Straight To My Head || Harry...

By coco1522ox

42.7K 693 300

Originally I was just going to do one oneshot. But I have so many ideas, I'm going to turn it into a collecti... More

After The War.
Not Strong Enough.
I Loved Her First. Pt 1.
I Loved Her First. Pt 2.
The Next Generation.
Time To Talk.
Just A Dream.
The Birth Of A Potter.
Ten Years Later. Pt 1.
Ten Years Later (pt 2)
Harry's Birthday.
Angel With A Shotgun
Playing With Fire. Pt 1
Playing With Fire, Pt 2.
Soul Mates Pt. 1
Soul Mates Pt 2.
Determined To Live.
The Reunion - Pt. 1
The Reunion - Pt. 2
Listen To Your Heart.
Because I Love You.
Love Will Find A Way.
Love Will Find A Way. Pt 2.
Love Will Find A Way Pt 3.
The Wedding.

Secret Love.

1.8K 30 5
By coco1522ox

Summary - Harry and Ginny are secretly exploring their feelings for each other. It's exciting and thrilling. After beating Ravenclaw at quidditch, the Gryffindors gather into the common room to celebrate, and Harry can't help himself when spirits are so high. His love and pride gets the better of him, and he takes the risk.


"Sshhh, Harry be quiet!" Ginny giggled as they stumbled behind a floor length tapestry leading to a secret corridor.

"I'm sorry, I tripped over my own foot!" Harry sniggered.

"I swear you're worse than Ron!" Ginny teased.

"Please don't compare me to your brother when we're currently sneaking behind his back in an abandoned passage." Harry groaned.

Ginny rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck, pulling him closer. Harry eagerly allowed her to pull him down and pressed his lips to hers in a heated kiss. It was the kind of kiss that left Harry feel breathless. His heart racing. It had been three months since Harry and Ginny had been exploring their feelings for each other. At first it had been awkward and nerve wracking for Harry, but the more he allowed himself to open up to Ginny, the more comfortable he felt around her.

When they finally pulled away, Harry was panting and he could feel Ginny gently trembling beneath him.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, leaning his forehead on hers.

"Better than ever." Ginny whispered.

Harry brushed his lips against hers and smiled. "Me too."

"Are you excited about the big game coming up?" Ginny asked, smiling up at him.

"Well, it will be an interesting game." Harry nodded.

"You nervous?" Ginny raised a brow.

"A bit. Katie saw them training last week. They're fast!" Harry sighed.

"As long as you're faster than their seeker, it doesn't matter. You're a good captain Harry. Don't worry." Ginny smiled confidently at him.

Harry was grateful for Ginny's confidence, but it didn't stop him feeling the pressure.

"Well its a good thing I've got one hell of a chaser on my team too." Harry smirked.

Ginny grinned and pulled him down again. Harry didn't think he'd ever get bored of kissing Ginny. It thrilled him from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. What made it even more thrilling and exciting was the fact they'd kept it a secret from everyone else. Even Ron, Harry's best friend and Ginny's older brother, and Hermione, Harry's other best friend, had no idea what was going on between Harry and Ginny.

"We should get back to the common room. Everyone will be wondering where we are." Ginny sighed.

Harry nodded reluctantly. After checking the coast was clear, they crept out from behind the tapestry and walked along the corridor. When they arrived back at the common room, Harry gave the password to the fat lady, who eyed them suspiciously. Ginny stepped in first and Harry waited a few seconds before following behind.

It wasn't hard to spot the famous bright red hair that belonged to the Weasley family. Ron, along with Hermione, sat by the fire with Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. Ginny gave Harry a discreet wink before she headed the opposite direction to join her friends. Harry joined his own friends and sat down beside Neville.

"Where have you been? Training finished almost forty minutes ago!" Ron questioned.

"Going over some last minute plans. Ginny had an idea and wanted to run it past me." Harry shrugged. "But I don't think it will work, so we haven't bothered."

Ron seemed somewhat satisfied with Harry's response and didn't question him any further. He would never have guessed what was really going on between his sister and best friend. Hermione however, didn't seem as convinced. Harry hoped his cheeks hadn't betrayed him and given anything away as he shuffled awkwardly in his seat.

"I can't wait for this match." Seamus beamed. "I've got ten galleons on Gryffindor to win!"

"No pressure or anything then?" Harry raised a brow.

Seamus shrugged his shoulders and winked. Harry chuckled and looked over at Ron who seemed to have gone pale, even with the light of the fire dancing across his face.

"Cheer up Ron, it'll be a great game!" Dean nudged Ron with his elbow.

Ron forced a smile and nodded his head. Once he was certain no one was looking at him, his smile dropped and he swallowed hard. It was no secret Ron was incredibly nervous about the upcoming quidditch match, it was his first big game.

After another half an hour of listening to his friends predict the outcome of the game, Harry announced he was heading to bed. Ron decided he'd follow and they bid their friends goodnight. A quick glance around the common room told Harry that Ginny had already left and gone up to her dormitory.

Harry hadn't realised how tired he was until he collapsed onto his bed and buried his face into his pillow. Drawing the curtains around his bed, Harry drifted into a peaceful slumber, thinking of brown eyes, red hair and a smile that made his heart skip a beat.


The match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw approached too fast for Harry's liking. He was confident he'd trained his team to the best of their ability, but he was still nervous. The entire Gryffindor house had cheered and wished their team luck as they headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Harry took a seat at the Gryffindor table opposite Ron and Hermione. He was about to comment on how Ron looked better than he had in a few days until Ginny sat down at the table, beside Harry, in a huff.

"What's wrong with you?" Ron grunted with a mouthful of sausage.

Ginny glared at Ron. "Nothing."

"Did something happen Ginny? You can tell us?" Hermione said, actually sounding concerned unlike Ron.

Ginny let out a sigh and her shoulders slumped. "It's nothing, just me being silly."

Harry watched her closely. Under the table his hand found hers and he squeezed tightly.

"What? Did someone say something about your hair?" Ron scoffed. Not even a second later, Ron let out a yelp. Ginny had kicked him under the table.

"Actually, someone made a rather crude comment about my quidditch uniform being tight in all the right places!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Who?!" Ron and Harry asked at the same time. Harry felt Ginny squeeze his hand tighter, warning him to stay calm.

"It doesn't matter." Ginny shook her head. "It's been dealt with."

"Was it someone on the team?" Harry asked hotly. "Because I'll kick them off straight away."

Ginny smiled at him. "No it wasn't, don't worry."

Harry released her hand when he realised he'd been holding it under the table too long. Thankfully no one seemed to have noticed. After that, they ate in silence. Ron was too busy stuffing his face, Hermione was lost deep in the pages of a book, Ginny was buttering some toast, and Harry was trying not to overreact and find the boy who had made a comment about Ginny.

Just as Harry had finished eating, he saw Ginny shuffle from the corner of his eye. He looked up at her to find her smirking at the entrance to the Great Hall. Harry looked over and saw a fifth year Ravenclaw clutching an old rag against his nose. The rag was covered in blood.

"I'm guessing thats him?" Harry chuckled, turning to face Ginny.

"Arrogant pig." Ginny spat, nodding her head.

"You should report him." Hermione hissed.

"I think he's learnt his lesson." Ron laughed. "He won't even look over here."

"Guys, just drop it, I don't care about that anymore. Anyway, we've got a game to win!" Ginny said confidently.

Harry smiled at her. He wished he felt as sure as Ginny did that they were going to win. They needed to win this game if they were going to stand a chance of winning the house Cup.

"Come on then, let's go and win a quidditch match." Harry smirked.

Harry, Ron and Ginny got up from the table, Hermione wished them all good luck and the three of them headed down to the changing rooms.


"We won! We won! We won!" Colin Creavey cheered as the Gryffindor team climbed through the portrait hole. They were covered in dirt and sweat, but they were all beaming from ear to ear after beating Ravenclaw 170 to 40. Seamus was almost bouncing off the walls with excitment since he'd won his bet.

Harry was filled with pride for his team. They'd played brilliantly and their hard work had paid off. Ron was possibly the loudest Gryffindor in the entire common room, claiming it was his fantastic keeping skills that had won them the game.

"So nothing to do with the fact Harry caught the snitch?" Ginny raised a questioning brow at him.

"Well, he helped." Ron's ears went red as he glanced at Harry.

Harry laughed at his friend and clapped a hand to Ron's shoulder. The whole team was buzzing. Harry was almost certain he'd be deaf by the time the noise died down, which wouldn't be any time soon. He recieved multiple handshakes and 'congratulations' from his housemates. Suddenly he felt himself hoisted into the air, just like he had after the first task in the triwizard tournament two years ago. He looked down to see Seamus and Ron had lifted him in the air. Since Ron was taller than Seamus, Harry leant to one side.

"Put me down!" Harry yelled, but he was grinning as his friends dropped him to the floor.

As he straightened himself, he found himself face to face with Ginny.

"We won!" Ginny squealed. She threw her arms around Harry's neck and he lifted her off the floor in a tight hug.

Harry reluctantly let go of Ginny as Katie bounded up to them. However Ginny kept an arm around Harry's neck as she wrapped the other around their team mate. Harry then found himself in the middle of an awkward group hug. It seemed in her excitement, Ginny hadn't realised she was still holding onto Harry.

Ron suddenly appeared on Harry's other side with Hermione behind him.

"Congratulations!" Hermione cheered. Anyone who knew Hermione knew that she was as interested in quidditch as Ron was in a history of magic lesson, but Harry appreciated her enthusiasm and excitement that they had won.

"Thanks." Harry smiled. Hermione gave him a hug, Ginny was still holding onto Harry.

"Group hug!" Angelina yelled.

The entire quidditch team joined together in a group hug while the rest of the common room cheered and showered them with confetti. Ginny still held onto Harry, her arm around his neck. The way she cheered and kept close to Harry, made him feel a warmth he hadn't felt in a long time. It made him feel happy, it made him proud, but most of all, it made him feel bold and brave.

So when the team began to pull away from the hug, the room still echoing with cheers and celebrations, Harry took his chance. Without thinking about it, without letting himself talk himself out of it, without worrying that the entire Gryffindor house were surrounding them, Harry kissed Ginny.

Ginny seemed to freeze for a moment in shock and Harry wondered if he'd made a mistake. But she soon responded eagerly, gripping tightly to his collar and kissing him back. Suddenly, Harry couldn't hear or see anyone else. All he could focus on was the beautiful girl in front of him. It wasn't until they pulled apart that Harry realised there was a reason he couldn't hear anything. The room had fallen silent. All eyes were glued to the couple in the centre of the room, mouths hung open in shock.

Harry suddenly wished he hadn't been so bold. He glanced nervously around the room, awaiting some kind of negative response. But all he recieved was another deafening cheer. Beside him, Ginny mumbled something under her breath and buried her face in Harry's chest.

The celebrations continued and Harry and Ginny were forgotten in the crowd. That was until Ron approached Harry with a thunderous look on his face.

"A word?" Ron growled to Harry.

Harry swallowed hard and followed Ron into a quiet corner of the common room. Harry hadn't expected Ginny or Hermione to follow, but he was secretly relieved when they did.

"What the hell was that?!" Ron exclaimed. "You kissed my sister!"

"Ronald, calm down!" Hermione hissed, glancing over her shoulder. People began to look in their direction.

"No! I have every right to be angry!" Ron said hotly.

"Yes, you do." Harry nodded. "But maybe here isn't the best place!"

Ron looked over Harry's shoulder to see half the common room had now stopped celebrating and were trying to listen to their conversation.

The four of them silently walked towards the portrait hole and left the common room, after a scolding from the fat lady. They gathered in the corridor, searching for an empty room.

After a few minutes they decided on the room of requirement, where two sofas appeared, opposite each other. Ron and Hermione sat on one, while Ginny and Harry sat guiltily on the other.

"So, care to explain what the bloody hell that was?" Ron asked instantly.

"Not really, it's none of your business." Ginny said defiantly.

"It is when my best friend just randomly kisses my sister in the middle of the common room!" Ron exclaimed.

"Ron, I don't think this was just a random kiss." Hermione said quietly.

Harry and Ginny looked up at her sharply.

"What makes you say that?" Harry asked nervously.

"I've seen the way you look at her. I notice the little things when you're together." Hermione said.

Harry and Ginny smiled warmly at each other.

"So how long has this been going on?" Ron asked, frowning.

"About three months." Ginny said certainly.

"Three months?!" Ron leapt to his feet.

Harry stood up and held out his hands. "Ron, listen its not like we wanted to go behind your back! But we just wanted to figure out what this was between us without anyone else interfering!"

"You should have at least told me! She's my sister!" Ron yelled.

"I'm also a person Ronald! It's my choice who I date not yours!" Ginny snapped, standing up quickly.

"You've been sneaking around behind my back for three months! You don't even have the decency to tell me before you announce it to the whole common room!" Ron was pacing now.

"I didn't mean for it to happen like that! I just.. I lost control and I couldn't stop myself." Harry said.

"That doesn't make it okay!" Ron yelled.

"Ron, please calm down!" Hermione begged.

Ron turned away and began pacing across the room, muttering under his breath. Harry stood perfectly still, watching him closely. Ginny stood a few feet away from Harry, her chest rising and falling rapidly with every harsh breath. Hermione was now on her feet and looked terrified.

"Ron, you're my best friend. You know I'd never do anything to intentionally hurt you." Harry said softly.

"You should have thought of that before!" Ron growled.

"What exactly do you want me to say Ron?" Harry exclaimed. "Do you want me to apologise? Do you want me to say I'm sorry for kissing your sister? Or I'm sorry for feeling the happiest I've ever felt? Do you want me to apologise for falling in love with her?"

Harry snapped his mouth shut. Ginny's head snapped up so fast she was sure she'd just given herself whiplash. Hermione's hand clamped over her mouth. Ron had finally stopped pacing and was staring at Harry.

"You what?" Ron said.

Harry looked at Ginny. He wasn't going to deny it anymore. He wasn't exploring his feelings any longer, he knew exactly how he felt.

"I love her Ron." Harry said again, still looking at Ginny even though he was talking to Ron.

Ginny suddenly launched herself into Harry's arms, pushing her lips firmly to his. She didn't care that her brother was in the room. She'd never felt so happy in her life. Harry loved her. Ginny ignored the shocked faces of Ron and Hermione as she pulled away and smiled up at Harry.

"I love you too, Harry." Ginny whispered.

Harry kissed her again before turning to Ron.

"It might not be the most comfortable thing for you to see, but I really need you to be on board with this. I can't choose between you both." Harry said quietly.

Ron looked between his best friend and sister, both looking at him hopefully.

"Just keep the snogging to a minimum when I'm around okay?" Ron said, a hint of a smile creeping onto his face.

Ginny broke out in a broad grin and rushed to hug her brother. Harry shook his hand and nodded his thanks.

"If I remember rightly, there's a celebration for some game going on upstairs in the common room." Hermione teased. "What do you say, shall we go and join them?"

"Ah yes, in all this commotion I'd almost forgotten about that little party." Ginny grinned.

"Joke all you want, that was the best victory Gryffindor have had all year!" Ron laughed as he and Hermione began to walk out the room.

Harry turned to Ginny and grabbed her hand.

"It might be Gryffindor's best victory, but it's not mine." Harry smiled at her.

Ginny grinned so wide she thought her face might crack. She pressed her lips to Harry's again before they followed Ron and Hermione up to their common room to rejoin the celebrations.

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