* Lunch Club + Friends Imagin...

By queenbeeaches

271K 2.7K 817

No longer writing due to change in opinion of the group but still here for people to read if you want to! Doe... More

Hello and Welcome
Meeting Cooper
Schlatt - Hard Goodbyes
Travis - Lovable Goof
Ted - Dance Teacher
Cooper - Clingy
Kryoz/John - Jealous
Ted - Tickle Fight
Schlatt - Hate Me
Josh - No Kisses
Schlatt - Moody
Meeting Ted
Schlatt - Fear of Flying
Zuckles/Mason - Silent Treatment
Charlie - Baby Fever
Schlatt - Mix Up
Cooper - Tension (smut)
Noah - First Aid
Cooper - Schlatt's sister Pt 1
John - New Ring
LunchClub - Your Face Reveal
Cooper - Baking
Schlatt - Missed Dinner
Cooper - Jealousy
Travis - Baking
Jaren - Bad Day Comfort
Schlatt - You're in a Band
Cooper - Blind Idiots
Josh - Muffin
Josh - Little Mistake
Cooper - Schlatt's Sister pt 2
Noah - Baking
Cooper - Carnival
Charlie - Livestream Confession
Schlatt - Glasses
Ted - Skipping Water
John - Future Insignificance
⬇️ "Short" preferences & inserts⬇️
How They Find & Deal With Your Insecurities: Pt2
Where They Like To Kiss You:
Where/How They Find You Sleeping:
How You Know They Love You (without saying it)
How They Like To Hug You:
What You Do That Turns Them On:
(:Vote for next chapter:)
You Catch Them Watching You:
Bye ✌🏻.

How They Find & Deal With Your Insecurities: Pt1

9.1K 93 94
By queenbeeaches

*Hopefully these won't always be so long.. if i put both pages together it was like 7,500 words...*

January 2021 update: Used to include Carson, now removed for obvious reasons.

Cooper: Stomach (can I just say how much I love soft bellies.. okay continue..)

You and Cooper were a few months into your relationship, everything still new and exciting. You were currently sat on top of his lap while he lay against some pillows to prop him up from his headboard, make-out session in progress and hands slowly beginning to wonder over each other's skin. You were wearing one of his t-shirts and your underwear after just coming out of the shower and Cooper wouldn't deny the fact you looked hot in his clothes, but even more sure you'd look better out of them.

His hands began to trace up your thighs, from where they had been rubbing the skin, to your hips. His fingers grabbing the fabric of the top that was already bunched up at your hips and slowly pulling it up while your lips were still against his. Your hands shot down from being on his chest to grab his, moving them away from the fabric as you still passionately kissed. Cooper taking the hint, for a few minutes at least, before he was trying again.

"Cooper" you mumbled against his mouth, breathing heavy, while your hands once again went to his to stop him moving.

"I want to see all of you" he grumbled, his throat dry and breathless, fingers now just playing with the top but not moving it.

"No you don't" you replied, moving your lips from his to kiss down his cheeks, jaw and to his neck.

His fingers then were under the top and brushed against your tummy, making you gasp and jump back to sit on his thighs, your gaze going down to where your hands played with each other.

He traced over your face, taking in your red cheeks and how your lashes lay against them as you looked down, your hair a mess from his hands previously being in it, your legs slightly apart as you sat over him.

"Y/n what's wrong?" he asked softly, moving to grab your hands and pull you closer to him again.

"Nothing, its nothing" you shook your head, giving him a small smile and going back to placing kisses against his skin.

"Its not nothing. You know I think you're gorgeous right? Every inch of you" he said lightly grabbing your shoulders to pull you back so he could look you in the eyes.

"I just.. don't like.." you began, shutting yourself up as Cooper began to shake his head, moving his hands to sit on your waist.

"Do not finish that sentence. I refuse to let you be mean about yourself. You are the most stunning girl I've ever seen and nothing about you will ever change how I see you"

You bit your lip in thought, blushing at his sweet words and the way he was looking up at you. He then leant forward to press his lips against yours for a second, only moving back an inch or so, so he could look you in the eyes.

"Let me love all of you" he almost whispered, his breath fanning your face.

You breathed deeply, a small smile pulling at the corners of your lips. "Okay"

That night not and inch of you was left un-kissed, Cooper spending all his time making sure you knew you were beautiful.


Schlatt: Smile

You and Schlatt had met because he needed a new editor and that's what you wanted to do, you applied and soon were working with him. You texted and called often and got to know each other quickly, and the first time you met up you both knew there was something more between you than friendship. You were both now living together, and Schlatt had decided to do another Wii Fit video, but asked you to be apart of it.

You were having a blast, Schlatt being awful at anything to do with balance thanks to his Timbs, so he kept almost falling and taking you with him since he kept grabbing you. You'd played bowling and tennis and couldn't stop the laughter that left you as Schlatt threw the controller after losing again.

The video was then all recorded, Schlatt taking a deep breath and once the button to stop recording was pressed he walked over to you and brought you into a hug, lightly kissing your lips with a smile.

"That was fun" he commented while he lightly swayed with you in his arms. You nodded,

"It was! But now I'm all gross and sweaty, can you send me the footage while I hop in the shower so I can start it when I'm out?" you quizzed, going on your tip toes and pecking his lips before wiggling out of his arms,

"Or I can join you and send it over once we're finished?" he asked with a raise of his eyebrow, you shook you head and laughed.

Your shower was only quick, just so you wouldn't feel sticky for the rest of the day. You now sat at your desk, clicking open your shared folder to download all the footage. It only took a few minutes.

You opened up your editing software and dragged the files in, your face falling slightly as you saw the thumbnail to one of the clips that you had to reshoot. It was paused mid laugh for the both of you, Schlatt's grin so wholesome and sweet, but then you looked at yours and frowned.

"Is that really how I look when I smile?" you asked yourself, almost disgusted.

You'd seen your smile many times before, in the mirror, in photos and other recording but never seen it like this. But was this actually how it looked? Because you hated it if it was.

You must have spent at least 15 minutes watching over the footage but only looking at yourself and your smile, not taking in anything else. Sitting cross legged in your chair, forehead creased as your eyebrows furrowed, questioning how anyone could like your smile. There was then a light knock at your door before Schlatt let himself in, striding over to your chair and swinging his arm over the top of it.

"Nothing corrupted is it?" he asked, noticing you'd just been watching it – assuming you were checking it was all okay.

"Nope, its all.. good" you replied, looking up at him and forcing a smile. Before having a flash back to what that looked like, and stopping, turning your face quickly back to the screen.

Schlatt noticed the quick drop in your features, confusion taking over his.

"Aw look at us looking all coupley, look like a proper simp for you" he laughed, pointing at the screen where the video continued to play,

"Ha, yeah" you mumbled, eyes still only going to your smile,

"do you not like it? Thought you said it was a fun video?" he asked, turning you in your chair slightly to look at you, pulling over the spare seat you had in the room and sitting.

"It was! It's a good video. I just wish I didn't smile as much.." you shrugged, dragging the mouse over and pausing the video.

"What are you talking about? Pretending to be grumpy is my thing y/n, can't have you hiding your smile from my viewers – there would be a riot!" he replied, you watched as his smile creased his cheek.

"Don't you think its just - a bit ugly" you sighed, your eyes drifting back to your screen. You heard Schlatt scoff from beside you before he shuffled to bring his phone out of his pocket. Clicking the home button to open it and turning it to you.

"Look at that hotty" he said, you turned back to him and saw the first photo you had taken together as a couple, smile huge on your faces. He then locked it and brought up the lock screen,

"That right there" he points to his phone, the next photo of mainly just you - with your biggest grin, and him right behind you, looking at you with the softest eyes. "That's my favourite sight in the world"

Tears almost began to rise to your eyes, your heart aching in your chest.

"and I will spend every day of the rest of my life trying my hardest to see it, even if it means dumb jokes or tickling you, forcing it out of you"


Ted: Thighs

Tonight you had all decided to go out for dinner as a group, the guys bringing their girlfriends too. You hadn't dressed up fancy in a long time, not since you and Ted first started dating. You had gain some happy weight while together and had accepted all of it, apart from your thighs. It was never something you brought up with your boyfriend, it never seemed like it bothered him and he didn't treat you any differently as he did in the beginning.

You were trying some different options on and all you could seem to stare at was your thighs. In jeans, a skirt or dress. Nothing seemed to look how you wanted. You knew you had to be ready soon, already hearing some of the chatter downstairs as people waited.

Soon you decided and felt okay with what you went with. You could obviously still see your legs but didn't hate how they looked. You took a deep breath and grabbed your bag and headed down. Your eyes meeting your boyfriend's as you landed on the final step.

"Whoo-hoo look at those legs!" Ted cheered as soon as he saw you, raising his arms into the air. You knew he meant well but you couldn't help the sinking feeling in your chest as he brought your legs to the attention of everyone else around.

You opened your mouth a couple times, trying to say something, but as your eyes looked around the group you could see some of them looking at you. Your throat felt dry and soon your legs were carrying you back to your room, the door closing heavily behind you.

Ted looked around at his friends, who looked as equally confused as he felt. He knew instantly something was up and he'd made a mistake so stood up and went to find you. Slowly opening to door to your bedroom, he found you sat crisscrossed on the bed, sweatpants now adorning your bottom half and his hoodie over your torso.

"y/n?" Ted said softly as he strode over to you and sat on the bed, a few inches from where you were. "What's wrong?"

"Are my thighs too big Ted?" you asked shyly, the words quiet as your head was tilted down towards your lap.

Ted felt his heart strain and his mouth dropped open slightly in shock. "y/n you are the most gorgeous woman in the world. The only 'too' thing your thighs are, are too god damn sexy" he stated, completely seriously.

You couldn't help the light scoff of a laugh that left you, raising you head to look at him through your slightly glossy eyes.

"If you don't want to go out tonight that's fine, everyone will understand. We can just stay here, watch a film, maybe show off those legs a bit – only for me" he said, his voice getting lower and slower towards the end as he shuffled closer towards you on the bed, making a giggle erupt from you. Leaning over and cupping his jaw before pressing a kiss to him.

"As lovely as that sounds, I do want to go out. I'll just put my clothes back on and meet you down there in a few" you smiled, pecking his lips again before standing from the bed.

"Or.. I could just stay here and watch and appreciate every inch of you" Ted suggested with a shrug, leaning over on the bed to rest on his elbow and he looked at you with a sly grin.


Charlie: Anxiety

Everyone feels it at some point in their life. Whether its for two seconds, or every single day. For you it was often, but you managed to get through it. You'd only been dating Charlie for a few weeks, and yes you had been anxious on your dates, but you'd coped and not let it show too much.

This week you were going to meet his friends for the first time, and there was going to be a lot of them. He explained they were a large group of friends and the were all available the same night so organised it for them to meet you at once.

One or two friends together would have been fine. But there were about 6 or 7 going to be there. The thought of that made your chest tighten and air seem thinner.

You were sat in Charlie's living room, cuddled together watching a film. The credits began to roll and so you moved, stretching as you did and Charlie just watched you with a small smile.

"I can't wait for my friends to meet you" he said sweetly in thought, but the mention of it again making you jolt and take a deep breath.

"Yeah, me.. neither" you replied, words stuttering. Charlie's eyebrows flattened as he looked at you,

"you nervous? Don't be, they're all great, a little intense sometimes but once you get to know them they're fine"

You just nodded, hearing yourself start to breathe quicker and face heat up. Your head started to pound slightly as you could feel Charlie still sat there next to you, looking.

"Are you okay?" he asked, moving so he would be in your peripheral.

"Yeah I'm great, just going to go to the toilet" you rushed to say, but quickly your hand was grabbed and you were pulled to sit down again.

"No, no talk to me, what's wrong?" he insisted. You took a deep breath.

"I'm a really anxious person Charlie. Not in a 'ooh I feel nervous about something rational' but in a 'I can't do anything without thinking the worst is going to happen' kinda way" you said a little loudly, watching Charlie lean back slightly in surprise.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry oh god this is why I don't tell people they think I'm crazy" your words cracking as you spoke.

"You're not crazy, don't apologise for something you can't help" he reached out and rubbed your arm.

"It's stupid and I hate it, I wish it would go away" you began to cry, a few tears escaping and trailing down your cheeks. You felt your cheeks flushing even more, embarrassed about everything as Charlie was sat watching.

"Y/n its okay! It's okay. Its not stupid, everyone gets anxious" he tried to comfort, bringing his hand to the back of your head and pulling you to rest it against his chest and he hugged you. You then began crying against him,

"But its all the time! It's so embarrassing, I can't do anything normal without over thinking it or panicking and ruining it for everyone!"

"Y/n it's a completely normal thing to have, we'll find a way to make things easier for you I promise" he said softly, hand beginning to stroke your hair. Placing a light kiss to the top of your head.

"we will?" you asked, the words croaky and muffled against him. You lifted your head from his chest to look him in the eyes.

"Yup, can't have you think you're going to go through this alone. You've got me" he smiled, placing a kiss to your nose. Your breathing slowly started to even out.

"How about I ask two of the guys if they can come over tomorrow, start off easy so you're not overwhelmed?" he continued, switching to look between your eyes.

You nodded, reaching up to wipe under your eyes and get rid of the tears. "That would be great"

Part 2 --->

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