Just A Dream.

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Albus Potter was usually a quiet, keep to himself, kind of child. He very rarely got into trouble at school and even at home, he was respectful and polite. So when Ginny Potter discovered a note from Professor McGonagall saying she wasn't impressed with Albus and his behaviour, stashed in his trunk, Ginny assumed there was a mistake. Surely she must have meant James? James was the trouble maker in the family. Any letter from the school informing them of misbehaving or rule breaking was always about James.

Ginny read the letter again and decided there must be a mistake. She glanced up at the clock on the wall, Harry would be home from work in just under an hour. Since it was the Christmas holiday, Harry had been working shorter hours and planned to take two weeks off while the children were home. Ginny folded the letter and shoved it in her back pocket before closing Albus' trunk and levitating the dirty washing down to the kitchen.

Ginny remembered a day she would complain about washing clothes and tidying up after her children. But now, she loved the days they came home from school for the holidays. James, the eldest son, was a fourth year gryffindor. He was also a chaser on the house quidditch team. James Sirius lived up to his name sake and often caused trouble at school with his cousin, Fred Weasley. Lily, the youngest, was a first year gryffindor. Ginny remembered receiving Lily's first letter informing her parents she was a proud gryffindor.

Albus however, didn't follow in the family footsteps. He was a third year, but he was placed in Slytherin. Harry and Ginny had written to Albus three times before he'd told them what house he was in. Harry had not been surprised at all to hear which house his son had been placed in.

Albus was ashamed to admit his house placement to the rest of the family when they gathered around for the Christmas holidays during his first year. He'd heard the stories of how Slytherins were when his parents were at school and he was terrified he'd become the same. After a long discussion with his father, he'd soon learnt that Slytherins were not like that anymore.

At five pm sharp, the front door opened and Ginny turned to see her husband walk through it.

"Evening Potters." Harry called out.

"Daddy!!" Lily yelled as she all but flew down the stairs to greet her father.

"There she is." Harry grinned as he lifted Lily into the air. It was obvious to Ginny that Harry was struggling to lift the weight of their daughter now.

"You gotta stop growing Lils, you're too heavy now." Harry laughed as he placed Lily back on the ground.

"Hey love." Ginny smiled as she greeted Harry.

"Hey, how was your day?" Harry asked, placing a quick kiss on her lips.

"Good, I need to talk to you later though." Ginny said.

"Everything okay?" Harry asked seriously.

Ginny nodded and just managed to whisper "later" before James and Albus ran into the hall.

"Hey boys." Harry said as each of his sons hugged him.

Ginny smiled fondly and lead her family into the kitchen. Dinner was served and as usual, it was a loud affair with plenty of arguments thrown in. Ginny couldn't help but notice Albus was oddly quiet. He was always a fairly quiet child, but today he seemed more shut off than usual.


After dinner, Harry sent them all upstairs to play while he and Ginny got to work clearing up.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" Harry asked as he levitated the dirty dishes into the sink.

Ginny pulled the letter from Mcgonagall out of her back pocket and handed it to Harry.

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