A Little too Realistic Acting...

By Godess_Of_Yaoi

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Takato suggests a acting position that will be the supporting role to him to Junta in the J- drama, Affair... More

Chapter 1: Another acting position with you?
Chapter 2: Script Reading
Chapter 3: Let's set the Scene
Chapter 4: Boba
Chapter 5: Breath Mints
Chapter 6: Going to Location
Chapter 7: Ummm, Line?
Chapter 8: Not Scripted
Chapter 9: Jealousy
Chapter 10: The Photoshoot
Chapter 11: The Interview
Chapter 12: A *not* Date
Chapter 13: Jealousy Finale
Chapter 14: Forgiveness
Chapter 15: Forgiveness Part 2
Chapter 16: Forgiveness Part 3
Chapter 17: Forgiveness Part 4, Finale
Chaper 18: Drama on Set part 1/2
Chapter 19: Drama on Set part 2/2
Chapter 20: Drama off Set Part 1/2
Chapter 21:Drama off Set Part 2/2
Chapter 22: Last Day on Set
Chapter 23: Let's Party, a Toast
Chapter 24: Let's Plan for Something Magicial
Chapter 25: Unexpected Spainsh Lesson
Chapter 26: Meeting the family
Chapter 27: Third Wheels... Are The Worst!
Chapter 28: Mío Dios
The A Part of QnA
Chapter 29: Te Quiero
Chapter 30: Speak Now, or Forever Hold your Peace
Chapter 31: Meeting up With the Boys
Chapter 32: The Legal Drinking Age is Lowered in Spain
Chapter 33: The Legal Drinking Age is Lowered in Spain Part 2
Chapter 34: The Big Day Part 1: Runaway Groomsmen
Chapter 35: The Big Day Part 2: Here Comes the Groom
A Special Thanks to You

Chapter 30: Elio Berhayner

668 19 12
By Godess_Of_Yaoi

I woke up with Chunta besides me and he looked like he was sleep but I knew better.
"Chunta?" I poked his cheek and he didn't react so I slowly wrapped my arms around him, snuggling up to his back. He felt warm and I was drifting back to sleep when he turned so was now facing me.
"Good morning Taka-Darling." I immediately got my arms off of him and pushed him away from me.
"How? You were still asleep when I touched your check." He had that puppy dog look on his face saying
"I wasn't asleep, I was just too tired to move and then I felt you hugging me from behind." I felt really embarrassed.
"So I, basically fell for your dumb ham acting?"
"I wouldn't say I was acting per say, I really was too tired to move." He wrapped his arms around me and I pushed him off and he fell off the floor and I laughed at him being dumb and he smiled back at me.
   "You're laugh is cute Taka-Darling." I blushed and muttered
   "Shut up," He got back on the bed and gently got on top of me and started kissing my neck.
   "Mhm~ Not now Chunta, we have preparations scheduled for today." He chuckled and continued to kiss me.
   "But Taka-Darling, I'd love for you to let me prep you~" I tried pushing him off and his hand was traveling down my torso.
"C-Chunta~" He continued to have his way with me until a knock and a jiggle was heard at the door.
"Hey Nieto, (grandson) breakfast is ready so wake-" He looked at us and I looked at him terrified.
"Should I come back at another time?" Chunta got off of me and walked towards the door.
"No it's fine, let's get breakfast Taka-Darling." How can he pretend like it was nothing? I'm so embarrassed. Celes looked at me and I quickly got out bed and walked behind Chunta.
We did our daily essentials and sat down at the table and saw that Celes made little lemon muffins. (He means Magdalenas) and coffee.
   "Itadakimasu." I grabbed one of those and I melted.
   "These are so good! Thank you Celes-San!" I grabbed another muffin and he chuckled.
   "I'm glad you like them, my secret is I use margarine instead of butter." Chunta got done with his coffee and grabbed my hand and started to usher me towards the front door.
   "I'm sorry abuelo but I noticed the time and we have to get to Elio Berhanyer. He is a man who very much believes in punctuality." Celes waved us goodbye and we were already out the door, and we got into the car.
    "Where are we going?" I ask.
    "We're going to Madrid to have Lunch with Berhanyer, to see if he likes us. Then and only then, will he ask for measurements." He started to start the car and went on the road.
    "How intimidating is this guy?" Getting my head prepared.
    "What I heard from people who collaborated with him said he was charming, dashing, and smooth on the ladies."
   "Oh is that so?" I ask.
   "I don't know, I haven't personally met him but what I do know is that people call him 'The Grandfather of Fashion' because he's been a powerhouse for decades." Hearing about him, and I know that he's official business. I just hope he's not too intimidating.

   Around five hours later and we reached Berhanyer-San's Mansion in Madrid. I stepped out of the car and looked how beautiful his Mansion is. This makes me want to live in Spain.
   We pulled up to the gate and the security guard let us after giving him our identification. An assistant walked us down to his study and knocked on the door.
"Oí ¡Que pasa ahora!" ( Oí, what is it now) Said the man in a gruff voice on the other side of the door.
"Señor, sus visitas están aquí a verte." (Sir, they're visitors here to see you) She said while opening the door.
"¡NO AHORA, FUERA DE AQUÍ!" (Not now, get away!) He sounded really angry and I was getting a little scared thinking 'What the hell did I get myself into' I look up at Junta but I just hear him speaking Spanish to the lady and she smiled and walked away. I tapped his shoulder and whispered.
"Chunta, what's happening? Why does that Elio guy sound so angry?" He just laughed.
"It's okay, the lady said that he doesn't like to get interrupted when he has an idea." I just looked at him in shock. Do all Spanish people have to be this intense? I felt my soul leaving my body exhausted.
"Junta, are you aware that I saw your soul leave your body?" I leaned on him.
"Just leave me to rest in peace." He started shaking me.
"Taka-Darling, don't die before our wedding!" He kept shaking and I went more limp thinking about how that scary man will design our suits.
Around fifteen minutes later, the doors open to reveal the man himself, Elio Berhayner, famed fashion designer. Media calls him 'The Grandfather of Fashion' becoming as famous as the now late Balenciaga.
"¿Qué están esperando, que dios me vista? Entren de una vez!" (What are you waiting for, for god to dress me? come in already.) Chunta grabbed my hand and we walked into his office. We sat down and he extended his hand out and I stared in confusion as Chunta kissed his ring. Is this a a custom I don't know about?
   He pulled back and just stared at us, as if judging us and I felt very uncomfortable but I guess that's part of the game so I stared back. We were just starring at each other until he pointed at me.
   "Tú."(you) I pointed at myself and asked,
   "¿Mí?" (Me?) He continued to stared at me and commanded
   "Me hicieras girar." (Give me a spin) He twirled his finger. Ugh God, what does that mean? I was internally freaking out and Junta whispered to me.
"He wants you to spin Darling."
"Oh." I got up and stumbled on the chair. God, I'm way off my game today. I started to spin and then Chunta said,
"Slowly dear." I stopped in place. Was I spinning that fast. Elio then giggled and I looked at him.
   "No eres de aquí ¿verdad? No." (You're not from here, aren't you?) I just looked at him so confused and he laughed again. I feel kind of insulted that he laughed at me, but at least he's not as intimidating anymore.
"Siéntate." (Take a seat) He did a motion with his hands ushering to the chair so I think he's telling me to sit down. I do as he motioned looking at him for reconfirmation and he nodded. He started to focus his attention towards Chunta slightly relieved that he won't be paying attention to me anymore.
I really couldn't grasp onto the conversation but I heard Chunta say 'Japonés' and there was a lot of giggling going on and I just hope their not gossiping about me. Hearing them say 'suaves' (soft) and contundente (blunt) and I don't know what mono (cute) but it sounds like an insult. The conversation drags on until Elio looked at me intently, holds my hands, and says.
"Nunca he hecho un hombre japonés antes pero, para todo hay una primera vez." (I've never done a Japanese guy before, but there's a first time for everything) I didn't know what he said but he souded so charming. I blushed a little. No wonder they call this a love language.
He got up, and with a boisterous tone of voice he declared.
"¡Vamos a almorzar!" (Let's go eat lunch) He started small talking with Chunta again, I'm guessing about the suits because I heard him say 'Camisa' which I am pretty certain means shirt, and I feel kind of happy because I knew what that word meant not gonna lie, as he walks us towards the dining hall. I'm starting to think that Spain is definitely on my 'to go back to places' as we sit down and wine and dine with me, still not understanding a word they say.

1354 words! (Excluding this outro and translations) I'm sorry that these chapters are taking so long to get out but schools a Bitch and I got them get good stacks of homework and it doesn't help that I'm a procrastinator, but I wanted to get this chapter out by tomorrow so here it is. Do you like it. And I'm happy to say that this book is OFFICIALLY ending soon and I'm happy cause I get to write a wedding chapter and I can start on new ideas for other books and I can't wait to do that so yeah. Catch you on the flip side.
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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