~From Hatred to Love~

By basicbabe123

70.5K 1.7K 195

Quinn Johnson is a 16 year old girl from Cater Hills, New Jersey. Her parents died when she was younger so it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
New fan fiction

Chapter 25

791 27 6
By basicbabe123

Step one
Luke's pov

I left this girls house. I have no idea what her name was or if she even went to my school. I grabbed my bag and headed to school. I sat in history. The teacher was just blabbing on about something. He gave us back our test we did last week. Of course I'm flunking I got a f. I looked over and saw Quinn smile to herself. Oh come on Luke stop. I just couldn't stop looking at her. She looked over and we locked eyes for a moment. We both looked away. I huffed. Class finally ended. I sent the text. I waited in the janitors. The door opened and I looked at her ....
Ally: that was great
She said out of breath
Luke: yep
Ally: so like what are we?
Luke: let's not use labels
I walked out and headed to class. Quinn sat in front of me in this class. I'm doing this tactic I found on this website on how to get over someone. Step 1, act like you hate them. I kicked her chair. She turned around. She looked angry.
Quinn: what the fuck do you want!?
Luke: you're so easy to annoy
She gave me a dirty look and turned back around. I just wish I still wasn't in love with her...........

I went home and got into bed. To be honest I haven't wanted to do anything since we broke up. I looked across the room and saw the skateboard she got me for Christmas. I looked away. My eyes stared watering. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my camera roll. I deleted every picture her face was in and changed my home screen to a picture of Wyatt, Carson and I. I changed her name in my contacts to "Carson's sister". Wow I feel sort of happy. That was one thing I've hesitated to do for weeks. I feel relieved. Suddenly I felt angry again. You know what, I'm going to make her jealous and I'll have her crawling back to me. Ohhhh and I know the perfect person........ I smirked.....

Quinn's pov

Well Luke and I have returned back to our old ways. The tormenting, annoying, rude jackass I remember. I don't think old Luke is ever coming back. Anyway spring break is in a few days. I'm really excited. Carson and I might go to New York for a few days. Blair and I wondered the school halls cause we had nothing else to do during lunch. I walked and talked till we heard a bang. We both jumped with fright. I turned around and saw Ally pushed up against  the lockers with Luke. They were making out, like literally almost down each others throats. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Blair looked at me.
Blair: you okay?
Quinn: why wouldn't I be?
Blair: uhhhh Ally, Luke ya know
Quinn: I'm fine it's been a couple weeks
Blair: okay
School ended and I went home. Wyatt and Luke are staying over tonight. Uhhhh the pain. I made myself cookies and left them on the counter and ran to the toilet. I came back to find half of them gone. Uhhh I'm going to kill them. I stormed up to bed. I got really thirsty and headed back downstairs. The guys were watching a horror movie. All the lights were off and I couldn't find the light switch. I heard a scream, suddenly I slipped and fell down the stairs. The lights turned on and I saw Wyatt and Luke looking down at me, laughing their asses off.
Quinn: what?!
I growled. They started laughing even more. Jackasses. I went to get my drink and headed back upstairs. I crept up the stairs, I saw Luke staring at the photo hanging on the wall, the one we took at Christmas of Wyatt, Carson, Luke and I. His face showed no emotion. Carson called him and he left. I walked to my room looking at it as I passed by. I got into bed and cuddled with my pillow. And yes I am lonely. Does he miss me? ........

Luke's pov

Carson: Luke!
Luke: yeah I'm coming
I walking in and saw the guys playing video games.
Wyatt: so I heard your sort of dating Ally again
Luke: yeah sort off
Wyatt: cool dude you're getting over her
Luke: yeah, uhh I'm going to get some air
Carson: uhh bet
I headed downstairs and opened the door. Uhh it's freezing. I heard the door open. It was Quinn.
Quinn: hey
Luke: what do you want?
Quinn: jeez I just wanted to see if you were okay
Luke: why wouldn't I be?!
Quinn: gosh calm down
Luke: like just leave me alone okay you don't have to present we're friends okay!
Quinn: it's just you've been acting different lately and I-
Luke: no I'm fine okay this is who I've always been you just made me simp
She left. I heard her mumble douchebag on her way. Basically I can't let myself fall for her again so I have to make her think I hate her, and I think it's working. I headed back upstairs and went to sleep.

I opened my eyes. I smelled pancakes I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. I saw her in the kitchen. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.
Quinn: you maybe be my ex but I'm not going to be a bitch about it
She handed me a plate of pancakes. I nodded and sat down. They tasted amazing. Carson and Wyatt came down. We all ate.
Carson: so what we doing today?
Wyatt: I don't know
Quinn came down dressed all nice.
Carson: where you going?
Quinn: uhhh Blair, Jake are going to this fancy place for lunch
Carson: okay see you later
Quinn: okay peace
She left. I called Ally and headed over to her house. Her house was quite big. She invited me and went straight to her bedroom...............

I got home and chilled in my room. I was on Snapchat when I saw Quinn's story. It was a picture of her, Blair, Jake and this guy. Who the fuck is that? Are they dating? She really started dating that fast? My eyes started tearing up. I stormed downstairs. Nobody's home. I grabbed this crappy vase from the living room and headed outside. I threw the vase, it hit the wall and shattered everywhere. I sat down and dipped my feet in the water. Uhhh why is life so unfair.......

Quinn's pov

It's finally spring break! Carson and I are heading to New York tomorrow. We packed our bags and got ready for tomorrow. I'm so excited. I woke up and got ready. We got into the car. Carson drove, obviously I still can't drive. Uhhh. I played the soundtrack I made for the ride. Carson didn't like the songs. He kept turning the radio off. How am I going to survive this car ride. We took a toilet break at this gas station. I grabbed snacks and we continued our ride. After a while we finally arrived in New York. We got to the hotel and went to the room. It was pretty nice. We got changed and explored New York. We got lunch and went to see the Statue of Liberty. I love New York. We got dinner and wondered around the hotel. It was getting late so we headed back to the hotel room. We ate our snacks and watched the crappy hotel tv.

It's been a few days and we just went shopping, explored, and made memories. We are going home the day after tomorrow. Uhh I never want to leave this place. We got dressed all fancy and headed to this fancy restaurant. We ate our food and left. Carson's phone started to ring. He looked at me with a worried face. We headed to the hotel room and packed our bags.
Quinn: Carson tell me what's going on?!
Carson: Luke's been missing for days...................

Authors note: hey I hope u enjoys soooo sry! I've really been busy and Someone in my family has COVID so I have to go for a test! Hopefully I can get more writing don't soon anyway I hope u liked it! Sry for the typos it was sort of rushed Bye :)

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