Changes and Chances(Boschlow)

Oleh LeoBirb

112K 3.6K 5.4K

After the grudgby match with Willow, Boscha's reputation begins to crumble. Everyone begins to hate her and m... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter forteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Side Chapter
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Not an update but...
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty- Three
Chapter Thirty- Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter eight...

2.8K 77 180
Oleh LeoBirb

WARNING- The chapter ahead has suicidal thoughts, acts of self-harm, and mentions of suicidal actions.

Why did she have to wake up? Why did she have to suffer such a fate?

Boscha sat up in her bed. She looked across her room to her mirror. She sighed. Her parents would throw a fit if they found out she never left her bed.

Boscha got up from her bed and got dressed in a casual outfit. Boots, jeans, a canary yellow tank top, and a light gray jacket. She looked into the mirror at herself.

She forced a smile to her lips that fell far too fast. She collapsed to her knees, crying. She had hit rock bottom, hadn't she?

If she had, then how is it that everyone seemed to burry her further and further.

She was going to live by their words now, wasn't she?

There was no doubt she was. That's all she'd ever done, live by the words of others. How her parents told her to behave is how she would.

She had lived as a demon disguised as an angel for so long. However, when it was revealed who she really was, everyone treated her like she was- A demon that's undeserving of affection.

"Get ahold of yourself, damn it!"

Boscha took a deep, shuddering breath.

She raised to her feet, looking herself in the eyes once again. She stood up straight and fixed her hair into a bun like she did every morning.

She sighed, walking away from the mirror and out of her room. She left the house and went straight into town. She looked at the items that were for sale. She ignored the glares and rude comments the best she could.

They really didn't leave her alone. The suffering followed her everywhere. Maybe not all of it did. No one had attacked her in the streets yet.

"Shut up before you jinx yourself!"

She continued walking until she saw Willow. Willow was with Luz, Gus, and Amity. Perhaps she could go up to them and apologize for everything. It would be nerve-wracking, but it would make things a lot easier.

She began to walk towards them. Her heart was racing her. Her thoughts began to go haywire. She stopped in her tracks, unable to continue forward. She turned and walked away.

Not without being seen, however.


Gus looked over and saw Boscha. She had stopped before turning away. Had she been sad?

"Hey, Guys?" Gus grabbed his friends' attention.

"What is it, Gus?" Willow asked, turning to her friend.

"I saw Boscha, and she didn't look very good. She seemed upset." Gus told them.

"I mean, yeah, Willow didn't meet with her yesterday. She's probably mad as heck!" Luz exclaimed.

"No, not like that, she looked sad."

"Are you sure?" Willow asked, feeling guilty once again. She should have met with the three-eyed witch.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Gus said with a tad bit of anger. He had a feeling in his gut that he hated. A feeling that Boscha was telling the truth when she said she wanted to apologize. Now, the former Grudgby captain was probably feeling shitty.

"Gees, what's gotten into you, Gus?" Luz asked.

"What's gotten into me?! What has gotten into you three? Boscha has no friends, none of you even show the slightest amount of sympathy!"

Amity sighs. "You are correct. She's alone, but she chose the path she's on."

"What if she isn't?" Willow asked. "You were forced to stop associating with me because of your parents. What if her parents are doing the same?"

Amity had to think about that.

"As I said the other day, maybe there is something we aren't seeing," Gus spoke again.

"Maybe you're right, Gus." Luz sighed.

All three of Gus' friends seemed down. Everyone had been so happy, just moments earlier. Silence fell over everyone.

"I hope she didn't wait for me all night," Willow spoke in a hushed tone.

All four friends felt ready to apologize to Boscha. That was until someone else entered the picture.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but hear you four talking about the former Grudgby Star." All four of them looked over to see a young man with tan skin and maroon hair that was slicked back. His blood-red eyes locked with Willow's.

"Yeah, we were talking about Boscha," Amity confirmed, stepping in front of her friends.

"You four look like the four people she was talking about earlier. Grumbling all through the streets about an annoying human, a short witch boy, a chubby half-witch, and a Blight associating with them."

Willow blushed in embarrassment before looking down.

"Why should we trust you?" Amity wanted to believe that Boscha was trying to change. That this maroon haired witch wasn't speaking the truth.

"Ah, I am Closoph! Most of the merchants know me. They could tell you what they've heard her mumbling too. "

"She was mumbling about us?" Luz asked. She didn't believe the guy. "Did she specifically say any names?"

"She did! She said mostly nasty things about a girl named Willow. She said things about a stupid, annoying, witch wanna be. Then she said that a Blight shouldn't stoop so low to have company. She said not even she would stoop that low."

Somehow, those words got under the skin of those present. Those who were listening, but not even mentioned, were angry.

"Is she sorry, or is she not sorry!" Amity snapped.

The four friends grew unreasonably angry.

"If I were the four of you, I'd stay away from that girl." The guy sighed. "I'm sorry to have had to break the news like this to you four."

"No, thank you for bringing this to our attention," Luz said seriously.

"You are very welcome. Have a good day, you four."

He walked away, a smirk on his face. "Works like a charm." He chuckled before removing a glowing red ring.

He approached a tall, muscular Hexside student.

"They won't be forgiving her any time soon," Closoph told him.

"Good, that three-eyed bitch deserves to be alone." He laughed. "Thanks for the help Clophy."

"Never call me that again, little brother." He told Zavier.

Zavier chuckled. "Alright." He put his hands up.


The weekend couldn't have gone by fast enough for Boscha. She had ended up not leaving her house, too scared to face the world outside.

Boscha sat up in bed, not wanting to get ready for the day. She didn't want to go to school. However, she was going to try and apologize one last time.

Acceptance or rejection would ultimately choose her fate.

She stood from her bed and put her uniform on. She put her hair in a bun and did whatever else she needed to do.

Willow always came to school early to tend to the greenhouse or just go relax in there, so Boscha headed towards school.

She had no hope that Willow would forgive her. She was actually scared the plant witch might attack her.

She walked around the school to the greenhouse. She walked in and found Willow tending to a giant plant with red thorns.

"H-" "What do you want, Boscha?" The three-eyed witch stepped back. The aggression and pure irritation in Willow's tone struck Boscha's heart.

"I... Will you hear me out?" Boscha asked.

"No, I won't."

"Wi-" "She said she wouldn't." Boscha turned to find Amity, Luz, and Gus behind her.

They all seemed furious with her. She hadn't done anything for nearly a week! So, why were they so mad?

Boscha couldn't find the courage to speak, so she walked out of the greenhouse.


It was time for classes to begin. Students went to their classes, still talking among their friends until they had to split off.

Boscha was seated at her desk when the trio walked in and went to theirs. Boscha refused to look up at them, knowing she'd either find pitiful stares or furious glares. She didn't want to see either.

The class had started, but Boscha couldn't help feeling like she shouldn't be there. She stood from her seat and walked up to the teacher.

"May I use the restroom?"

The teacher nodded. "Hurry back. I better not have to send a student in there to get you."

Boscha nodded her understanding before hurrying out of class. She made her way to the restroom.

Upon arrival, she walked in and made sure no one was in there with her. She turned to the mirror and locked eyes with herself.

"Coward, You couldn't even speak up. Why couldn't you just make her hear you out? Speak quickly and boldly and make her know!" She yelled at herself.

Tears stung her eyes. "Oh, right! It's because you're a pathetic wimp! You have no reason to cry right now! You haven't been given a reason!" She screamed, wiping the tears away before they could fall.

"I mean, I do have a reason to cry... I'm alone, and no one is willing to listen to me..." Boscha allowed tears to slip down her cheeks.

Anger sparked in her, not towards her parents, teachers, or classmates but towards herself.

"That's your fucking fault, damn it! You were the one that was an absolute bitch to everyone! You deserve to be alone. You set yourself up for this!" She directed all her anger at her reflection.

"Shut up! No, I didn't! I just... I just..."

"You took advantage of the love people showered you with because you didn't get any at home! You were selfish when others were giving what they had to you. You were rude to those that were kind. You put people in the ground because you were scared they would become better than you could ever hope to be!"


Back in the classroom, the class was still moving forward.

The teacher sighed. "Willow," The teacher called for her attention.

The plant witch turned to her teacher. "Yes, sir?" She acknowledged politely.

"You are the best in the class, and I have a mission for you! Please, go retrieve Boscha from the restroom." The teacher was clearly irritated that the three-eyed witch had not returned.

"Can do, sir." Willow stood from her seat, leaving the classroom.

She walked down the hall to the restroom. "Stupid Boscha. I was enjoying that lesson." She spoke grumpily.

She was right outside the restroom when she heard an angry scream and the shattering of glass.

She hesitantly walked into the bathroom. She saw Boscha with her hand still on the glass of the mirror.

Blood trickled from the witch's hand, and tears spilled down her face. The sight was heartbreaking.

"Boscha?" Willow said quietly, not wanting to startle the other witch.

Boscha turned quickly to Willow. She couldn't face her, not now. She darted past the plant track witch, shoving her out of the way.

Willow couldn't chase after the former Grudgby play; she was far too fast.

She watched her run off, out of the school. She was under so much mental stress and alone. Willow knew these two things didn't mix well.

Her heart ached as she headed back to class and explained to the teacher what happened.

Willow couldn't pay attention to the rest of the lesson. She was too focused on the three-eyed witch that ran off not too long ago. She had a feeling in her gut that she hated.

After class, she ran through the school in search of Amity. She used to be friends with Boscha, so she would have the information she needed at the moment.

When she finally found Amity, she was out of breath. "Do you know where Boscha lives?"

Amity could hear how urgent her friend's tone was, so she didn't hesitate to answer. "Yeah, Do you need me to take you there after school or something?" Amity asked.

Willow handed Amity a piece of blank paper. "Write it down, please."

Amity was concerned now. Her friend seemed to be in distress, and she had no clue what she needed to go to Boscha's house for!

"Why do you need to go there?"

"I don't have time to explain," Willow told her. "Please, just give me her address."

Amity was scared for her friend as she wrote down the address quickly. She handed Willow the paper. She was going to ask the plant witch if she wanted her to tag along, but Willow was gone the second she had the paper.

She stopped at the exit of the school and looked at the address in her hands. She shoved the paper in her pocket, brushing her hand against the paper Boscha had given her.

"I'm so sorry, Boscha." Willow shook her head. No, she wasn't going to apologize now. She was going to get to Boscha and apologize to her.

The feeling that she needed to catch up to Boscha came back. Willow ran out of the school, forgetting about her remaining classes. This feeling... she couldn't ignore it.


Boscha got home, not even bothering to shut the door as she ran upstairs to her room. Her shoulders and back were on fire. She removed her top before turning around to look at the word etched into her back. The word that spoke the truth about what she was.

She was a failure. Nobody loved failures. Nobody wanted failures. She was unwanted, unneeded, and unloved. The world wanted her gone, and she wanted to be gone.

She opened a drawer of her dresser. She pulled out a sheathed dagger.

She took it out of its sheath and looked at the shimmering, sharp blade.


Willow ran as fast as she could through the streets. Her heart raced, but her mind told her she wasn't going fast enough. She needed to go faster. She picked up the pace the best she could.


Boscha held the blade to the skin on her wrist. She drew a thin line across her skin, blood seeped to the surface. The desire to do more came to her.

She began to cut the skin on her right arm over and over again. Once her arm was covered in blood, she switched to her other arm.

This is what people wanted. They wanted her to suffer before death took her.


Willow was almost there. She could see the house. Her heart ached, and her mind screamed that Boscha needed her help.


Boscha held up the dagger. She could end it all right now. The students of Hexside would be so happy.


Willow made it to the door to Boscha's house. It was wide open. Willow went right inside. She recalled that the paper had held the location of Boscha's room.

She ran up the stairs to the bedroom


Boscha was ready. She took a deep breath as she held the dagger up. This was it. She was going to wash away from the world. No one would even remember she existed.

The dagger went down.

Self-harm and suicide is never the answer to your problems. It will not end hatred, it will not make the world better. Please if you ever feel like these kinds of things are your only solution talk to someone. There are a lot of people willing to listen. I am willing to listen.
Suicidal hotline: 800-273-8255

I regret to inform all of you that I will not be updating tomorrow.

I hope you all of have wonderful day. Know that you are loved and wanted in this world. Dream big and stay strong.

Words- 2467
Published- 10/1/20

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