14. I'm taken

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Paisley POV

After I had eaten my breakfast Logan had made me, I went up to my room for a bath. When I got to my bathroom, I ran the water, put the plug in and added some bubble bath. Nothing beats a hot bath when you have an achy body with a hot chocolate and candles.

As it was filling up, I went downstairs to the kitchen and made myself and hot chocolate then went back up. Once the bath was full to the right temperature, I got in and started lighting the candles.

While I was relaxing, the door opened and the lights went off. The only light was from the candles which wasn't as bad as I thought. Logan stood there and started taking his joggers off before getting in behind me.

When he was comfortable, I turned to him so we were chest to chest and my cheek was on his shoulder. Logan wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to him.

"I like this." I mumbled.

"Yeah, so do I." He smiled a little then kissed my head.

"What is going to happen between us?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, us. I mean we've had sex and we kiss. What happens now? Am I just another one of those girls you hook up with then stop when you're bored? Or-," I started.

"Paisley." Logan cut me off. "It's nothing like that, at all. Last night wasn't just sex, it meant more to me than anything in this world. I don't care if you don't feel the same but I want you to be mine. I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last when we go to bed. I want to put a ring on your finger and make you my wife one day. And when the time is right, I want you to be the mother of my children, I've waited for what seems like forever for you paisley Martha Jones, and one day I'll make you a Matthews."

Tears formed in my eyes as I moved up and kissed him. If this doesn't tell him I want the same thing then he's just pure stupid. I moved my leg so one of each side of him to straddle him.

"Be mine." Logan mumbled against my lips, not breaking our kiss.

"Always." I told him and deepened the kiss. With that, Logan stood up and got out of the bathroom. He held me up by my thighs while walking over to my bed.

I'll spare you the details of what we did. Wink wink.

Later on that day, me and Logan were finally able to sit downstairs before the others got home. We sat on the sofa, I had my back leaned on him while we watched bay watch with a blanket over us.

Soon enough, Lewis, autumn and Sebastian came home. Dad and pa wasn't with them so I guessed they stayed at school to get some work done.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Lewis asked me when he sat down.

"I'm ok. Just a nightmare I had last night kept me awake. I couldn't go back to sleep and when I was able to, dad woke knocked on the door." I smiled a little at him.

"Where was you this morning anyway?" He looked at my boyfriend, well that's going to get some getting used to. Saying he's my boyfriend.

"I heard paisley crying so I was comforting her all night. Come on you should know this." Logan chuckled.

"True. Do you have work today?" Lewis questioned.

"Yeah I do. I've got to get ready or I'll be late." Logan stood up, got some clothes then went upstairs.

"What did you do today?" Autumn and Sebastian got my attention.

"Well I was asleep for most of the day. When I woke up I started watching this with Logan." I told them.

They both nodded and went on their phones.

Logan POV

When I got ready, I went back downstairs and put my shoes on. I always wore black jeans, a black button up shirt with a couple buttons undone with some nice dress shoes. It was the dress code Alfie, Memphis' dad had put in for all the workers.

Once I was done with that, I put in a couple mints in my mouth.

"Be good, don't be a pain in the arse for your sister, especially you Lewis." I kissed autumn, Sebastian and Lewis' cheeks. "And you, don't cause arguments with them and wait for Gabbie and Christian to get here." I told paisley with a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you." They all called out to me as I left.

"Love you to. Be good." I smiled then left to my car. It wasn't much but it got me around from place to place so the brand doesn't matter to me.

Since I couldn't say anything to paisley while the others were around, I decided to send her a quick text message.

Logan: I love you baby girl. Leave your door unlocked so I can join you when I get home xx

Paisley: Ok, I love you to. Be safe xx

Logan: Always am xx

With that, I turned off my phone and went to the bar. When I got there, I was putting out more spirits and things to go in the cocktails.

At 7pm that's when it started getting busier. It was Friday night so a lot of people were out with their friends or to celebrate something. And some were there to just drink their problems away for the night.

"Hey, what can I get you?" I asked a group of four girls.

"We'll take four martinis please." A red head told me.

"Coming right up." I gave them a small smile then went to make the drinks.

"He's hot. Maybe you could get him, Kelli." One of the said. I rolled my eyes knowing I'd get this all night.

Now I like working here, it has the right people to work with and we all get along. But the customers don't seem to understand the word no. Wether that be turning them down or telling them they can't have another drink because they're to drunk already.

Once I was done with the drinks, I passed them to the girls and took the money.

"Hey cutie. When do you finish? We could go to my hotel room." The blonde of the group smirked at me.

"No thanks. I'm taken and have a kid." I told her. Well the taken part is true now, Burt the kid thing is a lie.

Memphis told me to say it incase I didn't want to go with a girl. I haven't really been with a girl since paisley was five. It's always been drunk kisses or that one time I did go home with a girl but that was once.

I guess I've been waiting for paisley to get to the right age. Or her initiate the first kiss or tell me if she felt the same towards me. And now it's happened, I don't have to lie about being taken, only the kid part.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her. Come on, I can show you a good time." She pressed on.

"No thanks. You ladies have a good night." I told her then walked to the next customer. And that is the only downside to this job. The flirting but I can get over that.

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