* Lunch Club + Friends Imagin...

By queenbeeaches

271K 2.7K 817

No longer writing due to change in opinion of the group but still here for people to read if you want to! Doe... More

Hello and Welcome
Meeting Cooper
Schlatt - Hard Goodbyes
Travis - Lovable Goof
Ted - Dance Teacher
Cooper - Clingy
Kryoz/John - Jealous
Ted - Tickle Fight
Schlatt - Hate Me
Josh - No Kisses
Schlatt - Moody
Meeting Ted
Schlatt - Fear of Flying
Zuckles/Mason - Silent Treatment
Charlie - Baby Fever
Schlatt - Mix Up
Cooper - Tension (smut)
Noah - First Aid
Cooper - Schlatt's sister Pt 1
John - New Ring
LunchClub - Your Face Reveal
Cooper - Baking
Schlatt - Missed Dinner
Cooper - Jealousy
Travis - Baking
Jaren - Bad Day Comfort
Schlatt - You're in a Band
Cooper - Blind Idiots
Josh - Muffin
Josh - Little Mistake
Cooper - Schlatt's Sister pt 2
Noah - Baking
Cooper - Carnival
Charlie - Livestream Confession
Schlatt - Glasses
Ted - Skipping Water
John - Future Insignificance
⬇️ "Short" preferences & inserts⬇️
How They Find & Deal With Your Insecurities: Pt1
Where They Like To Kiss You:
Where/How They Find You Sleeping:
How You Know They Love You (without saying it)
How They Like To Hug You:
What You Do That Turns Them On:
(:Vote for next chapter:)
You Catch Them Watching You:
Bye ✌🏻.

How They Find & Deal With Your Insecurities: Pt2

6.5K 42 21
By queenbeeaches


Travis: Cheeks

You and Travis were not official, you'd been flirting and cuddling non-stop for months and the guys had assumed you were dating by now.

Today was another cuddling session for you two, Travis led down on the couch and you practically on top of him, your hoodies basically blending into one you were so close. The TV had some stream on but neither of you were watching, it was there for background noise while you enjoyed each others company.

Travis' hand was mindlessly scrunching the back of your hoodie while the other scrolled on his phone. Your eyes were closed and breathing slowing as you relaxed. Suddenly there was a bright light, your eyes shooting open and being met with the screen of Travis' phone, slowly your eyes focused to see a picture of you against Travis – your cheek properly pressed against him and slightly squashing one of your eyes.

"oh my god Travis delete that!" you pleaded, turning your head to look up at him, seeing him grinning as he held his phone up to see the photo.

"No! you look so cute!" he cheered, making sure it was saved, secretly making it his background photo.

You blush and leant up, so you were kneeling on the sofa besides Travis and pouted.

"At least take a photo of me when I'm ready and my cheeks don't look fat" you said, playing with the sleeves of your hoodie that fell past your fingers as you over exaggeratedly posed.

"You look so cute, your cheeks aren't fat – they're adorable and squashable" he replied, shaking his head and sitting up. He dropped his phone besides him and moved his hands so they were cupping your face. Then using his thumbs to press your cheeks into you. You blushed again and tried shaking his hands off you.

"You're like an adorable chipmunk" he cooed, lightly shaking your head. Your heart rate raised as you took in his sweet smile and soft eyes while they themselves were studying your face. He then stopped his movements and held your face, his eyes darting down to your lips for a second before his own cheeks went rosy. "You're too cute"

"Right back at you T" you replied, turning your head and pressing a kiss to his wrist before moving so you were cuddling him again. Pressing your face into his chest with a big smile.


Noah: Loyalty

Tonight, was your first proper fight as a couple. No over something stupid like before. Noah had told you he was going out with his friends for a few drinks, nothing over the top and he wouldn't be late back since he was staying at yours for a couple days while his bathroom was fixed at his house, and you had planned to go to brunch the next day.

He didn't lie either. He was back at about 10:30, only had drunk 3 drinks and got a taxi home. You heard the front door to your flat latch and lock, and Noah call to you to say he was back.

"I'm in the living room!" you replied, then hearing his sock-clad feet shuffle towards the room.

You watched as he appeared in the door frame, smiling as your eyes met. Then he leaped over the back of the sofa, igniting a laugh from you and you cuddled into him as his arms wove round your waist.

"Had a good time?" you asked against his shoulder, fingers lightly stroking his hair.

You felt him nod, "Was great! Lucy managed to win two free drinks and Tony was telling me about how amazing San Francisco was this time of year – said we should visit"

You didn't want to be that girl. But the mention of another girls name, who you didn't know was going to be there, made you assume the worst. It wasn't your fault though. Your ex would often 'go out with friends' and end up back home with another girl – you didn't find that out until too late though. He always made you believe you were the only one, that he loved only you.

"So, what does Lucy do.. you've not mentioned her before?" you asked as casually as you could. But almost instantly you could feel Noah stiffen slightly against you.

"She's a model, I've mentioned her loads.. was telling you yesterday about Lou's massive deal in New York." He started sitting up as he spoke, you could see his forehead creasing the more he spoke. "Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't I guess.." you mumbled,

"What do you not trust me?!" He almost yelled, his voice deep you could practically feel it. Standing up so he was away from you.

Your heart felt like it was pulled further down, realisation setting in. Your mouth began mouthing words but nothing was coming out at first.

"I do.. I just.."

"When I have I ever given the impression I'd cheat? You think that low of me?" Noah continued, raising his arm slightly in disbelief.

"No its just, my ex.." you breathed, looking down at your lap. Suddenly the strings of your sweatpants very interesting.

"What has he got to do with this! I told you I was going out with some friends, do I have to spell it out every time who I mean"

"No!" you said a little loudly and the word breaking slightly, looking up at him before your focus was back at your lap. "My ex would always say he was out with friends.. pretty sure it was with a different girl every time" your words came out with a chuckle. Though your eyes were still down, you saw Noah step closer to you and then kneel down, his head tilting so he could see your face as he place his hands on your knees.

"Y/n I didn't know I'm sorry. That must've been hard for you" he said softly, lightly rubbing his thumb over the fabric underneath.

"No I'm sorry Noah, I guess I just don't want a repeat but I shouldn't ever expect that from you. You're so wonderful to me and my brain automatically makes me think the worst of that" you replied, looking up to meet his eyes.

"It's okay, but you can trust me. You're the only one I ever want to be with, okay?" he then stood up and put out his hand for you to take. You smiled and took it, being pulled up from the sofa and into his arms, your noses almost bumping.

"That sounds so good to me" you sighed, leaning the few centre meters to press your lips lightly to his.

"Now lets go to bed, I'm knackered" he grinned, taking your hand and pulling you towards the bedroom.


Josh: Intellect

Josh absolutely adored you. You were an incredible artist and could practically paint or draw anything, even a smiley face, and Josh would praise you and tell you just how amazing you were.

Throughout school and college you were more strongly creative that academic, though some of the subject like English Literature and Politics did interest you – you just couldn't hold or understand the information as well as you liked. That was how you were very opposite to Josh. He could spend hours talking about Politics and revolutionary ideas that you would sit and listen to, but never really understand what he was talking about, or be able to join in because you didn't know as much.

One stream you had sat in on, but didn't say too much because Josh and his friend Schlatt spent most the time discussing things you had no knowledge on or at least knew very little about. You wanted to know, but every time you tried the information just got lost in your brain.

Today was another day where you and Josh were meeting up for a study date at the library. You'd brought a pencil and paper to sketch somethings for your portfolio. Josh was there within 5 minutes of you arriving, Starbucks coffee's in hand and a huge grin on his face as his walked over to you.

After a quick hello kiss he sat opposite you, passed you your drink and began pulling books from his bag. Huge text books and papers, followed by his note book and pens.

He slipped out a sheet of paper and looked over it, shaking his head before passing it to you.

"Look at these. These are just the example questions" he scoffed.

Your eyes traced the paper but were only able to really take in a few of the words.

"What's that face for?" he almost laughed, seeing a slight sad expression over your features as you looked over the questions. Things you've never even heard of before, wars you had no clue happened let alone who won them, buildings you didn't know the names of, places you wouldn't even be able to point out on a map.

"I um," you started, letting out a defeated laugh before passing the paper back to him, "have no idea how to answer any of those" you voice cracked.

Josh took the paper, but his hand fell as he looked at you confused, taken aback by your defeated tone and sad smile.

"Y/n what's wrong? Its just a couple of questions, I wasn't actually expecting you to fill them out for me" he chuckled lightly, reaching for your hand across the table.

"I'm just not smart, ya' know, you know all these amazing facts and remember everything so vividly about our history and current economical changes that I have no clue about.. I just feel so dumb" your words were followed by a small scoff in place of a laugh.

"You realise I've been shovelled this information for years, I've read for hours about each of these subjects so I know them in detail. I unfortunately don't just wake up and know these things. Don't think for one second that, because you don't know something I'm paying to be taught, you're not smart. You, y/n, are the smartest, most talented woman I know"

You looked at him and sighed, "you're just saying that". He just shook his head.

"You're able to create art that can speak a thousand words, that's able to create different emotions in different people when they see it. Your mind is a playing field of creativity that I can barely even imagine. We're two people with two different brains, both equally as intelligent, just in different forms. You saw how long it took me to even draw that orange the other day, there's no creativity in me. But don't ever think you've got no smart in you"

" 'no smart in you' was that even English Josh?" you giggled with a wink, giving him a very thankful smile though and a squeeze of his hand in yours.

"oh what you want to give me English lessons now? Who's the one who can tell the difference between to, two and too, huh?" he teased.


John: Style

Your style wasn't completely out there, but it wasn't just simple clothes or anything plain. You liked to experiment and your fashion was actually something that brought you and your boyfriend, John, together. He loved it about you, how free you were with it, made him comfortable being himself too.

Today you were out shopping, both of you loving to go to thrift stores to see what unique things they have there. John was finding loads of new things, that you also knew you were going to steal and wear.

Next you went into a regular store, just to pick out some basic tops that you two wanted to tie-dye and draw on. John had gone off to the mens section while you browsed the women's, seeing what was 'in fashion' at the moment. You picked up some jeans that you like the fit of and your brain quickly came up with 5 different ideas of what you could do to them to make them more you. You picked them up and then went to find John, quickly spotting him surrounded by a couple of girls, pretty girls, who seemed very excited to talk to him. They were wearing either plain blue jeans and cropped one coloured top, or a simple skirt and a jumper. You saw John laughing and then smiled as he looked over their outfits – seemingly in a part of their conversation. Soon they were waving goodbye, after having taken some photos with him, and were out the store.

John started to look around for you and quickly found you, already coming his way, making his smile grow.

"Hey, babe" he cheered, looping his arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your temple. Then noticing the jeans in your hand.

"Oh good choice, they'll be great to dye!" he continued on to say. Then showing you the tops he had selected for you two to die from the mens section.

"Yeah.. that's what I was thinking" you smiled, you words almost mumbled as you thought 'maybe I shouldn't dye them'

You were back home soon after that, John saying he was going to film for a bit as you were planning to watch some of your new TV show. You took both of your bags of clothes upstairs and laid them out on the bed to see what you ended up with. Again, your eyes landed on the jeans, out of the corner of your eyes you could see one of your only plain white tops hanging in your wardrobe. You decided maybe you should change.

Looking at yourself in the mirror was odd. It wasn't that different than your normal stuff. Just usually either the top or the bottoms were more extravagant and unique than these were. You then put some converse on and tide your hair up. Almost seeing a different person in the mirror than normal.

Your belly then grumbled so you decided to go make some food, and some for John too since you knew he hadn't eaten. Deciding on some grilled cheese and salad, you brought his plate and some water up to his office and knocked with your knuckle.

"Come in!" he said, and you did.

"Hey, was just thinking you haven't eaten in a while so were probably hungry. Made grilled cheese, hope that's alright" you spoke off, walking over and placing the plate and glass down on the free space on his desk. As you took a step back and looked at him for the first time since you opened the door, you noticed his confused features and tilted head.

"What?" you asked, suddenly conscious he didn't like the simple look after all.

"Who are you and what have you done with y/n?" he asked sarcastically with a squint. You rolled your eyes, brushing a fallen piece of hair behind your ear.

"I thought you liked this.. its what the girls at the store were wearing and you seemed to be complimenting their style" you shrugged, shoving your hands in the pockets of the jeans.

John then rolled his eyes before shuffling his chair closer to you, looping his fingers in the belt loops.

"Those girls were asking me what I thought they should do to their clothes to make them more fun like ours. I was pointing at her jeans because I was saying how the dark denim won't take paint as well as the light ones. Plus how the other girls skirt was wayy too expensive to ruin" he laughed and shook his head. "Please, do not try and change your style. It's one of the first things I fell in love with you for. It's who you are. But if the simple boring everyday clothes are what you want, I guess I can grow to love that too" his words trailed off, sounding more and more sarcastic as he went.

You giggled and placed your hands on his shoulders, tilting your head in dramatic thought. "Nah, honestly being in these and knowing they're not dyed or Frankensteined is kinda making me uncomfortable"

"Well let's take them off" John insisted, quickly reaching for the button on your jeans, you just as fast grabbing for his hands as you laughed.

"John you're working! We can dye them later" you insisted, doing the button up again.

John then squinted in confusion, before realisation took over his features and he nodded, "Yup, definitely meant – take them off to dye them.." he winked.


Jaren: Confidence

You wanted so badly to be confident in yourself. In the way you looked, dressed, spoke and presented yourself. But how you were brought up and the people you had been around growing up, never taught you how. It wasn't that you hated any part of yourself, but you could never even fake confidence when it came to meeting new people or doing new things.

You had been listening to Jaren record a game from the living room, his door to the office wide open so you could hear everything he was saying and how violently he was pressing the keys. You listened to him land jokes without a stutter, make conversation so easily and have a huge presence that showed off in his videos. It was something you really admired about him.

You were lead on the couch, attempting to read a book along with listen to Jaren but had made no progress on the page you'd been on for 15 minutes, so gave up. Placing the book on the table beside you and getting up, heading for the bathroom before you planned on starting to make some dinner.

After you finished your business and were washing your hands, standing in front of the mirror and looking over yourself. You tried to force your best fake smiles, hoping that they could come across confident and real if someone saw you. But even you could see in your eyes how fake they were.

There was a light knock on the door which made you jump, mumbling that Jaren could come in after a second. He walked in and closed the door, coming to stand close to you.

"You've been in here for like 20 minutes, I'd come to check you hadn't died" he laughed slightly, lifting his hand and stroking some hair away from your face, hoping to lift your mood as he saw the solemn look on your face.

"I'm all good" you said monotone with forced a smile, still facing the mirror but eyes unfocused.

Jaren's brows furrowed, he brought his arms around your shoulders and brought you closer to him.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" he asked as he pressed a kiss to your temple before leaning his head against yours and turning to look at you in the mirror.

"How are you confident?" you asked, moving your eyes from his reflection to the sink in front of you, playing with the handle of the tap as a distraction.

"Well, it's something I gained slowly and still struggle with sometimes." He shrugged against you, "What's this about?"

"I wish I had some element of confidence, like I feel like I'm hiding away in my clothes or even behind you when we go out. I watch you and you've got a smile on your face and a straight back as you walk, radiating confidence like it's nothing. I can't even talk to a few people without fumbling my words and you're there talking to hundreds of thousands every day when you record." Your words were followed with a sigh and a tight close of your eyes as you kept in any tears. You felt the arms wrapped around your shoulders tighten and lips press against this skin of your temple and cheek.

"It would be very different if every time I sat down at that desk, I was actually speaking to everyone who watches my videos – that would be terrifying! It's just me talking to my friends and playing a game, over exaggerating some things to make them more interesting but nothing too much. And when we go out, that smile – that confidence is all because of you baby. The fact I have you in my arms and our names as a pair makes me the most confident man in the world. What could bring me down when I have you" Jaren finished with another kiss to your cheek, your eyes meeting in the reflection.

You then turned in his arms, a smile but genuine smile on your face as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I make you confident?"

"You certainly help a hell of a lot" he nodded, pecking your nose which made you giggle.

"I guess you help me too" you said, honestly. "Before I could barely even order a coffee at Starbucks without jumbling my words." You laughed, "now I'm able to do it all with no fumble when you're there"

"Its slow progress baby, but its progress non the less. We'll get you there" Jaren replied, his voice sweet and he leant down and pressed his lips to yours, both smiling and tightening your arms around each other.

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