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September rolled into October as I got back into routine. Classes were getting more and more difficult since we had NEWT's to study for, but Potions was by far the worse, as Professor Snape hated me because of pass relations he had with my father. I honestly wished I didn't but since I was going to become a Healer, potions was one of my main classes. Thank god I had Quidditch to keep me off mind. I was the seeker on the team, as I was the smallest and most agile. My favourite class was, by far, DADA, as Uncle, I mean, Professor Lupin was a great teacher, and he taught me more in a month then all my other teachers the last couple years did combined. I also liked Ancient Runes, but not for the subject itself. After my detention, much to my disappointment, Bill Weasley hasn't talked to me personally, though I would catch him glancing at me once in a while in class. Only Andrea knew I had the hots for him, since she was in my class. I was relieved she didn't tell Tony, as sometimes he isn't the most reliable with secrets. 

"You should totally make a move on him!"she whispered one day when we were leaving his class. 

"Um, first of all, he is 5 years older then me! And he could lose his job! Or worse, I could get kicked out of the class!"I said, horrified, making her giggle. 

"Only a Ravenclaw would think that"she noted, and I rolled my eyes and laughed. 

One day during October, Paris, my owl, came flying down to me during one breakfast, with a letter from my mum.

"I still don't understand why you called your owl Paris"Tony said as he scarfed down some scrambled eggs, earning looks of disgust from Poppy, Andrea and I.

"Because, I want to go to Paris one day, it's my dream vacation"I said dreamily. 

"It is a beautiful place. I highly recommend it"came a deep voice behind us, and I turned to see Bill Weasley, stopping by at our table, his hands casually in his pocket. His hair wasn't in a ponytail today and it looked like he didn't even have time to comb it. It was cute. 

"Did you go there Professor?"Poppy asked.

"That I did Miss Brown. I would go back there in a heartbeat. But I do recommend if you do decide to go, to learn a bit of French, it would help you lots, especially when you need to use the washroom" we all laughed.

"Any other tips?"I asked. 

"Well, I would also recommend that you wait until you have a significant other to go with. Paris is, after all, the city of love" He left us and went to join the staff table. 

"He totally looked at you when he said that!"Andrea whispered as I opened the letter from my mum. 

"Nah, he was just scanning the group of us, you just caught him when he glanced at me"I replied absentmindedly as I read the letter.


I was doing some cleaning up in my dresser and came upon this old picture of when you were only 5 years old and Harry was around the age of 1. I copied the picture so you can give a copy to Harry. 

I hope you're doing well at school, and not getting into trouble. Our dog is still missing unfortunately. If you hear news however, please let me know.

Love you,


I sigh, wishing that she did hear news from dad. I haven't ever since the letter he sent me the first day of school, and had no clue as to where to look. I looked down at the picture that was attached and smiled sadly. It was a nice picture, of myself grinning happily on a broom my uncle James got me for my fifth birthday, with himself and dad beside me, all grinning happily, with a toddler with loads of black hair in James' arms. I knew Harry would like to see this. I gave Paris some toast, and she hooted gratefully before flying off to go to bed. 

"I'll meet you guys in class later. I need to go find someone"I said, before getting up from my table, and leaving the Great Hall in search of Harry Potter. It didn't take me very long to find him wandering the corridors with Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley's little brother. 

"Hey Harry!"I said, approaching them. Ron ogled me like he couldn't believe a 7th year was talking to them (or maybe because my serial killer of a dad is on the loose and I'm apparently as delinquent as him).

"I'll see you in class Harry"he said, before going off (I guess he was thinking the latter).

"Hey Max. How have you been?"Harry asked kindly. 

"I've been ok, I mean, as best as I can with everything happening"I replied, "Listen, I won't keep you waiting very long, we both have classes to get to, but my mum sent me this picture she wanted me to give you. It's us with our dad's" I gave the picture to him, and he stared at the picture of his deceased father. 

"Thank you"he breathed, giving me a small smile. 

"Potter! Black! What do you think you're doing?"

"Oh, bloody hell"I muttered, and I turned to look at Professor Snape who walked to us, a look of hatred at the sight of both Harry and I. I guess it didn't help either that we were our father's splitting image. 

"We were just talking Professor"Harry said smoothly. 

"A seventh year and a third year from different houses talking? I find that hard to believe"Snape snarled. 

"Yes, well, so is magic for muggles, but I mean, look at us, in a school literally doing magic! So something as simple as two childhood friends talking shouldn't be unbelievable at all!"I snapped back rudely.

"10 points from Ravenclaw for talking back, and I think a night's worth of detention would do you some good Miss Black. Tonight, my office, 6pm sharp"

"Actually, Severus, she already has detention with me"Uncle Remus said, arriving at the scene. 

"What do you mean?"Snape asked in disbelief. 

"I mean, she has detention with me. She was misbehaving in class yesterday, so I gave her detention for tonight"

"Fine. Count yourself lucky Black"he said, muttering the last part so only Harry and I heard, and he left with a swoosh of his cloak.

"Thanks Uncle, I mean, Professor Lupin!"I said happily. 

"Why are you thanking me Miss Black? I will see you at my office at 6 tonight"he replied, giving me a quick wink before setting off too. 

"Thanks for standing up for the both of us"Harry mumbled.

"No problem. I'll see you around then"I replied, as the bell rang.

"Yeah, see you around"


"You know, this detention is really giving us the opportunity to talk. I've been wanting to talk to you since classes started, Max"Uncle Remus said as he gave me a cup of tea. 

"About what?"I asked as I took a sip. 

"Just everything in general. How's school going? Are the other kids treating you ok after news went about Sirius?"he asked worriedly. I couldn't help but smile. Ever since my dad was imprisoned, Uncle Remus stepped up more as my father figure, and always taking care of me, as best as he could, considering his condition. 

"Yes, it's all going ok. I get the odd remarks and insults from the Slytherin's, but I mean, that's to be expected from them"

Uncle Remus nodded, deep in thought. 

"Well, let's just hope they find your father soon, and put him back in Azkaban"he finally said. I nodded, though I didn't agree with him and I could tell it pained him thinking of his old friend this way.

"Listen, Max"he said, and he took my hand, "I know some of  your teachers have probably asked you this, but I'm not asking you this as your teacher, but as your uncle. If Sirius contacts you, you need to let me know ok? I cannot have you get hurt as well" I looked at his lined face, and his eyes full of worry, so I thought best to reassure him. 

"You'll be the first person I go to if something happens"I said, though I knew a part of me was lying, another was speaking the truth.

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