Taekook Smuts and Drabbles

By pensiveprufrock

224K 3K 398

Wouldn't it be fate if we're under the covers. More

Euphoria pt1
Euphoria pt2
Showing who's the alpha
No Kissing Policy
Editorial Note
I'll Be Home For Christmas pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt 1
My Ride Or Die pt2
My Ride Or Die pt3
My Ride Or Die pt4
My Ride Or Die pt5
My Ride Or Die pt6
My Ride Or Die pt7
My Ride Or Die pt8
My Ride Or Die (Epilogue)
You Drive Me Crazy
Birthdays like these
Get Me Out Of My Mind (Get You Out Of Those Clothes)
if you want it ( you can have it )
Ripped Jeans and Velvet Skin
i can feel that body shake, and the heat between your legs
A Little Bit Dangerous (But Baby That's How I Want It)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Appointment: Kim Taehyung for Jeon Jeongguk (genital piercing)
Promises to Keep (and Miles to Go Before We Sleep)
I feel safe in the 5 a.m. light
and i want you
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go (2)
only you can set my heart on fire
the way i fuck him
Editorial Note
i'm still falling for you
Double Tap
Line of Fire (Taekook)
Line of Fire (Cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Unwanted Butterflies (cont.)
Hold You Close, Tonight And Always
Headed to Hell for the Company
Headed to Hell for the Company
Comeback Kids
bad habits
He's Always Right There When I Need Him
got my body so wet
Long Road To Ruin
i'm a darling (strong heart, soft touch)
i wanna get back (to the old days)
Punch Hard (Fall Harder)
Wanna make love
good vibration
Sated Enough?
The shoreline where you and i meet
Not an update
The perfect enemies to lover fic you didn't know you needed
The enemies to lover trope you didn't know you needed (2)
Should I ;(
Love will heal what language fails to know

Tongue Technology

6.2K 69 7
By pensiveprufrock


Working on a crossroads planet means Jungkook sees quite a motley crew of customers pass through his bar.

Ceres is so tiny that it's barely a planet at all. Jungkook had arrived here as a child when his mother's ship crash-landed in the dust, and they've been here ever since. Most of the travelers he meets wonder how he could possibly survive on such a dump of a planet, where nothing special ever happens and the town consists of a general store, three bars, an inn, and a temple. But he thinks Ceres is the best place to be - they're well outside of the Empire's jurisdiction, but they have absolutely nothing of value that might appeal to the lawless types. They're safe and unbothered here, but more importantly, they're free. Jungkook can live his life exactly the way he wants to.

And aside from the freedom, living on Ceres offers the unique opportunity of meeting every possible type of individual in the galaxy. Jungkook's run into smugglers and pirates and Empire officers, a man who'd had a set of tentacles attached to his belly, a girl with a giant leopard for a pet. Once, they'd even had a school trip pass through; they'd underestimated how much fuel they needed and ended up stopping on Ceres.

He gets a job in one of the bars when he's a teenager because it's the only place to really get a job, and his mother's good friends with the owner, a former pirate. She dies when he's 19, leaving the bar under his name, the only thing he's ever owned. He's spruced the place up a bit since then, putting his own touch on things, and he's quite proud of the outcome. The other two bars in town don't hold a candle to his, and the amount of customers he gets proves that. The other two are perpetually jealous.

He's seen a lot of people pass through his little hometown, and quite a few of them have attracted his attention, but he's never met anyone quite like the guy who walks into his bar one slow weekday evening.

Jungkook's wiping the counter when the door swings open, bringing in a gust of wind that peppers dust all over the floor. Jungkook wrinkles his nose. Hoseok, a guy who puts in hours at the bar when Jungkook needs extra help, had mentioned that the town was abuzz over the arrival of a new ship that morning, most likely pirates, though they weren't sure.

Jungkook thinks the guy who walks in definitely looks like a pirate. He's wearing loose black pants with too many straps and pockets and a heavy pair of boots that thunk against the flimsy wooden floor of Jungkook's bar. His jacket is dark and shiny, and he's wearing a number of weapons - lasers and guns and possibly even a knife. His dark blond hair is held back from his face with a red bandana, and two long silver earrings dangle from his lobes. There are tattoos on his knuckles and snaking up from the collar of his jacket.

Jungkook licks his lips without meaning to. The possible space pirate only gives him a cursory glance before he leans his elbow against the bar.

"Whiskey," he says. "Neat."

He looks uninterested, face slack, but Jungkook sees the way his gaze flickers around the bar. He doesn't miss the way he remains standing, either, despite there being six empty stools to choose from.

"Coming right up," Jungkook says, flipping a glass onto the counter and pouring the whiskey into it. He slides over the glass, and the pirate passes over his chip so Jungkook can start a tab for him.

The pirate takes a sip of his whiskey, lips surprisingly soft and pink for someone who looks otherwise deadly.

"Aren't you gonna sit down?" Jungkook leans forward, head tilted, a little flirtier than strictly necessary. But, well, a sitting customer is a lot more likely to keep buying drinks than one who looks like he's minutes from walking out. Jungkook has to run his business, after all.

The pirate finally looks at him properly, his gaze roaming over Jungkook in a way that's also probably flirtier than necessary. He sets his glass down in an exaggerated way and tugs a stool forward, sitting down. He rests his forearms on the bar, still staring at Jungkook.

"I'm gonna need another one," he says, nodding toward the glass.

Jungkook pulls the bottle of whiskey back out and fills another glass. "Just passing through?"

He gives him a look as he tugs a lighter and cigarette out of his pocket. "None of your business," he says, lighting it with a flick of his fingers and taking a drag.

Jungkook scoffs, used to guys like him. He probably thinks it's a turn-on. It is, of course, but Jungkook isn't about to let him know that. Jungkook likes them mean. He looks like he could be mean. "Never said you could smoke in here."

The look the pirate gives him makes Jungkook think he's deciding whether to be offended or not. He makes his decision. He pulls the cigarette from his lips and hides it under the counter. "Sorry, sweetheart. Mind if I smoke?"

Jungkook scoffs again. He isn't about to be swayed by an endearment. "Yeah, whatever."

He spots one of his regulars through the glass on the door, a woman who works at the inn. He turns away from the bar to grab the wine he'd gotten on an import from Mercury. She always asks for it, even though it's the middle of the day. The wine's under the counter, and he bends over to reach it, making sure Mr. Space Pirate gets a good look at his ass in the process.

When he turns back, the guy's still staring, and he's not being subtle about it either. He only raises his eyebrows when Jungkook catches him.

The door swings open. "Hi Jungkook," says Hyojin, marching up to the counter.

He pours her a glass and pushes it over. "Hi, Hyojin."

She gives the pirate a look then, uninterested, downs the glass of wine in record time. She sets the glass down decidedly and heads back to the door. "Bye, Jungkook."

"Bye, Hyojin."

"That's from Mercury?" the pirate asks, nodding to the bottle still on the counter. "Pricy."

"It was a gift," Jungkook says, leaning back across the counter from him. "From someone passing through."

He hums. "Traveler?"

"Pirate," Jungkook grins. "Like you."

His eyes narrow. "Who says I'm a pirate, huh?"

"I know a pirate when I see one." Jungkook turns away to busy himself with the register.

"What's a guy gotta do to get some free wine around here?"

Jungkook looks back at him, amused. "It's only free for her. We're friends."

"Got it. Be friends with the bartender."

"Why, do you wanna be friends?"

"I was thinking along the lines of something else," the guy grins.

"You're not subtle."

"Wasn't trying to be."

Jungkook's been noticing a flash of silver in his mouth when he speaks. He turns to him fully now, squinting, wondering if he has a piercing. "You got a tongue piercing or what?"

The guy laughs. Jungkook doesn't get what's so funny untilhe opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out, and Jungkook realizes it's notjewelry that's glinting silver - it's his entire tongue. Jungkook prizeshimself on being composed in the face of the unexpected, given where he's grownup, but he startles at the sight of it. It's a prosthesis, that's obviousenough, but whoever made it didn't bother trying to make it look like a realtongue. It looks like a machine, but when he flicks it upward, it moves withthe same malleability as a tongue would.

Jungkook isn't too proud to admit he's turned on this time.

The pirate can tell. He pulls his tongue back into his mouth and grins, sharp and enticing. "I'm flattered."

"I didn't say anything." Jungkook's a little too interested to go back to pretending to work. He's still staring at his mouth, can't bring himself to look away.

"It's all over your face, sweetheart. You haven't seen what it can do yet."

Jungkook's gaze flickers up to meet the pirate's dark one. "What it can do?" he repeats, suspicious and aroused at the same time.

"Uh-uh, you don't get to see that right now," he tuts. "What, you think I'm easy?"

Jungkook huffs, internally deflating, and leans back. "Well, I'm easy. Bar closes at midnight."

The pirate looks briefly surprised, then he laughs. Jungkook catches a flash of his silver tongue. "Midnight," he says, then he downs the rest of his whiskey and leaves.

Jungkook watches the door swing shut behind him with growing anticipation.

As promised, the pirate's waiting outside when Jungkook leaves the bar that night. He's leaning by the doorway, finishing off a cigarette. Jungkook doesn't acknowledge him at first, making him wait while he locks up. Then he turns to him at last, eyebrows raised.

"We should go to your room."

The pirate scoffs. "I don't have a room at the inn."

"You're staying in your ship?"

"Of course. Problem?"

It's maybe not the safest decision in the world, but Jungkook hasn't stopped thinking about his tongue and his attitude since he left the bar.

"No," he says coolly, and the guy nods and starts walking. Jungkook jogs to catch up.

"So do I get a name?" he presses. "Unless you want me to call you Pirate."

The glance he shoots him is sly. The guy scoffs, pausing to stub his cigarette out beneath his boot. "I didn't get your name, either, sweetheart."


"Taehyung," he offers, and Jungkook smiles. "Never said I was a pirate."

"Sure you didn't."

Jungkook and his mother live well outside town, about an hour's walk, surrounded by open land. The planet is mostly uninhabited outside the only town; the few people who do live on it live far apart, tending to livestock or using the space for various reasons. There's plenty of room to park a ship.

Still, Jungkook's amazed by the sheer size of Taehyung's ship when he sees it on the horizon. It's absolutely massive, all glittering gold and white, stunning in its beauty. If Taehyung isn't a pirate, he must be a fucking prince or something.

"Like it?" Taehyung says smugly, clearly knowing exactly how much Jungkook does.

"It's something," he breathes, following Taehyung onto the gangway.

He's surprised to find other people on the ship, belatedly realizing that if he's a pirate he must have a crew. There's no way he's running a ship this enormous all on his own. The crew members don't look all that surprised to see Taehyung showing up with a stranger. A few of them even wink at him.

"Have a good night, Captain," one of them calls, making an obscene gesture with her hands.

So he's a captain. Jungkook should have guessed that, too.

"I didn't tell them anything," Taehyung says when he perceives Jungkook's expression of distaste. "They're just used to making assumptions."

"They assume everyone you bring back to the ship is someone you're gonna fuck?"

Taehyung shoots a wolfish grin over his shoulder. "Well, why else would I bring someone back to the ship?"

Jungkook huffs. Fair enough.

The ship is as pretty on the inside as the outside, but Taehyung's cabin is something else. It's expensive and plush, all red and gold carpeting and gilded bedposts. It's a little too ostentatious for Jungkook's tastes. They're in the hull, so there's a row of windows in the walls, all the way from one end to the other, bordering two sides of the bed. The view isn't much, given that Ceres is little more than dirt and dust, but Jungkook can imagine it would be stunning out in space. Stunning and a little terrifying, nothing but a dark expanse around you. He shivers at the thought.

"Want something to drink?" Taehyung offers, stopping by a decanter on the table by the windows.

Jungkook shakes his head. "I wanna know what your tongue does. You aren't making me wait, are you?"

Taehyung laughs. "Come here and find out."

Jungkook doesn't hesitate. Taehyung pulls him in when he's near, arm around his waist, and kisses him. Jungkook winds his arms around Taehyung's neck, parting his lips. His tongue is cold, sending another shiver up Jungkook's spine. It doesn't move like it's metal, moves like a real tongue, and it's wet like one, too. Taehyung kisses slow and dirty, and Jungkook melts into him, fingers threading through the hair on Taehyung's nape. Taehyung's hands are warm against his skin, slipping under the hem of his shirt, and Jungkook presses their chests flush together.

He'd almost forgotten what he'd asked for when it finally happens.

Taehyung traces his tongue against the roof of Jungkook's mouth, then Jungkook feels it split in half. The way he scrapes lightly on the roof his mouth feels unbelievable. He moans into Taehyung's mouth, shuddering full-bodied, and he feels Taehyung grin before he pulls away. Jungkook gazes at him through hazy eyes, but Taehyung looks sharp.

"Fuck," Jungkook breathes. "Do that again."

"Hold still for me, baby," he says, arrogant, and takes Jungkook's chin harshly between his fingers. His thumb presses into Jungkook's lower lip, holding his mouth open. Jungkook would chafe at the attitude but he's too eager to feel that tongue again. He opens his mouth wider, willing, and the last thing he sees is Taehyung grin before he leans in and Jungkook lets his eyes drift shut.

Taehyung's split tongue traces Jungkook's own. The halves seem to move independently, and one's back on the roof of his mouth, flicking lightly. Jungkook moans, cock twitching in his tight pants, and tightens his grip in Taehyung's hair, feeling a little desperate already. Taehyung tugs his hands away, grip tight on his wrists, and walks him backward until his ass hits something hard. Then Taehyung's lifting him up, sitting him on the table, hands on his hips as he goes on kissing him. Jungkook's kissing back with little finesse, flushed already, his knees parting to let Taehyung fit between them. With his thighs bracketing Taehyung's hips, he leans in, clutching at fistfuls of his shirt.

Taehyung pulls away and Jungkook makes a noise of discontent, chasing his mouth, but Taehyung fists a hand in the back of his hair and tugs him back. Jungkook blinks himself back to awareness and finds Taehyung grinning again. His lips are pink and a little swollen, hair mussed from Jungkook's fingers.

"Eager," he teases, and Jungkook pouts.

"Don't stop." Jungkook crosses his legs behind Taehyung's back, tugging him in until they're flush. Their noses brush, Taehyung's mouth parting over his, but just when Jungkook tilts his head to kiss him, Taehyung pulls back again.

"Haven't you ever been kissed before?"

Jungkook's feeling frustrated. "You know the answer to that."

Taehyung hums, grin a little wicked. "Tell me."

Jungkook huffs. Two can play at that game. He arches until his hips and chest press a little more firmly against Taehyung's, gazing at him through lidded eyes. "Any chance I can get your tongue inside my ass?" 

Taehyung just laughs. "Maybe if you ask nicely," he muses, hand leaving Jungkook's hair to drag down to his neck. He wraps it around the side of his neck, thumb stroking his jaw.

Jungkook leans in, brushing their mouths together in the hopes that it will inspire Taehyung to stop playing around. It doesn't. He can feel Taehyung's smile, his expression smug, so Jungkook gazes at him through his lashes and flicks his tongue lightly against Taehyung's lips. Taehyung's thumb goes on stroking his jaw, an infuriatingly light touch, but other than that he doesn't move.

Jungkook isn't about to beg, not when he knows that's what Taehyung wants. He scoots closer until his hips are tight against Taehyung's, twining his arms around Taehyung's neck, fingers scratching lightly at his nape. He flicks his tongue out again, letting it curl briefly between Taehyung's lips, then pulls back. He's already flushed from desire, so it's easy to look shy, casting his gaze downward.

"You playing games with me, baby?" Taehyung's voice is rough, and Jungkook can tell he has him, even if he's been too obvious about it.

Taehyung kisses him. It's more forceful this time, bruising, his hands running up Jungkook's bare sides under his shirt. Jungkook gasps at the sudden force but he's just as eager, and the kiss turns messy, saliva dripping between both their mouths. He whines when Taehyung's split tongue traces his, jolting when Taehyung sucks his tongue into his mouth. It's embarrassing, the way he's growing so sloppy and desperate already, but Taehyung's tongue is something else and Jungkook's just about ready to do anything to get it inside him.

Jungkook takes Taehyung's hands in his and slides them down his body, arching into him so he lifts a little off the table, enough for Taehyung's hands - big and firm - to cup his ass. Taehyung squeezes the fat tight between his fingers and growls into his mouth, licking into him messy and wet. There's drool on Jungkook's chin but he can't be bothered, pushing his ass into Taehyung's hands and parting his lips even wider, letting Taehyung do what he pleases.

Taehyung tugs his hands away and Jungkook would complain if he weren't so quick to shove them past the hem of his jeans. It's a tight fit but he makes it work, digging his fingers into the bare flesh of Jungkook's ass. He drags his mouth away from Jungkook's, a line of spit connecting their lips, and Jungkook chases him, whining, only for Taehyung to nose him away. Jungkook's chest is heaving, his heartbeat racing.

"No underwear?" Taehyung demands, and Jungkook has to blink himself back to coherency before he can respond.

"I came here to get fucked, what would I need underwear for?" he says, a little huffy because Taehyung's talking is wasting precious time that his tongue could be doing other things.

"Shouldn't have bothered with clothes then, either."

Sudden heat rushes through Jungkook's body at the thought of walking through his ship ass-naked, the eyes of all his crew members following him.

"You like the sound of that?" Taehyung says, catching the way Jungkook's blush spreads. Jungkook feels shy in truth now, looking away. Taehyung's hands knead his ass, one finger tracing up and down, just between his cheeks. Jungkook shivers every time it gets close to his hole but of course Taehyung stays far away from where he needs him to be. "You were making a show about some teasing, how do you think they'd act if I paraded your pretty ass past them, hmm?"

Jungkook shudders, swallowing harshly. He feels a jolt of embarrassment, humiliation, followed closely by his cock twitching.

"You're a dirty little baby," Taehyung coos, leaning back in to attach his mouth to Jungkook's neck, working the skin between his teeth. Jungkook's lids grow heavy and he feels the heat in his blood, the pressure between his legs. Taehyung's finger pushes between his cheeks and Jungkook's veins thrum with anticipation, but then he's pulling his hands out and moving away. "Bed," he demands, and Jungkook slips off the table and onto wobbly feet.

He clutches at Taehyung for support and Taehyung tugs him in for a kiss, walking him backward toward the bed. Jungkook's too busy kissing back to really pay attention to where he puts his feet and hopes Taehyung will keep him steady.

The backs of his shins hit the bed and Taehyung pushes him down until he falls on plush and luxurious velvet, feeling like he's fallen on a cloud.

"Damn," Jungkook breathes. "This is how you sleep every night?"

Taehyung looks smug. He hovers over him and licks a stripe up his throat in lieu of an answer. With his tongue split again, the sensation is overwhelming, and Jungkook arches off the bed with a moan. He pushes Jungkook's shirt up until it's bunched beneath his armpits, leaving most of him bare. When his mouth closes around one of Jungkook's nipples, Jungkook's disappointed to realize his tongue's gone back to being whole again. The disappointment is chased away quickly enough when Taehyung sucks and his tongue starts to vibrate, has Jungkook arching up with a cry of surprise. His vision blurs as he jolts unbidden, white hot pleasure flooding his veins.

"Oh, fuck - " he whimpers. Taehyung's laving his vibrating tongue over Jungkook's nipple, and Jungkook's seeing stars, pleasure tingling from his nipple straight down to his cock. "You didn't - " He breaks off into a gasp, hips jerking, Taehyung's mouth incessant and aggressive. " - didn't say it could do that."

He wants Taehyung's tongue inside him with twice the fervor now but Taehyung's taking his time, working the nub between his teeth until it's solid and aching and every pulse of vibration has Jungkook's whole body twitching. He whimpers, overwhelmed, feeling like it's almost too much, and he buries his hands in Taehyung's hair and tries to slow him down.

Taehyung pulls off and glares up at him, his lips swollen and wet. "Been impatient all night and now you can't take it?"

Jungkook whines, hating the idea of not being able to take it, and loosens his grip.

"That's better," Taehyung says, but he takes Jungkook's wrists in his hand and pins them above his head anyway.

Jungkook feels exposed like this, splayed out for Taehyung's display, and he squirms, embarrassed of the way Taehyung's gaze fixates on his bare chest. Then he leans in and sucks a mark between Jungkook's pecs, working it until it's red and raw before he moves over to the other nipple and starts to vibrate again. Jungkook moans, wriggling under the attention but Taehyung's grip is firm, holding his wrists in place even when Jungkook jerks against him as the pleasure grows too intense. His nipple's hurting now, the subject of too much attention, but the pain goes right to his cock, too, and Jungkook's straining hard against his pants now. For the first time that night, he almost regrets how tight his pants are.

"Come on," he complains, "'m hard."

Taehyung looks up through his lashes, his tongue going back to normal so he can say, "And?"

Jungkook whines. "And it's your fault. Do something about it."

Taehyung scoffs. "Keep telling me what to do andI'll edge you all night."

Jungkook shuts his mouth quickly.

For all his attitude, Taehyung doesn't keep him waiting much longer. He sucks on Jungkook's nipple until he moans then drags his mouth down his belly, his tongue going from vibrating to splitting again, his free hand making quick work of the button and zipper on Jungkook's jeans. Jungkook squirms with anticipation, breath coming faster, a tingle of pleasure running through his cock just from the proximity of Taehyung's hand.

He has a hard time tugging Jungkook's pants down over his ass, tight as they are, and grunts in frustration as he wiggles them down.

"Sorry," Jungkook says, not sounding sorry at all. "I know I have a fat ass."

Taehyung shoots him a look from where he's struggling and grabs two fistfuls of Jungkook's ass, squeezing roughly. Jungkook squeaks. "Yeah, I noticed."

"Did you?" Jungkook's breathy, pants rubbing roughly against his almost fully hard cock.

"Don't act so coy. You bent over like you were presenting for me right in the middle of the bar, how could I not notice?"

Jungkook flushes hot, imagining if he really had presented in the middle of his bar. Imagines the wood rough on his knees as Taehyung takes him from behind, customers at every table watching the show.

"I - I wasn't," he defends weakly, but Taehyung isn't having it. He finally gets his pants off, flinging them aside distastefully.

He wraps his arms around Jungkook's thighs and spreads his legs wide. A burst of embarrassed heat floods through Jungkook and he puts his hands over his face, squirming. Taehyung spreads him wider and he can feel cool air against his hole.

"Come on, sweetheart. We've already established that you're a dirty little baby."

Jungkook peeks through his fingers as Taehyung leans in, blowing cool air on Jungkook's hole. He shudders, thighs tensing in Taehyung's grip, hot thrum of anticipation low in his belly. Jungkook's shirt is still crumpled under his armpits, leaving him naked from the chest down, and it makes him feel sloppy in front of Taehyung, who's fully dressed. His clothes aren't even disheveled. The deeper Jungkook allows the embarrassment to reach, the less he feels like mouthing off every time Taehyung teases him.

"Don't be shy," Taehyung croons. "This is what you wanted, isn't it? You asked for my tongue inside you, but now you're hiding."

Jungkook whines, doesn't take his hands off his face. He's acutely aware of the fact that Taehyung's still holding his legs apart, that he's still stretched obscenely for his viewing. He wishes he would just get on with it. It's more embarrassing when he's just looking at him.

"Hands off, baby." Taehyung's tone has turned harder, a warning, and Jungkook drops his hands. "Do that again and I might have to tie them up."

Jungkook gives a breathy little gasp at the thought of it.

Taehyung leans in again, mouth hovering over his hole, and Jungkook's holding his breath, muscles tensing in anticipation, when he pauses. "Safe word?" he asks, breath tickling Jungkook's skin, and Jungkook blinks.

"Mango," he says, his go-to, and Taehyung hums his assent.

Jungkook's ready for him to finally eat him out when Taehyung turns his head and presses his lips against the back of Jungkook's thigh instead. Jungkook groans in frustration, but Taehyung just laughs quietly and takes Jungkook's skin between his teeth. He sucks and nibbles until Jungkook's sure he's left a bruise before moving lower to do the same. Jungkook's already achingly hard, and Taehyung's hickeys do nothing but frustrate him, his cock throbbing with need.

"Stop teasing," he whines, and Taehyung looks up to grin at him, hair falling around his headband and into his eyes.

"Don't tell me what to do."

He noses at the crease of Jungkook's thigh, sucking his balls briefly into his mouth just as his tongue pulses. Jungkook sees white, moaning loud, but Taehyung's already pulling off with a wet pop, vibration gone, and licking at his perineum, light and not nearly enough. Jungkook considers thrusting his ass up into Taehyung's face, forcing him where he wants him - he thinks the punishment might even be worth it. But then Taehyung's there, pulling his cheeks apart with his thumbs even though Jungkook's spread so wide he doesn't really need to.

He drags his tongue over Jungkook's hole, and though it feels like an ordinary tongue in the moment, just a little colder, Jungkook shudders with relief and twitches with arousal for what's to come.

"Yes," he sighs, melting into the heavenly mattress, but his calm doesn't last for long.

Taehyung makes up for all the slow teasing by shoving his vibrating tongue deep inside his hole. Jungkook arches up off the bed, the abrupt assault of pleasure almost painful after being aroused for so long, and moans long and loud. Jungkook wonders if he's imagining it, already hazy with pleasure, or if Taehyung's tongue really is getting longer inside him, pulsing against his walls. He squirms, gasps, and then it's vibrating right against his prostate and Jungkook knows it's gotten longer.

"F-fuck!" he cries, hands fisting into the soft sheets, legs tensing in Taehyung's grip.

Taehyung's tongue flicks inside him, the end thinner than the rest, like a snake's, and Jungkook practically sobs, the pleasure white-hot and overwhelming. The vibration's getting quicker and harder and Jungkook's arching permanently off the bed, head pressing back into the mattress, his grip on the sheets so tight it hurts. His cock's fucking aching with arousal, the pressure painful, and his skin's tingling and hot and he's starting to feel desperate in a bone-deep way.

"Oh, please - Taehyung - " Jungkook's hips are rocking unbidden, his hard cock lying curved against his belly, and he'd touch it if he wasn't afraid Taehyung would stop altogether if he dared.

The vibration slows, and Taehyung's tongue slips out. Jungkook drops to the bed, exhausted, chest heaving. He'd be grateful for the respite if his cock wasn't so damn hard. Taehyung tilts his head up to look at him, and his tongue's gone back to a normal length.

"Hyung, baby," he rasps. "Call me hyung."

Jungkook's breath catches. He licks his lips. "Hyung," he says shyly, and Taehyung's expression turns dark.

He dives back in, pushing his tongue past Jungkook's rim and licking into him in a way that's wet and noisy. Jungkook flushes, but he doesn't have the time to feel embarrassed because Taehyung's tongue is vibrating and growing and then it begins to go cold . It's ice against his hot walls and Jungkook shrieks, legs flying out, his entire body going numb with pleasure. Taehyung's grip tightens on his legs, locking them in place, but Jungkook's arching so hard his back hurts and it's all too much.

"O-oh, hyung , I'm gonna - I can't - ah, ah , hyung, no - "

He sobs, eyes rolling back into his head, and he can feel his balls tightening and his entire body tensing, every muscle clenched tight. Taehyung's tongue is going from cold to hot and Jungkook's burning up inside, writhing in his hold, holding onto the sheets for dear life. He comes so hard it's almost blinding, mouth dropping open in a loud cry, his balls seizing up and his cock spurting hard onto his stomach. His ass clenches tight around Taehyung's tongue, which goes on vibrating inside him through his orgasm, milking him for every last drop.

Jungkook collapses heavily onto the bed, gasping for breath, feeling loose and boneless. He feels Taehyung's tongue shrink inside him, fluttering against his walls, and he flinches away from his mouth until Taehyung pulls out. There's spit all over his chin, and his headband's doing a poor job of holding his hair out of his face. He wipes his mouth roughly on the sleeve of his jacket and Jungkook watches him, chest heaving, vision still hazy. There's a pleasant tingle in his limbs.

"Anything - " Jungkook pauses, trying to catch his breath. "Anything else I need to know about your tongue?"

"Did you like all my surprises?" Taehyung teases, hovering over Jungkook's sprawled, tired form. Jungkook reaches out to tug at his jacket with a whine, hoping he'll get the idea. It isn't fair that Jungkook's just got his slip of a shirt on while Taehyung's in two layers and cargo pants. Although Jungkook won't deny that it turns him on, being so vulnerable.

"Mhm," Jungkook mumbles, and Taehyung tugs his jacket off, tossing it aside.

He's wearing a white t-shirt underneath, the sleeves hugging his biceps and fitted around his broad shoulders. He's built more sturdy than Jungkook had thought at first glance. He's got tattoos snaking down his forearms, some inky black and some bright and colorful. Jungkook reaches out to trace his fingers along the veins in his arms and the outline of a tiger.

"Your turn?" Jungkook asks, glancing pointedly at where Taehyung's dick is tenting his cargo pants. Jungkook can tell it's big, and he licks his lips.

"My turn?" Taehyung says, incredulous. "But I'm not done with you yet."

"Wait - " Jungkook begins, still far too jittery from his first orgasm, but Taehyung's already manhandling him onto his stomach. He shrieks in surprise when he's flipped, hips tugged up into the air, and Taehyung doesn't give him the chance to prepare before he's licking over his hole and shoving his tongue inside.

Jungkook moans, pressing his face into the sheets as he inhales a shuddering breath. Taehyung's tongue is ice inside him and he's sensitive so it hurts, feels like too much, the muscles of his stomach convulsing, his thighs quivering. The instinct to pull away from him wars with the arousal, the need, and he whines, fingers flexing in the sheets. Then Taehyung's tongue starts to vibrate, and Jungkook cries out, the pleasure mixing with sensitivity until it's just pain, his cock burning as it goes soft. He tries to pull away, dragging himself further up the bed with his hands fisted in the sheets, but Taehyung isn't having it. His fingers dig into Jungkook's thighs, yanking him right back onto his face, tugging the sheets down with his body. His nose digs into Jungkook's ass, his tongue plunging deeper and deeper, the tip flicking against his walls.

"Please!" Jungkook cries, pushing himself onto trembling arms, his hips dropping to the bed as he twitches away from the assault. Taehyung tugs them right back up so that he's kneeling on all fours.

Jungkook can't stop moaning in between his hitching breath, his fingers and toes flexing, and when Taehyung pulls his tongue out his whole body sags. He lets out a shuddering sigh of relief, hole clenching around nothing.

"Look at you." There's something derisive in Taehyung's tone that has a shiver running up Jungkook's spine. He swallows harshly, looking over his shoulder, and Taehyung's expression is as cool and disdainful as his voice. "You asked for it, and now you can't even take it. Shouldn't you be grateful I'm giving you what you wanted?"

"'S too much," Jungkook whines, and Taehyung scoffs.

"You didn't come all the way here just for one little orgasm, did you?"

"Hyung," Jungkook sniffles, eyes big, and it has the intended effect. Taehyung's jaw clenches, and he dives in with renewed force, growling into Jungkook's ass. Jungkook shudders, lashes wet, knees spreading wider when Taehyung sucks around his rim, sending a jolt of pleasure through his body.

Taehyung reaches out with one hand to toy with Jungkook's nipple, and the tingle shoots right to Jungkook's cock. He whimpers, and the soft bedsheets keep slipping from his sweaty fingers. He's somehow shifted himself closer to the windows bordering the bed, so he reaches for the ledge to brace himself as Taehyung's tongue pulses hot inside him. There's not much to look at - just dust and empty skies - but he can see the barest outline of their reflections in the glass. Jungkook's face is blotchy, his hair matted to his forehead with sweat, and he can see Taehyung crouching behind him, the muscles of his arms flexing as he holds Jungkook still.

Taehyung flicks his tongue in a way that has him moaning, pressing his forehead against the cool glass, refreshing against his overheated skin. He can feel his cock growing hard again. His breath fogs up the glass, head arching back as Taehyung's hand travels from his nipple to his neck, fingers digging into his throat.

" Hyung ," he moans, long and low, drawing it out.

Taehyung's eating him out a little more leisurely now, licking inside him and lapping at his rim, his hand smoothing down Jungkook's bare leg, tracing the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. Taehyung rests his tongue flat against Jungkook's hole and lets it vibrate lightly, stimulating him in a way that feels like it could take him to the edge slowly but inevitably. He sighs, watching his breath span out over the glass.

"Fuck," he breathes. "Feels so good, hyung. Wanna - wanna come on your tongue again."

Taehyung hums, the tip of his long tongue flicking against his perineum. Jungkook lets out a quiet moan.

"Wanna come on hyung's cock, too," he admits. "Hyung's big, can tell. Gonna feel it in my belly."

Taehyung groans into his ass, tongue slipping back inside. His hand runs down from his neck to his belly, pressing down as he fucks his ass with his vibrating tongue. Jungkook moans, muscles tightening as his body grows tense from the assault once more. His cock's fully hard now, dark and aching, precum beading at the tip. He lets his hips drop to the bed now that Taehyung isn't holding them up, spreading his legs wide enough that Taehyung can still fuck him comfortably. He grinds his hips against the bed, nearly sobbing from the relief, pushing against the window for leverage. His sweaty hands leave marks on the glass.

"Hyung, please," he whimpers, hips rocking forward and backward, grinding against the bed and onto Taehyung's tongue. His movements grow erratic, body tightening head to toe as his orgasm nears. "Wanna come - hyung, more, please - need more - "

The vibration increases so suddenly that Jungkook cries out, eyes rolling back into his head. He thrusts hard against the bed once, twice, then he's coming, his body seizing up as he spills into the sheets, belly convulsing. He drops to the bed, shuddering, but this time Taehyung doesn't give him any respite. His tongue's still vibrating inside him, incessant and merciless, and Jungkook's so sensitive every brush of the sheets against his cock hurts. He sobs, trying to shift, reaching back to push Taehyung's head away from him.

Taehyung grabs his wrist and presses it into the bed, unearthing himself with an annoyed growl. "I am gonna have to tie you up. Can't behave for one minute, can you? Whining and squirming like a brat, keeping hyung from doing what he needs to do."

Jungkook whimpers as he feels the bed shift, realizing that Taehyung means it this time. "Only - only because it hurts," he protests.

He hears Taehyung's footsteps on the carpeted ground and uses the opportunity to flip onto his back, giving his sensitive cock some respite. Taehyung's kneeling at a drawer by the bed, removing a yellow silk ribbon.

"I'll be good, hyung, promise - "

"Too late for that," Taehyung says, climbing back onto the bed. He reaches for Jungkook's arms, and when Jungkook opens his mouth to protest, he quells him with a look that has Jungkook shivering down to his bones. He tugs Jungkook's shirt off over his head, leaving him fully naked at last. "Should have thought of that before you acted like a brat." He crosses Jungkook's wrists together over his belly. "Now hold still for hyung."

Jungkook swallows, eyes wide, as Taehyung ties the ribbon around his wrists. It's soft and smooth, and the way the fabric brushes against his skin feels almost erotic. Taehyung places Jungkook's bound wrists above his head, surveying him with a dark gaze, one that has heat flooding under Jungkook's skin. He squirms, pressing his legs together, and the corner of Taehyung's mouth curls up.

"Pretty, pretty," he murmurs, running his hand up Jungkook's bare body. Jungkook shivers at the touch. His hand wraps briefly around his throat, a light grasp, then he strokes his jaw and thumbs at his mouth. "If only you weren't such a brat."

"'M not," Jungkook protests. "'M a good boy."

Taehyung laughs out loud, tossing his head back. He presses his thumb between Jungkook's lips and Jungkook parts them, sucking his thumb inside his mouth just to prove he means it. He's a good boy. "You're not a good boy, baby. But by the time I'm done with you, you'll know how to behave."

Jungkook shudders, and Taehyung replaces his thumb with two fingers, slipping them deep into Jungkook's mouth, hitting the back of his tongue. Jungkook sucks and licks around them, wishing his hands weren't bound so he could hold onto Taehyung's wrist for leverage. He sucks the best he can anyway, thinks he's doing good judging by the expression on Taehyung's face. His gaze is fixed on Jungkook's mouth, his pink lips parted, eyes a little hazy. He blinks, as if catching himself, and pulls his fingers out of Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook whines a little.

He doesn't know if he has it in him to come again so soon, but he wants to prove that he's a good boy, so he parts his knees and says, "I'll behave, hyung. Promise."

Taehyung raises an eyebrow. "We'll have to see, sweetheart."

He puts a hand on Jungkook's thigh and pushes it down toward his chest, spreading his cheeks apart with his spit-slick fingers. One wet finger brushing over his hole is the only warning Jungkook gets before he's pressing it inside. The slide is rough, only Jungkook's saliva to ease it in, but Jungkook likes the burn. The pad of Taehyung's fingers brushes against his walls, searching, and Jungkook's senses are feeling so dull after coming twice in such quick succession that he doesn't think finding his prostate will do much.

"So tight," Taehyung says, teeth gritted, "for a slut."

Jungkook flushes, a jolt of humiliation running through him. Taehyung presses a second finger inside, and the burn intensifies, has Jungkook wincing.

"You bend over like that for everyone who comes into your bar, hmm?" Taehyung crooks his fingers and finds his prostate, tugging a hiss out of Jungkook. He stays there, massaging the spot, firm and insistent.

"N-no," Jungkook whimpers. He isn't feeling the pleasure yet, cock soft as ever, but his body's twitching on instinct as Taehyung puts pressure on his prostate. "Hyung's special."

"Good boys don't lie, baby." Taehyung adjusts himself so that he's lying on his stomach, head between Jungkook's legs, one arm still holding his leg back. He leans and licks a stripe right up Jungkook's cock, and Jungkook's hips jump. "Bet you let anyone fuck you. Bet you let them take you right behind the counter. Is that why everyone in town recommends your bar the most?"

"Hyung," Jungkook whines. "You're so mean."

Taehyung's laughing again. His tongue darts out, lifting the tip of Jungkook's soft cock into his mouth. He sucks lightly, and Jungkook's belly tightens. Then he lets it drop out of his mouth so he can say, "You love it."

Jungkook loves it. Hoseok's always teasing him about that, about how he likes them mean. The meaner the better , Hoseok's joked more than once, someone's gonna pull a gun on you one day and you're gonna pop a boner .

The next time Taehyung takes Jungkook's cock into his mouth, his tongue's vibrating. Jungkook hisses again, hips twitching off the bed, his hands flexing above his head. Taehyung's fingers go on massaging his prostate as he laves his vibrating tongue around his cock, and Jungkook's not quite feeling it yet but his body is - his muscles are convulsing, back beginning to arch off the bed, his heartbeat picking up.

Taehyung seems intent on forcing another orgasm out of him, and Jungkook thinks he just might manage it, too. His fingers move insistently inside of him and his tongue's splitting as it continues to vibrate, turning colder and colder, and Jungkook's mouth is open wide and he can't breathe.

"T-too much - " he barely manages, gasping before he's holding his breath again. He doesn't think he can come again and it's too much, Taehyung's fingers chafing inside of him, his cock sore from coming twice. It hurts and he doesn't think he can do it, but Taehyung keeps going, and somehow he can feel his cock begin to grow hard in Taehyung's mouth, the familiar spark of pleasure spreading through his body.

He lets out a shuddering breath, moaning long and low, and Taehyung sucks his cock deep into his throat and fucks his fingers hard and fast into Jungkook's hole. He cries out, arching, and Taehyung's working to him orgasm with merciless force. His balls tighten and he tosses his head back, squeezing his hands into fists, and when it hits it hits hard. His body spasms, cock spurting next to nothing into Taehyung's mouth, and he stays tensed through it until his cock finally stops twitching and he collapses.

He feels salty wetness on his lips and realizes he's crying. Taehyung pulls his fingers out slowly, but Jungkook winces anyway, exhausted and boneless as he slumps into the bed and cries.

"Poor baby," Taehyung croons, wiping his fingers on the bed and cupping Jungkook's face in his hand. He brushes his tears away with his thumb. "You did so good for hyung, sweetheart."

"I was good?" Jungkook sniffles, legs still trembling, his breath only beginning to slow down. Taehyung's chased all the bite right out of him. He feels small and needy now. Taehyung lets him pull him down and tucks Jungkook's head into his neck, kissing along the curve of his cheek.

"You were such a good boy. Made hyung so proud."

Jungkook clutches at his shirt as best as he can with his wrists still bound, sniffling, and lets the warmth and firmness of Taehyung's body against his calm him down. Taehyung tilts his head up by the chin and kisses him, slow and thorough, mapping out his mouth with his tongue. Jungkook doesn't know how long they lie there, just kissing, their bodies molding together. He's acutely aware of the rough brush of Taehyung's clothes against his bare skin. He's come three times, and Taehyung hasn't even taken his clothes off.

When he's starting to feel better, less needy and emotional, he grows aware of Taehyung's hard length pressing against his hip as they kiss. Jungkook subtly presses more firmly against him, gauging the feel of it. It's long and thick, and Jungkook feels a flash of hot interest in his belly. He slips his hands under Taehyung's shirt, feeling warm skin, fingers brushing over a raised scar on his ribs. Taehyung's hand wraps around the side of his neck, tilting his head up so he can kiss him deeper, and Jungkook dares to touch lower, tracing the hem of Taehyung's pants with his fingers. He slides his bound hands down, running over his length. He's still hard, despite how long they've been lying there, coming down. Jungkook's pleased; he must want Jungkook quite badly, even if he's good at hiding it.

He runs his hands along the length of Taehyung's clothed cock, keeping the touch light however much he wants to squeeze, to feel the girth of it. "Hyung's so big," Jungkook breathes into Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung's tongue curls between his lips. He thinks he knows what Taehyung likes, now, so he tries - "Hyung's gonna put it inside me?"

Taehyung makes a sound somewhere between a growl and a groan, coming from deep in his chest. He flips them, pressing Jungkook onto his back, and kisses him so hard Jungkook gasps into his mouth. Jungkook's hands are uncomfortably in the way so he places them above his head again, parting his legs so he can press his knees against Taehyung's waist and force him closer. Taehyung lowers himself flush against Jungkook, lips brushing along his jaw. Jungkook can feel him everywhere, his solid chest against his, his hard cock pushing against his ass. The brush of his clothes is rough and uncomfortable in a way that's only arousing. Taehyung nips at the tender skin of his throat before he takes Jungkook's chin between his fingers and kisses him.

"Hyung's going to put it inside your pretty mouth first, how's that?"

Jungkook finds himself nodding, eager for a taste, and Taehyung pushes himself upright. Jungkook only has a moment to miss the warm press of his body before Taehyung's tugging him up with him. He drags him right off the bed and Jungkook stumbles, reaching a hand out to steady himself and forgetting that they're bound together. The ribbon jerks his hands together. Taehyung pushes him down by the bedside, and Jungkook's grateful that the carpeting is plush and soft on his knees.

"Are you gonna be a good boy?" Taehyung asks, taking a seat on the side of the bed. He spreads his legs and Jungkook inches forward a little, kneeling between them and looking up at him expectantly. He tries to look small and demure with his hands in his lap, wants to prove he's good, even if he's feeling a little impatient. It's been so long and he hasn't even gotten to look at Taehyung's cock.

Taehyung leans over to grab a cigarette and lighter from his bedside table. He places the cigarette between his slender lips and lights it, staring at Jungkook through his fringe. He tosses the lighter aside and takes a long drag, and his gaze doesn't leave Jungkook's once. A visible shiver runs through Jungkook's body. Taehyung's tattooed fingers are long and slender, and Jungkook keeps thinking about how they'd felt in his mouth and his ass. He shifts his weight from one leg to the other.

Taehyung reaches out with the hand that isn't holding his cigarette and threads his fingers through Jungkook's hair. The touch is gentle, and Jungkook's lids droop. It turns sharp so quick he gasps, Taehyung tugging his head back by the hair, grip tight. Tingles of pleasure run through his scalp.

"I asked you a question, sweetheart."

"Yes, hyung," Jungkook breathes. "Gonna be a good boy."

Taehyung hums, letting Jungkook's hair go. He takes another drag, smoke curling around his lips, and the way he's looking at Jungkook makes him feel small and unimpressive, like Taehyung couldn't care less about him. It has him flushing. "Go on, then. Put hyung's cock in your mouth."

Jungkook reaches out to unzip his pants. The sight of his hands pressed together, tied at the wrists, struggling to maneuver Taehyung's zipper, fills him with hot humiliation. Cheeks flaming, he manages to tug the hem of Taehyung's underwear down enough to reach for his cock. As soon as it's in hand, his entire body tingles with arousal, and he swallows past a dry throat. He pulls it free of his clothes and it's so big and thick that Jungkook can't get his fingers all the way around it. He holds it between both hands, eyes wide, and licks his lips. Taehyung's cock is hard and flushed, and Jungkook wants it in his mouth already. He leans in but Taehyung stops him, hand in his hair again, holding him firmly away.

"Hands down," he orders, and Jungkook pouts up at him but does as he's told. He drops his hands into his lap. Expecting Taehyung to let him go, he leans in, but Taehyung's grip is firm and he's yanked back by the hair. He winces, a little whimper leaving him. "Oh, no," he tuts. "Good cocksluts take what they're given."

Taehyung adjusts his grip in Jungkook's hair and guides his head forward. Jungkook can smell the cigarette smoke in the air, see it in his peripherals, but he doesn't want to tear his gaze away from Taehyung's big cock as it grows nearer.

"Open your mouth, baby."

Jungkook obediently opens his mouth wide, letting his tongue dangle out. He goes nearly cross-eyed when Taehyung's cock is in his face and then he's tasting the tip, salty and a little like soap the further he gets. He closes his mouth around the tip, suckling, but Taehyung isn't having it. He forces his head down further until Jungkook's mouth is stretched full and spit's leaking from the corners. Taehyung keeps going, and Jungkook relaxes his throat, taking him all the way to hilt. He convulses his throat lightly around Taehyung's cock and relishes in the slight break in Taehyung's composure, who groans quietly, fingers tightening in Jungkook's hair.

"Look so pretty, sweetheart," Taehyung murmurs.

Jungkook looks up at him, sees that his cigarette is nearly done, and he's gazing down at him in a way that's almost reverent. Jungkook's pleased, warm with it, so he wiggles his tongue against Taehyung's cock and watches his lashes flutter in response. Taehyung's hand leaves his hair to caress his cheek. His thumb presses against Jungkook's lips, stretched around his cock, then he slides his fingers back into Jungkook's hair and starts to drag his head back.

"Are you going to take me like a good boy?" Taehyung asks, and Jungkook hums. He catches the way Taehyung's lips part, Adam's apple bobbing.

Taehyung starts to fuck his mouth, dragging Jungkook's head back and forth on his cock, slow at first and then growing more insistent. Jungkook uses his tongue and his throat to make him feel good, moaning every time Taehyung pulls him too deep. He can take more than this, wants Taehyung to fuck him harder, so he peers up at him with wide eyes and fluttering lashes. He arches his back, hands clasped in his lap, and moans, letting a little more drool than necessary dribble out of his mouth. The effect is instantaneous: Taehyung groans, eyelids briefly drifting shut.

"Fuck," he breathes, then he opens his eyes and starts to fuck him in earnest. He yanks Jungkook onto his cock just as he thrusts in, hitting the back of Jungkook's throat, and it's sudden enough that Jungkook chokes, throat convulsing around him. Tears spring to his eyes, his body trembling in surprise. Taehyung seems to like the way it renders him helpless because he does it again and Jungkook's gagging, throat on fire, tears streaming down his cheeks, his chin wet with drool. He whimpers, hands digging into his thighs, and Taehyung's settling into a rhythm, fucking his mouth hard and quick. He can feel Taehyung's cock bulging in his throat when he thrusts in deep, wonders if he'd feel it if he touched his neck.

Taehyung tugs on his hair especially hard and Jungkook moans around his cock, feels stuffed full and useless with his hands tied and Taehyung's cock going in and out of him like he's just a hole to fuck. It has him burning hot with arousal, feeling hazy and disconnected, like he's floating away. Loves the way he feels small and used. His throat aches and his lips burn and his scalp is sore but the pain only goes right to his cock. He thinks he might be getting hard again.

"Such a good little slut," Taehyung says, teeth gritted, and he sounds truly affected now. His hips are losing their rhythm, and Jungkook can taste precum on his tongue. "Taking hyung's cock like you were made for it. Pretty mouth's gonna make hyung come, how's that, baby?"

Jungkook whines, sucking around Taehyung's cock the next time he drags it out. Taehyung's thrusts grow erratic, his grip in Jungkook's hair faltering, and Jungkook helps him along, zigzagging his tongue and moaning. Taehyung pulls out before he comes, and Jungkook coughs, sputtering, can barely see him through the tears. He opens his mouth wide and tilts his head back, eyes closed and waiting, and when the hot spurts of cum land on his face, he moans. He tastes drops on his tongue and lips and licks them up, salty and warm, and when he opens his eyes again, Taehyung's watching him. His cheeks are flushed and his chest is heaving, and he's looking at Jungkook like he couldn't possibly bear to look anywhere else.

"Come here," Taehyung says, tugging Jungkook up and back onto the bed. He unties his wrists and tosses the ribbon away, pressing Jungkook down onto the bed. Jungkook waits for him to join but for a moment he just looks at him, eyes flickering over his body. "You're a sight," he says, and Jungkook flushes with pleasure. "Want to see?"

Jungkook nods, and he laughs. He pulls a hand mirror off the side table and holds it up so Jungkook can see. A jolt of heat fills Jungkook's body at the sight of himself. He looks absolutely wrecked. His hair's a mess of tangles from Taehyung's fingers, and his face is blotchy and flushed. His lips are swollen bright red, bruised, and there are cum and tears and drool all over his face. The red marks on his neck will be bruises tomorrow. He finds himself caught on the way the cum contrasts with the pretty pink blush of his cheeks, the way there are still tears suspended on his lashes, glittering in the light.

"Beautiful," Taehyung says, and Jungkook agrees. He does look beautiful.

Jungkook bites his lip, beginning to blush from the embarrassment of staring at himself so intently, despite how much he likes it. The embarrassment trumps the vanity and he covers his face with his hands, whining a little. Taehyung sets the mirror aside and removes his hands, smiling, but Jungkook shies away from meeting his eyes.

"Poor baby cried so much today," Taehyung croons. He lifts a handful of his red bedsheets and uses them to wipe the mess on Jungkook's face, his touch surprisingly gentle. Jungkook turns his face into the touch, lids drooping in contentment. "You gonna cry some more when hyung puts it in your ass?"

"No," Jungkook mumbles, starting to feel a little huffy again now that the haze is lifting. "I'm gonna be a good boy and take it. Won't cry." His voice is hoarse from the pounding his throat took, rough and dry enough that he wonders if he'll lose his voice by morning.

"But I like it when you cry. Look so pretty." Taehyung strokes Jungkook's blushing cheek with his thumb and leans in to kiss him, sucking on his tongue then pulling away only to dive back in, teasing.

Jungkook takes full advantage of his unbound hands and slips them up Taehyung's shirt, brushing over the soft skin of his belly and up until he's thumbing at his nipples, cupping his chest in his hands. Taehyung deepens the kiss and Jungkook lets him, sliding his hands around to clutch at his bare shoulders, feeling the strength in his muscles. Jungkook thinks he's been patient enough and slips his hands down so he can push the hem of Taehyung's shirt up. Taehyung takes the hint and helps him along, breaking their kiss briefly so he can tug it off his head and away. Then he's back to kissing him again, hard and insistent.

"Wanna - " Jungkook gasps between kisses, breathless, "wanna look at you, hyung."

Taehyung's lips slide down to his neck, sucking on his jugular. "Why look at me when you're right here, pretty thing?"

"I can't look at myself," Jungkook says, petulant, arching up as Taehyung's mouth travels lower. He leaves searing kisses along his collarbone and Jungkook's lids flutter, his lips parting.

"Sure you can."

Taehyung pulls away and stands at the edge of the bed, shoving his pants down. Jungkook uses the opportunity to drink his fill of him: the tattoos that cover his torso, some dark and some colorful, his body both strong and soft at the same time, his small pink nipples. His hands and forearms are pretty, veiny and long-fingered. When he's gotten his pants and underwear off all the way Jungkook's gaze is drawn to his cock again, pretty even when it's soft. He has a tattoo on one of his thighs, too, a dragon snaking from his knee to his hip.

"Come here," he says, and Jungkook holds his arms out with a pout. He isn't about to move without some help.

Taehyung indulges him, helping him off the bed. He winds his arms around his waist, and Jungkook sighs in contentment at the press of their warm bodies at last, skin-on-skin. Taehyung's walking him somewhere, but Jungkook's too busy mouthing at his neck to notice, licking up droplets of his sweat. He only pulls away when his hip bumps something hard. Taehyung's brought them to his dresser, with its massive mirror stretching up above it. Sudden thrill fills him as he begins to understand Taehyung's intention.

"Hyung," he breathes, and Taehyung turns Jungkook around so that he's facing the mirror, his back pressed against Taehyung's chest.

He admires the sight of them - same height, Taehyung built broader, his chin hooking over his shoulder, big hands tracing over Jungkook's belly. The contrast of Jungkook's unmarked skin and Taehyung's, full of tattoos.

"Look at how pretty you are," Taehyung murmurs, lips brushing the shell of his ear. "Gonna look even prettier when hyung wrecks you."

Jungkook shivers, licking his lips, and Taehyung reaches around him to remove a bottle of lube from the dresser drawer. He squeezes a glob on his hand and Jungkook watches him through the mirror as he strokes his cock until it's wet and slick. He isn't hard yet, but Taehyung doesn't seem impatient, wiping his hands on the cloth that covers the dresser before he places his hand between Jungkook's shoulder blades and pushes him down. Jungkook clutches the edge of the dresser, pushing his ass back until he feels Taehyung's lubed cock rub against his cheek. Taehyung takes his cock in his hand and pushes it between Jungkook's cheeks, dragging it up and down, and Jungkook shudders as the tip runs over his rim. He arches his back, pushing his ass more firmly toward him. Taehyung fits his cock between his cheeks so he can let go, gripping Jungkook's hips instead, and rut his hips forward. His cock slips up and down, wet and smooth, and Jungkook whines.

"Fuck me hard, hyung," Jungkook breathes. "Like it hard. Wanna feel you for days."

"Ask nicely, sweetheart," Taehyung drawls, hips thrusting lightly, cock squelching as it pushes between Jungkook's cheeks.

"Please," Jungkook whines. He can feel Taehyung's cock growing harder. "Please fuck me 'til I can't walk - wanna feel you in my belly, hyung, wanna - wanna hurt - "

"Fuck," Taehyung hisses, grip tightening.

He thrusts more insistently, and Jungkook's breath hitches as he's pushed forward, Taehyung's cock rubbing against his hole in a way that has him feeling hot and bothered. Sucking Taehyung off had his cock twitching in interest and he knows it won't take long for him to get hard again, too. He can feel Taehyung's cock growing, stretching his asscheeks apart, and he wants him inside so badly his hole's clenching in anticipation.

"Hyung," he moans, and that's all it takes for Taehyung to position his cock at his hole and begin to push it inside. Jungkook moans again, throaty and raw, always loves the way it feels when his hole stretches to accommodate a big cock, loves how he can feel it reaching deeper inside him. He pushes his hips back, forcing Taehyung to go a little faster, and Taehyung doesn't waste any more time. His fingers dig into Jungkook's hip and he fucks inside, his hips hitting Jungkook's ass, Jungkook's mouth dropping open at the fullness, before he starts to fuck him in earnest.

Jungkook whimpers, hot with pleasure, overwhelmed now that he's finally getting what he's been waiting for all night. He loves everything about taking cock. Loves the way he feels full and overwhelmed, loves the tingles of pleasure that shoot straight to his cock, loves the way he can't control his body when the pleasure gets too intense, can't do anything but take it like a dumb slut. Loves being filled up with cum, likes it the most when it drips out, leaving him feeling messy and used. Even loves the sound of it, the smell of it.

Taehyung's fucking him hard, just like he asked, and Jungkook's eyes are rolling back into his head, his mouth open wide in a soundless cry. His whole body feels hot, and his cock's fully hard now, swinging on every thrust.

"H-hyung," he gasps, and Taehyung's fingers thread through his hair, yanking his head up harshly.

"Look at yourself, baby," he says, breathless, and Jungkook's forced to watch as he fucks him. Taehyung's hair is matted to his forehead with sweat and Jungkook looks small as he's fucked, his body jostling from Taehyung's hard thrusts. His cheeks are red and his lips are swollen and he looks like a mess, but it's pretty. "Look so good taking my cock."

Jungkook moans, and when Taehyung lets his hair go and pounds into him harder he can't keep his head up, shuddering when Taehyung shifts and his cock starts hitting his prostate. "Y-yes," he moans. " Ah , hyung, 's good, th-there - "

"Taking it so well, baby boy, like you were made for it."

Taehyung's cock rams into his prostate incessantly and he can feel himself getting to the edge already, cock aching hard, dripping precum, his body growing tense and tight. "O-oh, hyung, more - please - " Taehyung thrusts hard and Jungkook cries out, "Hyung!"

His hole's clenching around Taehyung and he's tipping over the edge when suddenly Taehyung stops thrusting, holding Jungkook's ass against his hips, grip tight enough to bruise. Jungkook sobs, robbed of his pleasure, cock twitching and hole spasming around Taehyung's cock. He can feel Taehyung twitch inside him but he doesn't move.

"Don't stop!" Jungkook sobs. "Hyung, please, was so close - don't stop - "

"Hyung doesn't want you to come so fast," Taehyung says easily, like Jungkook isn't shivering and on the verge of tears.

"I was being good!" Jungkook whines. "You said - you said I was doing good - "

"You were," Taehyung agrees, stroking a hand through Jungkook's hair. "Hyung just likes teasing his baby."

Jungkook shoots him a look over his shoulder, betrayed, lip quivering, but Taehyung just grins and pulls him up to kiss him. Jungkook kisses him back begrudgingly until he's fully safe from the danger of orgasming. Then Taehyung pushes him back down and starts to fuck him again. Jungkook hesitates to give in, doesn't trust that Taehyung would bring him to the edge only to stop again, but Taehyung's cock feels so good inside him that he can't help but give in. He pushes his ass back and takes it, moaning when Taehyung's hand slides around to press into his lower belly. He feels so aroused he's aching, legs trembling, and he's ready to come even quicker this time, muscles tensing.

"Oh, fuck, I'm - I'm gonna - ah, ah, ah!"

His balls are tightening and then Taehyung stops, cock going still inside him. This time Jungkook really cries, tears streaming down his cheeks, because his cock hurts so much and he wants to come so badly but Taehyung won't stop being mean.

"Hyung," he sobs. "Hyung, please."

He rocks his hips back, fucking himself on Taehyung's cock, desperate to chase his own pleasure, but Taehyung smacks his ass, the sound ringing through the room, and stops him with a firm grip to his hips. "Now you're being a bad boy again."

"'S not fair!" Jungkook cries, dashing at his wet eyes. "Hyung's being mean."

"Oh, hyung's being mean ?" Taehyung croons with mocking sympathy, leaning down to kiss Jungkook's back with his ice cold tongue. "Poor baby, got stuck with such a mean hyung. What are we gonna do?"

"Wanna come," Jungkook sniffles.

Taehyung doesn't answer. He fucks him in lieu of an answer, and Jungkook's too wary to think he'll let him come this time, either. He sniffles, staring at them in the mirror, his own face puffy and wet with tears. Taehyung's grinning behind him, squeezing his asscheeks in his hands, and Jungkook doesn't understand how he can hold himself off from coming for this long, either. Especially when he's only come once the whole night. It makes Jungkook feel even more humiliated, that even after coming three times he's whining like a desperate little slut.

Taehyung picks up the pace, staccato moans dripping from Jungkook's mouth with every thrust. He's feeling needy and embarrassed and so, so desperate, and he wants something in his mouth as he starts to get close again, wants something to suck on when he's feeling so overwhelmed. He balances his weight on one hand so he can stick two fingers in his mouth, sucking around them, his hitching moans muffled. Taehyung groans, tugging Jungkook's fingers out so he can replace them with his own, longer and more slender than Jungkook's, a firm weight on his tongue. He rests his weight on his forearms instead, moaning around Taehyung's fingers, the sharp thrusts close to sending him over again. He squeezes his eyes shut and sucks hard and he's so close again, thinks he'll finally make it this time -

Taehyung slows down, tugs his fingers out. Jungkook doesn't even get the chance to start crying again, his entire body trembling, before Taehyung's dragging him up by the hair. "Beg," he says.

"Hyung," Jungkook whimpers pathetically, and he wants to come so bad he doesn't think he can resist.

"Beg," he repeats. "Beg hyung to come, and maybe he'll let you."

Jungkook sniffles, so hard it fucking hurts, so he begs. "Please, hyung, please let me come. P-please fuck me 'til I'm coming, I wanna so bad - wanna come on your cock, please - need you, hyung, need you so much - "

He gets what he wants. Taehyung gives it to him hard, pushing him against the dresser and Jungkook's hands fly up to the mirror for leverage, fingers sweaty and slipping on the glass, a shriek clawing its way up his throat. Taehyung pounds into him so hard he gets dizzy, eyes rolling back into his head, can barely hold himself up, Taehyung's hands keeping him steady. He can feel his mind going hazy and there's drool on his chin and he can feel himself getting there, finally thinks he'll get what he needs.

He comes so hard it hurts, his entire body jolting through it, cock spurting all the way up to his chin. His body convulses long after his cock has expelled all the cum it could manage, and he feels boneless and exhausted, slumping against the dressing table. His eyes drift shut. Taehyung's moving him but he's barely conscious of it, feels jittery and weak, his chest heaving. He thinks Taehyung's setting him on the dressing table but he only becomes aware when Taehyung shoves his cock inside him and Jungkook's eyes fly open, a shout of surprise leaving him.

"Hyung, wait," he sobs, hands on Taehyung's chest, trying to push him away. Taehyung's got him sitting on the dresser, back resting against the cold mirror, lifting one leg up for easy access as he fucks into him at a merciless speed. Jungkook's sore and sensitive after coming so hard and his body's so exhausted he can barely take it. "Hyung, stop, hurts - c-can't - "

"Come on, Jungkook, baby," Taehyung says, teeth gritted. The table's jostling, contents falling off the sides. "Be a good boy for hyung. Take hyung's cock 'til he comes inside you, yeah?"

"I can't," Jungkook cries, body seizing up, but he doesn't have the strength to push Taehyung away. And he loves the pain. Doesn't really want to push him away. He likes the way he feels small and helpless, just a body for Taehyung to do with as he pleases. "Hyung, n-no more - can't - "

Taehyung kisses him, split tongue tracing the roof of his mouth, and Jungkook's floating away. He can barely feel his body anymore, slumps against the mirror and takes it, body jostling as Taehyung fucks him hard. Taehyung's thrusts lose their rhythm and Jungkook feels hazy, thinks he's drooling and crying both but can't do anything about it, closes his eyes and gives in to the haze. Then Taehyung's hand is around his cock, twisting and tugging, and Jungkook shrieks, arching away from him. He only cages him in tighter, working his cock and fucking his hole and kissing him until Jungkook's entire body seizes up as he comes dry. He sobs his eyes out through it, it hurts so bad, but he clenches so tight around Taehyung that it has Taehyung coming, too. The edges of Jungkook's vision grow dark and spotty, and the last thing he feels is Taehyung's cum wet inside him.

When he comes to, Taehyung's carrying him. Jungkook feels limp but Taehyung's supporting his head against his chest so that it doesn't loll. Jungkook curls against him. He carries him into a spacious bathroom. Jungkook doesn't have the energy to lift his head and look around, but the glimpses he catches of it are gilded and ornate like his cabin.

"Gonna sit you down so I can fill the bath," he says quietly.

Jungkook's feeling whiny and needy. "Can't sit, my ass hurts."

Taehyung only smiles. "You want to stand instead?"

"Can't stand either," Jungkook slurs.

Taehyung kisses his head. "Alright. The mat's soft and clean, you can lie down, how's that? I'll only be a minute."

Jungkook nods begrudgingly, and Taehyung lies him down gently. The mat is more of a rug, soft and plush, and he melts into it with a sigh. "You promise it's clean, right?"

"Promise. Had everything cleaned before you came."

"That's nice," Jungkook mumbles, feeling sleepy. His eyes drift shut. He can hear the water run as Taehyung fills up the tub. He's nearly asleep by the time Taehyung picks him up again. He lowers him carefully into the water before climbing in after him. It's comfortably warm and bubbling with soap, and Jungkook melts into Taehyung's chest with a sigh. The heat of the water eases the soreness of his muscles. Taehyung uncaps a bottle of shampoo and starts to lather it gently into Jungkook's hair. His scalp's tender from all the hair-pulling but Taehyung's touch is very soft, and he feels like a cat getting attention as he leans into his hands.

"Feels nice?" Taehyung asks.

"Mhm," Jungkook nods happily, eyes closed. He hears Taehyung laugh quietly. He massages his head for a little while longer before he grabs a hand shower and sprays it over Jungkook's hair, careful to avoid his face. Jungkook thinks he could fall asleep like this, cradled in warm water and Taehyung's arms. He begins to feel less boneless, his senses returning.

"We're here for three days," Taehyung says. "You should come around tomorrow."

Jungkook cracks an eye and huffs, "My ass can't handle me coming around tomorrow, thanks."

Taehyung grins. "Won't touch your ass. Promise."

"I'll think about it," Jungkook says, but he's just being difficult. He wants to come around again. "Ceres ever gonna be in your way one day?"

"If I plot the right route, I can stop anywhere I want to," Taehyung says, and Jungkook smiles. "Besides, Ceres is pretty appealing."

"Yeah, if you like dust and lizard farms."

"Always wanted a lizard, are they the big ones? With the nasty teeth? Could use a few to keep my crew in line." Taehyung covers his hands with soap and runs them up Jungkook's back in small circles. Jungkook finds himself giggling.

"No, that's mean."

"And anyway, Ceres has the best bar I've been to in the whole galaxy."

Jungkook laughs harder, nudging him. Taehyung's smiling. "Stop lying."

"They've got the prettiest barkeep too, did you know? He's got this cute little pout and an ass so fat - "

"Shut up!" Jungkook shoves at him but Taehyung tugs him back, kissing his neck, and Jungkook dissolves into giggles. Taehyung's tongue snakes out, cold just to tease, and runs along Jungkook's jaw. Jungkook shivers. "Where'd you get a tongue like that, anyway?"

"Got my real one cut out," he says, "for betraying my captain."

Jungkook stares at him with wide eyes. "You betrayed your captain?"

"He deserved it," Taehyung says airily. "Went without a tongue for a while until I ended up in a city on Jupiter. Did someone a favor, and she made me a new tongue."

"How'd you become a captain?"

"That's a long story, sweetheart." He taps Jungkook's nose with a soapy finger, and Jungkook scrunches it. "But what matters is that I have lots of money to get new modifications on my tongue every now and then."

"Can't believe your tongue is a glorified sex toy."

"Not true," Taehyung huffs, genuinely offended. "How 'bout when you take a bite of your food and it's too cold, huh? I can heat it up right in my mouth."

"You're so talented," Jungkook teases, and Taehyung huffs again.

They only leave the tub when the water grows too cold to bear. Taehyung dries Jungkook with a fluffy towel and takes the time to rub lotion into every part of his body, paying extra attention to his wrists and thighs. Jungkook's endeared. Taehyung lends him a bathrobe and Jungkook wonders if he's going to send him home, but he offers his bed instead.

"I don't cuddle," he warns, but when they're lying together, Taehyung tugs Jungkook into his chest first.

Jungkook dresses reluctantly in the morning with Taehyung's help. He wants to stay longer, lounge around, maybe suck Taehyung off again for good luck, but he has to open the bar for the day. His body's sore and tired in the best way; he likes the way his ass aches. Means every time he hurts today, he'll remember getting fucked.

"You'll come back tonight?" Taehyung asks, walking Jungkook out of his ship. Jungkook's limping, and more than one of his crew members wolf whistle as they watch him go. Jungkook flips them off on his way out.

"Maybe," Jungkook says, teasing again, but on the gangway Taehyung stops him, tugging him in by the waist. He kisses him hard, his tongue split, a reminder of what Jungkook will get if he returns.

"Don't play with me, baby," Taehyung says, sulky, and Jungkook grins. "Come back."

"Come by and buy a drink."

"I'll buy your whole bar out if you say yes."

Jungkook leans in and kisses him, fingers curling in his hair. "I'll come back."

Then he walks away with a teasing sway of his hips, feeling the heat of Taehyung's gaze even long after he's out of sight. 

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