévon.

"Yo, my dad is fuckin crazy...." August said laughing as we sat down but Quran had this look on his face, I couldn't describe it but it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. "So about this party tomorrow, I somehow managed to get the next three days off so I'm trying to make the most of it..... where that nigga going?" August asked as Quran got up and walked off, Quran was obviously in a different place than he was just five minutes ago. Without saying a word I jumped up and went after my dude, hearing the news about Joseph must be fuckin with him and I knew there was nothing I could say to make him feel better but at the very least I could be there for him and hopefully one of my cousins had the foresight to go check on Joseph because like my uncle said, he's hurting.......................

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