Supercorp one-shots

By The_Phantom6

115K 3.4K 660

A journey between Kara and Lena, from complete strangers, to 'best friends', to a couple and to a married cou... More

It's always been you
A true love story...
Happy Birthday Lena!
I never got the chance
The life she once lost
Put a little love in your heart
We fall in love 3 times
A little help from my 'twin'
"God complex"
Little bundle of joy
Silver age of heroism
Don't touch her...
She's perfect
10 letters to Kara
What's a soulmate?
What was she like?
A Day at the beach
Family is not perfect
Quantum Entanglement
Our secret...
Catch me
I will join you one day
Approval and blessing
The way we were
It's a curse and blessing
Their only legacy
Sweet but cold
Bite me...
Bite me...Part 2
Fight for our love?
Fight for our love? Part 2
From whom is that...HICKEY!?
When she loved me
A little glimpse
Back home...
Back home...2
Rewrite the stars
Changing the future
Unexpected genius
Unexpected talents
Late? 2
Parkour! 2
A letter to Lena
Die for you...
Die for you...2
She'd die for her too...
The long lost kitten
The long lost kitten 2
The long lost kitten 3
Jealousy fits you darling
It's about time
Your care is what I fell for
What would her life be?
What would her life be? 2
It's the jealousy for me
Blue gems
I want you back...
Home is here
Home is here 2

A soulmate would love their soulmate no matter what

1.3K 44 6
By The_Phantom6

Requested by @MarianaMoll3

Kara's pov

It was a normal evening in National City. There were a few crimes, but Supergirl was able to stop them. Even though my life is really complicated, I wouldn't change it...Because I love it, I love it even more when I met my soulmate Lena. Lena and I are going strong, and we've been about almost eight months together...And those eight months were amazing. The first time I met Lena, I knew she was the one I want to marry...I don't have second thoughts about, I never had. I'm just wondering when I should ask her, plus I still ned to buy a ring.

I got home earlier than expected. I knew I would be alone for awhile, because Lena had a project she has to have it finished due today and would probably come home at around midnight or even later. I ate some leftover food and started to watch some movies, because Supergirl wasn't needed and all my articles are done.

But suddenly I got this weird feeling in my stomach...I ignored it at first, but then this pain came in...How is it possible that I can feel pain?! I groan in pain and then I have this feeling I have to puke everything out. Immediately I run to the bathroom and puke my guts out...Literally everything I ate came out and this is the worst feeling ever. When I was done, something crossed my mind...Nope, no it can't be, Lena and I are females and can't get each other pregnant. But the symptoms I have are the exact same of a pregnancy...Could it really be? I have to be sure, so having an internal panic attack, I opened a bathroom drawer and took out a pregnancy test.

After the longest three minutes of my life...I looked onto the stick and it showed...Positive...I-it's positive...No, no it can't be! I used my x-ray vision on my body and there I saw a little bean in my uterus...Oh Rao, I'm pregnant...But how? How is it possible. I haven't slept with a man...I didn't cheat on Lena and never would. What should I tell her? What should I tell everyone? No one would believe me when I tell them I'm pregnant, but haven't slept with a man. What should I do? What can I do? I don't know what to do...

I was so lost, I sat on the floor and began to cry...I should be happy that I would have a baby, but right now I feel lost, scared and fooled by myself...If I would tell this to Lena, she would leave me, because she would think I cheated on her and if I tell this to everyone else, they would leave me too, because I betrayed someone in a relationship, they would think I'm a bad person...I would be left alone, with a child. I could only think on one thing...Leave.

I wiped my tears away, stood up, grabbed the test, super sped around the apartment, packed a few things and got changed. I didn't know what to do, so the best way possible to avoid any pain was to leave...To run away. I grabbed the remote Cisco gave me, but before I opened a portal...I thought about what I would leave behind...I would leave Lena behind, I would leave everything behind. Quickly, I grabbed a paper and pen and wrote down the things I wanted to say...Maybe soulmates are soulmates, but some are not meant to be together. As I finished writing, I laid the letter onto the kitchen island, with the apartment key and then...I jumped into the portal and left.

Lena's pov

Ugh, finally I was done with my project and could not wait to see my beautiful girlfriend at home. All I wanted to do was to get changed into one of Kara's sweater, cuddled with her while we watch movies and get kisses...I really could it wait and when I finally parked my car into the garage, I jumped out like a kid who was excited for ice cream. When the elevator stopped at the floor, where Kara's and I's apartment is, I walked out of the elevator and opened the door. "Love, I'm ho-." I cut myself off when I was met by a dark, empty apartment. "Kara?" But I didn't get any response. I turned on the lights and there was no sign of Kara, nothing. I searched around the apartment, till I found a letter and a key on the kitchen island. I gently grabbed the letter and opened...And as I read the first two words, I began to cry:

Dear Lena

Forget me. I want you to forget me and move on.

I truly love you and always will. I love you so much, that I would let you go...Because I want to save you from the pain, because you've gone through so much, that all you deserve is happiness and love. I want you to find someone you love and treat them like you treated me. I want you to get married and have family of your own, just what you wish for. I want you to find someone who will love you no matter what, that will find your imperfections perfect and that will fight for you and your love...So please forget me and move on...Please forget me.


I was in tears. Why would Kara leave me? Why would she want me to forget her? Did I do something? I thought Kara and I were really meant to be...Maybe soulmates, but not meant to be in each others arms. I really thought Kara would be the one, but maybe she wants to part ways...

But in my head, something was truly wrong that I have to know. Even though Kara would want me to move on, I want to know the reason why. So I called the only person who could help me: "Alex, Kara isn't her and something is wrong."


Kara's pov

I arrived on Earth-1 safely. I quickly changed into my super suit and flew to Gotham City. I knew that she was there and would be the only safe place for me, since nobody on my earth knew about Batwoman...I just needed a place where I can have time to think of this situation and someone who can really help me. Quickly, I landed into and empty alley and knew to which building I should go. A few minutes a stood in front of the known building of the dark knight, Wayne Enterprises. I entered the old building and was surprised that it has been more cleaned up, than the last time I was here. I super sped to the top floor and was 100% she would be there. When I entered the office of the CEO, there I saw the one and only Kate Kane doing some paperwork. "Kara?" Kate asked me in surprise as she looked up. "Kate, I need your help." I pleaded and she nodded, stood up from her chair and gave me a hug. "What's wrong?" She asked me concerned and I took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant..." And Kate's expression was...It was unreadable. "You're pregnant?" She asked and I nodded.

It was silent for a time, till she asked me: "How is that possible? I know you're together with Lena, so please tell me the truth." She calmly said, but I knew on the inside she was starting to blow up. "I know it sounds crazy, but I never cheated on Lena and never ever would. I was in panic when I took that test, when it showed positive. Believe me, I have also so many questions how it's even possible I got pregnant. But all I'm asking for is that you'll help me to find it out...That's all I'm asking for." I said, showing the test and tears started to build up in my eyes. Kate's face softened and she gave me another hug...I really needed a hug after all this stress. "I believe you and I'll help you figure this out." Kate said and gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Thank you." I whispered and she gave a slight smile.

About an hour later we were at the Wayne Manor. "I'll bring you to the guest room." She said and I nodded. I followed her and she showed me a quite nice room. "You can stay here as long as you want, you're always welcome here." Kate said and I gave a silent 'thank you'. "Go get changed into something more comfortable, while I ask Alfred to cook you dinner." Kate said and I gave her a soft hug. She then left the room and I was left alone. I laid myself on the bed and started to think about Lena...I'm really sorry if I hurt her, I truly miss her kisses and hugs...All I wanted was t cuddle and watch movies with her, but Rao had some other plans for me.

I don't know how long I was lost in my thoughts, but I quickly got changed into a sweater and a pair of more comfortable jeans. And soon enough, Alfred called me for dinner, which a thanked him for...Hopefully I find a solution to this problem.


Lena's pov

"Brainy, have you found any trace of Kara?" I asked in panic. It's been two hours since I found about Kara's disappearance and letter. "I'm sorry, but the last signal of her was in your apartment...From there on there was not a single trace of her." Brainy said in disappointment and I just sighed in defeat. "We will find her Lena...I know that." Alex reassured, but it sounds more likely she tried to convince herself. "Something really bad happened and I have this feeling it's something because of me." I said and I felt how a tear fell out of my eye. Alex just hugged me and soothed me...But in my mind, I wished it would be Kara. "Whatever it is, we ill find it out and find solution to it." Alex campy said to me, when my crying started to calm down. I just nodded weakly and started to think of the possibilities of where she might have gone...Till I thought of the only possible thing...Another Earth. J'onn looked around the whole globe and hasn't found a single clue on where Kara has gone. "Brainy, we can't find her because she isn't on this Earth." I say and Brainy smacked his forehead. "What haven't I though about that?" He sighed in exhaustion and I just shrugged. "Director, do you maybe know on which heart she might have gone?" Brainy asked and Alex nodded. "There is only one Earth she is close to than this one...It's Earth-1" Alex said...So I think it's off to Earth-1.


Kara's pov

A couple of hours have gone by and Kate is examining me with some sort of machine a friend built for her. "It looks like the baby in your womb is half human and Kryptonian." Kate said and handed me the file, after the scanning. I don't know why, but for the first time after these stressful hours...I felt happy, happy that I'll have a baby and at least I know he or she is half human. I started to wonder if it's really possible...But my parents never mentioned to me on Krypton that it's possible that Kryptonian's could get other species or themselves pregnant, with the same gender. "Where you captured recently?" Kate asked me and I thought for a second, but then I nodded a 'no'. "No, the last time was about a year ago." I stated and Kate nodded. She started to type ion the Bat-Computer and went though some old foes from Bruce. "Congratulations on the baby by the way." Kate said and I smiled. "Thanks...I feel bad, because mostly when you find out you're pregnant...You should be happy, but I was scared and sad...I feel like terrible mother already." I said in defeat and lowered my head. Kate walked over to me and patted my shoulder. "No, you're completely the opposite...You would be a great mother. And if I were in your situation, finding out I'm pregnant and haven't slept with a guy and I'm together with a woman...I would react the same." Kate said to me softly and I gave a sad smile back. Suddenly I heard very familiar heartbeat miles away. "Lena is here..."

Lena's pov

Alex and I are on Earth-1 to find Kara. "She was here, her chip is still active here." Alex said and I knew we would find her. But I was really worried and scared...What happened and what made her leave? Why would she leave me...leave everyone behind suddenly? A part from me felt heartbroken, but the other part told me there was a valid reason...My feelings were so mixed. "Where did she go?" I asked and Alex could heart the pain in my voice, if I read her facial expression correctly. She gave me a tight hug and rubbed my back. "Look, I know this sucks...It really does. And I know you feel heartbroken that my sister suddenly left, without giving the reason...And I'm really sorry." Alex said and apologized for her sister. I felt tears building up, but held them back. "Where did she go?" I reaped the question, my voice cracking. "Gotham." Alex said and soon enough, we were off to Gotham.

Kara's pov

Kate looked at me shocked. "She's here, with Alex. I can hear their heartbeats getting closer." I say and start to panic. I can't run away now, except I got another Earth...Should I? "Look, we better find out how you got pregnant, without having sex with a guy...They can't find us here, because the Bat Cave blocks out signals." Kate reassured, but by the tone of her voice...It was like she was reassuring herself. I just nodded and suddenly the Bat-Computer started to speak: "File of Kryptonian biology has been decoded."

Millions of documents about Kryptonian biology has been opened and I started to wonder, where did Kate get all of those information. "I did not get them, Bruce did...Your cousin on this Earth gave him full permission on the Fortress." She said and I got surprised on how she knew what I was thinking. "May I?" I asked and Kate nodded. I started to click through each document...I went document after document and finally...By Rao, I could feel a weight lift off my shoulders. "So it's possible." Kate added and I nodded, taking a deep breath. On the document was written: "Kryptonian's can get each other or other species pregnant, including with the same gender. The Pregnancy is 6 months long."

Finally I felt happy...Lena and I are going to have baby! Were having a child...I can't believe this. But my eyes went wide, when I noticed I still have to tell it to Lena. "Kate, can you asked Alfred to give them a call and ask them to come here?" I asked and she nodded. I gave Alfred Lena's number and waited. Soon, he came into sight and informed me that they'll come...All i had to do was wait. I was so nervous that I started to superspeed around the Wayne Manor, without even noticing. Before they would arrive, I put the printed file and stick into a box, and wrapped it neatly. Right on time, I hear their heartbeats in front of the door.

I super sped to the living room, where Kate was waiting and soon enough, I saw my beautiful girlfriend and my sister standing there...In a pained expression. I frowned, because I knew I was responsible for causing them pain. "Kara...Why did you leave?" Lena asked, her voice cracking and tears fell out of her emerald eyes. I slowly walks dup to her and gave her a hug, including Alex. "I'm really sorry that I cause you guys pain and that I just left without telling you the reason...And Lena, what I wrote in the letter is not true, except that I truly love you." I softly said and started to cry. "Why did you leave?" Lena repeated the question. I looked towards Kate, who gave me a supporting thumbs up...I took a deep breath and handed Lena the little box. Alexander her looked at me confused..."The reason why is in there." I calmly said, but I was a nervous mess on the inside.

It felt like slow motion when Lena opened the box...But her facial expression went from pained, to confused, to shocked, to surprised and then...To happiness. "Y-you're pregnant?" She smiled and gave me a kiss. And I saw how Alex's eyes went wide, she grabbed the box and read through the file. "My sister has a magic vagina...And I'm going to be an aunt!" Alex squealed happily and made everyone laugh, plus I even heard Kate squeal. "I ran away, because I was scared and I didn't even know it was possible that I could impregnate females or get impregnated by a female. I was afraid...That you'll leave me" I whispered the last part, but Lena heard it. "It's okay love and don't be afraid...Because even though if it wouldn't have been my baby, I would never leave...Remember, no matter what a soulmate will always love their soulmate." Lena cupped my cheeks and gave me a kiss filled with love. "I love you." I said and gave a warm smile. "I love you, plus I already love the little one." Lena said and rubbed my belly, which will definitely have a bump soon.

A soulmate would love their soulmate no matter what.

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