Princess Thief [✔]

By xxsoteria

78.3K 8.1K 4.3K

A princess in name, in body, and in blood but when her mask is on, she becomes the thief who's the enemy of a... More

Writers's Note
01. At Present Time
02. Magic of Disguise
03. Fedor Manor
04. Little Damsel
05. An Invitation Sent to Ace
06. Willow
07. The Gem and the Stone
08. Twilight Party
09. Reichen
10. The Second Day
11. The Brazen Knight
12. Haunted Past
13. A Visit from Carrion
14. The Royal Family of Ezriel
15. A Price To Pay
16. The Oubliette
17. White Bandits
18. The Encounter at Mt. Grisly
19. Never Ending Confusion
20. The Amica
21. Verdari, The Magic of Barrier
22. The Siblings
23. The Selection
24. Enchantment
25. The Princess and The Knights
26. Welcome to Deliora
27. Reid
28. The King and His Brides
29. Silverious
30. The Crusaders
32. Hypocrisy
33. A Liar
34. The Mark of Deliora
35. Renounce
36. The Goddess, The Fallen God, and The True God
37. Lost Treasures
38. Reichen's Earring
39. His Identity
40. Resonance
41. Sun Month
42. The Goddess Temple
43. Linosas Kingdom of the Far East
44. Arvory Manor
45. Willow's Party
46. A Reaper
47. The Real Monster
48. The Last Treasure
49. Xenon
50. The Magic of Ace
51. The Dead Prince
52. Selfishness
53. Choices
54. The Fallen God's Curse
55. The Goddess' Blessings
Ending Note
Side Story: Cannaria
Side Story: Night
Side Story: Erodessa

31. Carline

634 88 6
By xxsoteria

For the umpteenth time, I let out a breath followed by a string of curses in my head. 

I could not leave.

My maids were currently preparing me since we were told that each candidate needed to spend private time with the king. I had pardoned myself and said I was not feeling well but they brought a doctor and wouldn't even believe me, saying it was nothing major. They even mentioned taking a walk could improve my health.

For goodness sake, this reason never failed in Ezriel. They would not even bother sending a doctor to check if it was true or not. I checked the clock and it was nearing five in the afternoon.

We had decided to meet at six and I only had an hour left. There was only one way to do it. I needed to perform my best to give them a good show.

I sighed once more. I had to pretend as somber and weak. Maybe they were aware, my kind could not get sick? Even so, I did have a headache last time I was here so that point was not absolutely true. To add, even the Priestess of Amica could get ill when I recalled how badly she coughed last time.

 After a while, a knock came on the door.

"Greetings, your highness."

It was the butler who fetched me since Reid was not there again. I was notified earlier that he was fairly busy. He should've not accepted being my escort if he was that occupied. He was a ranked knight while the other candidates' escorts were just the ordinary ones.

"We are sorry for the inconvenience, Princess. We cannot delay the events thus we beg for your forgiveness," said the man.

"It is alright," I replied.

"We had arranged for you to come first so you can rest right after, Princess. His majesty is waiting for you in the garden."

"Then, let's go."


The butler had no choice but to walk at my pace. I was treading very slowly, even staggering at some time.

He had asked me countless times if I was fine and my answer was always a nod paired with a smile. Every time I responded, he became paler.

I did not like to condemn the poor man as liable for my current situation but I had to do so to let them buy my act.

We arrived at the garden and reached the glass pavilion in the middle of white roses. King Freed was sitting comfortably with a teacup in his hand. The table was also filled with appetizing desserts even from afar.

He quickly got up upon seeing us and pulled me into a chair. As soon as we both sat, I placed the necklace that was wrapped in a silk handkerchief with woven patterns of yellow roses.

"I'm afraid I cannot accept it, your majesty."

"Are you aware that returning a gift is rude?"

I caught the hint of annoyance in him. I had no power if he decided to punish me if he took this as disrespect. Nevertheless, I steeled myself in resolution. I did not want anything related to Deliora.

"I apologize again, Your majesty. Your gift is a burden I cannot carry."

A silence passed between us before he finally retrieved the necklace back. It was a minute later before I discovered that my handkerchief was taken as well.

"Excuse me, your majesty."

I only had several handkerchiefs and they were all gifts from my mother. If the jewelry was not as important I would have used a random cloth instead.


"Can you return my handkerchief? It is very important to me."

He took a cup of his tea as a ghost of a smile appeared. "Consider it as your compensation for your impertinent behavior."

Who is the impertinent one here? I almost burst out from his shameless words.

I cleared my throat trying to calm myself. "If you say so, your majesty."

I'll just steal it back.

"Ergo, I am marveled you have such beautiful embroidery skills, Princess. It is undoubtedly made with intricacy."

"Thank you for the praise, your majesty, but I am underserved as it is my mother's work."

"Oh. No wonder it was crafted like experienced hands. Then what about you, Princess? How is your embroidery skills?"

"It is subpar, your majesty."

"Surely, you are being humble. A princess with nothing to do will surely be exemplary in mundane things. Then, what are your other hobbies, Princess?"

That rubbed me off the wrong way so I took my time replying. I lifted my teacup and gave a slight tremble.

"I enjoy reading as my pastime."

"Truly exemptible. I only knew a few who enjoys reading. Our library offers various collections of literature. Do you want to go there? I---"

Before he could start his sentence, my body slipped from the chair. I closed my eyes, pretending to be unconscious.


He was quick and I was in his arms. Our bodies were so close that I could whiff a woody musk from his body. Like an aged tree but it was a pleasant smell.

Drinking the tea and fainting after it was the idea that struck me after I saw what he prepared. I was expecting to do a stroll and faint on the way but having an afternoon tea was better since I could blame that something was in it that instigated my relapse.

"Call the doctor!" he almost roared. "Carline..."

I barely managed to remain my eyes closed when he called my given name and pulled me closer so that he was practically embracing me. I felt him stand and went to god-knows-where.

The more I interacted with him, I discerned the similarities between him and Reid. How their words could easily be perceived as impudent, how they liked to do physical contact, how they were freely able to touch me, and how they had the audaciousness to call my name without my permission.

My body was laid on a cushion. Only a steady breath could be heard beside me. It took a while before the door creaked and footsteps followed.

"Your majesty," said a woman.

"Check her. And you. Call all the servants who were in charge of the food and drinks."

I silently uttered an apology to those innocent people that were involved in my idea as I felt a cold metal touching my chest.

"Her heart rate is completely normal, your majesty. Princess Carline did mention she was feeling unwell earlier but since nothing was wrong, we let her go."

"You should've let her rest in the first place. Why are you a doctor if you're not prioritizing your patient's health?"

"Pardon my insolence, your majesty. We did not want to inconvenience the event. Besides, their race never gets sick according to the rumors." It was the butler who spoke.

"Excuses!" the King roared, he was so near that I almost jolted on my feet. "Check her again. A body check if you must to ensure that she is safe."

"Yes, your majesty," the doctor replied.

At that moment, I groaned. I could not stay unconscious or else they would discover my scars.

King Freed moved speedily and he was there beside me. "Are you alright?"

"Your majesty? Why am I back in the chambers?" I muttered in a small voice, appearing groggy and bewildered.

"You fainted in the garden."

"I apologize for the scene I caused, your majesty," I said and mustered the most regretful look I could.

"It is fine. They should have not pushed you when you told them you are not feeling well. I had investigated if there was something in the tea."

"Thank you for your understanding, your majesty. If I may be bold, your majesty, can I have a request?"

"Tell me first before I may agree to do so."

"I needed rest as I still feel dreary. Please don't let anyone disturb me, I ask this of you, your majesty."

His face remained unchanged but he nodded eventually. "If that's what you want."

The butler hastily cleared his throat. "Pardon, your majesty. It's time to meet Princess Carrion."

King Freed glanced at me once again. The silver mask and dim room made his eyes glowed golden. My heart almost skipped a beat. It was so familiar. I knew his eyes reminded me of Reid but there was someone else I could not remember.

"I need to leave. I hope you will be well by tomorrow."

All the people including my maidservants followed behind him and I was lastly alone. I quickly got up and checked to lock the door. I hurried to the wardrobe where my clothes had been hung. I took the green dress and pulled the portier that was hidden inside its pocket.

I rubbed my thumb and think of Sullien.

"Who's this?"

Unlike hearing from the portal lantern, Sullien's voice was crystal clear.

"It's Ace. Goddess oversees all."

"Oh. Are you in a bind?"

"Yes. Please get me out of here."


It was not a moment later that he appeared and we were now inside a small wooden house in Relis Town. I changed into my usual get up and so did Sullien.

We were both wearing a completely black outfit from our boots to the cape draping in our shoulders. I tied my hair in a tight bun and from my stature, no one could tell my gender. I also had my bag that Sullien brought over and my mask in it.

The door burst open and Willow appeared.

"Oh my god, Carline! Lander, I mean Blaze, just told me that you were actually a bride candidate. That is why you were here! I was so excited to see you that it didn't come to mind that you were able to leave! Are you honestly marrying the King? How stupid was I that it barely occurred to me when I saw the Silverious. I should've known!"

A chuckle slipped on my lips after seeing Willow talk nonstop.

"It is just a selection, so we do not know the result yet. And I had returned the necklace."

"I thought it was one of Blaze's shams again."

"You always take me for a liar, Willow," stated Blaze beside her, appearing surly.

"It is common sense, Lander. No one should trust a skirt chaser's words."

"Illisha, you should refrain from calling us our names," interjected Sullien.

"It's too hard. I've been calling them that way all my life."

"Try harder. We don't want our identities to be disclosed, understood?" 


"Let's go."

Sullien placed his mask and we also put ours on.

The two who arrived late were dressed similarly to us. But unlike us who wore ordinary clothing like pants and a shirt. Willow's outfit was more modified. She had another layer draped on her waist that appeared more like a skirt. Her cape was the same as Sullien that had no hood with it and also shorter, which only reached up to her knee.

She took out her mask and it was matte black that covers only her eyes and swirling white patterns all over. Her hair was in a high ponytail and braided. Her whole look flaunted that she was a woman and proud of it.

Blaze was also wearing one. His was the same full mask as Sullien but it was speckled with black glitters like mine that made the white cross on his right eye stood out.

We checked ourselves one last time before heading off. Outside were the horses and to my surprise, I saw one with a discernable mark on its head.

"Lightning!" I practically squealed upon seeing my horse. I was definitely motivated now that my partner was with me.


Relis Town was just several minutes of walk to Luriem Forest so we did not need to mount our horses.

"Aside from us, I finally persuaded two more people to come," said Sullien.

"Who are they? Did you brief them? We cannot afford to make a mistake," stated Blaze.

"Reichen and Night."

"What? You brought Night?!"

I was as much as surprised as Blaze, hearing familiar names.

"We need more capable people in this."

"You know nothing comes good when those two meet."

"Seriously, Carline, I mean Ace. Why did you unreservedly agree to this? Deliora is indeed powerful but you deserve much better..."

The two men continued arguing while Willow was busy telling me her opinions about the selection. With the three of them talking simultaneously, we arrived at the entrance of the forest. Their voices became lower and the distinct sound of metal clashing grew louder.

"Damn it! I told you so!"

The two men rushed to the scene and we trailed along. Black-robed men exchanged weapons. One who held both swords in his hands and the other with a long gold spear. In a matter of seconds, Blaze and Sullien swiftly pulled them apart.

The man with a clover on his mask landed his eyes on me. He freed himself from Blaze and was marching toward me.

"What are you doing here in Deliora, Ace?"

"I'm here for the Selection," I answered nonchalantly.

"You're a bride candidate?" How his eyes widened could not be even hidden by his mask.

"I would not be if not for you," I sneered.

I could still not erase the infuriation from the fact that prevented me from escaping back then. I was planning for another retort but he pulled me away from our companions.

"How did you become a bride candidate?!" he hissed, once we were alone.

"Got picked then sent here and now doing the trials."

"Stop being a smartass with me, Ace. What in tarnation happened? Why did that shitty king let you go? Did you escape because of this?"

I shrugged. "One of the many reasons."

"You better fail this, Ace. You cannot marry that damn king of Deliora!" he retaliated as his eyes blazed in fury and walked out.

What he said irked me off. Father was enough to control me and I didn't need another person in the mix.

I tagged along just a few steps behind him. We returned to where we were. In an instant, a punch was thrown at Reichen's face.

"You think I don't know your fvcking secret, asshole!"

"Calm down, Night. We were going on a mission and here you are---"

Sullien was cut off as Reichen returned the attack. The two exchanged blows while Blaze and Sullien tried to pacify them. Willow and I simply and stepped back mirroring confusion on our faces as we watched them tumbling to the ground with their fists.

Ah. Men and their love of violence.


Note: Too many characters here and I can't choose what banner to use then realized I haven't used this one for a while with the lack of missions for Ace. There were two major clues here. One that was subtle while the other is kind of obvious. Hope you caught on to it, cutiefries. ^^

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