An Unexpected Reunion

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Note from author: When I saw all your comments and messages regarding my last post, I cried. Your words and prayers really touched and moved me. I was seriously not expecting this much support.

Thank you for everyone who prayed for my family and I. Unfortunately, this person, who has been as close as a father to me, has passed away. At this moment, I cannot explain the grief that I'm feeling right now. It is not comprehensible to me. I will try however, to update when I have the time to do so. ~Rose xx


We were running down the hallways, Uncle Lupin keeping a constant eye on the map.

"I lost them"he said suddenly.

"Crap"I muttered, and ran faster. We just made it to the the main doors, when someone said: "And where do you think your going?"I froze and slowly turn around to see Filch coming our way.

"I was just about to go out to take some fresh air, with Miss Black here. She is allowed out of the castle with a teacher after all"Uncle Lupin said smoothly. Filch didn't look like he believed a word he said, but couldn't say anything, as Uncle Lupin had more power then him. He snarls and walks away.

"Let's go Max"Uncle Lupin said in a hushed voice and we rushed outside, to the Whomping Willow. The branches were moving around dangerously.

"Alright, so you know which knot to press?"Uncle Lupin asked nervously.

"Yeah, why me though?"I asked. My dad had told me what to do, if ever I needed to safe place to stay.

"Your smaller and more agile. Just go!"he snapped. I rolled my eyes at his excuse, but still went and started crawling to the knot, dodging branches. I almost made it when suddenly, a branch that I just missed hit me, sending me flying across the yard. I yelped in pain as I felt some ribs break.

"Max! Are you ok?"Uncle Lupin asked, and before I could answer, he rushed, dodged some branches, and pressed on the knot, stopping it from every movement. I sat up, and though I was still in pain, I got up and rushed to go into the whole, Uncle Lupin right behind me. The tunnel was really small, and I had to crouch down, though it killed my ribs. I could barely breathe. Finally, the tunnel started going up, and we made it to a door.

"Stand behind me Max"Uncle Lupin said sternly, and he pronounced a spell.

The door of the room burst open in a shower of red sparks and I went running in, my wand out and ready. I looked around me, at Ron Weasley, who seemed injured on the floor, Hermione Granger also on the ground, and Harry, standing with his wand pointed at dad. I gasped at the sight of dad, who was bloody on the ground. I wanted to step in but knew to stand behind Uncle Lupin instead.

"Expelliarmus!" Lupin shouted. Harry's wand flew out of his hand; so did the two Hermione was holding. Lupin caught them all deftly, then moved into the room, staring at dad. I stared at dad, too stunned to know what to do. Suddenly, his eyes glinted, and he tilted his head towards Harry. I then knew what he wanted to do. We both knew Harry would need support right now. 

"Harry, are you ok?"I exclaimed, and rushed to his side. He seemed stunned, but moved protectively in front of me. 

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just stay behind me Max"he snapped. I wanted to tell him the logic of this move, that it would be better for me to be in front, as I had years more of experience, but I kept my mouth shut. 

"Where is he, Sirius?"Uncle Lupin asked. Then, very slowly, dad raised his empty hand and pointed straight at Ron. 

"But then..." Lupin muttered, "... why hasn't he shown himself before now? Unless" — Lupin's eyes suddenly widened, "— unless he was the one... unless you switched... without telling me?"

Catch me if you CanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora