3 years later

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There were screams echoing off the walls as I walked quickly up the stairs. Hogwarts seemed to have changed so much since I left. It was dark now. Without life. I shivered a bit as I quickened my step.

 It's been three years since I've stepped foot in here. Becoming assistant to Madam Pomfrey didn't seem as important anymore once I became pregnant.

"Mommy, where are we?"Noah asked, as I started walking down the aisle, with Molly and Arthur by my side. At only 2 years old, Noah Arthur Weasley was already talking full sentences,I was proud to say. Bill always says that he got my intelligence. https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/175781191693043139/

"We're at Hogwarts Noah. We're coming to see daddy"I said soothingly.

"This place is wrecked"Molly gasped, looking at the ruins around us.

"Don't look at that now Molly. Our kids are waiting for us"Arthur said, and we  quickened our pace. It was a little harder for me to keep up to them, as I was six months pregnant and holding a 2 year old toddler in my arms, but the adrenaline in me coursed through my body giving me the energy to keep on going.

"I should've been here. I could've helped"I said tearfully. 

"Maxine, don't be ridiculous. There's no way Bill or I would've let you go. You could hurt the baby"Molly said. We made it to the hospital wing, and without hesitation, Arthur burst the door open. 

As I walked in, I saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna and Ginny, who all seemed ok. I also saw Professor Mcgonagall, Tonks and Uncle Lupin. Uncle Lupin was very pale.  

 "Maxine, Molly, Arthur" said Professor McGonagall, jumping up and hurrying to greet us. "I am so sorry —" 

"Bill," I whispered, as I saw the face of my husband. "Oh, Bill!" I rushed to him, tears streaming down my face. His face was unrecognizable, so badly slashed and ripped that he looked grotesque. I hiccuped back tears as I kissed his forehead.

"Mommy, what happened to Daddy?"Noah asked,looking afraid, trying to touch his father's bloody face. 

"He got hurt, don't touch him ok?"I replied, and took out his stuffed lion that Freddie got for him for his birthday, and gave it to him so to distract him.

 "You said Greyback attacked him?" Arthur asked Professor McGonagall distractedly. "But he hadn't transformed? So what does that mean? What will happen to Bill?" 

"We don't know yet," said Professor McGonagall, looking helplessly at Uncle Lupin. 

 "There will probably be some contamination, Arthur,".said Uncle Lupin. "It is an odd case, possibly unique...We don't know what his behavior might be like when he awakens..." 

"Are you serious Uncle Lupin?"I asked. He nodded gravely.

"Arthur, can you take Noah please?"I asked,and he took his grandson. I took the nasty-smelling ointment from Madam Pomfrey and began dabbing at Bill's wounds. He was still extremely hansome,even with all his wounds.

"Grandpa, look what uncle Freddie got me!"Noah said, brandishing his stuffed lion.

 "Yes, yes, I see that Noah.. And Dumbledore..." said Arthur. "Minerva, is it true...Is he really...?" 

Professor McGonagall nodded and I felt like the world was crumbling down a bit more.

 "Dumbledore gone," whispered Arthur  but Molly had eyes only for her eldest son; she began to sob, tears falling onto Bill's mutilated face. 

"Of course, it doesn't matter how he looks...It's not r-really important...but he was a very handsome little b-boy..." 

"Oh, Molly, he's still very handsome"I said tearfully. "And I guess that part of the vows, for better or for worse is more true then ever now"

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