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As classes started, there were only two classes I was really looking forward to. Well, actually, I looked forward to all the classes, but two stuck to me, DADA (Because Uncle Lupin) and Ancient Runes. I couldn't help but thank myself in the past for taking that class instead of Divination. I was curious however, as to how Bill Weasley was going to teach us.

On Thursday, I had my first class of Ancient Runes. I had just finished Charms and was rushing to leave the class to get to Ancient Runes, when Professor Flitwick said: "Ms Black, can you come here a minute?" I sight, roll my eyes, and make my way to his desk. He waited for everyone to leave before speaking: "Now, Miss Black, I do not want to be that bad guy here, and I know you've had a tough summer. But as your Head of House, I need to ask you, to please tell me if you ever hear anything from your father. It is very important, not only for your safety, as for the other students as well, that he gets locked up again"

"I know Professor. I will let you know if he contacts me"I lied, quite easily. I've given up on trying to tell people that my father is innocent. The only person that believes me is my mum and my few friends.

Professor Flitwick looked relieved that I was cooperating so easily. "alright, then you can go to your next class" Just then, the bell rang.

"Crap, I'm going to be late"I muttered, and without another word, I sprinted out of his class, and went up the flights of stairs to Ancient Runes. I got in, breathless, and turned red when I saw everyone staring at me. Percy Weasley looked as disappointed as usual, Andrea was chuckling, but had saved me a seat, much to my relief. I was about to go, when: "It's nice of you for finally joining us Miss Black" I turned to look at Bill Weasley, who was looking at me with an eyebrow raised, making him look even sexier.

"I'm sorry sir, I-"I started but he cut me off.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Detention tonight, in my office. 5pm sharp. And let this be a lesson to all of you"he continued, turning to the class, "That I will not tolerate any of this crap in my class. I may be new, but I was also in your places not so long ago, so you won't be able to fool me. You may sit down now, Miss Black" Red and furious, I sat down beside Andrea.

"I cannot believe he put me in detention!"I whispered to her as he had his back on us.

"Yeah, me neither. You were only like 2 minutes late. Only teachers like Snape would send you in detention for that"Andrea replied.

"Yeah, but remember that Snape also hates my guts because of who my father is"I grumbled, "So what motive does he have to put me in detention?"

"Guess you'll have to find that out tonight"she replied, smirking a bit, earning a slap on the shoulder from me.

"Miss Black and Miss Clearwater now is not the time to gossip. 5 points from Ravenclaw"Mr Weasley said.

"But I didn't do anything wrong sir!"Penelope Clearwater whined.

"No, you are perfectly fine, it was your sister I was addressing"Mr Weasley replied.

"Stuck up"I muttered to Penelope, rolling my eyes.

"Another 2 points from Ravenclaw"Mr Weasley said, before going back to his lesson. I was fuming. I couldn't believe I cost my house 7 points and a detention in less the 5 minutes! And I couldn't believe the hottest teacher in this school has done this! I thought he would be cool, and friendly, when clearly, he's not. I waited with anticipation for the bell to ring again so I could leave this God forsaken classroom. When it finally rang, I got my stuff and left as fast as humanly possible.

"See you tonight, Miss Black, don't forget, 5pm sharp!"Mr Weasley called after me as I left.

"Oh, I will not forget"I muttered to myself through gritted teeth.


I had speculated of whether or not I should show up to detention, but Poppy finally convinced me to, saying that if I don't I will only get in bigger trouble. So I found myself eating an early breakfast, before stomping up to Weasley's office. I knocked and heard him saying: "Enter"

I enter to see him casually leaning on the back legs of his chair, reading some papers. I had to stop staring at him before he caught me. 

"Sit down Miss Black, you'll be grading some of the work from first year today" I sat down noisily and started doing the work in silence. Some time passed before I said: "So why did you really put me in detention?"

He looks up from his paper, an eyebrow raised. "Come again?"

"I mean, no one but Snape would of given me detention for being 2 minutes late to class. So tell me why you actually put me in detention" I bit my lip and smiled casually. 

"Because, you are quite an interesting person Miss Black"he replied.

"How so?"I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"You're just.. very different from the other students. And not what I expected when I was told I would be teaching the daughter of a serial killer"

I flinched at his words. He noticed and his face softened. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you"he said softly.

"My father's not a killer"I said sharply, without thinking. His brows furrowed. 

"Miss Black, I know he's your father, but you were there at the scene, you saw the things he's done first hand"he said.

I sigh. I knew there was no trying in convincing him. No one would ever believe me. "Believe what you want Professor"I shrugged. His brows furrowed more but he didn't say anything else. 

"You can go Miss. I didn't really intend on making you do detention. I just wanted to see you again. See if you were how everyone said you were"

"And how do people describe me?"I inquired.

"Nothing like how I see you"he grinned, confusing me even more. "Have a good evening now"

"Good evening, Professor"I said, and left the office more confused then I was before about this new teacher.

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