The Black Dog

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As the days passed, I noticed that lots of teachers were paying closer attention to me, as though my dad would just suddenly appear from behind me. Snape was the most attentive of me, though I did tell him to fuck off a few times, he just sent me in detention, meaning he had a perfect excuse to keep an even closer eye on me. 

The first Quidditch game was coming up and I was looking forward to watch Gryffindor beat Hufflepuff's ass, though Poppy wanted Hufflepuff to win because 'her boyfriend is the beater on the team and blablabla'

It was raining a lot that day, as Poppy and I sprinted down to see the match, our umbrella fighting against the wind. I caught a glimpse of Bill Weasley talking to some Gryffindor girls, who were obviously flirting with him.  I felt a wave of fury pass through me but it passed quickly. Poppy gave me a quizzical look but didn't say anything. 

"Going to cheer me on Black?"Oliver Wood said, coming into sight, wearing his Quidditch uniform. 

"In your dreams Wood"I snapped, rolling my eyes, before taking Poppy's hand and dragging her to the bleachers. 

We sat down and I rolled my eyes at Poppy's  attire (wearing her boyfriend's green scarf and green face paint). The game started but I could barely see because of the rain. Suddenly, I saw something move in the corner of my eye and turned and let out a scream. Thank Merlin that at that moment everyone else was screaming at that moment as a Gryffindor player fell off his broom and was falling at a great speed. I, however, was not paying attention. I got a glimpse of a big black dog, before it turned and ran into the Forbidden Forest. Without thinking, I got up from the stands and sprinted down, knocking people out of my way, and ran to the forest. I was soaked as I splashed in puddles and through bushes, swatting branches away. After a few minutes of running, I caught up to him. 

"Dad!"I yelled against the howl of the wind. The dog stopped, disappeared in a bush, before coming back out, only this time, he was my dad. He was super pale, messy hair, dirty, and skinnier then ever. His eyes were hollow, though they gleamed with tears. 

"You're all grown up. And so beautiful"he said, his voice hoarse. 

"Got the looks from you"I replied tearfully before rushing to give him a hug. He grasped on to me like I was going to be taken away from him.

"How did you get here?"I asked him as I pulled away to study his worn face. 

"I don't really know. It took a lot of effort, but I was determined to find you again. And to get Pettigrew"

"Pettigrew?"I said alarmed. "Dad, he hasn't been seen since you got arrested. Everyone thinks he's dead"

"Oh Max"he said chuckling, though it sounded more like a bark them a laugh. "You haven't read the Daily Prophet much have you?"

"No, only mum reads it"I said, confused at where he was going with this. He grins, and takes out an old paper. I peer at it. On it was the Weasley family, on a trip to Egypt I believe. My heart leapt when I saw Bill but I was struck by what Ron was holding in his hands. It was a rat. And his front paw had a missing finger...

"Bloody hell"I gasped, giving my dad the paper back and pocketed it. 

"I need to get into Hogwarts Max. You need to help me"he said, taking both of my hands. 

"It's nearly impossible dad. There's dementors, and everyone's on the lookout"

"Now, since when was my Max such a little wimp that she won't even try to help her old man out?"

"Hey, I'm not a wimp!"

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not!"

"You're such a wimp that I think that we should change your name back to Maxine. Max is just too much of a daring name for you"I glared at him, as he smirked back. 

"Fine. I'll do it. But it's your fault if I get expelled"I muttered.

"Thata girl"he said, giving me another hug.

"Why do you need to get a hold onto Pettigrew anyways? He's just a rat"

"That is until Voldemort comes back, and Pettigrew will show his true colors again. And when he does, you and Harry will be on his top kill list. And I can't have anything bad happen to the both of you. You're all I have left"

"You have mum too"I added, and he rolled his eyes. 

"Yes, I have your mother too. But I need you and Harry to be ok"

"I'll see what I can do"I whispered, "Maybe I could tell Uncle Lupin too"

"Not yet darling. He still thinks I'm a killer. Give it time and then slowly bring on the subject" I nod though one more thing was bothering. 

"What is it Maxy? I know there's something wrong"he asked kindly. 

"I don't want you going back to Azkaban"I whispered, and despite all attempts, a tear slid down my cheek. 

"Hey, look at me Max"he said, and I looked up at his hollow, but kind face, his dark eyes that were gleaming with tears and happiness. "I will never go back in that shit hole again? You hear me? I won't let that happen again. I promise you. I love you way too much Max, to do that to you again"

"I love you too Dad"I said, and we hugged again. 

Suddenly, we hear the cracking of branches. 

"Someone's here"Dad said and I took my wand out.

"Go, now"I ordered. Without a word, he pecked me on the head, before transforming back into his animagus form and sprinting away. I brandished my wand. 

"I know your here, now show yourself!"I yelled into the forest. 

"You must have good ears to have heard me come"said Bill Weasley, and he appeared from a tree about 100 meters away. 

"What are you doing here?"I asked, slowly lowering my wand. 

"I should be asking you the same question Miss Black. See, last time I checked, it was forbidden for students to go into this forest"he said casually. I pocketed my wand and started marching back to the castle. 

"That's none of your business"I snapped, as he walked closely behind me.

"I think it is Miss, seeing that you were talking with a serial killer" I stopped in my tracks. 

"I don't know what your talking about"

"Oh, don't play dumb with me. I have 6 younger siblings, it takes more then that to fool me" I turned to look at him, though he didn't even look mad, or disappointed in me. 

"So are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?"he asked, leaning against the tree. 

"What is going on here?"came a third, cold voice, and I stiffened as Snape came into view. 

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