Your Scent|| Vkook

By wetaekookie

32.6K 1.1K 158

"Your scent it's..." "What?" "Sweet." In where Kim Taehyung, a vampire from the south meets a human who he de... More

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6.9K 144 41
By wetaekookie


Are you afraid of the dark?

The sounds of tree leave cracking under the brown-haired boy's feet made him worry.  

Taehyung had heard stories about the vampires in the woods though, he came to see if it were true. His eyes flickered, seeing if any other dark red pooled orbs were around.

Yet, all he could see were small animals scurry from one side of the tree to the one feet ahead. Nothing could take the young boys' mind off of 'vampires are real'. It was a sense, a knowing, that he had to venture to see if he were right.

They are. I must prove them all. But in the back of his mind; it's just a myth, was what spoke.

A crack of a stick made his whole body jump, "Why did I come here alone, especially on Halloween?" He muttered before big, boney hands grasped his shoulder. 

He slipped a gasp and stared at the pure white hands. His gaze slowly averted up to a young, but older face. He must have been three or four years older than him. "Half-blood." The boy broke the silence in a deep husky voice. 


"Your eyes glow a dark red, on a full moon, you must be a half-blood." The older let go of his shoulders but Taehyung stayed frozen. 

"A-are you a vampire?"

He must not even be older then eight, the ivory-skinned boy thought. "It's not like I'll suck your blood. Your not human," he gave a short sigh. "Look, I thought you would come so my clan sent me for you. God damn, how is it always me who does this?"

Taehyung shivered at the way the older hissed the mumble. "Wait, clan? Y-you mean it's true vampires work side by side?" The younger cocked a brow, a small victorious smile appearing on his face. I knew it!

"Well sort of, we kinda have a... Contract."

Taehyung's bubble burst, "Oh."

"Now let's get to camp." He grunted then added, "Wait. Do you happen... to remember your mom?"

"No, my father said she died when I was young," a small frown tugged at his face. He glanced up, "Why?"

"Well," the boy took a deep breath. "She's actually alive. The reason your a half-blood is because your mom broke the rules. She's a vampire, while your father is a human."

"W-wait? Really!" The eight-year-old cheered, but the boy hushed him. Taehyung gave a sad smile. I'm gonna meet my mom?! "But, why'd she leave my dad? He's been drinking and smoking storms. He needs her!" 

"It's the Vampire law, 'You mustn't marry let alone date a human'." He glanced at the half-blood, "That's why your kind is rare."

Taehyung cocked a brow, "Rare?"

"Well, first of all, there are myths about vampires. One, we can see ourselves in mirrors, our reflections. Only the leader can't." He let a small sigh out, "Second, werewolves and vampires are not mortal enemies. Third, we don't go after innocents. We usually suck the blood of animals when we're thirsty and eat the meat if we're hungry. Human blood is our favorite but we only drink it if we have reasons. Fourth, we don't wear those weird cloaks. Mainly normal human clothes."

"Fifth, we're not immortal. The only immortal vampires are the ones from the early 1300s when we first came to be. A man named Syrus and a woman named Eve. That's where eve's blood came to be since Eve had the purest blood of all." He checked to see if Taehyung was still following, and of course, he was. "If you're born a vampire; you die a vampire."


A black-haired boy walked into his house. He was six and his mother and father were screaming.

Jungkook placed his bag onto the floor, "I'm home," he mumbled. Yet, at this point, he had no care if his parents heard him or not. It wasn't like they cared if he were here or gone.

He walked up the stairs, into his room. He eyed his computer.

Jungkook sat down at his desk and opened the laptop, seeing the page he left off on.

Are vampires real? 

A smile appeared on his face. The small kid took out a pen and paper, writing as many facts as he could. The interest grabbed his interest but he was also afraid.

What if it's true that someone has Eve's blood. Though, Jungkook knew vampires like type O blood so he guessed he was safe since he was type A. 

He heard a small; crack, which caused him to run downstairs. What he saw made tears run down his eyes.

"M-mom?" Blood streamed onto his hands, but she did not move. The bullet was sunk deep into her skull.

"Dad?" The wine glass he held was shattered and a shard was in dug into his chest. "Y-your alive right?" He cried.

The loud footsteps made the boy jump, "H-hello?" He stuttered.

A man in dark clothing appeared, his face completely covered. 

Except for his eyes.

They glowed bright yellow, and he eyed the young boy. Sadness glinted in them but he said one thing, "Bad things come to an end. Run now and I won't hurt you, stay... I'll kill you."

With that, the boy grabbed a small necklace and sprinted out. His face hung with emptiness. No one could change what he saw.



To a Halloween special. hehe, sorry. 

Ok, I'm excited about this book. I planned on making this an Omegaverse book but the Vampire theme fits it better.

-Ashton uwu

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