Resume Of Romance

Por idet843

3.5M 84.8K 6.2K

Rylie's breath catches in her throat. Moving closer on the bed she wants to touch, she wants to caress the s... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6-Trailer included
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10-Trailer Included
Chapter 11
Chapter 12-Trailer Included
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19-Trailer
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's Note-
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 8

66.5K 1.5K 123
Por idet843

Chapter 8

They run his errands first stopping by a hair salon.  She decides to get her hair done while Chace gets his cut.  Rylie is on her way to the shampoo station when she sees Chace lying back in a barber's chair having his facial hair trimmed.  He's getting a shave, he looks relaxed and his hair has been cut close on the side with plenty to run your fingers through left on top.  Rylie looks around her to find she's not the only woman standing around watching him.  Even if he isn't hers she is the one in the shop with him.   

He opens his eyes as his face is lathered up for the shave.  His eyes make contact with hers momentarily before she chickens out turning away to go to the shampoo station. 

They look admirably at each other after they are done.  She got a wash and trim.  The hairstyle she's been given frames her face she loves it.  As they are waiting for his credit card receipt in the salon, Chace gathers a handful of her hair lying on her shoulders letting it slide through his fingers.  

"I like it."  He says, his provocative smile makes her blush.  She gets flustered hurrying away from him out the door.   He stops at each of their cleaners to pick up their clothes.  

The next stop is to Rylie's favorite store, Target.  He grabs a cart when they go in.  Chace stops by the Starbucks in the store to get them coffee.  Rylie gathers what she needs, when she comes down the end of the aisle out of it to put her things in the shopping cart, the cart and Chace are missing.  She has to carry her toiletries up and down the aisles to find him.  He's currently in one of them checking out the different shaving kits, looking at mustache trimmers.  She notices there are two already in the shopping cart along with several other things he seems to have found in a short amount of time.  

"I thought you said you've never been inside this store."  She exclaims throwing her few items into the cart with a frown when she notices all the stuff he's grabbed and put in the shopping cart.  She imagines his world is so different from hers.  She's thinking everything he has is picked out by handlers, personal shoppers and other people that work for him.  

"Maybe I have, in college or something, they all look the same."  He pushes the cart on going down another aisle she ends up following behind him.  They go to the appliance section.  He picks up a toaster inspecting it. 

"I need one of these, I miss having toast in the morning."  He isn't paying attention to her, he's picking up another one. 

"Don't you already have this sort of stuff?"  She gestures. 

"No, I have to buy everything for this place.  I didn't bring anything with me.  I wanted to decorate it myself but I'm finding I don't have the time.  This gives me a chance to get a few things."  He explains. 

"You need some help."  Rylie says, she would love to arrange his fabulous kitchen.  Her hand is already on a different toaster she wants him to consider purchasing.  He reluctantly gives in.  By the time they get to the register their cart is full of home items for his place.  Rylie picked out his toaster, talked him into buying one of the coffee grinders, he is buying a drill and a hammer, she picked out some storage containers for him which he complained about saying he would probably never use them. They look no different than the other couples or families in the store but she knows better. 

They work together to figure out how to get everything loaded into the trunk of his Maserati.  He teases her that the next time he goes shopping with her he's taking a moving truck. 

Rylie argues back with him that it's his fault they bought so much, she tells him the next time they go shopping they are going to take her mid-size SUV they need the trunk space the way he shops.  He tells her if they do, he's driving.  She argues he's making sexist remarks assuming she can't drive.  The banter between them is normal for a couple but they are not that. 

Both are so busy trying to make a point with each other that neither is focusing on this is a one-time shopping trip deal with each other or is it.  There really shouldn't be a next time for them. 

At the grocery store there are food stations scattered throughout.  Food smells hit them the moment they enter, they haven't had breakfast and its lunch time.  Rylie decides she's going to push the cart this time, there's not much room left in his car to put loads of stuff.  She has plans to buy just the essentials.   

Chace disappears as she's picking up some tomatoes.  He reappears with a small plate filled with pear slices.  "You like pears?"  She hears his seductive voice behind her ear she's closing the bag with her tomatoes in it.  "Mm hmm, yes Chace I like pears." She answers turning to face him.   

He's so close there's a small paper plate in his hand with pear slices on it.  His seductive gaze holds hers he presses one of the pear slices against her parted lips.  She opens her mouth he slides it in, his fingers are touching her lips.  The pear is wet, juicy and sweet.  She closes her mouth to chew it.  Some of the juice is still on her bottom lip.  He uses his thumb to wipe it off then sticks his thumb in his own mouth sucking on it.  

"More....?"  His mesmerizing gaze hold hers. There's only one slice left on the paper plate he wants to feed it to her.  

"More."  She replies, her voice is a raspy whisper.  She reaches out to grab onto something to keep her hands from touching him.  She's squeezing the tomatoes in the bag with one hand while her other hand is gripping the store cart.  People come and go around them but they are only noticing each other.    Chace takes the last juicy piece of pear from the plate to slip in her mouth.  He uses his hand to cup her face his thumb again catches the juice that sits just below her bottom lip.   

"You like it."  His voice is full of raspiness.  She's hoping he isn't aware of the effect he's having on her.  "Yeah, I like.... it."  She shyly responds but she isn't only referring to the fruit and neither is he.  His smile is inviting and full of innuendo.  Rylie doesn't want to be deceived by it she's struggling to keep her wits about her.  Clearing her throat doesn't help much her thank you still comes out in a hoarse whisper.  He frees her of his provocative gaze disappearing to get them some pears and other fruit.  

As they go through the store he finds different things for her to try while she picks up the practical essentials she needs for her own house and his although he hasn't asked her to do it.   He keeps feeding her different types of food.  Now she understands why she sees so many couples doing it in grocery stores.  It's such a sensual thing to do.  She can imagine them going home ripping each other's clothes off for marathon sex or is this simply her own mind at work.  She wants to tell him to stop but she's enjoying it so much she doesn't want him to.  

They are going through the cheese section, Chace has already tried several different types of cheese, he keeps feeding her slices to try.  He only gets the ones she likes.  She hears her name being called at a particular moment between her and Chace.  He's feeding her an olive, it's on the tip of her tongue his gaze is focused on her mouth.  She's holding her hand over his they are brushed against each other and his other hand is touching her waist.  She gave up about three food isles ago shying away from his natural  affectionate caresses and touches as he's gotten more comfortable with her she is getting to know him.  

Chace hears the male voice too he doesn't remove his hand placement from around her waist.  "Rylie...."  The voice says again.  Rylie looks behind her to find her ex-boyfriend, Mason and a different woman than the one he claimed to be in love with and left her for.  The woman is pretty she looks surprisingly similar to Rylie.  She has dark brown shoulder length hair and brown eyes.  She's a few inches shorter than Rylie.  Seeing him again like this makes Rylie uncomfortable and it shows in her stiff body language.  

Chace picks up on the vibes between them.  He can see that there is still some interest in Rylie from the other man, he doesn't know what their relationship is he doesn't remove his hands from touching her he tightens them. 

"Hello Mason."  Rylie greets him aware that Chace is standing next to her with his arm comfortably wrapped around her waist. 

"How are you Rylie, it's been a long time.  I tried to call you?"  Mason starts to say then remembers there are two additional sets of eyes watching him.  He introduces the woman with him.  She speaks and holds onto his arm making sure Rylie understands that they are intimate. 

Chace has already figured out that the guy must be an ex-boyfriend who now realizes his mistake in letting Rylie go.  The way he's looking at her is obvious he wants a second chance.  Chace tries to convince himself he doesn't care but he dislikes the way Rylie and this guy have that shared look of remembered intimacy between them.  Chace steps forward holding out his hand to take the initiative. 

"Hi...I'm Chace Braxton."  He introduces himself.   "Mason Livingston, recent boyfriend." Mason phrases his introduction.   

"It's been eleven months Mason, I wouldn't call that recent."  Rylie hotly remarks. 

The smug look on Mason's face is meant to send Chace a message of I can get her back if I want to, she's not that into you.  Chace ignores it, he's the one with his hand around her waist and he has a trump card knowing he will see her every day. 

Not feeling at all threatened by the man standing across from them Chace slides his hand down to Rylie's hip leaving it there.

"We've got to go Ry, it's getting late."  Chace pats Rylie's hip knowing that the other man will notice it.  Rylie turns to look into his eyes, he nuzzles her nose with his making her smile.  It's just the reaction from her he wants and the message he wants to send to her ex-boyfriend.  

"See you Mason."  Rylie says as Chace takes the cart from her to push it while holding her by the hand pulling her away.  Mason whips out his cell phone to google Chace Braxton.  The first response that appears is for Braxton Holdings thirty two year old CEO and Rylie's boss, Chace Braxton.   

In Mason's mind he's thinking she's working for the guy he's just her boss with benefits.  He's not a fool, he saw the way Chace touched her.  Mason is sure he can get her back.  Rylie is the type that likes being in a committed relationship and romance.  Neither of which this guy is known for.  She didn't introduce her boss as her boyfriend.  The door might just be still open for him.

 Rylie and Chace get some hot food to go along with their groceries.  Chace takes Rylie home, they remove the things that are hers from his car taking them inside.  He doesn't want to admit to himself that he enjoyed most of his day with her.  He actually has a date tonight, he needs to leave but he's curious about her relationship with the guy he saw at the grocery store. 

"You're staying to eat some of this aren't you?"  Rylie questions when it looks like he's going to leave.  "Come on Chace, we haven't eaten all day.  I can't eat all of this, it will end up being thrown out."  She doesn't wait for him to answer she's already grabbing two plates.

 "Why'd you ask if you already knew the answer?"  He ask her curious to hear her response. 

"I didn't know the answer, I just know that you haven't had much to eat all day.  I was offering to feed you that's all."  She tells him. 

"You think you know me Rylie?"  He's thinking he has plenty of time for his date. 

"No Chace, I don't know that much about you, what I do know is you haven't eaten all day and it's because of me.  I was just offering to feed you."  She tells him turning away from him she goes into the kitchen.

 He stands there thinking about it.  He finally responds by walking toward the kitchen instead of the front door. 

She fixes their plates, he opens a bottle of wine grabbing to wine glasses.  He doesn't have to ask her where they are, he remembers from their first dinner together. 

As they sit down to eat, he ask her about Monique.  She doesn't tell him much, he learns that she is the younger sister and also the more stable one while Monique it the taker just like his brother.  No wonder they found each other.  He tries to think of a way to ask her about Mason Livingston.  He thought she was in love with his brother but after seeing Mason today he's not so sure.  He can see the attraction from both men to her but what does she feel about them is what he's concerned about. 

"How long were you with him?"  He questions, not sure he wants to go down this road.  Their day together has had its ups and downs he would like to end it being civil to one another. 

"To long, we dated for two years then one day I went to the same grocery store we were in today and saw him with what I thought was the type of woman he was really into.  He came here that night and told me I was a trophy.  He told me he was leaving me because I wasn't real, I was someone he could take out on his arm and show off to his friends like a prized horse.  He couldn't see the real me. I experienced the same thing in high school and college.  When men see you as a trophy you don't get the same treatment a regular girl gets. There's no effort put into the relationship.  They don't bother to make you feel like you're worth it.   I don't want to be some man's trophy, I want to be his love, his sweetheart, his darling or baby.  I want to be his best friend, his confidant, his lover and I want romance Chace but I'm twenty-six it's time for me to give up my idea of the handsome prince." 

"Maybe your prince is still out there and just hasn't found you yet."  Chace responds. 

Please, don't mistake me for some silly young romantic girl.  I'm past the age of stardust and fairytales." 

"I thought all women no matter what age believed in fairy tales."  Chace replies. 

"I've never believed in fairytales but I deceived myself into believing for a while he was my version of a handsome prince.  There's no such thing."  

"This one relationship turned you into a cynic.  You don't believe in romance or love."  Chace ask her surprised that she feels this way.  This guy must have really hurt her, she had to really care about him for him to do that.   

"I think it exist for other people, maybe it's just not for me.  The only thing I've experience is the prince is not a prince anymore.  He's a predator.  His confidence has been exchanged for cockiness and ego.  He can't admit to having any weaknesses.  He doesn't hold doors open for you, he will steal your cabs.  He can't be open or honest with you, share his fears or...or even his goals.  He's afraid to say I like you as one of the L words, good luck getting that other word out of him and if you do, he probably doesn't mean it, he just wants to sleep with you."  Rylie explains. 

"You really don't believe in romance Rylie."  Chace says seeming surprised by her revelation.  

" more romantic entanglements for me.   I want to fall asleep and wake up knowing my heart is safe.  The only way for me to do that is to keep it under lock and key from predators.  I do love Chace, I love my career. That saying that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore, I believe in that.  I haven't had any other experiences to go on.  I guess that's why I'm so protective of my job."  She explains. 

Rylie feels like her aunt Katie's words have finally found a home in her brain.  She realizes she sounds just like her. Chace finds she's more cynical than he is on the subject of love.  He believes it exist, he's not sure what he's experienced before was it.    

"I think you're too young to think this way.  You've suffered from a broken heart, it will mend and you'll move on.  You never know the next man that enters your life might save you."  He comments.

"I don't need a man to save me Chace, we can save each other.  I need a man that's going to be there for me and I'll be there for him.  I told you, I want him to be my friend as well as my lover.  I didn't have that with Mason.  Strange it took me eleven months to realize it.  I'm sorry I'm rambling on.  I hope I didn't offend you." 

"No, of course not.  I've got my own baggage I'm not into relationships the very definition of romance is uncertainty."  He tells her. 

"Are you speaking from experience or just as a cynic?"  Rylie ask finishing off her glass of wine. 

It's definitely experience, I'm thirty-one years old Rylie, I've been the betrayer and the betrayed.  I'm not trying to be anyone's prince charming.  My father believes a man should be true to himself.  Maybe that's why he's been married four times."  He smirks. 

"Have you been married before?"  She ask him. 

"I came close, she was like Jayson's wife, she loved my money more than she loved me.  I escaped before I put a ring on it."  He replies. 

Rylie smiles.  They have finished there meal and their drinks.  Chace hasn't called his date he suddenly remembers he still has one. 

"Rylie, I've got to go."  He says reluctantly he's really enjoyed his time with her. 

"Yeah, sure, sorry to keep you.  I'm probably keeping you from a date or something."  She says not really thinking she is.  The look on his face tells her otherwise. 

" have a date tonight."  She inquires with a surprised look. 

He frowns sitting in his seat contemplating.  He doesn't want to admit it and he doesn't want to leave her.  He's conflicted by the way he feels.  Rylie gets up from the table taking his plate from in front of him she walks toward the kitchen from her dining room area where they ate..

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you."  She says as she leaves. Go....I'll see you Monday.  Don't worry I'll be on time."  She comments her voice has a touch of melancholy. 

"I know that Rylie, my driver will be here to pick you up at seven-fifteen."  She hears his voice so close to hers. 

"I'll be on time, just go Chace."  She says not looking at him.  She's loading the dishwasher. 

He grabs her hand stopping her from putting a plate in the dishwasher.  "You really believe all that stuff you told me."  His says quietly.  He's standing to close for Rylie's comfort and holding both of her wrist at her sides. 

"Rylie I made the date before we spent the day together.  I...."  He leans forward bending down to meet her eye to eye. 

"It's alright, it doesn't matter.  Please I think you should go."  She tells him. 

"Yeah, I'm going.  You need anything?"  He wants to know. 

Rylie could say she needs him to stay with her, she could say she doesn't want him to go, but what she does say is.  "No....I'm fine."   

He doesn't move.  They are standing next to her dishwasher, he's holding onto both of her wrist caressing them and making her feel so....warm, anxious....eager to feel his lips against hers.  Instead they stare at each other their thoughts are the same but neither makes a move to act on them.  His eyes trail to her lips then back up to her eyes.  He's waiting for a sign, one word from her.  She doesn't give it to him. 

"Good night Rylie, see you Monday."  He walks out her front door.

**Thanks for Reading.       (Please remember to VOTE)>

**Let me know in your comments what you think about this.

-The attraction between them is getting harder to contain, do you think he wanted her to ask him to stay?

-She is obviously attracted to him to, what do you think is holding her back?

A new character will be introduced in the next chapter, Margo Braxton.  Please vote.  Hope to hear from you.  Thanks

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