My dads best friend

By jobarnett24

594K 11.9K 883

Paisley jones is the oldest daughter of Memphis Jones. She fell for her dads best friend, Logan Matthews. Goi... More

2. Art class
3. Logan
4. Of course
5. Anything, please anything
6. This stops now
7. Embaressment and jokes
8. It's ok
9. Nightmare
10. First kiss
11. I love you
12. I'm ready
13. Stay home
14. I'm taken
15. I've got you
16. Let me treat you
17. They are old enough
18. Nate
19. Aren't you too young?
20. Nate does
21. I will... stop!
22. It's not possible
23. What's going on
24. I fucked up
25. What do you want to do?
26. Today is the day
27. Scan
28. Houses
29. Wedding
30. After party
31. The gender is...
32. It's a...
33. Welcome home
34. Baby names
35. Baby shopping
36. It's happening
37. Xavier Lucas
38. Coming home
39. Three years later
40. How was the date?
41. Just tell him
42. Day out
43. I can't ruin his happiness
44. Meeting
45. Lunch gone wrong
46. Night out
47. Come home with me
48. You have no idea
49. Confessions
50. Lewis & Ivory
51. Sebastian & Kirsty
52. Autumn & Cole
53. I crashed in a spare room
54. Cramps
55. I'm done
56. It's over
57. Ice cream
58. You're replacing the bed
59. Red cheeks and hugs
60. Why are you here?
61. Weekend away
62. It'll be ok
63. Another one
64. You ready?
65. Mr and Mrs Matthews
66. I can't believe you
67. All good things must come to an end
Authors note!!!
Authors Note

1. Stop asking questions

19.9K 347 55
By jobarnett24

Paisley POV

"What film are we watching?" My dad asked while he cuddled up to my other dad. Danny is dad and Memphis is pa for any future references.

"Can we watch a marvel film?" Sebastian asked while he cuddled up with Gabbie and Christian.

My dad nodded and put on spider man far from home. My two dads cuddled up together, Sebastian with Gabbie and Christian, autumn with our dads then me and Logan like usual. Lewis with his girlfriend that always seemed to be here.

She's cool though and slags off people with me and Lewis. Even though she goes to a different school, she still joins in.

He had his arm around me with a blanket keeping us warm. My cheek rested on his chest as we watched the film playing. We all stayed silent, the only thing that was heard was the sound of the film and the crunching of popcorn.

"I'm going to bed." I stood up and stretched halfway through the film.

"You alright calabaza?" My dad asked me.

"Yeah, just tried. See you all in the morning." I said then went up to my room. When I got there, I laid down and was out like a light.

In the morning I woke up. When Lewis moved in my dads decided to expand the house to add two more rooms. That was my dads had their room, Lewis had his own, I have my own same with autumn and Sebastian. Logan is still in the living room on the sofa bed. Don't ask.

"Morning darling." Pa smiled at me.

"Morning." I returned it and sat down with Lewis, Sebastian and Autumn.

"Eat breakfast then we can get going. Lewis are you taking your motorcycle?" My dad asked him.

"Yeah. That way pa can take the other three and your secret can still stay hidden." He replied.

We all ate breakfast then got ready to leave. My dads took their own cars while me, Sebastian and Autumn in with pa.

Eventually we got to school and went our different ways. I met up with my friends with Lewis when he got there.

"Hey guys." The girls smiled at us.

"Hey." We smiled back. We all spoke for a while before the bell rang. After that, me, Lewis and Gen all went to geography and the girls went to their class.

"Good morning, today we're going to look over erosion and what it does to beaches." My teacher Mrs Wilkinson said.

As she explained, I got my phone out and started messaging Logan. He always talks to me in school because it's boring. Well other than art and English because I have my dads for that. Any other class is fucking annoying because all they do is teach then ask me questions about my dad.

Yes, my dad Memphis. The women are the worst ones for it. I'm sure most are in relationships already but still go for my dad. Me, Lewis and the twins hate it since they do it every lesson.

While I was doing the worksheet with Lewis, Mrs Wilkinson came over. Yes, Mrs as in married.

"Paisley, can you give this to your dad for me please? It's really important and about you." She smiled and gave me a piece of paper. I rolled my eyes knowing it wasn't about me at all.

"Fucking whore. She's married and wants to be with pa. Fucking disgusting." Lewis whispered to me when she walked away.

"Let's read it." I told him. He nodded and I unfolded it.

"Meet me in your classroom at lunch. I'd like to show you what I can do. 😉"

"So much for this being about you." Lewis scoffed.

"Yeah, I know." I folded it again and put it in my pocket.

Second period came around and I went up to my English classroom. My dad was sat at his desk on his computer while students filed in.

"Come in and sit down. You need to finish your creative writing from last week. I know some of you didn't finish it so you can do that." He told everyone then went to the board.

"Here's a note from Mrs Wilkinson. She said it's about me." I rolled my eyes as I gave him the note.

He opened it then immediately crumpled it into a ball and threw it in the bin. "Next time you know it's a note like that, throw it in the bin. I know you read them so don't waste my time and throw it away. Now go sit down." He kissed my head.

I sat down in my usual seat next to Taylor, Gen and Layla. We all got our book ready and started writing. It didn't take me long to finish so I started on the tasks on the board.

In the end, everyone finished but we had half an hour before break. "Alright everyone, you can do whatever for the rest of the lesson." My dad told us.

My phone buzzed so I took it out. A message from Logan lit up so I took out my phone.

Logan: That bitch. Maybe you should just throw the notes away instead of giving it to your dad.

I had told him about the note from Mrs Wilkinson. And to say he was annoyed like me was an understatement. It annoys all of us in the house, especially dad. And pa reassures us all that nothing will happen between him and teachers. He's only got eyes for our dad and no one else.

Paisley: That's what dad said. It's so annoying though. Yes he is pleasing to the eye but he's my dad. Why can't they have respect for me and him, they also know he's in a relationship and won't cheat on dad like that.

"Paisley, I hope you're not texting anyone. What's the rule in here?" My dad told me.

"We can go on our phones but no texting or calling anyone." I sighed.

"Yes. And if it's Logan he knows better to text you in school at all. Tell him you'll see him at home later." He stated. I nodded, quickly messaged him then put my phone away.

"Sir, have you ever cheated on your girlfriend?" Allison asked him. God this girl I could slap.

"No and I never will. I get that a lot of people think I'm good looking and what not but I will never cheat. My partner is to important to me as well as my kids." He sighed.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." She shrugged.

"Allison get it into your thick fucking head he doesn't cheat on his partner. Trust me, I've tried and mr Jones pushed me away and made sure to give me a long fucking lecture that's it's wrong with mr Richards." Lewis lied.

"So you got to what? Kiss mr Jones and not say anything?" Allison screeched. "Ugh, who knew you were a faggot."

"Allison got to mr Richards office now. That language is not acceptable in my classroom or in any. Now go." My dad told her sternly.

"Ohh Sir, I like it when you say my name like that. Are you kinky? I don't mind a little chok-," she started.

"Office, now." He spat out. She scoffed but went anyway. And this is what most classes are like. People hitting on my dad.

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