Exiled... Again

By lov3_dontchang3

36.1K 2.5K 1.8K

QURAN - Quran can't wait to get back to Georgia, he missed being there with his cousin and more importantly t... More

Quran 1
Quran 2
Semaj 3
Semaj 4
Jacobi 5
Jacobi 6
Nazeer 7
Nazeer 8
Luciano 9
Luciano 10
De'Vaugh 11
De'Vaugh 12
Tripp 13
Tripp 14
Quran 15
Semaj 17
Semaj 18
Nazeer 19
Nazeer 20
Beaux 21
Beaux 22
Jacobi 23
Jacobi 24
Luciano 25
Luciano 26
De'Vaugh 27
De'Vaugh 28
August 29
August 30
Quran 31
Quran 32
Semaj 33
Semaj 34
De'Vaugh 35
De'Vaugh 36
Slayer 37
Slayer 38
Luciano 39
Luciano 40
Nazeer 41
Nazeer 42
Jacobi 43
Jacobi 44
Beaux 45
Beaux 46
Jacobi 47
Jacobi 48
Quran 49
Quran 50
Semaj 51
Semaj 52
August 53
August 54
Nazeer 55
Nazeer 56
Luciano 57
Luciano 58

Quran 16

699 55 36
By lov3_dontchang3

August had to run out to his car and grab something, leaving me to sit on the balcony and watch the scene unfold in front of me; if I had been in August's shoes I'd snap, Beaux wasn't even trying to hide the lust he was feeling for Jacobi and I was starting to get pissed because I couldn't be the only person who noticed. Beaux was being extra as fuck; grabbing his dick, pulling his shorts down to show the base shaft, and lifting his shorts to show the tip of his dick; I know some of y'all may think I need to mind my business but Jacobi was m cousin and I didn't want him reverting back to his old ways and something about Beaux just...... I just wanted to look out for my cousin. August returned with his shirt off and a blunt in his hand, I swear this nigga just wanted a reason to show off his body but I wasn't going to say shyt because right now there were more important things we needed to discuss. If August knew and didn't care, I'd leave it alone but if he didn't whatever he was on, I was going to be right by his side because usually when I had a feeling about someone, it was correct 99% of the time and something about Beaux just seemed shady as fuck.

"If this is about that nigga Joseph I already know how.... annoying that nigga can be, you just gotta ignore him because he feeds on confrontation." August said calmly. "Or just beat his ass until he leaves you the fuck alone, I had to yoke his ass up on more than a few occasions and now he doesn't say shyt to me."

"Nah it's not about your cousin... it's about that." I said pointing to Jacobi and Beaux, Jacobi had just tried to push Beaux into the pool and Beaux grabbed Jacobi, pulling him into the water with him. I looked at August and he seemed completely unphased by what he was seeing. "Please don't tell me that you're okay with that nigga trying to fuck Cobi?" I asked lowkey heated.

"Of course I'm not 'okay with it' it's just me and Cobi have an understanding... not necessarily an open relationship but... Let me put it like this, I go to school and when I get out of school, I go straight to work and don't get off until around midnight, which means I gotta do my homework and I usually don't get to sleep until around two or three only to have to turn around and get up at five. During the summer I'll be working six days a week, from sun up to sun down and when I get off I'll most likely be tired as fuck. I'm not saying that I want Jacobi to fuck someone else but... I'm not going to be pissed if he does. As long as it's not that nigga Jerell because I'm always going to be on his ass, every time I see him." August said.

"I understand, I definitely don't like it but I'll leave it alone.... though you need to keep your eye on that nigga Beaux, I'm just saying he just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the way he openly flirts with Jacobi not only knowing that he's in a relationship but the fact that y'all are coo. He's probably plottin every way he's going to fuck Jacobi right now." I said shaking my head.

"If that's the case then I'll be BIG mad... mainly because I would like to watch it and I might even wanna hop in because let's be real that nigga Beaux is sexy." August said laughing and I got up walked back into the house. Fine, I'll leave it alone but I was still going to keep an eye on this situation because something wasn't sitting right with me.

"Why you lookin so damn grumpy, Q?" Ishaan asked walking into the house with a bunch of bags in his hand, Ishmael was right behind him with even more bags and I was convinced that they had probably spent all their travel money plus their emergency money. "Let me guess, Semaj finally took a real look at you and dumped your ugly ass?" Ishaan asked and I wasn't in the mood to play with him, but if we're being honest I looked better than both of them so they were in no position to call anyone ugly.

"What were y'all up to? Y'all called for me to come pick y'all up and then y'all changed y'alls mind once we were already there.... so what happened?" I asked.

"Met some girls, they wanted to chill.... which basically meant they wanted to fuck, but we just smoked and invited them to the party." Ishmael said and I should've fuckin known. "Speaking of this damn party, shouldn't we, you know clean up?" Ishmael asked and I looked around, it wasn't dirty but if I were throwing the party I wouldn't want anyone seeing my house like this, but I'm a neat freak.

"I got some people coming to clean up everything tomorrow, they'll be here early so if y'all ALL can disappear for the night I'd greatly appreciate it. August here?" Jacobi asked and I nodded. "Aight let me go talk to my nigga before he passes out, shouldn't you be getting ready?" Jacobi asked and I looked at my watch, I didn't have much time to get ready for this dinner with Semaj's family.

When I pulled up to Semaj's house, the first thing I noticed was him sitting in the car arguing with his brother, it was weird; because I could hear them, but I couldn't make out what they were saying... like it was muffled. I got out of Jacobi's car and walked over to the car, before I could make out what they were saying Semaj hopped out the passenger seat and Loyalty sped off.

"Be lucky you don't have any brothers." Semaj said trying to act like he wasn't annoyed but I could see through that shyt, he was pissed.

"Well, I got two older stepbrothers, if that counts and a newborn sister which I think is harder to deal with than a brother because at least y'all can fight when y'all get on each other's nerves." I said and Semaj rolled his eyes. "Am I wrong?" I asked.

"Nah, it's just given the way my parents been acting, I wouldn't be surprised if I had a couple of siblings popping up in the next few months. Like they've been going at it any and everywhere, they must've forgotten that I was on Spring Break or something." Semaj said and I knew all too well, I swear there are nights when I have to sneak out my window once I hear 'Let The Juices Flow' by Gerald Levert start playing.

"Ayy there's something I forgot to ask you earlier, who was ol'boy you were talking to in the mall?" I asked.

"My ex, he moved to New Orleans but he's back now for school or something... we really didn't get a chance to talk that long but he'll be at the party so you'll get to formally meet him. You're not worried are you?" Semaj asked and I thought about it for a second, and shook my head.

"Nah, one thing about Quran Tait, he doesn't sweat no nigga.... besides, you met my ex I think it's about time I met one of your elusive exes... though I gotta say Semaj, I thought you had taste. I mean look at the difference in the caliber of dudes we've dated in the past all my exes are bad as fuck, and from what I've seen you could've done a lot better." I said smiling.

"Maybe but I can say that none of my exes, ever sexually assaulted anyone." Semaj said and he had me there, I couldn't even look at Mekhi without feeling anything but disgust. "We still got a couple of minutes before the food is ready, you wanna got smoke?" Semaj asked and I nodded, then proceeded to follow him up to his room. "August told me about y'alls talk." Semaj asked as I sat on his bed.

"I bet he did..... I'm just lookin out for my cousin, you'd do the same. But since August doesn't have a problem with it then I'll leave it alone." I said and Semaj looked at me skeptically. "I'm serious, my only concern is trying to figure out how I'm going to handle Natalie, I haven't forgotten what she did to my dad... what kind of son would I be if I let that shyt slide." I said feeling the anger building in my stomach, then quickly having to suppress it because I didn't want to be in a bad mood before dinner. "What were you and Loyalty arguing about?" I asked changing the subject.

"Just some sibling shyt, Loyalty tries to play the big brother role and I'm not use to that shyt... so naturally we clash." Semaj said and I sat there staring at him, I didn't like that he was lying to me but I also didn't want to press him because I knew he'd tell me when he was ready. We smoked a blunt on his balcony before walking downstairs, I wasn't a big smoker in fact the only two people that I ever smoked around was Semaj and Tripp, one of the reasons was because I couldn't hide being high for shyt.

"Y'all were smoking?" James asked and I instantly started laughing. "Damn shame, Semaj I told you about that, if you're going to smoke make sure it's actually quality weed and not that cheap shyt."

"Who the fuck invited this nigga?" Joseph asked walking into the dining room and I was about to say something to him, but the ring around his eye said more than my words ever could. "Ayy Unc, I'm going to have to skip dinner, suddenly I'm not feeling so hungry.... I guess it may have something to do with some of the guests, I'll check y'all later." Joseph said walking out and I was glad his ass was leaving.

"Next time can you break his jaw, that way I don't have to hear him speak for at least a month or two. I wear that little dude has a fuckin mouth on him." James said and I smirked because I knew he was serious. "Wait, where's Loyalty? I know he was here, please don't tell me he left because your mom made a lot of food and I really don't want any of it to go to waste."

"Quran, why don't you have Ishaan and Ishmael come over, I know them niggas won't turn down a free meal." Semaj suggested and I called my cousins and within ten minutes they were pulling up. As I went to bring them in the house I noticed Semaj walk towards the kitchen, after making introductions I went to go find Semaj and saw him sitting outback. I walked out towards him and was about to make my presence known when I noticed he was on FaceTime with that nigga from the mall earlier and I was faced with a choice, be nosy or trust my dude who hasn't given me a single reason not to trust him and for me, the choice was pretty clear..............................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Semaj, Nazeer, Jacobi, Luciano, or De'Vaugh?

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