A Black Christmas

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The ride back to King's Cross was a peaceful one. There was a steady fall of snow that tapped against the window, as I stared outside, thinking back on my last encounter with Bill Weasley.

"Earth to Max!"someone said, and I snapped out of my reverie.

"Sorry, what?"I asked, turning to look at my two friends.

"We were asking who you would fuck, marry, kill!"Andrea said, exasperated.

"What were the options again?"I asked.

"Harry Potter, Tony and our Ancient Runes Professor"she replied.

"I would totally do the Professor"Poppy said and I felt a surge of jealousy pass through me.

"Eww, gross Poppy!"Andrea said.

"What, would you rather I have sex with Tony then?"Poppy demanded and I could tell by Andrea's facial expressions that she would not rather that.

"So, who would you do?"Andrea demanded. I felt a blush come to my face, but I stayed calm.

"Hmm, I would fuck Tony"I started.

"Eww!"Andrea said, and I rolled my eyes before continuing, "And I would marry Harry, I could never kill him, he's a childhood friend, and I guess I would have to kill Professor Weasley"

"I thought you had the hots for him?"Poppy asked, and I shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Ladies, get your baggage, because we are about five minutes away from the station"Tony said, suddenly entering the compartment, having finished his prefect duties. I just had the time to get Paris down when the train came to a stop. I looked outside to see if I could identify my mother in the crowd, but I didn't see her. She must be on the other side, waiting for me. We exited the train, and Andrea's brothers came to meet her.

"Poppy, Max, these are my brothers, Henry and Logan. Boys, these are my friends, Poppy Brown, Maxine Black, and you already know Tony"

"How do you do ladies?"Henry asked, and he gave me a wink.

"Just on our way back home"I responded, though a small blush appeared on my face.

"Say, do you live around here?"Henry asked.

"Ok, that's enough flirting with my best friend"Andrea said, smacking him, and he chuckled.

"Well, have a Merry Christmas guys"she added, and gave us all a hug before leaving with my family.

"Poppy, we need to go"whined a little girl with curly blond hair, who I instantly recognized as Lavender, Poppy's little sister.

"Be patient Lav. Have a merry christmas you two"Poppy said, gave Tony and I a hug, and left with her sister to find her parents.

"Your mum will be waiting on the other side I assume?"I asked him, and he nodded. We dragged out luggage across the barrier and made it back to King's Cross station.

"I see my mum and Dean. Have a merry christmas Max"he said smiling. I grinned back.

"Merry christmas Tony"I said joyfully, and I left to go find my mum.

"Maxine, over here!"Screamed a voice I recognized, and I turned to see my mum, pretty as always, her green eyes sparkling with happiness, and by her side.. a black dog. My eyes grew wide with realization.

"Mum!"I cried, and ran to her and hugged her before turning to the dog.

"Thought I would get you an early Christmas present"My mum said, grinning mischievously. I smiled, and crouched down to let my dad lick my face a bit.

"We're finally all together again"I whispered.

It was by far the happiest holidays I've had ever since I was five. My mum was finally happy again, whistling some christmas carols as she cooked and cleaned the house. My dad, who only transformed back into himself when he was safe in the house, with the curtains drawn, and he was beyond happy, as he devoured every meal she made, and told me stories and asked me about my Hogwarts experience.

"So, any boyfriend's Max?"he asked, during dinner at Christmas Eve, as he swallowed down his fifth portions of mashed potatoes and ham. He was getting his colours and weight back, and looked way more healthy then he has in years.

"Err, well-"I said, and knew that I had to be careful with what I was going to say.

"His name's William, and we're not dating or anything, but we get along very good"I said vaguely. Mum looked up from her cup of tea.

"William? You never told me of him before"she asked.

"Oh, well, he transferred, from a school in America"I lied. I knew dad didn't believe me, but mum did, so it was enough.

"You know, I always thought you and Tony Thomas would end up together"she remarked, making me spit my mashed potatoes out and laughing.

"Table manners young lady!"she snapped, but dad said: "Oh, let her laugh. I never get to hear it, and it's beautiful"

I smiled at dad before turning back to mum, "Tony's been dating Andrea Clearwater forever. I never considered him any more then a friend"

"Oh, well, you'll have to invite this William person over this summer"she said.

"Um, yeah, maybe mum"I muttered, and returned to my supper,

"Merry Christmas darling"dad said as I walked sleepily downstairs to see my parents sitting by the tree, that was surrounded by gifts. I grinned excitedly as I joined them cross legged by the heap of presents. We started opening presents, and much to my delight, I got book on healing remedies from Poppy, a pretty new shirt from Andrea, and a box of assorted goodies from Tony.

"Open ours now"mum said, and she gave me a big gift. Confused, I opened it and gasped. It was the brand new broom that just came out a couple months ago.

"I don't know what to say"I whispered.

"A thank you would be nice"dad laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you guys"I said, and gave them each a hug.

"But this can't top the greatest gift I got this year"

"What can be better then a brand new broom?"dad asked shocked.

"Having you back"I whispered, as my heart felt warm and full with the love of both of my parents.

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