Thank You

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Bill never told me much about the investigation he did on my dad and Peter Pettigrew. All he said was that he believed me, but that I had to be careful when it came to helping my dad, as people, especially the Professors, were keeping a close eye on me. He did attempt to take Scabbers away from Ron, but it was without luck, as its hiding now apparently.


"Hey, Black, wait up!"Oliver Wood cried as I was walking up the stairs to my tower, as we just finished Charms class. I was in a good mood, from my recent victory against Hufflepuff in Quidditch. Though that good mood now dissipated.

"What do you want Wood?"I sighed, slowing down just enough for him to catch up.

"I want to ask you on a date"he said proudly, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"I already told you many times Wood, that I'm not interested"I said, and started making my way again.

"Cmon Black, why won't you give me a chance?"he questioned, following me.

"Because I just don't want to! I have no interest in you"I snapped, wondering how many times I'll need to tell him this for it to get through his thick skull.

"Why though? Do you fancy someone else?"he demanded.

"Yeah, maybe I do"I said, without thinking, my mind wandering automatically to Bill. I finally made it to my common room.

"The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?"the eagle asked wisely.

"Oh, crap"I muttered as I didn't know the answer right away. Wood was huffing and puffing beside me, and before I knew it, he pinned me against the wall.

"Hey, what the hell!"I yelped, going to grab my wand, but he grabbed both my hands tightly.

"Let me go Wood"I demanded.

"Not until you say yes to go on a date with me"he said, breathing heavily in my face. I wrinkled, as his breath stank.

"No, now get off"I demanded again, though this time less confidently.

"No, I don't think so"he muttered, and his eyes lingered at my chest.

"My face is here you perv"I growled.

He smirked, his hand going down and grabbing my waist, then lingering lower, much to my horror.

"Get off me!"I yelled.

"Oh, shush, I know you enjoy this Max"he whispered in my ear, putting himself close to me. I felt tears come to my eyes, much to my embarrassment.

"Please stop, please-"I begged, but all I got as an answer was him kissing my neck. I closed my eyes, praying for a miracle, when it came, in the form of a angelic red head.

"She told you to get off Wood, so get the fuck off of her!"came the voice of Bill Weasley, and I opened my eyes to see his furious face glaring daggers. Wood got off of me like I was iron hot and was red in the face.

"50 points from Gryffindor"

"But sir-"Wood started but he stopped when he saw Bill's deadly gaze.

"And I'll be speaking with your Head of House, I think detention for a month should do you well, or more, if your Mcgonagall seems it fit. Now get out of my sight, you disgust me" without a word, Wood left in a hurry.

"The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?"the eagle repeated when nobody spoke. Bill was staring me down and I was looking down at my feet, red in the face in shame and embarrassment.

"Footsteps"I muttered.

"What?"Bill asked, confused.

"Correct"the eagle said, and the door opened. He followed me in my common room.

"I could've managed on my own"I muttered.

"Really? You seemed pretty stuck there"he said drily, eyebrow raised, making him look more seductive then he already is.

"I didn't need your help"I said stubbornly.

"I think you did"he said, just as stubborn as me. I finally looked up and his eyes met mine, and I felt a wave of feelings pass through me sending shivers down my spine. He broke our gaze and gave a little cough. "A thanks would be nice"he said, smirking.

"Whatever"I murmured, and I went to my room.

"We're not done Miss Black"Bill said, following to my room. My eyes widened.

"Get out of my room!"I saud, shocked.

"Not until you thank me"he smirked, and plopped himself on Andrea's bed. Sometimes I forgot he still was my teacher. I should just thank him, and let him be on his way. Before any of us would get in trouble. But I was too stubborn, just like my father, to do that.

"Guess you'll be waiting here a long time"I replied, and plopped myself on my bed. I noticed Paris had a letter at he beek as she stood at my night stand.

"Thanks Paris"I said gently stroking her, and took the letter.


I'm changing locations, there's too many dementors around here in Hogsmeade. I'll have to go further back in the forest. Send me by owl the date of your next Hogsmeade meeting and I'll meet you there.

Love you,


I quickly got up my bed, got some parchment, quill and ink, and hastily wrote down December 18th, before folding it and giving it to Paris.

"You know where this goes"and she hooted in agreement, before flying off.

"Who was that from?"Bill asked, lazily playing with his wand.

"None of your business"I snapped.

"It's from your dad isn't it"he stated.

"no"I said quietly, not daring to look at him.

"Miss Black, you may be amazing at many things, but lying to me isn't one of them"He said, chuckling, and I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Fine, it was from him. But I'm not telling you what it was about"

"Fair enough"Bill laughed. "I should get going before someone sees me here and gets me in trouble"

I couldn't help but feel disappointed. "I didn't thank you yet though"I smirked, "Does that mean I win?"

"Not so fast, you haven't won. But I'll think of something that you can do to show how much you appreciate what I did"

"Uhuh, good luck with that sir"

"Oh, I already know what it will be"

"Oh? What is it?"I demanded.

"You'll see"He said mischievously, before getting up, stretching, and leaving me in my room, confused, and wondering what the hell he was going to make me do..

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