The Truth

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"What's going on?"Snape repeated. My Ravenclaw brain, that was usually so fast to process things, was mush. I looked at Bill, waiting for him to tell Snape everything. Please, please don't say anything I begged in my head as I stared at him. He noticed my stare.

"I just caught Miss Black walking the woods. I was discussing her punishment"Bill said coolly and a wave of relief passed through me. Snape raised an eyebrow.

"And what were you doing prowling the forest Miss Black?"he sneered.

"Oh, I just wanted to get away from all the noise"I said dismissively, though I could tell he didn't believe me one bit.

"Well, we best be off. Miss Black, if you will kindly follow me to my office to discuss detention"Bill said.

"Wait a minute Weasley. Are we sure she was just walking the forest for fun? The dementors were out just earlier, they must've of sensed Sirius Black's presence. Are you sure there's nothing going on?" I gulped as the two men stared at each other and I was scared. The dementors were out? What if they caught on to dad? No, surely not, he must be long gone by now.

"I can assure you that when I saw Miss Black, and even the minutes before I confronted her, Sirius Black was not around"Bill lied, though it was such a good lie that even Snape believed it.

"Alright then. I need to go now to talk to Dumbledore"he said, and left. I finally let out a breath that I didn't know until now that I've been keeping in this whole time.

"Thank you"I breathed, though I couldn't figure out Weasley's facial expression.

"Come on Miss Black. To my office"he said sternly. I followed him out of the forest and into Hogwarts. Students were back inside now, most of them soaked to the bone, talking about Harry that fell off his broom. A shiver passed though me.

"Harry was the one that fell? Is he ok?"I asked Mr. Weasley worriedly.

"Of course, Dumbledore was able to soften the blow. He'll need to recover in the Infirmary though" We made it to his office and I sat down uneasily, wondering what was going to happen. Bill sat at his desk, and laced his fingers together.

"You owe me one"he finally said, after moments of silence.

"I know, I-"I started but he cut me off.

"And you can repay me right now, by telling me what the hell was going on, and why the hell was Sirius Black here?"he said. I took a deep breath, and looked at his eyes that seemed to be boring in my soul. I seriously didn't want to tell him. He was going to think I'm crazy. But then again, he already thinks I'm crazy for merely speaking to my dad, who he thinks is a serial killer.

"He's looking for Peter Pettigrew"I finally said. Both of his eyebrows raised at an extreme height.

"Miss Black, you do realize he's-"

"I know, everyone thinks he's dead! But he's not, he faked his death"

"What are you talking about?"

And so I told him. I told him everything that happened, from when I was 5 or 6, where Dad confronted Peter, and Peter almost killed me just like he killed all those muggles. How the blame was put on Dad, who just laughed the whole time, partly because he was in shock of the whole situation. The hug he gave me before he got taken away. The years of my mum and I being alone, going to visit Dad once a week, feeling the dread and hopelessness from the Dementors, sneaking in food for Dad, and him always telling us to never give up on him. The years that passed, and my mum never took her marriage ring off and never left Dad for another guy. The years where I was silenced, my mum telling me that though she believes me, no one else believed me when I said that Daddy wasn't a killer. The looks we received whenever we went to Diagon Alley. My first year of Hogwarts, where I was outcasted, everyone thinking I would end up in Slytherin, but instead, I was put into Ravenclaw, where I met my friends for life. Me writing letter to Azkaban every day, hoping they would reach my dad, telling him about my classes, friends, and adventures at Hogwarts. Coming home for the holidays and spending them in Azkaban. And now, in my Seventh year, having to deal with my dad on the run, the only reason he escaped was for Harry and my safety because Pettigrew, a Death Eater, who was now Ron's rat..

"Hang on"Weasley said, cutting me from my story, "What do you mean Pettigrew is Ron's rat? That rat has been Percy's before, and it's been with us for-"

"11 years"I finished for him, "Pettigrew and his friends were illegal Animagus, and he was a rat. That's how he faked his death Professor. He cast a spell, cut his finger off and transformed before escaping. And he's Ron's pet because he is closer to Harry then any other Death Eater, so the minute You-Know-Who is back, Harry and I are the first on his kill list."

He stared at me, as the information processed through his mind. I doubted he was going to believe me. I was getting ready for him to start laughing, saying I'm barking mad, or to send me to St-Mungo's to get my brain checked out. He slowly got up and went to sit by my side.

"I wish I could tell you I thought you were mad"he said slowly, "except that the whole thing makes sense. And I can't help myself but to believe you"

"Really?"I gasped, and looked at him in disbelief. "No one ever believe me, except for my mum"

"Well, guess I'm the lucky second"he grunted. He rubbed his temples and let out a long sight.

"Miss.. Max"he started, catching me off guard by him using my first name. "Though I believe you, you need to promise me to not help him into the castle. I will do my own little investigation, and go talk to Ron. But until then, do not contact your father. Do you understand?" and he took my hand firmly. I gazed into his beautiful eyes.

"Yes, sir"I breathed, transfixed. He was also looking into my gray brown eyes.

"You are quite special Miss Black. Unlike any other students here"he said.

"How so?"I asked, and felt my face inch closer to his.

"You have the courage of a Gryffindor, yet you were put into Ravenclaw. And I never liked Ravenclaw's when I was in school, they were always too snobbish for me. But why the hell can't I help myself from liking you?" His face inched closer to mine. Our foreheads were almost touching.

"I don't know Professor, but I've been told multiple times that I'm not the typical Ravenclaw"I whispered.

"That, I can believe"he said, chuckling. "You have beautiful eyes"he added, and my heart leaped in my chest.


I jumped and Bill instantly let go of me and got up to answer the door. He opened it to find Penelope Clearwater.

"Hi, Professor, I was wondering if you could help me-"she started saying, her voice honeyed, but stopped when she saw me.

"Help you with what exactly?"Bill asked, looking extremely annoyed.

"My homework sir, I don't understand number 17"she said, brushing some hair on the side of her face, and glaring down at me.

"I guess I'll go"I muttered, standing up, disappointed.

"I'll see you in class then"Bill said, and he gave me a wink the Penelope didn't see, making me blush.

"Alright Professor. See you then"I said, and left a very angry Penelope and smiling Bill behind.

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