Changes and Chances(Boschlow)

By LeoBirb

113K 3.6K 5.4K

After the grudgby match with Willow, Boscha's reputation begins to crumble. Everyone begins to hate her and m... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight...
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter forteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Side Chapter
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Not an update but...
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty- Three
Chapter Thirty- Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Four

2.4K 74 110
By LeoBirb

Morning came, and Boscha awoke from her slumber. She was refreshed and ready for a new day. She got up and went to her mirror. She locked eyes with herself.

"You can do this, just be kinder, or something like that." Boscha sighed. "You can do that... right?"

She stepped away from her mirror, so she could get her uniform and get dressed. She did whatever else was required to get ready.

She looked herself in the eyes once more. "You can do this," She told herself.

She turned and walked out the door. "I can do this."

As she expected, none of the people on the street really acknowledged her. She had lost her fame, was no longer feared, and was all around just despised.

A few of the monsters and witches on the streets gave her strange glances. Some began to snicker or murmur among themselves when they saw her.

"It's okay. Just take a deep breath, you can do this." She took a deep breath as she proceeded to school.


Boscha stood at the entrance to the school, hesitating to go inside.

"Quit being pathetic and go inside!" She internally screamed at herself.

She pushed open the doors and walked inside with a small smile. However, her smile didn't last long.

"You must think all you did yesterday was long forgotten." Standing in Boscha's path was the boy she pinned against the wall in position class and two other boys.

"I knew it wouldn't be." She rolled her eyes. The action was more towards herself than the boys before her, but they didn't know that.

"Oh, you think you can come back here and walk all over us again! I'll let you in on a secret, you can't do that anymore." He smirked. "After all, you're the doormat now, wimp." He pulled out his scroll and turned it towards her.

On the screen was a video of her running away from the fight at the end of school.

"Someone took a video of it! There's probably a video from potion class too, and that incident in the hall... fuck, everyone has more than likely seen this. My cowardly behavior."

She glared at the scroll. "I didn't want to get into another fight."

The boys only laughed. She could feel the rage building up inside of her.

"That's why you backed away from him and ran away on the brink of tears?!" He smirked at her. "Stop denying it. You're just a pathetic loser."

Boscha had enough. "Screw it, I'm not the only bitch in the school. They all have that side!"

"You only wish I was as low as you." She growled, shoving the boy out of her way and walking down the hall to her locker.

Boscha got what she needed and put away what she didn't. She went to class, glaring back at those who glared at her.

She walked into her class, going to her desk. Skara and Amelia were already seated at the table.

"Boscha, are you okay?" Skara asked with a slight hint of concern.

She turned and glared at Skara. "Don't pity me." She growled.

"Oh, they show you kindness, and all you can do is be a complete bitch to them!" Luz snapped.

Boscha turned her glare to Luz, "Buz off round ears!"

"Hey! Her round ears are awesome!" Gus said as he too turned to Boscha.

The team captain stood up, slamming her hands on her desk. "Did I ask you?" She quipped.

Willow turned around and looked at her. "Boscha, sit down and shut your mouth!" Willow nearly yelled. "The way you are acting is ridiculous. It's not our fault, the students don't like you anymore." Willow narrowed her eyes, "It's yours!"

"Shut your mouth, Half-a-Witch."

Skara grabbed the back of Boscha's shirt and slammed her back down into her seat. Boscha turned and grabbed Skara by the collar of her shirt. She slammed her against the wall.

"Don't touch me ever again, loser." She growled, releasing her hold on Skara before sitting down.

A boy from the front of the class stood up. "Don't call her that! She was trying to help you not get in trouble, but look at you, Miss Tough Bitch, you couldn't accept help even if your life depended on it."

She rolled her eyes. "Like any of you are better than me. I was one person making fun of a select few, but look at this, the entire student body wants to pick a fight with me!"

A girl began to laugh. "The only person who picked a fight with you, you ran away from!" Everyone began to laugh.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Boscha screamed as she stood up.

"Is that all you can say?" Amelia asked from her seat.

The team captain turned to her. If looks could kill, she would have been dead.

Everyone went quiet, victorious smirks made their ways to everyone's' faces.

"Stay calm, Boscha, sit back down." She told herself, clenching her teeth and balling her fists. However, nothing could stop the fuming rage that resided inside of her. The fury that had been developing since the Grudgby match.

She turned quickly, slamming her fist into the wall. Blood trickled from her knuckles, and her breathing was heavy.

"Feel any better, Boscha?" The teacher asked as he stood at the front of the class.

Boscha turned around to face the displeased teacher. She sighed and sat back down in her chair. The teacher said nothing else as he started class.


All of her other classes had been much the same as the first. Students pushed her buttons, trying and failing to piss her off bad enough for her to attack. She had ended up punching the wall about a dozen times, trying not to hit any of the other students.

She was currently standing in the girls' bathroom, staring herself in the eyes at the bathroom mirror. Her eyes burned with all the anger that she allowed to build up.

"You need to change, damn it! What part of that can you not get through your head?!" She asks herself angrily. "Stop being a worthless bitch and just be quiet. Keep to yourself and stop letting your anger seep through!" Tears threatened to fall, which caused her to glare at herself. "For the love of the Titan! Stop fucking crying!"

She wiped her eyes before any of the tears could fall. "One more class. Just get it over with."

She walked out of the bathroom and to her last class.

Upon arrival, she walked to her desk and sat down. It didn't take long for her classmates to start bothering her.

A girl walked up to Boscha's desk and placed her hands upon it. Behind her nerdy looking boy and a sporty-looking girl stood with triumphant grins.

"What do you want?" Boscha snapped her patience already thin.

They continued to smirk like they were the champions at the grudgby game, looking down at their dominated competition. They said nothing to Boscha, which only irritated her further.

"Ugh, go sit in your seats and leave me alone." She groaned, the annoyance clear in her tone.

"Don't tell us what to do." The nerdy boy said, flipping her off.

She rolled her eyes.

The girl in front of her leaned forward, getting in Boscha's face.

"Get away from me." Boscha snarled

"Or what? Will you run away like you did yesterday?" She laughed.

Boscha couldn't take it anymore. The cage her anger was trapped in broke open, and there was nothing she, or anyone else, could do.

Her fist went forward, straight into the girl's face, just as the teacher walked in.

"Boscha!" He screamed her name. "Go to Principal Bumps office." He demanded.

"W-wait I-" "NOW!" He yelled at her.

"But-" "Don't make me drag you there, young lady!"

Tears threatened to fall as Boscha stood and walk out of the classroom.

She had failed at keeping calm today. Failed at changing. Failed at being kinder. She was about to lose everything because of it.

She made it to Principal Bump's office. He was waiting outside his office with a disappointed look on his face.

"Boscha..." He sighed. "You brought this upon yourself. You are no longer the captain of the Grudgby team, and you can no longer participate in the game."

"But y-" "I don't want to hear excuses, Boscha. Go home early and think about your actions."

"Of course." She sighed in defeat as she walked out of the school and headed home.

"You are no longer feared. You no longer have importance. You are not a star. You are not a winner. You are not loved. You are hated. You are despised. You are nothing but a pathetic loser." She told herself as she made her way home.

There was nothing left for her to hang on to. Her parents would be home tonight, and they would have a serious talk with her.

She walked into her house and went straight upstairs to her room like she did every day. She looked around the room at all her trophies. They were from when she was a winner.

She walked to her mirror and looked at herself. She clenched her teeth before punching the mirror, shattering the glass. For the umpteenth time that day, her fist bled. She cried out in grief, pain, and anger.

She looked around at all her trophies again. "I was never a winner!" She screamed.

She threw her trophies of their places on the shelves, flung the medals off the wall, and pulled down all her pictures. Her breathing was heavy, and tears slid down her face.

She looked back at the broken mirror, the shards displaying her pathetic face. She fell to her knees and began punching the floor over and over again.

After about twenty minutes, she stopped. Her anger was replaced with sorrow.

She took in a deep, shaky breath before standing up. She looked around at her trashed room.

Her parents weren't going to be happy about this.

As if on cue, she heard the front door open.

"Boscha!" She heard her father yell from downstairs.

She hesitantly walked to her bedroom door. She froze, holding the doorknob. She was far too terrified to face her parents.

Suddenly, the door flung open. Boscha was thrown backward, landing on broken shards of glass. Blood began to trickle from various cuts across her body.

Her father looked around her room. "What the hell did you do?" He screamed at her.

Boscha wasn't entirely sure how she was supposed to respond. Her father approached her, grabbing her by the collar of her shirt and standing her up. 
So, I'm a bitch. And I'm leaving you here. to suffer. You shall not know what happens to the bully baby until tomorrow, because I said so. >:3 

I hope you all enjoyed chapter four and as always have a wonderful day and know, you're loved. 

Words- 1783
Published- 9/26/20

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