The Birth Of A Potter.

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Summary - Pretty self explanatory, James Sirius Potter is born!


Harry Potter considered himself a patient man. He had dealt with the darkest wizard of all time, dealt with loss and won a war. After all that, he'd never quite imagined a woman would have the ability to frustrate him so much. But when that woman was your heavily pregnant wife, what was he supposed to do?

Slamming the door to his office shut, Harry launched his briefcase and cloak onto the sofa against the wall. He glanced at the pile of unopened mail sitting on his desk and groaned. Each envelope had a bright red 'urgent' stamp on the front, meaning Harry was going to be busy today.

It had been six months since Harry had been promoted to head Auror and as much as Harry loved the job, he also had to admit that it was draining. His responsibility had tripled, as had his working hours. He tended to miss most major missions to do paperwork if he wasn't needed on the field. The problem with that was, Harry wasn't made to sit behind a desk and file paperwork. He was fueled with adrenaline and itched to be upfront and centre of the action.

Harry's wife, Ginny Potter, however was relieved that Harry was no longer at the heart of danger anymore, especially since their first child was due anytime in the next couple of weeks. Harry of course was thrilled to become a father, but that didn't mean he wasn't absolutely terrified too.

Harry sat down in his chair and let his head slam down on the desk. He heard his door open and close again. Harry didn't have to look up to know who had entered, only three people seemed brave enough to walk into Harry's office without knocking first. One was currently working two floors below, probably elbow deep in some sort of ministry project she had planned up. The second was currently  fuming mad with Harry, refusing to even speak to him. Leaving the third, Harry's brother in law and best friend, Ron Weasley.

"If you've come to bring me more files, get out." Harry groaned. His voice was somewhat muffled from his face being pressed against the desk.

"Good morning to you too sunshine." Ron chuckled.

"Whats good about it?" Harry said as he lifted his head and sat up straighter in his chair.

Ron sat in one of the chairs in front of Harry's desk. He had a red folder in his hands and Harry eyed him suspiciously.

"Please tell me that's an early valentines present for Hermione?" Harry said, almost pleading.

Ron looked down at the envelope and back up at Harry. With a simple shake of Ron's head, Harry let out a frustrated groan.

"How serious?" Harry sighed.

Red folders only meant one thing in the Auror department. Murder.

"Three wizards and a witch. All killed within twenty four hours." Ron answered as he slid the folder across Harry's already cluttered desk.

"Do they need me?" Harry asked as he opened the file.

"Would I be here if we didn't?" Ron said.

"Where?" Harry asked.

"Small village in Ireland." Ron said quickly.

"Why can't their department handle this then?" Harry looked up at Ron.

"That's a question for you to ask when you get there." Ron shrugged.

Harry closed the file and leant back in his chair.

"Gin isn't going to like this." Harry shook his head.

"I know, but we need you mate. You know I wouldn't get you involved if it wasn't necessary, not with the baby due to come along any day now." Ron said apologetically.

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