41. Just tell him

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Paisley POV

When I walked through the back door of the bar, I was grabbed and pinned to the lockers.

"So?" Nate said sassily. "Have you told him yet?"

"No, Nate." I groaned and pushed past him to my locker and opened it. "What have I told you? He's happy with Chanel."

"That doesn't matter. If you tell him how you feel then surely he'll leave her and come back. It's been way over three years since you broke up. You have a son, just tell him." Nate pressed on.

"Nate, I get that you want me and Logan together but it won't happen. I'm sorry if I've let you down but I can't ruin his happiness and be selfish if he's truly in love with her." I sighed and closed my eyes trying not to let any tears fall.

Nate immediately pulled me into a hug, holding my head tight to his chest. "I'm sorry. I just, it's just that I've never seen both of you so happy than what you are with each other. I don't want to make you cry but I think maybe it's time to tell him instead of moping around all the tome."

"I'm not moping around." I pulled away from him, and carried on putting my things in my locker. "I'm not going to be a selfish bitch if he loves her. Logan has moved on, and so I should to. Yes it may take some time since I have Xavier, and I have to accept that. Can you just let it go?"

"Fine. Come on, its chock-a-block out there." Nate gave me a small smile. I nodded, closed my locker making sure to lock my keys and phone in there and going behind the bar.

"Hey, what can I get for you?" I asked two people that seemed to be a couple.

"I'll just take a whiskey on the rocks please." The man replied giving me a wink.

"And for you ma'am?" I looked at the woman.

"Sex on the beach please." She sighed. I nodded and started making the drinks. After I made the cocktail, I gave it to the woman then started on the mans drink.

"You can pay for yourself fucking whore." The man glared at the woman. "How much?"

"That'll be £6.99." I told him.

"Ok." He rolled his eyes.

"How much is mine?" The woman asked, I could see tears forming in her eyes.

"It's on the house ma'am. Just call me and it'll be drinks on me the whole night." I winked at her and walked away to put the money in the till.

"You can't be doing that." Nate chuckled at me.

"He called her a whore and to pay for her own drinks." I shrugged. "No man should treat a woman like that ever. So he can pay, she can have it for free. And she looked like she was going to cry, so I think she's in an abusive relationship. To be honest, I could have just made her night by showing her kindness."

"You amaze me little Jones. Get making before Alfie comes in and starts shouting." He nudged me.

I rolled my eyes with a smile the started making different cocktails and drinks. Most just simple beers and shots, bit others cocktails and shit like that.

The same man called me over to refill his glass. Once I did it, I stood there waiting for him to pay.

"What?" He looked at me.

"What?" I scoffed. "Pay up, this is a bar you have to pay for your drinks."

"But that slut gets free drinks." He scoffed.

"Yes because you make her pay for herself and call her a whore and a slut. Get some manners on how to treat women then maybe you'll get free drinks. And honey, I'd definitely leave his arse because there's many more fish in the sea. Have a good night, my friend Nate will take the rest of your orders and make sure she'll get a free drink every time and you pay." I said then left them.

"You can't keep your mouth shut can you?" Nadia giggled at me.

"Then he should learn to pay for a women's drink instead of telling her to pay for it herself and a slut. I'm not saying men should pay all the time, but telling her nicely and leaving the slut out of it would have been better. Or him buy her first drink, then she gets the second and they take it in turns paying for each other's drinks." I shrugged.

"Yeah, no that'll never happen. He looks like he'd rather stick pins in his eyes than pay for her drinks." She rolled her eyes. "I hate men like that."

"Like I said, take it in turns paying. It'll help with the relationship and it's not always down to the man. Because a woman is more than capable paying for drinks or a meal every so often. Or once again, one pays then the next date the other pays. Boom, a healthy relationship that money isn't down to one person."

"How are you so wide? You're only nineteen." Nadia laughed.

"It's not age darling." I smirked. "It's common sense. Logan and I used to go halves on everything and still do with Xavier's shit. That's how me and Logan was though. I admit men don't want to be pushed around because it 'ruins their pride,' but they can't just go around calling women sluts. Even if they are, it's not right." I sighed.

"God I wish I had common sense." She whined.

"Trust me, no you don't." I tapped her shoulder then started making customers drinks again.

Hopefully that woman can leave him and finally be happy without being called a slut or any other names.

My dads best friend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora