Straight To My Head || Harry...

Por coco1522ox

42.7K 693 300

Originally I was just going to do one oneshot. But I have so many ideas, I'm going to turn it into a collecti... Más

After The War.
Not Strong Enough.
I Loved Her First. Pt 1.
I Loved Her First. Pt 2.
The Next Generation.
Time To Talk.
Just A Dream.
The Birth Of A Potter.
Secret Love.
Ten Years Later. Pt 1.
Ten Years Later (pt 2)
Harry's Birthday.
Angel With A Shotgun
Playing With Fire, Pt 2.
Soul Mates Pt. 1
Soul Mates Pt 2.
Determined To Live.
The Reunion - Pt. 1
The Reunion - Pt. 2
Listen To Your Heart.
Because I Love You.
Love Will Find A Way.
Love Will Find A Way. Pt 2.
Love Will Find A Way Pt 3.
The Wedding.

Playing With Fire. Pt 1

1.4K 24 5
Por coco1522ox

Summary - Harry is dating Cho Chang. Ginny is dating Michael Corner. One day Ginny stumbles upon a shocking surprise and takes matters into her own hands. Will Harry understand and more importantly, will he believe Ginny?


If there was one thing Ronald Weasley was not, it was patient. He'd grown up with five older brothers and a younger sister, yet patience was not something that came naturally to Ron. It was more apparent than ever that Ron wasn't a patient person as he waited to his best friend, Harry Potter to finish saying goodbye to his girlfriend. Harry had been dating a Ravenclaw girl by the name of Cho Chang for six weeks and while Ron was happy for him, he couldn't say he enjoyed standing around waiting for Harry to finish one of his make out sessions.

To make matters worse, Ron also had to deal with watching his younger sister, Ginny, walk around holding hands and making out with her new boyfriend, Michael.

Ron glanced down at his watch and sighed. As he looked up he spotted none other than Hermione Granger, Ron and Harry's other best friend, walking towards them.

"Oh thank god!" Said Ron. "Finally, someone who isn't attached to another person!"

Hermione raised a questioning brow at Ron. Ron simply nodded his head in Harry's direction and that was all the explanation Hermione needed.

"He's happy Ron. Leave him be." Hermione tutted at him.

"And I'm happy for him, but I've got places to be, like Potions with Snape!" Ron added the last part loud enough for Harry to hear.

Hearing Ron's exclamation, Harry hastily said goodbye to Cho and hurried over to his friends.

"Harry, fancy seeing you here!" Ron rolled his eyes as they headed for the dungeons.

"Yeah, yeah! I'm here now." Harry shook his head.

The three of them joined the queue outside Snape's classroom, waiting with low spirits for the next hour of misery.


Ginny Weasley hurried to the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. She hoped that she would be fortunate enough to slip in unnoticed before the Halloween feast started. As she dropped into a seat on Ron's right, between him and Hermione, she ignored the curious looks and stares from the surrounding students. Ginny Weasley had never been late to anything. What was so important that she'd risk missing the feast?

"Where have you been?" Ron whispered as Dumbledore stood at his podium, talking cheerfully.

Ginny glanced around at the expectant faces of Hermione, Harry, Neville, Fred and George.

"No where, just lost track of time." Ginny shook her head. "What have I missed?"

"Dunno, haven't really been listening." Ron shrugged.

Finally Dumbledore finished talking and the table filled to the brim with delicious looking food. Ginny took one look at the food and suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore. Beside her, Ron was piling food onto his plate eagerly. Ginny felt a nudge to her right elbow and looked over at Hermione.

"Are you okay? You look.. I don't know, off?" Hermione said quietly.

"I'm fine, just not hungry." Ginny smiled.

"How come you're not sitting with Michael?" Fred asked from across the table.

This caught the attention of Ron, George, Hermione and to Ginny's surprise, Harry.

"I don't want to talk about it." Ginny scowled at her brother.

"Trouble in paradise?" George teased.

"What part of 'I don't want to talk about it' don't you understand?" Ginny said hotly.

As she looked down at the table again, she caught Harry looking at her. Ginny couldn't quite tell if it was out of pity, concern or just simple curiosity. Either way, Ginny avoided his gaze.

"So, Hogsmeade next weekend!" Ron said brightly.

Ginny was relieved the conversation had deterred away from her and simply listened to the chatter around her as she pushed her food around her plate with her fork. It wasn't until Dumbledore announced it was time for bed that Ginny finally looked up from the table.

As they walked the marble stair case up to the Gryffindor common room, Ginny avoided eye contact with her friends and brothers. Just before she climbed into the portrait hole, Ginny grabbed Hermione's arm and pulled her aside.

"I need to talk to you!" Ginny hissed.

"Hermione, Ginny? Aren't you coming?" Ron called over to them.

Hermione looked at Ginny, waiting for her to answer. Ginny let out a frustrated sigh and nodded her head.

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked.

"Sure, it can wait." Ginny said.

Ginny followed Hermione through the portrait hole and into the common room. She rushed up the stairs to her dormitory, dumping her bag on her bed. Then she returned downstairs to rejoin the others.

"You sure you're okay Ginny? You don't seem like yourself?" Ron eyed her suspiciously.

"I'm fine, just tired." Ginny dismissed. "Hermione, can we have that chat now?"

"I'm really sorry Ginny, I've got to get started on this essay for Snape. Perhaps you can talk to Ron or Harry?" Hermione suggested.

Ginny inwardly cringed. She'd rather jump off the top of the astronomy tower.

"Yeah, what's up?" Ron asked and Harry looked up at her, waiting for her to answer.

"Nothing important, it can wait." Ginny shook her head.

"Really? It seems important to you." Hermione said.

"Well, it is. But I'm not talking about it with those two." Ginny gestured to Ron and Harry.

"Why not? Maybe we can help?" Ron insisted.

"You, maybe. But Harry can't." Ginny shook her head.

"Should I be offended?" Harry raised a brow.

"Not yet." Ginny said plainly.

Harry gave her a confused look but shook it off.

"You know what? It's fine, forget it. I'm going to bed." Ginny forced a smile. Before anyone could ask her anymore questions, she pushed off from her seat and dashed up the stairs.

As she dropped down into her bed, Ginny ran a hand through her hair. Maybe she should have spoken to Ron. She could have even spoken to Harry, but she didn't want to bring it up in case she was wrong. How could she possibly explain it without knowing all the facts herself. She couldn't very well just blurt out that she thought she might have seen Cho Chang kissing Cedric Diggory and that's why she was late to dinner!


Harry woke up feeling refreshed and somewhat excited. Today was the day the Hogwarts students went to the village of Hogsmeade. Though he was excited, he couldn't quite shake the feeling something was wrong. Not with him, but with Ginny. She'd been acting strange around him since the Halloween feast two weeks ago. It was no secret Ginny had had a huge crush on Harry when she was younger, but Harry assumed she was over that now, especially since she was dating Michael. Well, he thought she was.

But over the last two weeks, Ginny seemed to be going to great lengths to avoid Harry and even Ron. She'd made several attempts to talk to Hermione, but the older witch always seemed too busy or preoccupied in other things. Harry was actually starting to feel sorry for her. He also hadn't forgotten the way she'd said 'not yet' when he'd asked if he should be offended that she didn't want to talk to him.

He pushed the thought out of his mind and joined Ron and Hermione in the common room. To no surprise, Ginny continued to avoid him, turning her attention to one of her friends instead. Harry paid it no mind and left the common room with his friends.

Hogsmeade visits were always a chaotic event, filled with the hustle and bustle of students eager to visit various shops. Pressed against numerous other students, Harry began the journey down to the gate with Filch leading the rowdy group of teens. They were about half way down when his name was muttered quietly beside him. Looking over his left shoulder, he was surprised to see Ginny. 

"Ginny, are you okay?" Harry asked quietly. 

Ginny looked around quickly before nodding. "I'm fine, I actually wondered if I might ask a favour of you?" 

"Er - sure, what can I do for you?" Harry nodded. 

"Could I possibly borrow your invisibility cloak?" Ginny said.

"What, now?" Harry raised a brow. Did she know he'd packed it in the bottom of his bag? 

"I only need it for an hour or so, I promise you'll get it back by this evening." 

Harry looked over his shoulder before looking back at her, "I guess so." 

"Thank you." Ginny smiled weakly. 

Harry fished into the bottom of his bag and pulled out the tightly rolled up cloak. He passed it over to Ginny who shoved it into her bag. With a final nod of her head, she disappeared into the crowd. Harry started to wonder what she would possibly need it for. It wasn't as if she'd need it to sneak into Hogsmeade, she'd had her permission slip signed. Whatever the reason, Harry decided not to think about it and simply enjoy his day. He, Ron and Hermione spent the short walk to Hogsmeade chatting and laughing. Every so often Harry would glance around in search of Cho. When he couldn't find her, he'd turn his attention back to his friends. 

As always, Hogsmeade was brilliant, Harry's feet were aching from walking around all day, buying various amounts of sweets from Honeydukes, joke products from Zonko's and broom supplies. He'd still not seen any sign of Cho and wondered if she'd decided to stay in the castle instead of coming down to the village. He, Ron and Hermione decided they'd stop at the three broomsticks for a butterbeer before returning to school. He chose a table while Ron went to order their drinks and Hermione excused herself to use the bathroom. Harry had barely settled into a seat when Ginny suddenly slid in the chair opposite. 

"Hey, having a good day?" Harry asked her.

"I've had better. Here, here's your cloak." Ginny said, sliding the cloak across the table. 

"Thanks," Harry stuffed the cloak in his bag. "Out of curiosity, why did you need it?" 

"Well, that's why I'm here." Ginny took a deep breath. 

"Go on." Harry said warily. 

"Before I tell you, you have to promise me you won't overreact." Ginny said sternly. 

Harry was confused and starting to become quite anxious. "What's going on?" 

Ginny took another deep breath and looked around to make sure no one was listening. She turned back to Harry and in a low whisper said, "I think Cho is cheating on you." 

Harry looked at her stunned. "You think?"

"Well, from what I've seen, yes." Ginny nodded. 

"That's ridiculous." Harry shook his head. "She wouldn't." 

"Harry - "Ginny began. 

"No, Ginny. If this is some sort of trick because you're jealous, it's not funny." 

Ginny looked at him like he'd slapped her around the face. He didn't believe her. 

"Harry, I'm not jealous! I don't care who you date. I'm trying to be a friend!" Ginny hissed. 

"Is that why you wanted the cloak? To spy on my girlfriend?" Harry said suddenly. When Ginny didn't answer, Harry shook his head. "She's not even here. So you just wasted a Hogsmeade visit didn't you?" His tone was cold and accusing. 

Ginny gave him a sharp glare before standing up. 

"Fine. Don't believe me. But don't say I didn't warn you." Ginny snatched up her bag and turned away. Suddenly she spun around again to face him. "And by the way, she is here. Last I saw, she and Cedric were heading towards Honeydukes." 

Without another word, Ginny stormed out of the pub and disappeared. 


Over the next few days, Ginny avoided Harry, Ron and Hermione. Hermione had made several attempts to talk to Ginny, but she'd simply told the older girl she was busy. Harry had avoided her too, it seemed he was still offended by Ginny's accusations about his girlfriend. Even Ron had begun to notice there was something not quite right going on. During the day, Ginny would walk past them like they weren't even there. At meal times, she'd sit as far away as possible. Even evenings in the common room were spent ignoring them and sitting as far away as she physically could. Most nights, she would rush straight to her dorm, avoiding them at all costs. 

As she walked down the corridors towards the Great Hall for lunch, her mind began to wonder. She thought about whether or not she should apologise to Harry, it was after all, none of her business. However as she turned the corner, she froze. There, tucked away behind a statue, was none other than Cho Chang, this time with sixth year Ravenclaw. Ginny felt a sudden rage fill her. She debated for a moment whether she should go and confront Cho, but instead she decided upon something better. She'd show Harry that she wasn't lying. 

Ginny ran as fast as she could towards the Great Hall. She ignored several students who attempted to say hello to her on the way in and dashed to the Gryffindor table. Ginny spotted the messy, black head of hair belonging to Harry instantly and charged towards him. Harry was just rising from his seat as Ginny crashed into him. Harry had to wrap an arm around her waist to steady himself. 

"Harry!" Ginny panted as they stood up straight.

"Ginny? What's wrong?" Harry asked, glancing over her to check for any signs of a problem. 

"You have to... Come with me!" Ginny gasped for breath. 

"What? What are you talking about?" Harry looked at her with a confused look. 

"Just follow me!" Ginny exclaimed. She grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him back out the Great Hall. 

Harry continued to call out her name, asking multiple questions but Ginny ignored him. She had to find Cho before they disappeared. As they reached the corner of the corridor where Cho was still hidden behind the statue, Ginny stopped suddenly. This time, Harry was the one to crash into her. Ginny held out her arm to steady him. 

"Look!" Ginny hissed, pointing at Cho. 

Harry looked where Ginny was pointing and his eyes went wide. Ginny watched his reaction carefully. Harry's face turned from shock, to hurt, to rage. His fists clenched as he turned to look at Ginny.

"Well, congratulations, you were right and I'm the idiot who didn't believe you." Harry said in a low voice.

"This wasn't about me being right, Harry." Ginny turned to face him fully. "This was about me showing you what she's really like."

"Still.. You were right and I was wrong." Harry shook his head.

"It doesn't matter who was right and who was wrong here. What matters is now you know the truth and you can do something about it." Ginny said confidently.

Harry looked around the corner again before quickly darting back.

"You're right. I can. It's payback time." Harry said with a determined expression.

"What are you..?" Ginny began, only to be cut off by Harry's lips. Ginny froze for a few seconds. What the hell was he doing? She thought about pushing him away when she heard footsteps and a loud gasp.


Harry pulled away from Ginny and took a step back.

"Oh, Cho.. Hi.." Harry said.

"What the hell is going on?" Cho shrieked.

"Not nice is it. Seeing your partner attached to someone else!" Harry bit out.

Cho's face went bright red. She looked down at the floor, muttering what sounded like an apology. Ginny stood perfectly still, watching back and forth between Harry and Cho. She hardly registered what was being said. She was too busy trying to get her head around the fact Harry had kissed her. Her heart dropped when she realised he'd only done it to get back at Cho.


Ginny looked up quickly to see Harry looking down at her. Cho was gone and Ginny was surprised, she hadn't even seen her leave.

"I'm sorry about that." Harry rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well, I won't lie, it took me by surprise." Ginny chuckled nervously.

"I think I got my point across though." Harry shrugged.

Ginny nodded her head. She didn't know what else to say. If anything, she felt used. Harry had hardly said two words to her for nearly a week, then suddenly he'd kissed her just to get revenge on his ex girlfriend. Sure Ginny hadn't made it easy by avoiding him, but he hadn't even tried.

"I'm gonna head to the library." Ginny muttered.

Before Harry could reply, she walked away. 


2nd part coming soon! 

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