The Class Agreement

By smooonie

1M 39.9K 17.3K

After disappearing for the rest of her senior year, Nova is an enigma most people don't want to mess with. S... More

In Athena's Eyes: "Nova Is"
In Athena's Eyes: "Trophy Family"
End Note


11.8K 533 258
By smooonie

I locked my arms around Jason's waist as he tried to wrestle with me. My side smacked against a countertop as we struggled. His body heavy, smelly, and sweaty.

Using all of my strength, I lifted him, my body burning with a hot flame, and slammed him straight down to Athena's kitchen floor. I swear the entire house vibrated when he connected with the ground perfectly.

He groaned loudly as I got off of him, heaving for air.

I stood over him, my fists shaking from wanting to punch into him some more.

His face was red. Some blood dripped from his nose as he blinked, staring up at the ceiling.

Athena quickly pushed me back a few inches, grabbing a hold of my face. I ripped my eyes away from his body. It took me a few seconds to really focus on Athena.

I was angry all over again when I studied the finger markings on her neck. They were bruising over purple now. Her tears still streaming down her cheeks. She was visibly shaking.

I cupped her face, being as gentle as possible, "Are you okay?"

She nodded her head, swallowing thickly, "If you didn't show up I — I don't know if—"

I pulled her into a tight hug, cutting off her words. She clutched my sides, sobbing against me. My adrenaline was still pumping. My eyes were fixated on Jason, who was slowly sitting up and leaning against the bottom cabinet.

I couldn't understand why.

Why would he do such a thing to the woman he so-called loved with all his heart. This wasn't love. This was abuse. Attempted murder. He tried to kill my girlfriend.

And now I felt like killing him.

[Earlier during the school day]

I got my stitches off, my forearm now marked with a jagged scar that wasn't that big. They made it seem like my forearm was going to look completely destroyed and ugly. Lucikly for me, it doesn't look too bad.

I was on my way to Athena's class, lunch just starting for both of us.

I knocked before entering. Athena was lining desks up back into a straight column. She's wearing grey jeans, a white graphic tee, and sneakers. Her casual school outfits are a treat whenever she gets tired of dressing professionally.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is Ms. Frost in?" I smirked. "I needed to talk to her about my homework."

She placed her hands on her hips, smiling a little, "You're speaking to her."

I shrugged, "Could've fooled me, miss. You look just like one of us."

She laughed and stepped around the column of desks, walking toward me, "So I've been told plenty of times."

"I bet you're flattered," I teased.

She hummed, "If it's coming from you." She eyed my forearm, reaching for it and gently grazing over the new scar, "It's not that bad actually."

I watched her fingers, extending my arm out more, "Right?"

She picked up my arm and placed a soft kiss on the scar, "Let's hope you don't accidentally hurt yourself anymore."

"Let's hope this therapy works," I responded. "So ... um, I know I didn't get around to explaining what was going on over the weekend."

She placed her hands on my hips, "No, but we have time. It's okay. I'm not exactly rushing since I understand the situation now."

I sighed, "Oliver threatened me on the first day back. I don't know if he's actually planning on going through with his threats."

Her eyes widened, "Wow. You must've really done a number on his brother for him to just threaten you."

"Apparently his brother suffered facial fractures," I muttered. "And a concussion ..."

"Nova, what the hell?"

I scoffed, "He was trying to stab me."

"Well, I already told him his next offense will get him sent to Gallagher's office and with your history, I'm sure Gallagher will have a fun time putting him in check. He won't be bothering you anymore."

"Is he a senior? No, right?"

She shook her head, "He's a sophomore."

I rolled my eyes, "That's why he's so bold. He has nothing to lose right now. Little shit. Why is he even in this class? I thought Economics was only for seniors?"

"Students are being given the option to take it earlier. Don't worry, he'll stay in check here. I'm making sure of it. I have no time for pests."

"Thank you," I said."Sorry you uh, had to find out the way you did."

She placed a hand on my chest, her eyes twinkling, "There are very few worse ways to find out. If that knife so much as cut me I would've had your head mounted on my wall."

"Woah," I laughed at her threat. "I mean, I guess I would've deserved it."

Her hands finally snaked around my neck. I leaned down to catch her sweet lips. Balance had been restored with us no longer fighting.

She gave me one last peck before pulling back, "Therapy today?"

"Yeah, after school. I'm supposed to be learning about grounding techniques today."

"Good. Hopefully, you find a technique that works for you."

"Yeah, hopefully. I just want all of this to be over already, you know? Not exactly how I pictured my last summer as a high schooler."

She pouted, "I know, but ... it's okay. There's plenty of summers to come."

I pursed my lips, "Hopefully with you ..."

She smirked, "Wishful thinking?"

I chuckled, briefly thinking back to how illegal this is, "Anything is possible. I believe that now."

"I plan to tell Jason I'm with someone," She said randomly. "I'm not sure when though. I told him he can stop by today, but ..."

"Oh ... how come?"

Her gaze became soft, "Because ... I don't want you to feel like any bigger of a secret than you already do."

I smiled a little, "Oh. Well ... that's great. Hopefully, he takes it well. I mean he should."

"Not like he has a choice."

And she was completely right about that. He didn't have a choice. It made me want to gloat almost.

"Should I come over after therapy? I mean — well if he doesn't show up."

She gently kissed my cheek, "You don't have to ask."

"Just the way I like it," I mumbled while cupping one side of her face. I brought her into another kiss, beyond content and happy right now. She hummed quietly, her fingertips lightly digging into the nape of my neck.

Our time came to end. It was a blessing to be on good terms again. Leaving her classroom on a bad note usually left me extremely anxious and annoyed for the rest of the day.

My plan was to come over tonight and study when I got home. We're in the last week before finals and I want to make sure I'm primed for this. These final grades count.

My father purchased my cap and gown today, which should be coming in the mail soon. I also had to buy a new outfit, but I quickly put that toward the back of my mind. That wasn't important right now.

When school finished, I quickly left and drove all the way to the building Mr. Liden worked.

"Are you ready?" He asked. He crossed his legs with a black folder in his hands.

"You're making me nervous," I replied.

"I apologize. I just want to make sure you're ready. Some people find this portion ... triggering."

"Oh great," I muttered. "This should be fun."


Liden wasn't lying when he said this portion of therapy was probably going to trigger me. Grounding yourself is harder than I thought.

Liden made me open up about my mother and my fighting escapades deeper than I thought I'd ever go. Making me face the darkest of my demons one by one. I now understand why he was the most recommended by the doctors in the hospital.

This guy really brought it all out of me. It felt like that session went on for hours.

I was feeling emotionally drained, not interested in studying anymore. I got home and showered, trying to relax. I put on my house joggers and a white sports bra with a tank top over it.

I got a few texts from Athena, asking me how was therapy and if I got home safely. She let me know Jason confirmed he was going to her house today.

She surprised me when she told me she was going to let Jason know about being in a new relationship. I didn't think she was going to ever tell him — at least not as soon as I brought up how I felt about it. It made me feel good that she was listening to my feelings.

As I laid in bed, I thought about the move. My Dad was already getting rid of a lot of things — selling stuff to be exact. He was working and getting things done faster than expected, but I guess he's just happy to finally leave this all behind.

His enthusiasm would be inspiring if I wasn't so tired and still waiting for Athena's answer. Somewhere in my streamline of thoughts, I fell asleep and when I woke up, the sun was setting.

My phone was ringing in the distance, but I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not. By the second ring, I shot up, scrambling for my phone. A weird feeling stretched across my body, but I ignored it, just grabbing my phone out of the many folds of my sheets.

Three missed calls from Athena. I quickly dialed her back, putting the phone on speaker and staring at the caller I.D.

Nothing. That's strange considering she just finished calling me.

I called again, sure that she would pick up this second time, but nothing.

That weird feeling turned into dread when I remembered that Jason was supposed to be coming over. I immediately thought the worst when she didn't pick up the third time.

It was too early for her to fall asleep so I knew it wasn't that. Maybe she was just busy and stepped away from her phone. There wasn't a need to dig into it any further than that.

I didn't want to panic or let my paranoia seduce me. I had a habit of jumping the gun and drawing conclusions too soon. Not like I've ever been wrong though ...

I attempted to just relax for a few minutes and clear my head, just like Liden was trying to teach me, but I couldn't.

This wasn't an impulse or a flash of an episode. This was my girlfriend. Someone I knew I couldn't lose or even risk losing for a second.

I called again. This time the ringing was cut short. Like someone hanged up.

Something was wrong. This wasn't like Athena. She always called back or texted. I could feel my gut whirring in panic, rushing me to get off my ass and do something.

I quickly put socks and sneakers on, grabbing my car keys and leaving my house. I wouldn't be able to rest not knowing if she was okay. Just showing up to check on her was enough.

Along the way, I thought she would get back to me. She didn't. It took me longer than usual to get there because of traffic.

I parked my car across the street, not caring that I was parked in front of a fire hydrant.

Before I could even knock on Athena's door, I heard something crash to the ground. I pounded on the door now, my panic flooding my nervous system.

"No!" Athena screamed.

"Hey!" I shouted, grabbing the handle and slamming my shoulder into the door. "Athena!"



"Fuck!" I shouted, frustrated, giving up on the door, and trying to think fast.

The window.

I tore myself away from the front door, heading around the narrow path to the back of her house.

Don't worry babe, I'll pay for this.

I kicked in her room window, the glass shattering instantly. I climbed inside, avoiding the jagged lining of glass and sprinting through her room.

I got to the kitchen and the sight before me made my body react before my brain could process it.

I kicked Jason straight in his ribs, his large hands around Athena's neck. He was choking her with all his force, his body pinning her against the refrigerator. He let her go rapidly, grabbing his side as I charged at him full force.

I jabbed the side of his head and grabbed his neck with my other hand and shoved him back against a counter. I guess he finally realized what was going on and started fighting back. His punches sloppy, but fast. I barely dodged a few of them.

A smile crept onto my face because I could finally lay my hands on this fucking douchebag. All of these months minding my business, holding back, turning a blind eye — he ruined it for himself.

Even though he was bigger than me, it didn't slow me down for even a single second. He was fast but clearly had no fighting experience as he flailed around.

I locked my arms around Jason's waist as he tried to wrestle with me. My side smacked against a countertop as we struggled. His body heavy, smelly, and sweaty.

Using all of my strength, I lifted him, my body burning with a hot flame, and slammed him straight down to Athena's kitchen floor. I swear the entire house vibrated when he connected with the ground perfectly.

He groaned loudly as I got off of him, heaving for air.

I stood over him, my fists shaking from wanting to punch into him some more.

His face was red. Some blood dripped from his nose as he blinked, staring up at the ceiling.

Athena quickly pushed me back a few inches before I could do anything, grabbing a hold of my face. I ripped my eyes away from his body. It took me a few seconds to really focus on Athena.

I was angry all over again when I studied the finger markings on her neck. They were bruising over purple now. Her tears still streaming down her cheeks. She was visibly shaking.

I cupped her face, being as gentle as possible, "Are you okay?"

She nodded her head, swallowing thickly, "If you didn't show up I — I don't know if—" She coughed lightly.

I pulled her into a tight hug, cutting off her words. She clutched my sides, sobbing against me, coughing in between. My adrenaline was still pumping. My eyes were fixated on Jason, who was slowly sitting up and leaning against the bottom cabinet.

I couldn't understand why.

Why would he do such a thing to the woman he so-called loved with all his heart. This wasn't love. This was abuse. Attempted murder. He tried to kill my girlfriend.

And now I felt like killing him.

So he could end up with his father since that's what he clearly wanted laying his hands on Athena.

"I knew I wasn't fucking crazy," I muttered to myself. "I knew it."

"I'm so sorry," I continued. "I fell asleep. I should've never went to sleep. I'm here, I've got you."

I properly looked around now and realized her phone was on the ground. The screen was smashed in, glitching on and off. There was glass on the ground from a few cups. I sighed heavily.

At least I saved her.

I watched as Jason began to stand up. I let go of Athena, gently moving her away from me, preparing for round two and I couldn't care less if he wasn't asking for one.

I'm out for more than just blood now.

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