The Chosen.

By laurenfarrell1234

1.6K 111 68

Kite and her people are the production of thousands of years of change after earth was destroyed and re-born... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

600 42 53
By laurenfarrell1234

The morning song woke me, my eyelids fluttered open as I listened to my people greet the mornings arrival. Melodies of different sorts combined together to celebrate the start of a new day. I lay still on my bed for a few moments. Enjoying the beauty and peace of the magnificent chorus.  Before long, the songs died down and all was silent again. Rays of light seeped in through the gaps in the curtain. The familiar scent of my tree house reassured me that I was safe, and I could let my tensed muscles relax. I sat up on my bed, which was constructed of a curved branch and a bag stuffed with wool.

I kept my home dark, as hunting occupied my day and when I come home I usually just fall asleep. I stretched my shoulders and arose from my bed. Finding my worn boots in the corner of the small, wooden shack I pulled them on over a pair of camouflaged trousers. I shrugged a dark, green top over me and tied my long, auburn hair back in a simple pony tail. 

My hand stretched out and grabbed the curtain and with a pull I was greeted with the view of  winged-people soaring through the clear, blue sky. My people were the result of years of evolution after the world was destroyed and re-born. From a young age we were told that humans are our Gods, they are the full bred beings that roamed this planet thousands of years ago. It is said a human would return to us again, to save us from being winged demons. Although there are others called the Odisse, who do not want the humans to return. They believe that we are the next step in evolution. We are the chosen who have lived.    

Soft, gentle breezes grazed my face, as the sun's light kissed my pale skin. The sun was only beginning to rise from the horizon. But I could already feel the blanket of heat it was generating. Summer is my favorite time of year. Food is plentiful and light winds do not challenge my wings. I edged closer to the entrance of the small tree house, My house is situated in the branches of a large oak tree, high above the ground. 

I rustled my large wings and dived into the sky. Spreading my wings to catch the air, I soared upwards at an incredible speed. This feeling of freedom granted me happiness. A small smile played across my lips as I climbed higher and higher. 

Suddenly something smashed into my chest. I lost all concentration as I gasped for air. Tumbling downwards my wings fell limp and I pressed my hands against my chest in an attempt to stop the thundering pain. I thought my heart had exploded, I knew I was going to die if I didn't spread my wings and stop myself from falling. But I felt totally drained, I commanded my wings to work but they were ignorant and lay limp. My eyes went white for a split second and then images of a forest with lush, green trees and ruff bark loomed at me. I seen a man, asleep laying in some sort of a bath. Such a beautiful face. Dark, wavy chocolate hair framed his chiseled features. His dark skin looked warm to touch, His soft tainted lips pursed.

Then his eyes shot open, clear green eyes...human eyes. 

Then as fast as the image came, it was gone and I regained full control of my body. My auburn wings spread out to steady myself on my rapid descent. I gained control quickly and hovered in the air. What had just happened? I decided to speak with the elders, the eldest of our kind who instructed us and ran the show. They would surely know what happened. Because for some reason, it felt like something terrible was brewing.

I flew towards the home-tree, this was the heart of my clan and where the elders council. It was the tallest great oak that could be seen for miles.

I was too concerned with what had just happened to allow myself the enjoyment of soaring through the cloudless sky. I could see the home-tree closing in, it stood out like a sore thumb from the rest of the trees. A rose among weeds.

"Kite!" a familiar voice beckoned me, I instinctively stopped in my tracks and turned to see who called me. Although I knew from the voice. 

Short, cropped hair framed a strong, bold face. Harris, my elder by four years sailed towards me with his larger dark brown wings beating at a steady pace. I only saw him once and a while, since our mother and father had died in a fight between the Odisse. He had no family of his own yet, which was unusual as he had a lot of women after him. But he seemed like a rogue, the only thing he cared about was me and my safety. Which was both a burden and a blessing.

"Harris, how are you?" I asked, a natural smile forming my lips. His golden eyes held my purple-eyed gaze. he discreetly looked over me to make sure there were no bruises or scratches, as the norm. 

"I'm good, where are you heading? You rarely leave that tree of yours." He said with a slight distaste, he must have felt hurt that the only reason I was out this far from my home was to go and see the elders and not to visit my only brother. I assumed small gilts.

"I need to talk to the council." I replied plainly, hoping he wouldn't ask questions. His eyes sharpened and a small crease on his brow made it clear to me that he wasn't going to let this one go. 

"I'm in a hurry, Harris. It's nothing I promise!" I shouted as I continued flying towards the home-tree. 

I knew I would have to tell Harris, it wasn't fair that I was blocking him out. All he wanted was to make sure I was safe, there's no harm in that? 

The home-tree lurched high above the tree line of all the other trees. I landed on a large, sturdy branch and folded my wings neatly behind my back. Buildings constructed of wood clung onto the bark of the great oak, The tree was covered in large buildings. I managed to land on a branch leading me towards the largest building of them all. This is where the council resigned, taking a deep breath I walked quickly towards the opening of the building.  

*I would really appreciate it if I got some feedback please, thanks:)*

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