Catch me if you Can

By rose_gold19

64.7K 1.4K 378

Maxine Black is the only daughter of the infamous serial killer Sirius Black, when he was only 16 years old... More

The Letter
The New Teacher
The Black Dog
The Truth
Thank You
A Black Christmas
Henry Clearwater
The Pendant
Midnight Visit
A Birthday Surprise
Laura's Advice
The Return of Wormtail
Please Read
An Unexpected Reunion
The Reveal
Duel Against a Werewolf
3 years later


2K 66 5
By rose_gold19

News spreads quickly in Hogwarts. Just like wildfire. And what had happened to me was no exception. 

Now, usually, I don't mind the rumours that pass about me. It's always the same, concerning whether or not I'm a psycho just like my dad. Now, however, rumours were passing around that I had never found love. That I was unlovable. And for some reason, that hurt more then any other insult that has been thrown at me before.

Some students, mostly Slytherin's, highly enjoyed making some remarks on the subject.

"Maybe it's not that she's unlovable, but just unworthy of love"some Slytherin snickered one day as I was heading to Astronomy class.

"Maybe you're just unworthy of love"Tony snapped back fiercely, getting a glare from the Slytherins, and stocked off.

"Don't worry Max, give it a couple weeks, and it'll be old news, nobody will care anymore"Tony told me reassuringly.

"Yeah, maybe"I said, though I wasn't convinced.


April was slowly coming to an end. This was, by far, the worst month I've spent at Hogwarts. I had started counting down the days until I could go home. The only thing that kept me going was the pendant I wore every day around my neck, with the question remaining on who gave it to me. Who could possibly love me? Especially now. My curiosity got the better of me, so one night, while in the library working on Herbology homework,I started making a list of all the guys I knew liked me or had dated me. I came with the names of Oliver Wood, Henry Clearwater(I quickly scraped this name after writing it), Bill Weasley, Tony Thomas(he liked me in our first year), and Louis Thompson, a Ravenclaw in my year, who had a crush on me back when we were in our fifth year. Looking at the list, I started taking off the names I knew weren't a possibility. Once I was done, I only had Louis and Bill left. At Bill's name, my heart leaped a bit. Though I had tried so very hard to get over my feelings, even when I was dating Henry, I couldn't. There was an undeniable connection I had to the oldest Weasley, a craving for more of him. I scratched my nose with my quill, trying to put a name on what I felt, though I couldn't quite figure it out.

"That's a list of names I never thought I would see together"came a voice over my shoulder. I jumped in surprise, only to realize it was Andrea who came to stand behind me. I blushed.

"Just trying to figure some stuff out,"I said quietly. She takes the chair beside me and sits down.

"And what might that be?"she asked curiously. As she was my best friend, I knew I could trust her with this, so I told her everything. I let her see the pendant.

"Why's my boyfriend on this list?"she asked, frowning.

"Because he liked me in our first year"

"Oh, I remember that"she said, and we laughed at the memory of 11 year old Tony offering me a bouquet of dandelions and asking me to be his girlfriend.

"Well, you seemed to have narrowed your options pretty good. I don't see it being Thompson though. He liked you 2 years ago!"Andrea said, looking at the list I had left. "So that means it must be Professor Weasley"

"I don't know Andrea"I said, sighting, "I mean, he made out with your sister, so I doubt whatever feelings he had for me were really real"I sighed. Andrea's eyes went the size of saucers.

"I didn't tell you?"she asked shocked.

"Tell me what?"

"Well, during our Hogsmeade visit last weekend, my mum and dad sat me down at The Three Broomsticks to talk me over what had happened, since I had the right to know. Turns out the reason Professor Weasley wasn't fired was because it wasn't even his fault!"

"How the bloody hell can it not be his fault-"I didn't finish my sentence as it clicked in, what had happened.

"Penny gave him a love potion in his juice that dinner! So obviously he was intoxicated and just did whatever she wanted because he couldn't control anything!"

I sat there, not believing my ears. I thought back at all the months I had wasted not spending with him because I believed something that never really happened.

"Max? Are you ok?"Andrea asked, "This is great news isn't it?"

I got up so fast that it startled her. "I need to go find him,"I announced.

"You go get him babe, you got this!"she encouraged me, earning a evil glare from Madam Pince, as I stuffed my homework in my bag and rushed out of the library, running up the stairs two by two, to his office. I finally got to his office, breathless, and knocked on his door. I heard his footsteps as he walked to the door, and he opened the door. His handsome face went from a neutral expression to one of pure shock.

"Miss Black, I was not expecting you at this time..?"he asked.

"Can I come in?"I asked, still catching my breath. He takes a step aside and I walk in his office.

"I know what happened,"I said, as he closed the door behind us. As he looked confused, I continued: "Andrea told me what Peneloppe did. How she gave you that potion. That you never wanted to kiss her"

Bill seemed to tense up, and didn't say anything, waiting for me to continue.

"I need to know though.. What do you feel for me"I asked quietly, anticipating the worst. I touch my pendant subconsciously and he glances down at it.

"I think the letter that accompanied that pendant should explain it pretty well,"he said softly, a hand in his pocket. I felt the air get sucked out of my lungs

"It was you"I breathed.

"Sure was. That pendant was my mum's. She gave it to me during Christmas break when I came home and told her I found the one. I never felt anything like this until I met you Max. She could tell I was sincere so she gave it to me, so I could give it to you just as my dad did to her many years ago"

I didn't know what to say. I was at a loss for words. So I told him how I felt, finally realizing it back in the library what this attachment to him really meant: "Bill Weasley, I'm in love with you"

Nothing could be heard except for the wind howling against the window. I couldn't breath. After what seemed like forever, his face broke in a huge crooked smile, and he broke whatever distance was left between us and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck to pull him closer as I savour this moment that I had missed and yearned for months. When we finally broke apart, we were breathless, our foreheads pressed against each other. I smelled his cologne and pine soap.

"Be mine?"he whispered in my ear, his warm breath tickling it, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Always"I said softly, and he twirled me around, making me giggle, and kissed me again, sending sparks flying around us. 

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