By lanniii_

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Bakugo x Reader // A young girl born with a incredible quirk gets accepted into U.A, trying to fulfill her dr... More

CHAPTER 2: A Little Sidekick
CHAPTER 4: Lovesick
CHAPTER 5: Mind Tricked
CHAPTER 6: Fulfilled Moments
CHAPTER 7: A Little Closer Together
CHAPTER 8: A Battle
CHAPTER 9: Two People, One Heart.. Who Will You Choose?
CHAPTER 10: Taken Again
CHAPTER 11: Why Won't You Let Me Save Her...
CHAPTER 12: Dabi's Connection
CHAPTER 14: Choice is Yours.
CHAPTER 15: Choice is All Up to You
CHAPTER 16: I'll Be Waiting
CHAPTER 17: The Final Make Up

CHAPTER 13: The Big Three.

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By lanniii_

It's was the day Dabi has come to visit you. You secretly head up to the rooftop while everyone was sleeping, but midway you hear a voice.

Bakugo: "Where are you sneaking off to?"

You turn around, body stiffen. You let out a awkward laugh.

"h-haha.. i.. was heading for some food from the cafeteria..."

Bakugo looks at you confused.

Bakugo: "The cafeteria is the opposite direction.."
"o-ohhh~ really.. it's just dark.. i can't see"
Bakugo: "Mhm.."

He pulls your waist.

Bakugo: "I'm coming with you."
"..b-but it's a s-secre-"

He kisses your lips as he yanks your arm.

Bakugo: "Come on teddy bear! let's go!"
"t-teddy.. bear.."

You blush as you started to walk towards the roof.

You open the door, revealing a man standing there. He turns around, revealing Dabi.

Dabi: "Aish! I told you not to bring anyone."

Bakugo's eyes widened, he puts his arm around you.

Bakugo: "What do you want!?"

You break out of Bakugo's grip, running to Dabi.

Bakugo: "What the hell is going on?"

You scratch the back of your head, and then hug Dabi. Dabi smiles and hugs you back. Bakugo was stuck in confusion.

"he was the friend.. who helped me escape!"

Bakugo looks at Dabi.

Bakugo: "You really trusted a villian!"
Dabi: "I love her."
Bakugo: "L-Love?!! You don't even deserve her!"
"Guys.. s-stop!"

Bakugo walks up to him, Dabi moves away and heads towards him.

Bakugo started to create small explosions coming from his hand whilst Dabi used one hand to create blue fire.

They were staring at eachother.

Before they were able to use their quirk, you go in between them, causing them to stop immediately.

Dabi: "Get out of the way baby"
"b-baby!" You blush.
Bakugo: "Teddy bear.. move so i can blow this sucker to the ground"
Dabi: "Shut it. She's mine."
Bakugo: "I never gave her to you."
"AH STOP! I WAS NEVER ANY OF YOURS! I AM NOT PROPERTY! STOP FIGHTING AND GET OVER YOURSELF.... DABI... THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME.. that's why i came up here!! to thank him! ugh! so immature, BOTH OF YOU!"

You storm off, heading straight to your dorm. You lay in bed, falling asleep quickly.


You watch her storm off, your hand drops beside you. Dabi also drops his hand.

Dabi: "Why aren't you running after her?"
"tsk... shut it.. don't tell me what i should be doing.. she wouldn't want to talk anyways."

Dabi turns around, walking away. He stops in his tracks.

Dabi: "Take care of her for me, will you?"
"..whatever.. yeah"

You turn around, walking back to your room. You were honestly worried about Y/n, and couldn't really get sleep. Next thing you know, it was morning and yet you didn't sleep a wink.


You wake up with a knock on the door. You check the time, seeing that class will start in about 3 hours.

"ugh.. why so earlyyy" You groan as you stand up, opening the door.

You were scratching your eyes until you were surprised by Bakugo, who was hugging you tightly.

Bakugo: "Forgive me. Forgive me!"

Bakugo looks up at you. He moves away, you look at him.

Bakugo: "I'm sorry!"
"the Bakugo.. the one who is always angry is apologizing"
Bakugo: "H-Hey!! I-It's just because.. *mumbles quietly*.. i-i care about you.."
"Hm!? What was that??"

Bakugo looks away.

Bakugo: "Do you forgive me yet?"
"Tell me what you said first!"
Bakugo: "I didn't say anything!"
"Fine then, don't tell me! I don't forgive you."

You shut the door in his face. A few seconds later, you hear knocking again. You open it to see Bakugo.

Bakugo: "*mumbles* i care about you"
"Speak up"

He spoke up a little louder.

Bakugo: "I care about you.."
"Say it one more timeee~~"
Bakugo: "I care about you!" He says a lot louder. You give him a smile as he was looking down. You lift his chin up and give a quick kiss on the lips.
"I forgive you!"

Bakugo shows a small smile.

You hug him and pull him in the room. You jump in the bed, snuggling in the blanket. He joins in.

"You woke me up too early."
Bakugo: "I didn't sleep"

You pout at him.

Bakugo: "What is it?"
"Go to sleep!"

Bakugo laughs and hugs your waist, you both fall asleep.

It was already time for school, you both were already ready. Once you headed out, you see the whole class waiting by the lounge room.

You chat with everyone before leaving. You headed in class to see Aizawa laying down on the ground, in a tight sleeping bag. He was asleep, waiting for the class to enter.

As soon as somebody set a foot in the class, Aizawa stood up, unzipping his sleeping bag.

Aizawa: "Sit down."

Everyone took their seats, Aizawa stared at the class before speaking up.

Aizawa: "Permits. That's all. Starting soon."


The test for our hero permits have passed. And guess what, you got your permits. It was challenging because everyone was heading after 1A, but you've managed to accomplish. You were able to get your permit, and now able to protect the people in the city and fight villains without worrying about getting in trouble. You were still cautious though.

The next day, you all were seated in class.

Aizawa: "Today, i'm introducing three students. They are known to be one of the strongest top heroes. The Big Three.. Introduce yourselves."

Mirio: "I'm Mirio Togata!!"


The last student from Big 3 stared at the class, and then immediately looked down. He turned around and faced the board.

Tamaki: "..tamaki amajiki..."

"so kawaiii...~"

Tamaki's eyes widened, turning around to see who said it. Najire pointed at you, you immediately stare at your desk.

Bakugo was a bit uncomfortable and glared at Tamaki.

Tamaki: "t-thank you.."

Aizawa: "They'll be here to show you how real heroes can be. I mean, you guys are heroes yourself, but they seem to have more experience and skill. Learn from then."

Mirio: "Let's all go"
Mina: "Where?"
Mirio: "No need to question!" He smiles as the class began to follow the Big Three.

You arrived at the training room. It was empty and huge.

Mirio: "I'll be going against all of you 1A students.
Midoriya (Deku): "What??? That's insane!"
Kiri: "It's ok.. we got this!"

Tamaki mumbles, "..oh no you don't.."

Everyone got into their positions, the people who were close range obviously stayed close, the people who were far range stayed obviously far.. You were in the middle, since you were both. Mirio took off his clothes. Leaving everyone in shock.

"..i-is that allowed..?"

You giggle until he went through the ground. Everyone was aware, taking steps carefully.

Mirio came up, taking out a few of the students. You were still standing.

Aizawa: "Bakugo get over here!"

Bakugo growls since he was still in the battle. He walked over to Aizawa, Aizawa began to talk to him privately.

You see Mirio charging at you, you use wind and shoot yourself up in the air. Mirio was in shock and he went back down in the ground. You leveled yourself on the ground.

Mirio's thoughts: "..so a type of wind quirk.."

Mirio charged for the far range first, taking them all out. Everything went through him, all their attacks were basically useless. Then he began heading after the close range. He took most of them, leaving just Deku and you.

Mirio charged for Deku first, he barely attacked you. Deku was able to sense his attack and tried kicking him from behind; however, his attack just swiped through him. Mirio took Deku out, leaving you and him alone.

Tamaki and Nejire were in shock.

Nejire: "He didn't even go after her?!"
Tamaki: "Maybe.. he wanted her alone? 1v1 battle..?"

Mirio: "You were the one who impressed me. You might be a challenge.."

Your face gotten serious, staring at him with intense eyes. Mirio smiles and went through the ground.

You used the ground, pulling it up and creating a wall. You knew he was able to get through the rock, but you know that there is a split second where he doesn't use his quirk. You quickly go around the rock whilst he goes through it. You quickly pop up and hit him powerfully in the stomach, using fire to increase strength.

He flung back, landing on his feet.

Everyone was in shock.

Nejire: "She actually.. got a hit!"
Mina: "YES!! Y/N GO!"

Bakugo heard your voice and turned over, smirking.
He mumbles something.
Bakugo: "..that's my girl.. last one standing"

Mirio: "i see.. you can control almost everything.. can't you"
"not everything."
Mirio: "The elements."

You smile, using water to surround you. It was a useless defense, and you knew that. You expected him to charge from underneath, and that's exactly what he did. He came from the ground, but you immediately used Earth and pulled yourself up. You were basically standing on a platform, meaning he didn't have enough breath to quickly head up all the way since you were near the ceiling.

He comes out from the ground below you, you use wind to level yourself on the ground.

Mirio: "Let's continue this next time."
"hmph ok!"

You turned around, he expected your guard to be down. He charged from underneath AGAIN. He held his breath and came up behind you. He charged for you and you used wind to push you forward. You then watched as he charges after you again.

You remember a strategy and when he popped up, you dodged his attack including holding his breath. You kept dodging his attack until he ran out of breath. As soon as he did, you used rocks to hit him from behind, making him come towards you. You then used fire to punch him. You blasted it with your right fist towards him and then punched him using your left fist.

Mirio landed on his back and immediately got on his feet.

Mirio: "You're good."
"I'm done here."

You walked over to the class. The class was cheering and jumping on you. You were smiling and then you see Bakugo walk up to you. Bakugo grabbed you away from the crowd. Everyone sighed when they noticed you gone. Bakugo hugged you tightly, while caressing your hair from the back.

Bakugo: "congratulations teddy bear.."

You smile and hug him tightly.

"Thank you!"

You move away and head back to the class, with Bakugo staring at you.

You walk up to Mirio.

"That was a workout! Haha~ thank you a lot!"
Mirio: "You are a lot stronger than I thought hahaha!! You will most definitely be a challenge!"

You then head to Tamaki, who was alone. Pressing his head against the wall. Nejire went to talk to the class.

He jumps up, turning his head slowly at you.

Tamaki: "H-H-H-H-Hi...."

You softly laugh.

"No need to be so shy around me!"
Tamaki: "I.. j-j-just.. t-think.. you're.. c-c-c-cute.."

You blush, cheeks turning red instantly. You smile at him, grabbing both of his hands. You hold it tightly as he looks away.

"I think you're cute too!"

He looks back at you, letting out a tiny smile.

Tamaki: "..r-r-really..?"

You smile and hug Tamaki. He was shaking in your arms, clearly shy from your touch. He then calms down and was able to hug you back.

Mina: "psshhh... Bakugo."
Bakugo: "What dumbass?"

Mina points at you hugging Tamaki.


You let go and kiss his cheek. You smiled and walked back with the class.

Bakugo was staring at Tamaki. Giving him death glares. Tamaki was standing there, clearly surprised. Tamaki was blushing intensely, touching his cheek. He slightly smiles and heads back with Mirio and Nejire.

Nejire bumps his shoulder, whispering in his ear.

Nejire: "i see you're fond with that Y/n girl.. AWH TAMAKIII~~"
Mirio: "He has a crush on Y/n?"

Mirio whispers, joining in the huddle.

Tamaki was blushing, while looking down.

Tamaki: "n-no.. she's just cute.."


You headed over to Bakugo, who was clearly upset.

Bakugo: "So.. you just kiss guys cheeks everytime you meet someone huh?!"
"what? you mean tamaki?"
Bakugo: "I don't like you with him."
"you aren't the boss of me.. i told you and dabi that i'm not property.."

You were getting uncomfortable with this conversation.


You were surprised by his loud voice. Everyone heard, even Tamaki was staring. Bakugo was incredibly loud, it echoed across the room. Your hands started to shake.


Everyone eyes widened. Tamaki looks down, he became upset. The girls were slowly starting to smile.

"k-katsuki... i know that..."
Bakugo: "say it back now."
"..i love you too.. b-but you don't need to get mad over one g-"
Bakugo: "Todoroki tried taking you away. Now Dabi.. and yet you went to TAMAKI?!"

Tamaki looks up, staring at Bakugo.

"i-i was just being friendly.. h-he seemed to want someone.. a-and.. he was c-cute.."

Tamaki slightly blushes behind the scenes.

Bakugo: "I don't like you with him."
"i-its just a guy..?"
Bakugo: "just.. forget it.."

Bakugo hugs you tightly, kissing the top of your head. He then pulls your face away from his chest, pulling it closer to his lips. You both kiss, but ended up being interrupted by Aizawa.

Aizawa: "You lovebirds. head home now. dorms everyone. GO!"

Everyone started to rush out the doors. Tamaki walked up to Bakugo.

Bakugo growls at Tamaki.

Tamaki: "I don't need to apologize to you.."
Bakugo: "Whaddya say loser?!"
Tamaki: "she's cute.. and she thinks i'm cute.. s-so.. i want her.."

Bakugo walks away, he angrily stomps toward your room.

(i dunno why i added Tamaki.. but like cmon.. he's amazing. don't lie.)

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