Chapter 4

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My eyelids fluttered open and I found myself in an unfamiliar place. The eerie silence made me feel unsettled. The sky was a dark ebony, I could barely make out the surrounding trees. They were just shadows withing shadows.

I felt a sour taste on my tongue as last night's events reoccurred to me. The dagger was still in my curled fingers, it suddenly felt very heavy as guilt weighed over me.

I got to my feet and stretched my tight wings.I would have to go back to the Elders and tell them that I would go to find this human. I didn't care if they had time to see me or not, this was a matter fo life or death.

Pushing myself off the branch I opened my wings and pulled the air around myself, gliding through the night's cool, refreshing breeze. 

I pressed forward and neared the home-tree. I could see the glowing lights of their chambers in the distance. Landing on the branch I landed on earlier, I strode into the large hall.

There was only one Elder at the table, his black beady eyes made me scowl.

I walked up to him nonetheless.

"Manx, we have a problem. The human, I fear he is in trouble." I stated hoping he wouldn't argue and just help me.

He looked to me with total dismissal. A cloudy eyed, stupid grin. Was he drunk?

He rose from his chair unsteadily and outstretched his grey wings to catch himself. He walked over to me and I could smell the stink of liqour off his breath. Cringing, I took a step back.

"Listen Honey, I think you are a liar. And there is noway you are connected to a human." He slurred through half-eyes.

I pushed him away and he stumbled back slightly. I wasn't in the mood for a drunken idiot. I needed to find the human.

To my surprise he pushed me with such force, I fell onto my back. I pushed myself back up and my wings spread out protectively.

"Listen, old man I don't care about what you think. But the human is out there alone and afraid. I will not just stand here and wait for you to give me the all clear, he will die!" I snarled into his face. I was close enough to see the bristles of red hair that were erecting out from not shaving.

His glazed eyes met my burning glare. 

"Well then, Princess. We better go and get him." He spat through his teeth

I looked at him in astonishment, What was his angle? Was he just messing with me now? My heart was beginning to beat faster with the thoughts of being near the human. Manx looked at my glistening eyes, nodded once and walked out of the council room to the exit, spreading his large black wings he blended into the night sky. 

I stood in the lonely room for a moment, and the then followed pursuit. 

I would finally see him, I could make sure he was OK and that no harm would ever come to him. My heart felt warm and a small blanket of soothing relief tried its best to cover the icy cold chill I got from reality. He could be dead right now. A shiver ran down my spine.

I caught up to Manx after some difficulty. It wasn't that he was flying overly fast, it was just that his ebony wings blended him into the eerie night.

We were silent for quite some time and then when I couldn't bare the silence any longer I began to talk to him.

"Do you know where to find him?" I asked him curiously

"No, but you will." He told me. I looked at him as we soared through the night.

"How will I know?" I asked bizarrely

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