A Birthday Surprise

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"Bloody hell!"I yelped, and jumped up, banging my head on the top of my head. "Bloody hell"I muttered again, this time rubbing my head.I look at my side to see Andrea and Poppy grinning madly at me.

"What time is it?"I asked. 

"6!"Poppy said, grinning more. 

"6?! I had a whole hour to sleep, why did you wake me up so early!"I grumbled. 

"For once, I agree with her"I heard Peneloppe mutter from her bed. 

"C'mon, get dressed and meet us downstairs. Tony's waiting for us"Andrea said, before exiting the room with Poppy close behind her. Grunting, I get out of bed, grab my uniform and make my way to the washroom. Once in, I quickly put my clothes on, splash some water on my face and brush my teeth. I wrinkle my nose at the sight of my messy hair. It seriously looked like a bird's nest. I tried brushing it a bit, before giving up and putting it in a ponytail. It was really getting long. I skip down the stairs and see my best friends waiting for me. 

"Happy birthday!"Tony said, as he gave me a one armed hug. 

"Thanks you guys"I said happily, finally awake. 

"We all pitched in to get you this"Poppy said, and gave me a nice wrapped gift.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything"I said, as I open it. Inside was a blanket, and it seemed really warm. I wrap it around me and look at them questioningly. 

"We've had enough of you complaining of being cold"Poppy said earnestly, and I laughed. 

"Yeah, so this blanket, can sense if your hot or cold and will change according to it, and will get warmer or colder"Tony explained. 

"Aww, thanks you guys"I said, and gave them a group hug, circling the blanket around them. 


As I skipped down to breakfast, Uncle Lupin stopped me in my tracks. 

"Can you follow me to my office a minute?"he asked. Confused I follow him, where he quickly shuts the door behind us. 

"Happy birthday Max!"he said, giving me a hug. 

"Thank you uncle Lupin!"I said, happily. 

"I got you something"he said, before pulling away from me and standing aside. 

"You didn't need to-"I started to say, before stopping dead in my tracks. By the window was my dad, looking as happy as Christmas time, grinning with a twinkle in his eye. 

"Dad?"I croaked, and ran to him to give him a hug. "What are you doing here? I didn't think I would see you any time this soon"

"Me neither darling, but it's your 18th birthday, I couldn't miss my little girl's big day"he said, ruffling my hair. 

"Wait-"I said, suddenly realising something, as I back away from dad, and stared at Uncle Lupin, wondering if this was some kind of trap. 

"My other present to you Max, is an appology"Uncle Lupin said, and for the first time, I saw him look ashamed. "I should've listened to you ever since you were 5. I should've known it was Peter behind all of this"

"Wait, what made you change your mind?"I questioned. Dad grinned, and handed me a map. I instantly recognized it as the one he told me about when I was a kid. It was the Marauder's map.

"Harry had this map, and when I took it away from him, I saw Peter in the boy's dormitory"Uncle Lupin explained. "But when I went to get him, he was gone. Mr Weasley explained to me that Miss Granger's cat has appeared to have ate his rat"

"What?"I gasped. 

"Of course that's not really what happened, Peter just escaped again"Dad said, disgusted. "Stupid rat"

"We'll find him soon Sirius, with the three of us on the look, I'm sure one of us will find him"Uncle Lupin said confidently. Suddenly, the bell rang, making me jump.

"Crap, I'm going to be late for class"I muttered. 

"I'm so proud of you, you're following my footsteps"dad jokes. Amused, I rolled my eyes, before giving him one last hug. 

"See you soon?"I said, more of a promise then a question.

"Really soon"he promised me.


I came running in Ancient Runes class, huffing for breath. I felt my face go red as I realized everyone was looking at me.

"Though it is your birthday Miss Black, it gives you no free pass to be late in my class"Professor Weasley said as I entered the classroom. I stiffened a bit at the sound of his voice. I honestly don't know how I've been able to endure his classes the past few months.

"How did you know-?"

"You share your birthday with my brothers, Fred and George, so it's easy for me to remember"he said, answering my question before I could even finish it. I nod, make a mental note to wish the Weasley twins a happy 15th birthday, and sit at my spot for another tensed lesson...

The day passed by pretty well. During lunch, Paris came to give me parcel from my mum, her homemade birthday cake. I shared it with Andrea and Tony, while Poppy was off somewhere making out with her boyfriend. The day was almost perfect.

"Why is it not perfect?"Andrea asked as I mentioned this thought during dinner.

"Henry didn't even come to wish me a happy birthday. I haven't seen him all day"I said, miserably sticking my fork in my chicken.

"Oh, he might come soon, I saw him talking to that Dawlish auror in the Great Hall"Tony said. I frowned. Henry knew what had happened between Dawlish and I. He knew how much I hated him. So why would he be talking to him instead of seeing me on my birthday?

"I'll be right back"I said, pushing my plate away, and getting up.

"Here, I'll come with you"Andrea said, giving Tony a small peck before also standing. "I'll give my brother a piece of my own mind. How dare he ditch his girlfriend for a creepy old dude on her birthday!" I laughed, waved at Tony and exited the Great Hall. I heard whispering at the Front Door. I made a shushing sound at Andrea, and we tiptoed to the sounds. 

"I'm trying Dawlish, if you would just give me time, I'll be able to crack her"I heard Henry say. I felt Andrea tensing up beside me. 

"Well, you don't have much time Clearwater. I need to know where Black is. And his daughter's the only one who would know. I already interrogated his wife for hours, and it's no use. She won't say a word"

I felt myself tense up as well. What was going on??

"Just give me a few more weeks"Henry assured him. 

"You told me that when you first started dating her"Dawlish snapped. 

"Yeah, well, she wasn't as easy to crack as I thought she would be. She had many barriers I had to take down"Henry snapped. "But don't worry, I'll get this done soon, and we'll capture Black once and for all"

"Max, we should go"Andrea whispered, but not quiet enough. Both men looked up and stared at me. Anger boiled into me as Henry stared at me, his face in shock. Without thinking, I stomp over to him and do the first thing that came to my mind. 

I slapped him hard across the face.

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